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2017 The 3rd International Conference on Inventions

29 September–2 October 2017, Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan
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Welcome from the Chair

2017 The 3rd International Conference on Inventions

29 September–2 October 2017, Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan

Organized by


It is a great pleasure to invite you to attend the 3rd International Conference on INVENTIONS (ICI). ICI series conferences are cooperated with journals Applied Sciences and Inventions of MDPI. MDPI is a partner organization and the journals Inventions and Applied Sciences are platinum sponsors.

The aims and scope of 2017 the 3rd International Conference on Inventions is to make researchers focus on patent based researches. An invention is a solution to a specific technological problem and is an improvement upon a machine or product, or a new process for creating an object or a result, which also could achieve a completely unique function or a radical breakthrough. However there is a very thin line between brilliant innovation and absolute failure, as some of these inventors famously found out or even face with the problems of insufficient funds. Therefore patent based researches are a form that offering a way to apprehend the ideas and advance on the projects immediately, rapidly by the successful, practical results of predecessors. We expect the conference to be a platform for successful patent inventors to share their experiences in inventing with all participants. At the same time, the conference also aims to gather and show high quality papers concerning the discovery of completely unique functions or results while even go further to advance the frontiers of science and extends the standards of excellence established by Inventions to readers. With many discussions based in patent, no matter the conference or Inventions would inspire more in all levels.

The benefits of 2017 International Conference on Inventions:

  1. Help authors to evaluate their technology license fees, based on the valuation theory and the approaches using Qcount: Intangible Asset Valuation System.
  2. Be a platform for successful patent inventors to share their experiences in inventing with all participants.
  3. Provide the lecture and the planning tutorship of innovation, invention and start up with professional consultants and consultation.
  4. Help authors to showcase their patents and technologies on a network transaction platform.

Each participant of the conference will obtain one voucher entitling them to a 20% discount on the APC for papers published in any MDPI journals. The voucher will be sent out in two weeks after the conference.

We are looking forward to welcoming you at the 3rd International Conference on Invention at Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan from September 29 to October 2, 2017.

Time Schedule & Deadlines

Abstract Submission: 4 July, 2017 24 July, 2017 (OPEN)

Acceptance Notification: 15 June - 24 July, 2017

Registration Schedule: 25 June, 2017 (OPEN)

Full Paper Submission: 24 July, 2017 7 August, 2017 (OPEN)

Conference Chairs

Prof. Chien-Hung Liu

Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan

Prof. Cheng-Chi Wang

Graduate Institute of Precision Manufacturing, National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Taiwan

Prof. Shoou-Jinn Chang

Institute of Microelectronics &Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

Pro. Jin Huang Huang

Department of Mechanical and Computer-Aided Engineering, Feng Chia University, Taiwan

Keynote Speakers


Prof. Totaro Imasaka

Graduate School of EngineeringDepartment of Applied Chemistry,Kyushu University, Japan

Dr. Sebastian Volz

National Center for
Scientific Research, France

Prof. Seung Hwan Ko

Seoul National University, Korea

Prof. Gou-Chung Chi

National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

Invited Speakers

Prof. Chuanhua Duan

Boston University, USA

Dr. Wen-Pin Hsieh

Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Prof. Yuhiro Iwamoto

Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan

Prof. Koh Yee Kan

National University of Singapore, Singapore

Dr. Kung-Hsuan Lin

Institute of Physics,
Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Prof. Yen-Wen Lu

National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Prof. Hironori Nakajima

Kyushu Universit, Japan

Ms. Yurong Zhang

MDPI Haidian Office, China

Ms. Lucy Lu

MDPI Tongzhou Office, China

Invited VIP Guests

Prof. Takayoshi Kobayashi

Advanced Ultrafast Laser
Research Center The
University of Electro-Communications, Japan

Prof. Cha'o-Kuang Chen

National Cheng Kung
University, Taiwan

Prof. Woei-Shyan Lee

National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

Prof. Cheng-Kuo Sung

National Tsing Hua
University, Taiwan

Prof. Jyh-Horng Chou

National Kaohsiung
University of Applied Science, Taiwan

Prof. Chun-Liang Lin

National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan

Prof. Chi-Chuan Wang

National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

Prof. Fan-Tien Cheng

National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

Prof. Huann-Ming Chou

Kun Shan University,

GM. Tim Lai

Precieion Machinery
Research & Development Center, Taiwan

Prof. Jenq-Shyong Chen

National Chung Cheng University and National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan

