Built Environment Research Forums 2022
31 March–31 December 2022
Built Environment, Research, University of New South Wales
Welcome from the Chairs
Built Environment Schedule for 2022:
Event | Date | Time |
BERF#4 (Research Forum) | Wednesday, 27 April | 12:30 to 3:30 PM |
BERF#5 (Research Forum) | Wednesday, 10 August | 12:30 to 2:35 PM |
BERF#6 (Research Forum) | Wednesday, 23 November | 12:30 to 2:30 PM |
What's next?
The 6th Annual BE Research Forum:
The 6th Built Environment Research Forum (BERF#6) will be held on 23 November 2022 from 12:30PM to 2:30PM, followed by workshops from 2:30PM to 4PM.
Plenary session: 12:30pm – 2:10pm
The plenary session will be from 12:30 to 2:10 pm following the below mentioned schedule:
Opening and research updates
A/Prof. Philip Oldfield, Head of School
Samad Sepasgozar, Deputy Head of School Research
Panel 1: Industry collaboration and funding projects (Chair: David Sanderson, Co-ordinator: Noni Nuriani)
This session will explore insights, trends, recent updates, the future direction of the built environment industry, and collaboration with research and academic communities . Speakers include-
Fransesca Muscovic
Deo Prasad
Linda Romanovska
Dr Lan Ding
Dr Konstantina Vasilakopou
Panel 2: The Future of the circular economy in the construction industry (Chair: Dr Moe Mojtahedi, Co-ordinator: Deepthie Perera)
In the final session you will hear from experienced researchers speaking about Industry partnerships, Discovery Projects and Collaborative work with Government bodies. Speakers include:
Lee Roberts and Hao Wu
Dr Konstantina Vasilakopou
Panel 3: Publication and Media (Chair: TBC)
This session will be focused on [TBC]
Speakers include-
Doug Henrie
Dr Ashak Nathwani AM
Parallel Sessions: 2:10 - 2:30
The Plenary Sessions will be followed by parallel sessions from 2:10pm to 2.30pm.
Session 1: City, Architecture and Landscape (Chair: Luciano, Co-ordinator: Deepthie Perera)
Speakers include-
Dr Hao Wu
Dr. Arch. Raffaele PerniceD
Dr Catriona Quinn
Deepthie Perera
Henrique Sala Benites
Dan Gui
Session 2: Construction management, property and building and Interior Design and Industrial Design (Chair: Chetana, Co-ordinator: Noni Nuriani)
Speakers include-
Rupa Ganguli
Kaining Shen
Uttama Barua
Noni Nuriani
Hadi Salih
The forum welcomes all the researchers who are active in the Built Environment fields.
The BE Research on LinkedIn will help us to share our findings and achievements with the community, industry, government bodies, and our colleagues at other universities. The BE Research on LinkedIn has the potential to forge new research relationships with like-minded academics, different students, or professionals.
Previous Event:
The 5th Annual BE Research Forum:
The 5th Built Environment Research Forum (BERF#5) will be held on 10th August 2022 from 12:30PM to 2:30PM.
Plenary session: 12:30pm – 2:30pm
The plenary session will be from 12:30 to 2:30 pm following the below mentioned schedule:
Opening and research updates
A/Prof. Philip Oldfield, Head of School
Samad Sepasgozar, Deputy Head of School Research
Panel 1: Book Publication (Chair: Prof. David Sanderson)
This session will be focused on books and non-scholarly journals (media). This session will be started with a panel discussion covering the following speakers and topics:
Professor Susan Thompson, UNSW School of Built Environment - Prof Thompson has extensive experience in book publication, having published 8 books and 36 book chapters.
A/Prof Jinjin Yan, Qingdao Innovation and Development Centre, Harbin Engineering University, China - A/Prof Yan co-authored the book Seamless 3D Navigation in Indoor and Outdoor Spaces, with Prof. Sisi Zlatanova (UNSW BE).
Dr Daniel Ryan, University of Sydney, School of Architecture, Design and Planning - Author of the book Drawing Climate: Visualising the Invisible in Architecture, with Jennifer Ferng and Erik L'Heureux.
Thomas Chow, Director Research Analysis, Data and Reporting Division of Research and Enterprise, UNSW - BORIS, UNSW's research metric tool.
Ben Knight, News & Content Coordinator, Division of External Engagement, UNSW - Working with your media team to get your research noticed.
John Watson, Deputy editor, Cities and Sustainability, The Conversation - Translating your research for a broad audience.
Tina Perinotto, Managing Editor & Publisher, The fifth Estate & The Green List -"Title".
Panel 2: Built Environment (BE) Technical Session (Chair: Dr. Jonathan Fox)
This session will focus on current research by staff and higher degree research (HRD) students of the School of BE. Speakers include-
UNSW BE staff members:
Dr. Jayde Lin Roberts, UNSW Staff
Dr. Fatemah Aminpour, UNSW Staff
HDR students:
Samuel Frimpong, HDR Student, UNSW - First prize, 3MT
Nina Homainejad, HDR Student, UNSW -Winner of the ISPRS Kennert Torlegard Travel Award
- Hafiz Suliman Munawar, HDR Student, UNSW - Winner of Postgraduate Research Scholarship from Natural Hazards Australia
Panel 3: Funding Success and Discovery Projects Schemes
In the final session you will hear from experienced researchers speaking about Industry partnerships, Discovery Projects and Collaborative work with Government bodies. Speakers include:
Associate Professor M. Hank Haeusler, PhD Dipllgn. FH
Dr Stefanie Leung, Senior Research Development Manager (National Major Grants) Research Strategy Office, Division of Research and Enterprise UNSW
Event Program (BERF #5)
Event Organizers

