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12–16 June 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden
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Welcome to the IS4SI 2017 Summit

Presented by the International Society for Information Studies

Gothenburg, Sweden, 12-16 June 2017

The conference is organized by the International Society for Information Studies IS4SI, with the Department of Applied Information Technology, belonging to both Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg, as local organizer.

International Society for Information Studies is an organisation which advances global and collaborative studies in the sciences of information, information technology and information society as a field in its own right, elaborate common conceptual frameworks and implement them in practice, contributing to the development of a sustainable information society.

Chalmers University of Technology enjoys highest international recognition and attracts students and researchers from all over the world. The goal is to actively contribute to the sustainable development. The University of Gothenburg is an open university involved in a constant exchange of knowledge, education and ideas with the rest of society. The broad research, 37 000 students and 6 000 employees, make the university a large and inspiring environment.

Call for Participation


Digitalization for a Sustainable Society: Embodied, Embedded, Networked, Empowered through Information, Computation & Cognition!

Our global society becomes increasingly data–information– knowledge based. This is often called “digitalization” or “digital society”. What does digitalization mean for us as individuals, as societies and on a global scale, how does it affect our lives? Mobile devices, cloud computing, envisioned ”internet of things” and “internet of everything” have already started to generate what is commonly called “big data”. Intelligent objects speaking for themselves, communicating with each other are being developed to create “cyber physical systems” of “communicating things” – in the production, transportation and other infrastructures, in the city as a whole (“intelligent city”) and at home (“intelligent homes”).

What will be the human’s role in this emerging “digital” society? The social and technological innovations that are intended to boost cognition, communication and co-operation are ambiguous: their potential to advance information commons is not fully exploited. A breakthrough to a global, sustainable information society must establish an information commons as a cornerstone of a new programme for coping with the challenges of the information age.


Please visit for full information

We aim at gathering different stakeholders to meet and discuss, to present the state of the art and to envisage possible futures. Networked we hope to expand our shared knowledge for promotion of sustainable digitalization of society.

The focus of the reflection of information studies is twofold:

– on the impact of the sciences of information and its dynamics (computation) as well as their role as meaning-generators (cognition).

– on the foundations of the sciences of information, computation, communication and cognition.

Summit is planned as gathering of workshops, conferences, tracks, poster sessions, demonstrations and similar, connected by common plenary talks, social events, exhibitions, discussions, etc.

We invite participants from research institutions, companies, civil society organizations and other stakeholders in the process of digitalization for sustainable development to:


  • a conference stream
  • a workshop
  • a panel
  • tutorial
  • an exhibition
  • poster session
  • demonstration
  • artistic event or similar
  • support the meeting as a partner organisation

Please, visit for further information.

Conference Chairs



[Not defined]


[Not defined]


Instructions for Authors

Instructions for Authors
Procedure for Submission, Peer-Review, Revision and Acceptance of Extended Abstracts

The IS4SI event (conference, symposium, workshop, etc) will accept extended abstracts only. The accepted abstracts will be available online on during and after the conference. Papers based on the extended abstracts can be published by authors in several journal special issues as well as books, see more under All accepted extended abstracts will be published in the journal Proceedings, under condition that at least one author registers and presents at is4si.

For all submission deadlines and notification dates please visit

Submission of Extended Abstracts

Submission of extended abstracts should be done by the authors online.

It follows a two-stage procedure. In the first stage, short abstracts are submitted in text format. If accepted, the next stage is to send a formatted pdf file version, (together with its original .docx file) that will be included in the Proceedings.

1. First Stage: Short Abstract in Text Format

If you do not already have an user account with this website, please create one by registering with After registration, please log in to your user account, and use the Submit New Abstract. Please choose the IS4SI 2017 conference in the first step. In the second step, choose the appropriate conference session, symposium, workshop, etc. In the third step you will be asked to type in the title, abstract and optionally keywords. In the fourth and last step, you will be asked to enter all co-authors, their e-mail addresses and affiliations.

  1. For participation in paper sessions of the Summit please submit an extended abstract in text format (about 750 to 3000 words) online on this website, to a given event.
  2. The International Program Committee of each event will review submissions and decide about the suitability of abstracts for the Summit. All authors will be notified about the acceptance of their extended abstract by the notification date.
  3. If the text abstract is accepted, the authors will be asked to submit a formatted version of the extended abstract as a PDF file.

Please note that the abstract submission and conference registration are two separate processes.

2. Second Stage: Formatted Extended Abstract

Upon acceptance of the text abstract submitted in the first stage, please use the abstract template to prepare formatted pdf file, and send in together with the original version (doc, docx, zip) by the deadline specified at

The formatted version of the extended abstract should have the following organization:

  • Title
  • Full author names
  • Affiliations (including full postal address) and authors' e-mail addresses
  • Short Abstract (150 to 250 words)
  • Extended Abstract (up to 3 pages)
  • References
  • Paper Format: A4 paper format, the printing area is 17.5 cm x 26.2 cm. The margins should be 1.75 cm on each side of the paper (top, bottom, left, and right sides).
  • Paper Length: The manuscript should be 3 pages (incl. references), but not longer.
  • Formatting / Style: Please use the template to prepare your abstract (see the link above).
  • References & Citations: The full titles of cited papers and books must be given. Reference numbers should be placed in square brackets [ ], and placed before the punctuation; for example [4] or [1-3], and all the references should be listed separately and as the last section at the end of the manuscript.
  • Authors List and Affiliation Format: Authors' full first and last names must be given. Abbreviated middle name can be added. For papers written by various contributors a corresponding author must be designated. The PubMed/MEDLINE format is used for affiliations: complete street address information including city, zip code, state/province, country, and email address should be added. All authors who contributed significantly to the manuscript (including writing a section) should be listed on the first page of the manuscript, below the title of the article. Other parties, who provided only minor contributions, should be listed under Acknowledgments only. A minor contribution might be a discussion with the author, reading through the draft of the manuscript, or performing English corrections.
  • Figures, Schemes and Tables: Authors are encouraged to prepare figures and schemes in color. Figure and schemes must be numbered (Figure 1, Scheme I, Figure 2, Scheme II, etc.) and a explanatory title must be added. Tables should be inserted into the main text, and numbers and titles for all tables supplied. All table columns should have an explanatory heading. Please supply legends for all figures, schemes and tables. The legends should be prepared as a separate paragraph of the main text and placed in the main text before a table, a figure or a scheme.
Copyright to the extended abstracts will stay with the authors of the paper. Authors will be asked to grant MDPI AG (Publisher of the Sciforum platform) and ISIS (organizer of the conference) a non-exclusive, non-revokable license to publish the abstracts online and possibly in print under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license. As authors retain the rights to their abstracts and papers, papers can be published elsewhere later.

List of accepted submissions (186)

Id Title Authors Poster PDF
sciforum-011246 Decolonizing Information Narratives: Entangled Apocalyptics, Algorithmic Racism and the Myths of History

Submitted: 01 Apr 2017

Abstract: Show Abstract
N/A Show Abstract
sciforum-011219 Meaning, selection & narrative: the information we see and the information we don’t

Submitted: 31 Mar 2017

Abstract: Show Abstract
N/A Show Abstract
sciforum-011613 Predicative Competence in a Digitalised Society

Submitted: 15 Apr 2017

Abstract: Show Abstract
N/A Show Abstract
sciforum-010678 The Algorithmic Narrator

Submitted: 09 Mar 2017

Abstract: Show Abstract
N/A Show Abstract
sciforum-011226 What can we say about information? Agreeing a narrative.

Submitted: 27 Apr 2017

Abstract: Show Abstract
N/A Show Abstract


For registration, please visit the summit home page




Please, visit for information about the venue.

Call for Conferences


For information about conferences and their calls, please visit: 

Important Dates


For information about dates and deadlines please visit summit home page:


About This Conference


Digitalization for a Sustainable Society: Embodied, Embedded, Networked, Empowered through Information, Computation & Cognition!

Our global society becomes increasingly data–information– knowledge based. This is often called “digitalization” or “digital society”. What does digitalization mean for us as individuals, as societies and on a global scale, how does it affect our lives? Mobile devices, cloud computing, envisioned ”internet of things” and “internet of everything” have already started to generate what is commonly called “big data”. Intelligent objects speaking for themselves, communicating with each other are being developed to create “cyber physical systems” of “communicating things” – in the production, transportation and other infrastructures, in the city as a whole (“intelligent city”) and at home (“intelligent homes”).

What will be the human’s role in this emerging “digital” society? The social and technological innovations that are intended to boost cognition, communication and co-operation are ambiguous: their potential to advance information commons is not fully exploited. A breakthrough to a global, sustainable information society must establish an information commons as a cornerstone of a new programme for coping with the challenges of the information age.


We aim at gathering different stakeholders to meet and discuss, to present the state of the art and to envisage possible futures. Networked we hope to expand our shared knowledge for promotion of sustainable digitalization of society.

The focus of the reflection of information studies is twofold:

– on the impact of the sciences of information and its dynamics (computation) as well as their role as meaning-generators (cognition).

– on the foundations of the sciences of information, computation, communication and cognition.

Summit is planned as gathering of workshops, conferences, tracks, poster sessions, demonstrations and similar, connected by common plenary talks, social events, exhibitions, discussions, etc.


We invite participants from research institutions, companies, civil society organizations and other stakeholders in the process of digitalization for sustainable development to send us proposals for the following events as a part of is4si-2017 summit:

  • conferences
  • workshops
  • panels
  • tutorials
  • exhibitions
  • poster sessions
  • demonstrations
  • artistic events or similar

Proposals should be in PDF format and include the following information

  • Workshop/Symposium/Tutorial title.
  • Proposers’ names, titles, affiliations, and primary contact email.
  • Program outline (including preference for half- or full-day event, estimated numbers of orals, posters, and invited talks).
  • Names and short information about any tentative/confirmed invited speakers
  • Expected number of attendees.
  • Any special space or equipment requests.

Please observe that the deadlines are common for the summit and given at

Conference Schedule

Please, visit and

for full information.

Conference Organizers

General Chair
Prof. Gordana Dodig Crnkovic, President IS4SI
Dept. of Applied Information Technology, University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology

Local Chair
Dr. Pär Meiling, Dept. of Applied Information Technology, University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology

More information:

Proceedings & Editors

All accepted abstracts will be published in a proceedings.


For registration, please visit the summit home page

Call for Conferences

For information about conferences and their calls, please visit:

Important Dates


For information about dates and deadlines please visit summit home page:

List of Keynotes & Videos

* This event is managed by external organizers. Sciforum is not responsible for the content posted on this website.