Prof. Zone-Ching Lin

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan

Prof. Sen-Yung Lee

National Cheng Kung
University, Taiwan

Prof. Liang-Chia Chen

National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Prof. Chieh-Li Chen

National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

Prof. Te-Hua Fang

National Kaoshiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan

Prof. Chin-Sheng Chen

National Taipei University
of Technology, Taiwan

Prof. Kuang-Chao Fan

National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Prof. Ming-Fei Chen

National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan

Prof.Chun-Ping Jen

National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan

Prof. Kuo-Yi Huang

National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan

Important Guests

Dr. Tony Wang

SPINTECH Precision Machinery CO.,LTD

Prof. Hirofumi Hidai

Chiba University, Japan

Prof. Huei-Chu Weng

Chung Yuan Christian
University, Taiwan

Prof. Ming-Tsang Lee

National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan

Prof. Win-Jet Luo

National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Taiwan

Prof. David. T.W. Lin

National University of Tainan, Taiwan

Prof. Ping-Shan Lai

National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan

Prof. Jui-Pin Hung

National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Taiwan

Prof. Ming-Yi Tsai

National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Taiwan

Prof. Tsung-Chia Chen

National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Taiwan

Prof. Shao-Hsien Chen

National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Taiwan

Prof. Chih-Jer Lin

National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan

Prof. Yuh-Chung Hu

National Ilan University, Taiwan

Prof. Tao-Hsing Chen

National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan

Prof. Young-Long Chen

National Taichung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan

Prof. Chin-Chia Liu

National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan

Prof. Yu-Bin Chen

National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan

Prof. Her-Terng Yau

National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Taiwan

Prof. Chi-Chang Wang

Feng Chia University, Taiwan

Prof. Dyi-Cheng Chen

National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan

Prof. Chao-Ching Ho

National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan

Prof. Ming-Chang Lu

National Chiao Tung
University, Taiwan

Prof. Chih-Wei Chang

National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Prof. Chi-Fan Liu

Feng Chia University, Taiwan

Prof. Cheng-Tang Pan

National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan

Prof. Chi-Yuan Lee

Yuan Ze University, Taiwan

Prof. Ching-Hung Lee

National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan

Conference Chairs

[Not defined]


Instructions for Authors


1. The official language for the conference is English.

2. Authors have to submit the abstract first through the online abstract submission system before 25 June 2017.

3. Upon acceptance, if the authors want their papers to be recommended to special issues of sponsored journals, authors will be required to submit full papers, according to "full paper template." The length of the full paper is at least 6 pages including figures, tables and references.

4. Authors will be required to submit their full papers before 24 July 2017.

5. Only abstract of the registered paper will be published in the conference proceedings.

  • The template package for the full papers: ( Click )

Sponsors and Partners


Platinum Sponsors


Call for Invited Session

Technical papers on the aspects related to (but not limited to) those in the topics of interest are invited for oral presentation.
The program committee encourages the submission of invited sessions with at least six manuscripts on a well-defined subject of current interest. If you are interested in it, please email us the title of the session, the name and full contact details of the session organizer, and a list of the proposed session contributions, including titles, authors, and corresponding author of each paper. All papers in invited sessions will be subject to review and assessment by the program committee.

Application form for the invited session : click


Sun Moon Lake Teacher's Hostel

(Meeting Rooms & Accommodation)

Sun Moon Lake Teacher's Hostel was renovated after the 921 earthquake. It is now more hotel than hostel. There's a cafe, a restaurant and a wonderful outdoor patio that looks out over the lake. Guest room decor is modern and simple; most are of gorgeous lake view. <more>


The Lalu Hotel

(Banquet & Lunch)

The Lalu is located on Sun Moon Lake's Lalu Peninsula. In the past, the building served as Chiang Kai s travel accommodation. With a base area of 10 hectares, the hotel is divided into three buildings: Building 'A' houses the guest rooms; Building 'B' houses recreation equipment, including the spa, gym, sauna and members club; and Building C houses the villa, meeting rooms, library and parking lot.

