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Second Basel Sustainability Forum

15 September 2017, University of Basel, Switzerland
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Welcome from the Chair

The 3rd Basel Sustainability Forum on Climate will be held in September/Ooctober 2018.

When: 15 September 2017, 12:30-17:15
Where: Alte Universität, Rheinsprung 9/11, University of Basel

Google Maps

The Basel Sustainability Forum is a Swiss local offshot of the World Sustainability Forum.
This event is public and free of charge.
The conference language is English.
Other edition in this series: 1st Basel Sustainability Forum: Energy
The 2nd Basel Sustainabilty Forum is part of the 'Mobilitätswoche Basel Dreiland'

Welcome Message

The massive increase in mobility of people, goods, ideas, and data in quantity and speed poses tremendous challenges, but it also presents many opportunities for individuals, groups, regions, governments, businesses, and industries. Mobility is inseparable from urbanization, social transformation, scientific and technological advancement, socioeconomic development, prosperity and wellbeing, and, ultimately, sustainability. Here some examples from research foci on the so-called mobility turn:

  • The enormous opportunities for social and economic development associated with mobility, particularly for developing countries, and the thus arising environmental costs.
  • The incompatibility between mobility preferences and global sustainable development.
  • The limits of the current infrastructure and how it must be developed, despite an unknown future.
  • The disconnection between technological development and individual or societal needs.
  • The consequences of the shrinking of time and space for the economy and for social life.
  • Large-scale migration away from poverty- and conflict-ridden regions, from rural to urban areas, and from the heartlands toward coasts, and its impact on regional, national, and global politics and infrastructure inadequacy.
  • Incentive-based relocations of service and manufacturing centers and their consequences on accountability and governance, environmental and labor conditions, and on fiduciary and corporate responsibilities.

The 2nd Basel Sustainability Forum will address some of these issues, covering local as well as global links to mobility. It brings together representatives from academia, politics, and the private sector to discuss current and future developments of mobility systems and their consequences on the future of mobility.

In the name of the organizers and sponsors of this event, I am looking forward to welcoming you in Basel on 15 September 2017.

Max Bergman
Chair of the Basel Sustainability Forum and the World Sustainability Forum

Conference Chairs


Sponsors and Partners





The event is public and free of charge.

If you need assistance, please e-mail the Conference Secretary.

Conference Venue


The conference will be held at the 'Alte Universität', Rheinsprung 9/11, University of Basel.                                                                              

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About the University of Basel

The University of Basel has an international reputation of outstanding achievements in research and teaching. Founded in 1460, the University of Basel is the oldest university in Switzerland and has a history of success going back over 550 years.

As a comprehensive university offering a wide range of high-quality educational opportunities, the University of Basel attracts students from Switzerland and the entire world, offering them outstanding studying conditions as they work towards their bachelor’s, master’s or PhD degrees. Today, the University of Basel has around 13,000 students from over a hundred nations, including 2,700 PhD students.

The University of Basel has seven faculties covering a wide spectrum of academic disciplines. At the same time, the university has positioned itself amidst the international competition in the form of five strategic focal areas: Life Sciences, Visual Studies, Nanosciences, Sustainability and Energy Research and European and Global Studies. In international rankings, the University of Basel is regularly placed among the 100 top universities in the world thanks to its research achievements.

The University of Basel has deep roots in the economically powerful and culturally rich Basel region. The university also works closely with domestic and international partners to make relevant contributions to the advancement of the sciences and society. This also means that the University of Basel pays particular attention to aspects of sustainability, equal opportunity and knowledge transfer.





Sponsoring Opportunities

Sponsoring & Exhibition Opportunities

Sponsoring the BSF2017 will give you a unique opportunity to present your organisation’s products, services, and ongoing sustainability projects, as well as to connect with scholars and practitioners engaged in policy and change-relevant research.

