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New layered Aluminum tripolyphosphate intercalated 6-amino hexanoic acid (ATP-6-AHA) as corrosion inhibitor in 3.5%NaCl solution
* 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
1  Materials Science Energy and Nano-engineering Department, University Mohammed VI Polytechnic (UM6P), Lot 660-Hay Moulay Rachid, 43150, Ben Guerir, Morocco 2 IMED-Lab, Faculty of Science and Technology, Cadi Ayyad University (UCA), BP549, Marrakesh, Mor
2  Laboratory of Applied Sciences and Didactic (LaSAD), Ecole Normale Supérieure, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tetouan, Morocco
3  1 Materials Science Energy and Nano-engineering Department, University Mohammed VI Polytechnic (UM6P), Lot 660-Hay Moulay Rachid, 43150, Ben Guerir, Morocco Department of Physics, University Koblenz- Landau 1, 56070, Koblenz, Germany
4  IMED-Lab, Faculty of Science and Technology, Cadi Ayyad University (UCA), BP549, Marrakesh, Morocco


The development of efficient inhibitors based on environmentally sustainable compounds for steel protection is of crucial importance for industry but also for the preservation of metallic components. This investigation reports the synthesis and characterization of a new hybrid inhibitor based on the intercalation of 6-amino hexanoic acid (6-AHA) in layered Aluminum tri-polyphosphate (ATP) and its application for corrosion protection of S235 low carbon steel in 3.5%NaCl solution . The corrosion inhibition efficiency of ATP-6-AHA was evaluated using gravimetric and electrochemical measurements (PP, EIS). The overall results demonstrated that the hybrid inhibitor system ATP-6-AHA significantly decreases the corrosion behavior of S235 steel. The inhibition effect could be related to the passivation by a phosphate protective layer as confirmed by analysis of the steel surface using X-ray photo electron spectroscopy (XPS) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) techniques.

Keywords: corrosion, steel ,inhibitor,iron phosphate