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International conference on Mountains in the Changing World

1–2 October 2016, Kathmandu, Nepal
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Welcome from the Chairs

Dear friends,

On behalf of the organizing committee, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the international conference on "Mountains in the Changing World" (MoChWo).

Mountains are a part of global biodiversity repository and play a vital role in maintaining global ecosystems and supporting millions of people. Unfortunately, they are the most vulnerable to rapid environmental change.

The MoChWo conference will be held in Kathmandu later this year (1-2 Oct). It aims to provide a forum for international/national scholars, researchers, policy maker and students with opportunity to share their research findings and knowledge related to various aspects of mountains (see focus areas in conference website). We are sure that this conference can be an effective and insightful for the benefit of people depending on mountains.

This would be a great opportunity for your to share your findings in Kathmandu, which is known for its long history, ancient cultures and civilizations, Hindu and Buddhist temples, architecture & sculptures. Kathmandu hosts seven UNESCO world heritage sites and is also the gateway of many high Himalayas in Nepal.

Please visit conference site at

See you in Kathmandu!

With regards,

MoChWo Kathmandu 2016 Secretariat

Conference Chair

Dr. Basant Giri

Kathmandu Institute of Applied Sciences

Conference Chairs


[Not defined]


Instructions for Authors

This conference is organized by Dr. Basant Giri. Sciforum is not responsible for the content posted on this website.

The conference on Mountains in the Changing World (#MoChWo) will focus on a broad range of topics related to mountain ecosystem and sustainable livelihood. We invite you to submit abstracts for following conference tracks.

  1. Disasters, resilience, and adaptation
  2. Biodiversity conservation
  3. Climate change
  4. Environmental pollution
  5. Forest management
  6. Soil, water and atmospheric research
  7. Agriculture and agro-ecology
  8. Sustainable livelihood
  9. Policy for mountain resources and livelihood
Abstract submission

Abstract submission starts from April. Deadline for submitting abstract is 15 August.

Abstract can be submitted for both oral and poster presentations.

Click here to submit your abstract. If you cannot submit through online submission system, email your abstract to with abstract submission subject line.

Receipt of submissions will be acknowledged via email within 48 hours. All abstracts will be subjected for peer review. Revision of the abstract may be requested for clarity, style and language. Accepted abstracts will be notified to authors and published on conference website.

Submission guidelines

Abstract must be prepared and submitted in English.

1. Presenting author responsibilities

If you are submitting an abstract, we assume you are the presenting author and therefore you are responsible for the followings:

  • Submitting your own work.
  • Assuring all co-authors have reviewed and approved the abstract’s content.
  • Providing complete and accurate contact and affiliation information for all co-authors.
  • Registering for the conference.
  • Presenting the abstract at the conference, if accepted.

2. Be ready with followings before submission

a) Title: Title of abstract should be concise, clearly convey the content of abstract. It may contain up to 85 characters, including spaces.

b) Author(s): Name of all authors who have really contributed the work. Indicate the presenting author.

c) Author affiliation: Primary affiliation for each coauthor including address.

c) Abstract body: The abstract should be less than 250 words and should provide a clear description of research objectives, the main results and conclusion.

d) Graphical abstract (optional): We encourage you to submit a graphical abstract.

e) Category: Choose from the key submission tracks listed above. Reviewers will be assigned based on the category you choose.

f) Keywords: At least three keywords are required; up to 5 are allowed. Keywords represent the content of your paper.

3. Reasons for abstract rejection

  • Subject matter is not appropriate for MoChWo
  • Information is not new enough
  • Abstract is duplicative of other submissions
  • Format does not follow guidelines
  • Submission is poorly written

List of accepted submissions (1)

Id Title Authors Poster PDF

Submitted: 01 Jul 2016

Abstract: Show Abstract
N/A Show Abstract

List of Authors (267)

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About This Conference

About International conference on Mountains in the Changing World
This conference is organized by Dr. Basant Giri. Sciforum is not responsible for the content posted on this website.

Mountains are a part of global biodiversity repository and play a vital role in maintaining global ecosystems and supporting millions of people. In the mean time they are the most vulnerable to rapid environmental change.

The international conference on “Mountains in the Changing World” (MoChWo) is organized by the Kathmandu Institute of Applied Sciences ( It aims to provide a forum for international/national scholars, researchers, policy maker and students with opportunity to share their research findings and knowledge related to various aspects of mountains (see focus areas below). We are sure that this conference can be an effective and insightful for the benefit of people depending on mountains.

Focus areas: Disasters, resilience, and adaptation; Biodiversity conservation; Climate change; Environmental pollution; Forest management; Soil, water and atmospheric research; Agriculture and agro-ecology; Sustainable livelihood; Policies for mountain resources and livelihood.

Conference Organizers

Dr. Basant Giri (Convener)

Dr. Bhanu Neupane

Dr. Mahendra Thapa

Ms. Susma Giri

Mr. Rajiv Khadka (Web manager)

* This event is managed by external organizers. Sciforum is not responsible for the content posted on this website.