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Applied Sciences Webinar | Advances in Microwave/Millimeter-Wave Diagnostics and Their Applications

Part of the Applied Sciences Webinar series
10 March 2022, 09:00 (CET)

Microwave, Millimeter wave, MMIC, Diagnostics, Imaging, Radar Reflectometry, Fusion Plasma
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Welcome from the Chair

4th Webinar of Applied Sciences

Advances in Microwave/Millimeter-Wave Diagnostics and Their Applications

Progress of microwave and millimeter-wave technologies has made possible advanced diagnostics for application to various fields. Transmission, reflection scattering, and radiation processes of electromagnetic waves are utilized as diagnostic tools which are classified to active and passive diagnostic systems. Specifically, the radar reflectometry has become of importance in various applications including industrial applications. Microwave imaging of the complex permittivity profile of an unknown object buried under dielectric interface or half-space is an important technology that has been used successfully in subsurface sensing such as Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). Other potential applications include nondestructive testing of materials, biomedical measurement (imaging and fluctuation diagnostics), and the detection of defects and cracks in construction materials.

We invite 5 experts as the keynote speakers. Their talks will be related to the advancement of millimeter-wave imaging and radar reflectometry. All presentations and discussion are in English and Japanese. Those who are interested in this topic are invited to this webinar.

Date: 10 March 2022

Time: 9:00 am CET | 3:00 am EST | 4:00 pm CST Asia | 5:00 pm JST

Webinar ID: 870 2436 6707

Webinar Secretariat:


Global Innovation Center, Kyushu University, Japan

Atsushi Mase, now is an Emeritus Professor at Kyushu University, and a Research Fellow at Electronics Research Laboratory, Fukuoka Institute of Technology. He got his B.E., M.E., and D.E. in electrical and electronics engineering from Nagoya University in 1968, 1970, and 1976, respectively. He had been a research associate at Nagoya University from 1973-1981, a visiting researcher at UCLA from 1978-1980, an associate professor at University of Tsukuba from 1981-1999, a professor at Kyushu University from 1999-2009, a research professor at Kyushu University from 2009-2014.

Invited Speakers

Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research, The Netherlands,
Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands

Anthony J. H. Donné received the PhD degree from the Free University of Amsterdam in 1985. Since then, he joined the FOM-Institute for Plasma Physics Rijnhuizen, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands (now Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research). During his career he has worked on many different kind of diagnostics for multiple fusion machines. In 2010 he was appointed as full professor at Eindhoven University of Technology. Since 2014 he is Programme Manager (CEO) of EUROfusion, which is coordinating fusion R&D in 28 European countries.

University of California, Davis, CA, USA

Yilun Zhu received his BS and PhD degree from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2010 and 2015, respectively. He has been a project scientist at University of Caifornia, Davis since 2018. His research interest is millimeter wave imaging systems, plasma physics, tokamak diagnostics, optics design.

University of California, Davis, CA, USA

Neville Luhmann received his BS and PhD degree in physics from University of California at Berkley and University of Maryland in 1966 and 1972, respectively. He has been a research physicist at Princeton University from 1972 to 1974. He has been a professor at University of California, Los Angeles from 1974 to 1993, and at University of California, Davis from 1993. He is a distinguished professor at UCD.

National Chung-Cheng University, Taiwan

Chia-Chan Chang received a B.S. degree from National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of California at Davis, USA. Currently, she is a professor at National Chung-Cheng University, Taiwan. Her research interests span both circuit designs and system applications. The study includes antenna designs, array beamforming technologies, microwave/millimeter-wave integrated circuits, and reconfigurable CMOS-MEMS circuits. In the system arena, she has focused on the development of radar systems, particularly in bio-sensing and positioning. Chia-Chan is a member of IEEE MTT-S Technical Committees (TC-28). Currently, she serves as Associate Editor of IEEE Sensors Letters and IEEE Microwave Magazine. She also served as chair of IEEE MTT Tainan Chapter.

Faculty of the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences of the University of Tokyo, Japan

Hyeon K. Park graduated from UCLA (1984). His professional career started at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) Princeton University. He worked on confinement physics of the fusion plasma and THz diagnostic development on TFTR and NSTX devices at PPPL. In 2007, he returned to Korea as a professor in the Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) until 2013 and Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Ulsan until 2021. Since 2015, he also served the KSTAR research center of the Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (KFE), Daejeon as a director/senior adviser until 2021. He is a Fellow of American Physical Society and the recipient of the 2020 Chandrasekhar award for his lifetime achievement. In 2021, he became an Emeritus professor of the UNIST and joined the faculty of the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences of the University of Tokyo.


This is a FREE webinar. The number of participants to the live session is limited but the recording will be made available on Sciforum shortly afterwards. Registrations with academic institutional email addresses will be prioritized.

Certificates of attendance will be delivered to those who attend the live webinar.

Webinar Content

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Speaker & Presentation

Time (CET)

Time (JST)

Prof. Dr. Atsushi Mase

Chair Introduction

9:00 - 9:05 am

5:00 - 5:05 pm

Prof. Dr. Anthony J. H. Donné

Histrical Overview of Microwave Plasma Diagnostics

9:05 - 9:20 am

5:05 - 5:20 pm

Dr. Yilun Zhu and Prof. Dr. Neville C. Luhmann, Jr

Highlighting Recent Phase Advancement of Microwave Imaging Diagnostics for Fusion Plasmas

9:20 - 9:50 am

5:20 - 5:50 pm

Prof. Dr. Chia-Chan Chang

Design of Angle Change Sensor Using Radar Technology

9:50 - 10:20 am

5:50 - 6:20 pm

Prof. Dr. Hyeon K. Park

Fusion Science Aided by Advances in Microwave Technology

10:20 - 10:50 am

6:20 - 6:50 pm


moderated by Prof. Dr. Atsushi Mase

Attendees are welcome to type in their questions in the Zoom Q&A section

10:50 - 11:10 am

6:50 - 7:10 pm

Discussion and Concluding Remarks
Prof. Dr. Atsushi Mase

11:10 - 11:20 am

7:10 - 7:20 pm

Relevant SI

Development and Applications of Microwave/Millimeter Wave Diagnostics in Industry
Guest Editors: Prof. Dr. Atsushi Mase & Prof. Dr. Neville C. Luhmann
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 20 September 2022

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