Its architectural design centres on the themes of utmost simplification of Zen style and is constructed with four major building materials of wood, stone, glass and iron. Its unique 'Ongoing Style' of architecture has impressed the public and alread becomes a model imitated by restaurants, hotels and various personal and business establishments. <more>


Program Co-Chairmen

Present  Zheng-Rong Wang, Spintech Precision Machinery Co., Ltd., Taiwan

Prof. Chin-Chia Liu, National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan

Prof. Ming-Tsang Lee, National Chung Hsiung University, Taiwan

Prof. Chi-Fan Liu, Feng Chia University, Taiwan

Prof. Yu-Bin Chen, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

Prof. Liang Gong, China University of Pe, China

Prof. Yu-Fen Chen, National Formosa University, Taiwan 

Prof. Xin-gang Liang, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Prof. Zhonghao Rao, China University of Mining and Technology, China

Prof. Chang-Ying Zhao, School of Mechanical Engineering Shanghai JiaoTong University, China

Prof. Jian-xing Ren, Shanghai University of Electric Power, China

Technical Committee Chairmen

Prof. Chih-Jer Lin, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan

Prof. Huei-Chu Weng, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan

Prof. Her-Terng Yau, National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Taiwan 

Prof. Chi-Chang Wang, Department of Mechanical and Computer-Aided Engineering, Feng Chia University, Taiwan                                    

Dr. Hau-Wei Lee, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan

Prof. Tao-Hsing Chen, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan

Prof. Yunhua Li, Beihang University, China

Program Committee

Prof. Young-Long Chen, National Taichung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan 

Prof. Ichiro Ueno, Tokyo University of Science, Japan

Prof. Hironori Nakajima, Kyushu University, Japan

Prof. Hirofumi Hidai, Chiba University, Japan

Prof. Seung Hwan Ko, Seoul National University

Prof. Daeho Lee, Gachon University, Korea

Prof. Bong Jae Lee, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea

Prof. Jung Bin In, Chung-Ang University, Korea

Prof. Yu-Bin Chen, National Cheng Kung University

Prof. Ping-Shan Lai, National Chung Hsing University

Prof. David T.W. Lin, National University of Tainan, Taiwan

Prof Yong Shuai, Harbin Institute of Technology, China

Prof. RS Beniwal, CSIR-NISCAIR, India

Prof. Chun-Yen Chang, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan,

Prof. Cha’o-Kuang Chen, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

Prof. Renkun Chen, University of California, USA

Prof. Chuanhua Duan, Bositon University, USA

Prof. Ralph Greif, University of California, Berkeley, USA

Prof. Costas P. Grigoropoulos, University of California, Berkeley, USA

Prof. Nico Hotz, Duke University, USA

Prof. Cheng-Che Hsu, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Prof. Hojeong Jeon, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Korea

Prof. Jia-Yang Juang, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Prof. Coleman X. Kronawitter, University of California, Davis

Prof. Ching-Hung Lee, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan

Prof. Si-Yu Li, National Chung Hsgin University, Taiwan

Prof. Ming-Chang Lu, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

Prof. Hongying Meng, Brunel University, UK

Prof. Heng Pan, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA

Prof. Liang Pan, Purdue University, USA

Prof. Josep M. Guerrero, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark

Prof. Ping-Hei Chen, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

Prof. Jo-Shu Chang, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan

Prof. Chun-Liang Lin, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan

Prof. Oronzio Manca, The Second University of Naples, Italy

Prof. Ruey-Shin Juang, Chang Gung University, Kwei-Shan, Taoyuan, Taiwan

Dr. Stefano Mariani, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy

Prof. Junyong Zhu, USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, USA

Prof. Jung-Chou Hung, Department of Mechanical and Computer-Aided Engineering, Feng Chia University, Taiwan

Prof. Hao-Ting Lin, Department of Mechanical and Computer-Aided Engineering, Feng Chia University, Taiwan

Prof. Hsin-Shu Peng, Department of Mechanical and Computer-Aided Engineering, Feng Chia University, Taiwan

Prof. Ruei-Hung Hsu, Bachelor's Program in Precision System Design, Feng Chia University, Taiwan

Prof. Yu-Ting Tsai, Bachelor's Program in Precision System Design, Feng Chia University, Taiwan

Prof. Chung-De Chen, Bachelor's Program in Precision System Design, Feng Chia University, Taiwan

Prof. Ying-Chih Lai, Bachelor's Program in Precision System Design, Feng Chia University, Taiwan