School of Built Environment UNSW
University of New South Wales
Event Chairs


Philip Oldfield is Head of School at UNSW Built Environment, Faculty of Arts, Design and Architecture. Philip’s research interests are focused primarily on sustainable design, embodied carbon and tall building architecture.
Panel Chairs

Professor David Sanderson
Professor, inaugural Judith Neilson Chair in Architecture
Panel Chair: Industry collaboration and funding projects
David is the Inaugural Judith Neilson Chair in Architecture and has 30 years' experience working across the world in development and emergencies. From 1994-98 David was a Project Manager at the Oxford Centre for Disaster Studies. David worked for eight years for the NGO CARE International UK, as head of policy and subsequently Regional Manager for southern and west Africa. From 2006-2013 David was Director of CENDEP, a centre at Oxford Brookes University focusing on development and emergencies. Between 2013-14 he was a full time Visiting Professor at Harvard University, where he taught a course, 'Design for urban disaster', and from 2014-2015 was a Professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).

Dr Moe (Mohammad) Mojtahedi
Senior Lecturer, UNSW School of Built Environment
Panel Chair: The Future of the circular economy in the construction industry
Dr Mohammad Mojtahedi is a Senior Lecturer at UNSW Built Environment. He completed his Ph.D. in the School of Civil Engineering at the University of Sydney in 2014. He is establishing himself as an early career researcher in the disciplines of Urban and Regional Planning and Operations Research and specifically in the newly emerging field of Resilient Buildings, Infrastructure, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Evacuation Planning. He is one of the pioneers in Australia to combine city planning, operations research, climate change adaptation, and engineering to enhance the resilience of urban and rural buildings and infrastructure through disaster risk management.

Dr Jonathan Fox
Lecturer, UNSW School of Built Environment
Panel Chair: BE Technical Session
Dr Fox is aLecturer in high-performance architecture in the School of Built Environment, FADA, UNSW, and course convener for MArch first-year design studios. Prior work includes sustainability roles in local government, director of own architectural practice for over ten years and sessional academic in architecture, sustainability and planning. PhD in architecture and urban microclimates.

