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Applied Sciences Webinar | Application of Laser-Ultrasonics in Metal Processing

Part of the Applied Sciences Webinar series
29 March 2023, 14:00 (CET)

Laser Ultrasonics, Non Destructive Testing, Metal processing, Process Monitoring
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Welcome from the Chair

11th Applied Sciences Webinar

Application of Laser-Ultrasonics in Metal Processing

Dear Colleagues,

Since the development of the laser ultrasonic (LUS) technique in the 1980s and 1990s, the field has matured significantly. The key advantage of LUS is the unique feature of being able to measure material properties in a truly contactless manner with a working distance up to meters. This attractive feature has enabled commercialization in a broad range of areas and today there are available LUS systems for several industrial applications, e.g., wall thickness gauging for the extrusion of seamless pipes, real-time grain size monitoring in thermomechanical simulators, and the detection of defects in large components for the aviation industry. This research field contains a myriad of applications where laser ultrasound is a key enabler for understanding material processing and process behavior.

As part of this Special Issue we will host a webinar with 3 presentations on application of laser ultrasonics in metal processing.

Dr. Malmström Mikael
Dr. Lundin Peter
Prof. Dr. Bevis Hutchinson
Guest Editors

Date: 29 March 2023

Time: 2:00 pm CEST | 8:00 am EDT | 8:00 pm CST Asia

Webinar ID: 879 9089 2655

Webinar Secretariat:


Material Analysis & Process Monitoring, Swerim, Sweden

Peter has a doctorate degree in Physics working with laser spectroscopy in the field of Atom Physics. Since 2011 he has been working as a researcher, research leader and group manager at the group Material Analysis & Process monitoring at Swerim. The main research topics over the years has been laser ultrasonics for material characterization and laser induced breakdown spectroscopy for chemical analysis.

Invited Speakers

Material Analysis & Process Monitoring, Swerim, Sweden

Mikael has a doctorate degree in Physics working with all-fiber modulators for laser applications at the Royal Institute of Technology. He continued as a post-doc at Uppsala university working with diamond waveguides for medical applications. Since 2016 he has been active in the Material Analysis & Process Monitoring group at Swerim working with laser ultrasonics for microstructural characterization.

Dept. Laser-Ultrasonics, Area Acoustics at the Research Center for Non Destructive Testing – RECENDT, Austria

Wolfgang Haderer completed his physics studies at the University of Linz with a master's degree in 2016. Since then, he has been researching laser ultrasound at RECENDT, in particular for defect detection and the determination of hardness depth. Furthermore, he is working on linear and nonlinear characterization of materials and gases with ultrasound.

Material Development, Swerim, Sweden

Has a doctorate degree in Material Science from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. Working at Swerim since 2010 in different roles with focus on modelling activities. Initially focus on CALPHAD techniques, later thermomechanical processing with special interest on microstructure development at high temperature like recrystallisation and related phenomena.

Webinar Content

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Time in CEST

Peter Lundin

Chair Introduction

2:00 - 2:10 pm

Mikael Malmström

Laser-Ultrasound-Based Grain Size Gauge for the Hot Strip Mill

You can find the paper related to this topic by clicking here.

2:10 - 2:30 pm

Wolfgang Haderer

Non-destructive Determination of the Hardness Penetration Depth by Laser-Ultrasound and Possible Ranges

2:30 - 2:50 pm

Hans Magnusson

GLUS (GLEEBLE + LUS) - How LUS Enables In-Situ Microstructural Investigations of Material Properties at High Temperature

2:50 - 3:10 pm

Q&A Session

3:10 - 3:25 pm

Closing of Webinar
Peter Lundin

3:25 - 3:30 pm

Relevant SI

Application of Laser-Ultrasonics in Metal Processing
Guest Editors: Prof. Dr. Bevis Hutchinson, Dr. Malmström Mikael & Dr. Lundin Peter
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 30 April 2023

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