Dr. Chih-Wen Chang, National Center for High-Performance Computing, Taiwan

Prof. Liman Yang, Beihang University, China

Registration Form- For Taiwanese Authors

Registration Fees 

455 USD / 425 EUR
13,650 NTD/3415 RMB  
For standard author
585 USD / 550 EUR
17,535 NTD / 4385 RMB
For standard author, including accommodation on 9/30
Additional Paper(s)
350 USD / 330 EUR
10,500 NTD / 2625 RMB
For standard author
Section Editor and Guest Editor of MDPI
210 USD / 195 EUR
6,300 NTD / 1575 RMB
Special offer
Scientific Board Members of MDPI
350 USD / 330 EUR
10,500 NTD / 2625 RMB
Special offer
MDPI Author* or Reviewer**
 365 USD/ 340 EUR
10,500 NTD /2,280 RMB 
Special offer
350 USD / 330 EUR
10,500 NTD / 2625 RMB
Special offer
Spintech Thesis Awards Participant
350 USD / 330 EUR
10,500 NTD / 2625 RMB
Special offer
Accompanying Person
(Banquet, Lunches, and Coffee break only)
6,300 NTD / 210 USD / 1,575 RMB / 196 EUR

1. Only one paper is included in Academic Registration.
2. Academic Registration includes: attendance in all scientific sessions, banquet (one meal), lunches (two meals), coffee break, conference bag, conference souvenir, and conference proceeding
3. Additional Papers do not include: banquet, lunches, coffee break, conference bag, conference souvenir, and conference proceeding.

Registration Form - For Taiwanese Authors

Please fill out all of the required items and send this form to:
To ensure the inclusion of your paper in the conference proceedings and future journal publications, the registration form and payment must be received before  June 25, 2017.

Download Registration Form: image host



This year, ICI2017 is collocated with the 4th Micro & Nanoscale Heat Transfer and Energy Workshop (MNHTE2017).

The workshop is organized by the Heat and Mass Transfer Society of Taiwan with Chung Yuan Christian University, and the other Universities in Taiwan, following up a series of workshops that have been held every year since the first workshop held in National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan in 2014.

The aims of the workshop are collecting, exchanging, and promoting knowledge in this interdisciplinary emerging field. Advances in research projects and development in relative technology will also be covered.

We will include keynote and invited presentations, oral and poster presentations, as well as panel discussions on current trends in micro/nanoscale heat and transfer and its future opportunities in renewable energy.

We are lookimg forward to your participation in the conference to make it a great success!

Spintech Thesis Awards



Free Tour


Tour 1: Biking activity

Gathering Time: 7:30AM

Gathering Location: Sun Moon Lake Teacher's Hostel Lobby

Schedule: Biking start at 8:00AM to Xiangshan Visitor Center

Estimated return time: 10:00AM


Tour 2: Cruise ship tour

Gathering Time: 8:30AM

Gathering Location: Sun Moon Lake Teacher's Hostel Lobby

Schedule: Cruise ship tour start at 9:00AM around Sun Moon Lake

Estimated return time: 11:30AM


Tour: Lunch at Jindu Restaurant

Gathering Time: 11:00AM

Gathering Location: Sun Moon Lake Teacher's Hostel Lobby

Schedule: Having Taiwanese traditional flavorful lunch at Jindu Restaurant at 12:00PM


Tour: Vist to Chung Tai Chan Monastery

Gathering Time: 13:30PM

Gathering Location: Jindu Restaurant

Schedule: Visiting Chung Tai Chan Monastery at 14:00PM


Tour: Back to Taichung High Speed Rail Station - End

Gathering Time: 16:00PM

Gathering Location: Chung Tai Chan Monastery

Schedule: Arriving Taichung High Speed Rail Station at 18:00PM

Transportation Information

Sungshan International Airport to Sun Moon Lake

Taoyuan International Airport to Sun Moon Lake

Kaohsiung International Airport to Sun Moon Lake

Contact Information

Ms. Chen

Tel: (+886)-4-2284-0360#222


Online Registration- For Foreign Authors

Registration Fees 

455 USD / 425 EUR
13,650 NTD/3415 RMB  
For standard author
585 USD / 550 EUR
17,535 NTD / 4385 RMB
For standard author, including accommodation on 9/30
Additional Paper(s)
350 USD / 330 EUR
10,500 NTD / 2625 RMB
For standard author
Section Editor and Guest Editor of MDPI
210 USD / 195 EUR
6,300 NTD / 1575 RMB
Special offer
Scientific Board Members of MDPI
350 USD / 330 EUR
10,500 NTD / 2625 RMB
Special offer
MDPI Author* or Reviewer**
 365 USD/ 340 EUR
10,500 NTD /2,280 RMB 
Special offer
350 USD / 330 EUR
10,500 NTD / 2625 RMB
Special offer
Spintech Thesis Awards Participant
350 USD / 330 EUR
10,500 NTD / 2625 RMB
Special offer
Accompanying Person
(Banquet, Lunches, and Coffee break only)
6,300 NTD / 210 USD / 1,575 RMB / 196 EUR