The 'Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunities Brochure' can be downloaded here. For questions regarding sponsoring opportunities, please contact Matthias Burkhalter - Email:

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The 2nd Basel Sustainabilty Forum is Part of the 'Mobilitätswoche Basel Dreiland'

Mobilitätswoche Basel Dreiland 2017: Sharing gets you further …

… is the slogan of the European Mobility Week 2017. Together with more than 2400 cities, Basel will take part in the campaign to raise awareness for sustainable urban mobility. During 7 days, from September 11 to 17 2017, more than 40 campaign partners will offer more than 60 free, attractive and engaging activities in and around Basel. “Moving” experiences for a broad audience.
Find out, how sharing gets you further: Try out shared cars or the new cargobike rental system. Stay informed about clever ways to combine public transport, bicycle and car on your way to work. Enjoy special walks and bicycle rides, a solar powered boat trip or the bike taxi happy hour and experience the shared benefits of sustainable mobility for your fitness, city life and the environment.
As a participant you can also win attractive prices that will get you moving, for example SBB 1-day travelpasses or a monthly Green Travelcard (U-Abo) for the entire TNW Transport Network.
Take part in our varied activities, enjoy yourself and gain new insights – a visit will pay off.

For further information on the Mobility Week and the whole programme, visit

The full program can be downloaded here.

Conference Presentations

Ed Constable

Ed Constable's Opening and Welcome Speech at the 2nd Basel Sustainability Forum.


Hans-Peter Wessels - Urban Mobility in Basel

Silvie LandrièveMobility and Lifestyles: What Aspirations for the Future?

Yann DuboisCross-Border Lifestyles? Daily Mobility in the Trinational Metropolis of Basel

Marie-Laure BurgenerAggregating, Shipping, and Disaggregating Commodities, Arts, and Crafts from the South Pacific: Results from a Hackathon

Timo OhnmachtCarsharing in Switzerland: Identifying New Markets by Predicting Membership Based on Data on Supply and Demand

Max Bergman - Closing Remarks: Sustainability Going Glocal

Conference Photos



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Conference Secretariat

Diana Costa Lopes
Dr. Franck Vazquez
Martha Vogel
Christoph Ratz
Matthias Burkhalter


Mailing Address

BSF 2017 Secretariat
St. Alban-Anlage 66
4052 Basel, Switzerland

Conference Schedule

Program – The 2nd Sustainability Forum – BSF2017
15 September 2017, Alte Universität, University of Basel, Switzerland

PDF Program




Opening and Welcome - Introduction of Program

Prof. Ed Constable
Department of Chemistry and Vice-Rector for Research, University of Basel, Switzerland


Keynote: Urban Mobility in Basel

Dr. Hans-Peter Wessels
Governing Counsellor, Head of the Department of Building and Transportation, Canton Basel-Stadt, Switzerland


Mobility and Lifestyles: What Aspirations for the Future?

Sylvie Landriève
Co-Director, Mobile Lives Forum, Paris, France


Cross-Border Lifestyles?
Daily Mobility in the Trinational Metropolis of Basel

Dr. Yann Dubois
Urban Sociology and Mobility Analysis, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland


Coffee Break


Aggregating, Shipping, and Disaggregating Commodities, Arts, and Crafts from the South Pacific: Results from a Hackathon

Marie-Laure Burgener
Owner & Chief Innovation Officer,, Crans-Montana, Switzerland


Carsharing in Switzerland:
Identifying New Markets by Predicting Membership Based on Data on Supply and Demand

Prof. Timo Ohnmacht
Institute of Tourism, Lucerne School of Business, Switzerland


Closing Remarks

Prof. Max Bergman
Department of Social Sciences, University of Basel, Switzerland


Apéro offered by MDPI


When: 15 September 2017, 12:30-17:15

Where: Alte Universität, Rheinsprung 9/11, University of Basel

Google Maps

The Basel Sustainability Forum is a Swiss local offshot of the World Sustainability Forum.
This event is public and free of charge but you must register here.
The conference language is English.
Other edition in this series: 1st Basel Sustainability Forum: Energy
The 2nd Basel Sustainabilty Forum is part of the 'Mobilitätswoche Basel Dreiland'

The event is public and free of charge but you must register here.

WLAN: unibas-event
Login: bsf-2017
Password: Mobility_rs9

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