Dr Cynthia Wang
Senior Lecturer, UNSW School of Built Environment
Panel Chair: ARC projects, strategies, and metrics
Dr Wang received her PhD degree in Civil Engineering from University of Sydney, and after graduation, she started her academic career in construction management area and since then developed her research in this area. Cynthia joined UNSW in 2011 and has been conducting research on information and knowledge management in Architecture Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry, and Building Information Modelling (BIM) applications on construction planning, cost management and facility management. Cynthia’s another research area is on reducing carbon footprint in the construction process for sustainable development and green building rating. Recently, Cynthia’s research is focusing on combining these two areas, and using BIM, digital twin and other ICT technologies to improve the efficiency and productivity, and reduce carbon emissions for smart city and infrastructure development. Cynthia also supervises PhD students in conducting research on women in Construction, construction health and safety, etc.
Event Committee





Invited Speakers

Personal experience in book publication, having published 8 books and 36 book chapters
Professor Susan Thompson's academic career, researching and teaching in the built environments, is grounded in professional practice. She joined UNSW in 1991 after holding urban planning positions in both state and local government. Susan is a passionate advocate for healthy built environments. She is Head of the City Wellbeing Program in the City Futures Research Centre. City Wellbeing focuses on planning, designing and building environments that support people’s health and well-being.

A/Prof, UNSW School of Built Environment
Dr. Jinjin Yan finished his master's degree (2013-2016) and bachelor's degree (2009-2013) in the Faculty of Information Engineering, China University of Geosciences in Wuhan. From October 2016, he started his Ph.D. in TU Delft (Netherlands). In February 2018, he transferred to GRID in the Faculty of Built Environment, UNSW (Australia). Under the supervision of Prof. Sisi Zlatanova and Dr. Abdoulaye Diakite, he received the Ph.D. degree in November 2020.

University of Sydney, School of Architecture, Design
and Planning
Daniel Ryan is an historian of architectural science and architecture in the tropics, focusing on Australasia and the Pacific. He is particularly interested in the changing environmental role of the house and its technologies during the twentieth century. His current doctoral research explores the translation of climatic ideas from tropical medicine to architecture and their entanglement with colonial politics. He also writes about Eileen Gray’s approach to climate and occasionally lectures about the conservation of her architecture.

News & Content Coordinator, Division of External
Engagement, UNSW
Knight is telling the stories of UNSW Built Environment, Law, Art & Design and Arts & Social Sciences.

Cities Editor and Deputy Energy + Environment Editor, The Conversation
John joined The Conversation in 2013 and has been Politics & Society Editor, Cities Editor and Higher Education Editor. He now covers CIties and Sustainability. John decided in the mid-1980s that a life tracking elephants (for an honours degree in ecology) was less interesting than being a journalist in apartheid-era South Africa. When his residence was revoked he returned to Australia. He joined The Conversation after two decades with The Age as a chief leader writer, columnist and editor, following nine years with regional newspapers.

Managing Editor & Publisher, The Fifth Estate & The
Green List

Director of Research Analysis, Data, and Reporting Division of Research and Enterprise, UNSW

Associate Lecturer, Landscape Architecture / Research Associate, City Futures Research Centre

Construction work adversely affects the mental health of young people worldwide. Research has however been limited to the Global North context. His research seeks to explore the impacts of construction work on the mental well-being of young construction workers in the Global South, focusing specifically on the case of Ghana.

Winner of the ISPRS Kennert Torlegård Travel Award, given by the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing to support young scientists, at the ISPRS Congress, France

Making Eyes from the Sky (Drones/UAVs) smart and automated through training with advanced machine learning algorithms to assist humanitarian disaster relief. Seasonal flood waters cover infrastructure, making it difficult to locate routes for evacuation services. This novel research will also help in overcoming these hurdles by mapping routes, carrying out damage assessment and evacuating disaster victims in disastrous like situations including (Floods, Earthquake, and bushfires).