1. Only one paper is included in Academic Registration.
2. Academic Registration includes: attendance in all scientific sessions, banquet (one meal), lunches (two meals), coffee break, conference bag, conference souvenir, and conference proceeding
3. Additional Papers do not include: banquet, lunches, coffee break, conference bag, conference souvenir, and conference proceeding.

Online Registration- For Foreign Authors

Registration Items
Paper ID & Title
Corresponding Author & Email


Keynote Speaker

Keynote Speaker
   Title: Cooling hot spots with functionnalized graphene
   Prof. Sebastian VOLZ
   National Center for Scientific Research, France 
  • Sebastian Volz obtained his MSc. In Mechanical Engineering (French Grande Ecole ENSMA, France) in 1993 and his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering in 1996 (U. Poitiers, France) with a thesis on Nanoscale Thermal Physics. During 1997-1998, he was a postdoctoral research assistant at UCLA. He held tenured positions as: 1998-2000 Assistant Professor in Heat Transfer, ENSMA; 2001-2008 CNRS Research Fellow at Ecole Centrale Paris (France); 2009-2010 CNRS Senior Research Fellow at University of Tokyo. He became a CNRS Senior Research Fellow at Ecole Centrale Paris in 2010 and came back to the University of Tokyo in 2017
     Main research activities:
  • SV carries out research in solid state nanoscale thermal transport, including phonon-electron-photon modelling and metrologies for key applications such as thermoelectricity, photovoltaics and IC cooling. He is author of more than 340 scientific communications and has edited two books. He has been leading the CNRS European Network ‘Thermal Nanosciences and Nanoengineering’ since 2001 and the joint team between Ecole Centrale Paris and Thales since 2009.


Keynote Speaker
   Title: Femtosecond ionization mass spectrometry
   Prof. Totaro Imasaka
   Graduate School of Engineering,
   Department of Applied Chemistry,
   Kyushu University, Japan 


  • 1978 – 1979 : Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University
  • 1979 – 1980 : Assistant Professor, Kyushu University
  • 1980 – 1981 : Lecturer, Kyushu University
  • 1981 – 1991 : Associate Professor, Kyushu University
  • 1991 – 2009 : Professor
  • 2009 – 2017 : Distinguished Professor
  • 2017 – present : Speciallly-appointed Professor

     Main research activities:

  • Multi-color laser emission for the generation of ultrashort optical pulses by four-wave Raman mixing
  • Developent of laser ionization mass spectrometry


Keynote Speaker 
   Title: Classifications of Research and Development Patents
   Prof. Gou-Chung Chi
   National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan 


  • 2017 - present : National Policy Advisors to the President
  • 2011 -2014 : President, Taiwan Industrial Technology AssociationHigh Commissioner’s Visiting Committee Member
  • 2010 -2012 : President, Taiwan Smart Grid Industry Association
  • 2007.7 - 2008.7 : Chairman, Science and Technology Interchange Committee, Association of East Asian Relations
  • 2004.8 - 2006.8 : Executive Secretary, Energy policy and Technology, Development Advisory Committee, Executive Yuan
  • 2004.5 - 2006.8 : Deputy Minister, National Science Council, Executive Yuan
  • 2000.5 - 2004.5 : Deputy Minister, Research, Development, and Evalution Commission, Executive Yuan
  • 1996.8 - 2000.5 : Director, Optical Sciences Center, National Central University.
  • 1994.8 - 2009.7 : Professor, Department of physics, Department of Optics and Photonics, National Central University
  • 1992.7 - 1994.6 : Director, Division of Optoelectronics Materials and Devices, OES, ITRI
  • 1990.5 - 1992.6 : Director, Division of Semiconductor Materials, MRL, ITRI
  • 1977.1 - 1990.2 : Member of Technical staff AT&T Bell Laboratories
  • 1970.8 - 1972.7 : Laboratory Instructor, Department of Physics, NTNU

     Professional Honors:

  • Excellent Contribution Award, the Electronics Devices and Materials Association, 2004.

