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Editorial: MOL2NET 2016, International Conference Series on Multidisciplinary Sciences.
1  Department of Organic Chemistry II, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, 48940, Bilbao, Spain.


Welcome Message

We are glad to invite all colleagues worldwide to participate on a new International Conference Series. The official title of this conference series is MOL2NET International Conference Series on Multidisciplinary Sciences. MOL2NET (the conference running title) is the acronym of the lemma of the conference: From Molecules to Networks. This running title is inspired by the possibility of multidisciplinary collaborations in science between experimentalists and theoretical scientists.

This is an International Conference Series to Foster Interdisciplinary Collaborations in Sciences with emphasis on Experimental Chemistry (all branches), Materials Science, Nanotechnology, Life Sciences, Medicine, and Healthcare, along with Data Analysis, Computer Sciences, Bioinformatics, Systems Biology, and Complex Networks Sciences.

The Scientific Headquarters (HQs) of this conference series are in the Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Biscay. However, the idea of this multidisciplinary conference emerged from the melting pot formed as the result of multiple collaborations of professors from many centers worldwide.

Locally, the founders and strongest supporters of the conference are professors endowed by IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Sciences, professors from the two departments Department of Organic Chemistry I and Department of Organic Chemistry II of the University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU), and professors from the Department of Computer Sciences of the University of Coruña (UDC).

In addition, professors / researchers from the Center for the Study of Biological Complexity of the Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), USA, the Natural Resources Research Institute, of the University of Minnesota, USA, and many other institutions are also founders and supporters of this conference, please see full committees lists.

The publication of communications will be online via the platform SciForum of the Editorial Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI), with HQ in Basel, Switzerland, and Beijing -Wuhan, China. This year the second edition of MOL2NET is planed to be held from 2016-Dec-05 to 2017-Jan-25 (including interactive discussions, posts, comments, questions, and answers about papers in the online platform Sciforum). However, the online submission platform is open and the publication of communications will be asap upon acceptance, all the year. For more details, see Schedule & Program page and to submit a communication use the Submission link. Remember, these are the dates for the online conference and not for the face-to-face workshops associated to the conference.

MOL2NET Past Edition

MOL2NET-01, the first edition of this conference series, was held in Dec 2015. This first conference attracted more than 100 papers and 300+ authors and/or committee members representing 30+ universities of 20+ countries. Some of the world top universities and centers represented in the lists of committee members and/or authors were: Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA; Stanford School of Medicine, USA; Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), USA; University of Minnesota Duluth, MN, USA; Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, CNAM París, France; University of Pennsylvania, USA; Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami, USA; EMBL-EBI European Bioinformatics Institute, Cambridge, UK; CAS Chinese Academy of Science, China; ZJU Zhejiang University, China.

Face-to-Face Associated Workshops (In person participation)

MOL2NET International Conferences Series on Multidisciplinary Sciences is a scientific conference that runs totally online at the SciForum platform promoted by the editorial of the Molecular Diversity Preservation Institute (MDPI), Basel, Switzerland. Consequently, no physical presence is needed saving traveling costs. However multiple workshops associated to the conference run in person (face-to-face) at their organizing universities. This year our conference is the online host of many of these workshops:

SRI-08 The 8th Annual Undergraduate Summer Research Symposium of Saint Thomas University, Miami, USA, Sept, 2016. Symposium of the Summer Research Institute (SRI), HQ Saint Thomas University (STU), Miami, FL, USA. Workshop supported by STE-TRAC Miami Dade College (MDC) grant, Chairperson Prof. David Quesada and Advisory Chairperson Prof. Humberto Gonzalez-Diaz (Online Publication).

IWMEDIC-04, IV International Workshop on Medical Imaging, Medical Coding, and Clinical Data Analysis of University of Coruña (UDC). The IWMEDIC-04 workshop will be held presentially at the University Hospital Complex of A Coruña (June, 20, 2016), Hospital Médico Quirúrgico San Rafael (June, 21,2016), and Faculty of Computer Sciences, UDC (June, 20-22, 2016). The chairman of this workshop is the Chair Professor and Director of Department of Computer Sciences, UDC, Coruña, Spain Prof. Alejandro Pazos and Advisory Chairperson Prof. Humberto Gonzalez-Diaz (Online Publication).

