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Constructing and refining the comparative modeling of protein kinases Pkn D and Pkn H from mycobacterium tuberculosis.
1  Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y tecnológico (FONDECYT), Proyecto postdoctoral N0 3150035, Talca, Chile.


With approximately 3 million annual deaths in the 1990s, tuberculosis remains a leading cause of mortality worldwide into the 21st century. It is estimated that one-third of the world population harbor a latent infection by the causative pathogen, mycobacterium tuberculosis according to the World Health Organization (WHO). In this sense, the mycobacterium tuberculosis remains one of the world’s most devastating pathogens. For this reason, is used the comparative modeling (homology modeling) to predict the (3-D) structure for the protein kinases Pkn D and Pkn H from mycobacterium tuberculosis. The homology modeling is a reliable computational tool to predict the three-dimensional (3-D) structure of proteins whose structures are unknown. The relationship between the sequence and the structure of the protein kinases is established using the evaluation of the respectives comparative models using WHAT_CHECK, ERRAT, VERIFY_3D, PROVE, CRYST1 record matches, Ramachandran Plot and WedMol Viewer programs.

Acknowledgements: A. M. B. Thanks to the Universidad de Talca (CBSM)) for the continuous support to this investigation and finally to the postdoctoral project N0 3150035 (FONDECYT, CHILE).

References 1 World Health Organization (WHO),, Health topics (Tuberculosis), reviewed March 2014. 2 M. Cully. Redesigned antibiotic combats drug-resistant tuberculosis, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, AOP, published online 21 March 2014; doi:10,1038/nrd4287. 3 R. E., Lee. Nature Medicine, 2014, 20, 152–158.

Keywords: mycobacterium tuberculosis, protein Kinases D and H, homology models, topological analysis, secondary and tertiary structures.