  • ISI Citation Index Award (Applied Physics, Taiwan), 2001.

  • Best R&D Project Achievement Award (MOEA, Taiwan), 1996. Ten Most Distinguished Engineer Award (Taiwan), 1993.

  • Exceptional Contribution Awards, AT&T Bell Labs.1986, 1988. Member of The New York Academy of Science, 1980.

  • Included in who's who in Technology Today, 1981.

  • Secretary, International Union of Materials Research Society (1995-1996).


The pdf file


1.Official Language

The official language of ICI2017 is English. All presentations including Q&A will be delivered in English.

2.Guideline for Participants

■Conference Venue

Teachers’ Hostel(Sun Moon Lake) (

■Time of Registration

3:00PM ~ 6:00PM, Friday, Sep. 29th, 2017 (Ying-Bin Building 1F Lobby)

9:00AM ~ 10:00AM, Saturday, Sep. 30th, 2017 (Ying-Bin Building 1F Lobby)

■Internet Service and International Telephone

Computers with Internet Service at Conference Center are provided by Sun Moon Lake Teachers’ Hostel. Wireless is also free to use around the hostel.

■Conference Kit

A conference kit, which contains a conference proceedings, a name badge, tickets for lunches and banquet, a Sun Moon Lake ship ticket, and an official receipt, will be provided to participants during the period from Friday, Sep. 29th to Saturday, Sep. 30th at the Registration/Information Desk.

3.Guideline for Presenters

[1] The presenters and session chairs are asked to keep to the paper sequence as shown in the Final Program. By following this predefined schedule, participants can switch between sessions without missing the particular papers of interest.

[2] The presentation time for each presenter is 15 minutes including Q&A. The session chairs should allow the presenter for a 12minutes presentation and leave 3 minutes for discussions. All presenters are requested to report their attendance to the session chair 10 minutes before the session begins. If there are only 4-5 presenters in a session, then the session chair should allow the presenter for a 15 minutes presentation and leave 3 minutes for discussions.

[3] Notebook PCs and LCD projectors will be available in every session room. Presenters are encouraged to prepare their files in MS PowerPoint format on a USB and copy into the PC at session room before the session begins. Our session aids will assist the presenters to copy the file. If you wish to use your own notebook PC, please open the file before your presentation.

[4] For unexpected events that cannot be handled on the spot, you may request through session chairs, session aids or make a direct notification to the Conference Secretary Desk.

4.Guideline for Posters

[1] Standard Poster Size: 50 cm (width) X 90 cm (length)

[2] Please use the template to print the poster.

Session Program

About This Conference

About 2017 The 3rd International Conference on Inventions
This conference is organized by Prof. Chien-Hung Liu, Prof.Cheng-Chi Wang. Sciforum is not responsible for the content posted on this website.

The aims and scope of 2017 the 3rd International Conference on Inventions is to make researchers focus on patent based researches. An invention is a solution to a specific technological problem and is an improvement upon a machine or product, or a new process for creating an object or a result, which also could achieve a completely unique function or a radical breakthrough. However there is a very thin line between brilliant innovation and absolute failure, as some of these inventors famously found out or even face with the problems of insufficient funds. Therefore patent based researches are a form that offering a way to apprehend the ideas and advance on the projects immediately, rapidly by the successful, practical results of predecessors. We expect the conference to be a platform for successful patent inventors to share their experiences in inventing with all participants. At the same time, the conference also aims to gather and show high quality papers concerning the discovery of completely unique functions or results while even go further to advance the frontiers of science and extends the standards of excellence established by Inventions to readers. With many discussions based in patent, no matter the conference or Inventions would inspire more in all levels.

The benefits of 2017 International Conference on Inventions:

  1. Help authors to evaluate their technology license fees, based on the valuation theory and the approaches using Qcount: Intangible Asset Valuation System.
  2. Be a platform for successful patent inventors to share their experiences in inventing with all participants.
  3. Provide the lecture and the planning tutorship of innovation, invention and start up with professional consultants and consultation.
  4. Help authors to showcase their patents and technologies on a network transaction platform.

Conference Organizers

* This event is managed by external organizers. Sciforum is not responsible for the content posted on this website.