UFIQOSYC-01‬ , 1st Young Scientist Workshop hold at the Department of Organic Chemistry II, University of Basque Country UPV/EHU.  This workshop have brought together early career researchers (postdocs and graduate students) from the area of organic chemistry and catalysis across the UFI QOSYC to exchange information and practice presenting their research work in a supportive scientific environment. Chairpersons Prof. Esther Lete, Prof. Esther Domínguez Pérez, and Prof. Jose Luis Vicario

SUIWCS-01, Soochow University International Workshop Series on Computer Sciences. The SUIWCS-01 workshop will be held presentially at the  the School of Computer Science and Technology of Soochow University, PCR, China (Summer, 2016). The chairman of this workshop is the Chief of Department of Software Engineering and Professor of Computer Sciences, School of Computer Sciences and Technology, Soochow University (SUDA), Suzhou, China, Prof. Quan Liu .

BMEICB-02 Second Bioinformatics Meeting of The School of Bioinformatics Engineering, University of Talca, Talca, Chile, (Oct, 13-14, 2016). Advisory chair and connection with MOL2NET conference Prof. Julio Caballero

CIESABIO-01‬ , 2016, the Workshop Series on Biotechnology and Zoonotic Diseases of the CIESA, Center for Invetigations and Advanced Studies on Animal Health of the FMVZ Faculty of Medical Veterinary and Zootechnique, of the UAEMEX Autonomous University of the State of Mexico. The Chairperson of this workshop is the Prof. Esvieta Tenorio.

MDPI JCR Journals Special Issues

In parallel, the members of committees and/or authors are encouraged to edit special issues for different journals of the editorial MDPI ( See, as example, the special issue on the International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS), IF = 3.257), with 18 papers in total including papers from the conference, link: Special Issue on Data Analysis in Molecular Sciences. In order to send a proposal of associated workshop and/or special issue contact the chairperson of the conference and UPV/EHU Ikerbasque Professor Prof. H. González-Díaz .

MOL2NET People, Media Channels, and Social Networks

We are uploading flyers and promotional videos (in different languages) to the MOL2NET accounts in different social networks such as: GOOGLE+ account with +50000 viewers; FACEBOOK group with +10000 followers; and TWITTER account @mol2net. In addition, we have uploaded topic-specific pages with lists of contacts of people related to the conference. In this page you can find people with research interests focused on one specific area such as Organic Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Materials or Nanoscience, etc. In this sense, to contact people related to all areas of Chemistry you may visit  [Section 01], but to contact people related to Organic Chemistry & Medicinal Chemistry specifically (organic synthesis, catalysis, drug discovery, etc.) you can visit also the page Organic Chemistry People, as well as [Section 08].

NOTES for participants

The MOL2NET conference is Totally Online; no physical presence is needed saving traveling costs. We accept experimental works, theoretical works, or experimental-theoretic works in the areas mentioned. Proceedings will be Published Online, Open Access, and Totally Free of Charges (no cost). Please, see the following instructions: (1) Read call for papers [Link], (2) Read [Instructions to Authors] and download template .doc file MOL2NET 2016 Microsoft Word template file, (3) Submit short communications (2-3 pages), reviews, papers, or videos: [Link]. For details about in person (face-to-face) participation on associated workshops contact the respective members of the local committees.

Conference Chairman Prof. González-Díaz, H.

IKERBASQUE Prof., Ph.D., Pharm.Lic., 

(1) Department of Organic Chemistry II,

University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU),

Campus Bizkaia, Basque Country, Spain.

(2) IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science,

Bilbao, Bizkaia, Basque Country, Spain.

Keywords: Multidisciplinary Science; Medicine; Chemistry; Applied Physics; Computational Sciences; Nanosciences; Biomolecular Sciences; Biotechnology; Environmental Sciences
