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1st International Electronic Conference on Micromachines and Applications

1–15 December 2017
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A. Fundamental micro/nano phenomena

Section Chair:
Prof. Dr. Nam-Trung Nguyen, Queensland Micro- and Nanotechnology Centre, Griffith University, Brisbane, Queensland 4111, Australia

The Fundamental Micro/Nano Phenomena Section covers all fundamental aspects of physics, chemistry and biology in the microscale (between 100 nm and 1mm) and nanoscale (less then 100 nm). We invite contributions to the following topics:

  • Electrical, mechanical and optical properties of nanoscale structures
  • Multiphysics, interactions between physical domains in the nano/microscale
  • Fluid-structure interactions in the micro/nanoscale
  • Behavior and response of biological systems (cells, tissues, biomarkers) to physical stimuli (strain, light, temperature, electric field and magnetism)
  • Interactions between flow field with electric, magnetic, acoustic and optic fields (electrokinetics, micro magnetofluidics, micro acoustofluidics, micro optofludics)
  • New experimental tools based on the above micro/nano phenomena
  • New sensing and diagnostics techniques based on the above micro/nano phenomena
  • New simulation approaches addressing the multiphysics nature of the above micro/nano phenomena

Session Chair

Dr. Nam-Trung Nguyen

B. Materials for micromachines

Section Chair:
Prof. Dr. Ha Duong Ngo, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Micro- and nano- systems represent broad and diverse technological areas, such as microactuators (electrostatic, electrothermal, PZT etc.), microsensors (mechanical, chemical), microfluidics (micropumps, lab-on-chip, organs-on-chip), micro energy harvesting (PZT, electrostatic), optics, photonics, wireless signal transmission. This is a multi-disciplinary field, including micro- and nano mechanics, electronics, micro and nano fluidics, optics, technology and very important material science.

Many microsystems use standard materials such as silicon, and gallium arsenide (GaAs) for the sensing or actuating elements. These materials are chosen mainly because their properties are well known, and their fabrication and packaging techniques are well established. However, there are many other materials used for MEMS and micro-systems products—such as quartz, ceramics and Pyrex, Silicon carbide for high temperature applications, ZnO, ITO for transparent electrodes applications, silicene, CNT, graphene, 1D and 2D nanomaterials for printed microsystems, are just few materials to mention—that are not commonly used in microelectronics. Plastics and polymers are also used extensively in the case of organic, stretchable and wearable microsystems.

The general purpose of the session “Materials for Micromachines” is to provide opportunities for scientists and engineers from all over the world to present their work and to discuss current research on the subject.

  • Microelectromechanical system
  • Microsensors
  • Microactuators
  • Nanomechanics
  • Micromachanics
  • Semiconductors
  • Organic Semiconductors
  • Stretchable electronics
  • Polymers
  • Metals
  • Glass
  • Ceramics
  • CNT
  • Graphene
  • Scaling Law
  • BioMEMS
  • BioSensors
  • 2d materials
  • 1d materials
  • Inks

Session Chair

Dr. Ha Duong Ngo

C. Micro/nano fabrication and manufacturing technologies

Section Chair:
Prof. Dr. Franck Chollet, Institut FEMTO-ST, Université de Franche-Comté, 25030 Besançon cedex, France

The Micro/nano fabrication and manufacturing technologies Section is aimed at showcasing contributions on all aspects of the fabrication of Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (MEMS) and Nano-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (NEMS).

Contributions are welcome to address, among others, the following topics, but not limited to:

  • Micro/nano fabrication process modeling
  • Structuration techniques for emerging material, like graphene, CNT, perovskite, hard oxyde, etc.
  • Novel micro/nano fabrication process (thermal scanning probe lithography, 3D laser glass machining, ice lithography, process outside clean-room environment, non-silicon process...)
  • Complex MEMS/NEMS batch fabrication process (multi-physics MEMS, multi-functionnalities...)
  • Combination of micro and nano fabrication
  • Assembly of MEMS (robotic, stacked wafers, self-assembly...)
  • Packaging with complex interfacing (microfluidics, large force sensors, optofluidics...)

Session Chair

Professor Franck Chollet, FEMTO-ST Institute


Section Chair:
Prof. Dr. Stefano Mariani, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

The MEMS and NEMS Section is aimed at gathering together contributions on the modelling and analysis of Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (MEMS) and Nano-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (NEMS), and on their real-life applications. Works on the theoretical, numerical and experimental aspects are solicited, especially those stemming from multi-disciplinary approaches.

Contributions are welcome to address the following topics:

  • Multi-physics modeling
  • Uncertainty quantification at the micro- and nano-scale
  • System identification and control
  • Sensor optimization
  • Damping phenomena
  • Stiction and other contact or proximity phenomena
  • Effect of emerging materials, like graphene

MEMS applications to be considered include, but are not limited to:

  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Sensors and Actuators
  • Acoustics
  • Optics
  • Data Storage
  • Wireless Communication
  • Energy Harvesters
  • Environmental Monitoring

Session Chair

Dr. Stefano Mariani, Politecnico di Milano

E. Microfluidics and nanofluidics

Section Chair:
Prof. Dr. Zhigang Wu, School of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

The Microfluidics and nanofluidics Section is aimed at exploring all aspects from fundamentals, applications and platform technologies.

Contributions are welcome to address the following topics:

  • Fundamentals in microfluidics and nanofluidics 
  • Fluid control and manipulation
  • Sensors, actuators, and detection technologies
  • Integrated micro & nanofluidics platforms
  • Cells, vesicle, organisms, organs analysis, manipulation and culture on chip
  • Separation technologies
  • Diagnostic, translational medicine and life science in micro & nanofluidics

Session Chair

Professor Zhigang Wu

F. Poster section

In this section, posters can be presented without an accompanying proceedings paper. Posters will be available online on this website during and after the e-conference. However, will not be added to the proceedings of the conference.

Session Chair

Professor Mengdie Hu, MDPI