(PhD, Dipl-Ing. FH) Director ARC Centre for Next-Gen Architectural Manufacturing Discipline Director, Computational Design Deputy Director ADA UNSW AI Institute
Associate Professor M. Hank Haeusler Dipl.-Ing. (Fh) / PhD (SIAL/RMIT) is the Discipline Director of the Bachelor of Computational Design (CoDe) at the Australian School of Architecture + Design (Built Environment) at the University of NSW, Sydney. Since December 2017 Haeusler is also a Professor at the Visual Art Innovation Institute at Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing due to being internationally recognised as a researcher, educator, entrepreneur, and designer in media architecture, digital technology, computational design, interaction design, and ubiquitous computing.

UNSW , Senior Research Development Manager
(National Major Grants) Research Strategy Office, Division of
Research and Enterprise
Building Upon Ideas: How to Get Your Research Funded by the ARC

National Policy Manager, Sustainability & Regulatory Affairs, Property Council of Australia (PCA)
Muscovic will contribute to the discussion about insights, trends, recent updates, the future direction of the built environment industry, and collaboration with research and academic communities.
A senior sustainability leader passionate about diversity, ethics in leadership, championing social justice issues and advocating ambitious public policy to support the transition to a zero emissions economy. My career includes a diverse range of roles from technical engineering consulting and international development work in India, to government and industry roles focused on energy and climate change. I now lead the national policy and advocacy agenda on sustainability and regulatory affairs for the property industry at the Property Council of Australia.

Research Associate, UNSW City Futures Research Centre
Propensity to cycle: measuring cycling behaviour, preferences, and the prospect of a cycling city in Greater Sydney.
Hao Wu is a Research Associate in the City Futures Research Centre, the University of New South Wales. Prior to joining the UNSW team, he completed his PhD degree in 2021 with the University of Sydney on the subject of Ensemble Forecasting. He studied transportation engineering and graduated with a M.S. degree in Civil Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2017. Hao's research focuses on accessibility, and the related transport, land-use and mode choice issues; his recent research interest is in the application of machine learning and ensemble forecasting in transport and planning problems. He authored Access Across Australia and Access Across New Zealand reports, and is a coauthor of the Transport Access Manual.

Executive Director at Australian Trailblazer for Recycling and Clean Energy, CEO NSW Decarbonisation Innovation Hub
Prof. Prasad will contribute to the discussion about insights, trends, recent updates, the future direction of the built environment industry, and collaboration with research and academic communities.
Distinguished Professor (Scientia) Deo Prasad AO FTSE is now an international authority and recognised as a national leader in the field of sustainable buildings and cities and among the leading advocates for sustainability in Australia, with his contributions having been widely acknowledged at all levels of government and professions in Australia. Elected as a Fellow of the Royal Australian Institute of Architects in 1991, he has been a highly influential, driving force for sustainable design in both academia and professional practise and in 2006 he received the Royal Australian Institute of Architect’s National Education Award for contribution to ‘sustainability education, research and design’.

Resilience, climate change, natural capital and sustainable finance Advisor and Consultant and PhD Candidate UNSW
Romanovska examines the life-cycle performance of urban green infrastructure to facilitate deeper understanding of the role of green infrastructure, support the optimisation of social, environmental and economic benefits, and minimisation of detriments. I seek to advance a methodology for holistic green infrastructure life-cycle assessments serving the needs of decision-makers.

Lan Ding is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Built Environment. She received her PhD at the University of Sydney's Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning. Prior to joining the Faculty of Built Environment at UNSW, Lan held the position of Senior Research Scientist at CSIRO (2000-2011) and Senior Lecturer at the Sustainable Buildings Research Centre at the University of Wollongong (2011-September 2013).

Konstantina is a Research Associate at the Enabling Environments Program (EBEP), undertaking research on home modifications and inclusive design. Prior to joining UNSW BE Konstantina worked as a researcher for the National Kapodistrian University of Athens and for the Centre for Renewable Energy Sources, in Greece. Her research interests focus on universal and inclusive design, light and lighting, energy efficiency in the built environment, urban climate mitigation techniques, etc. In the near future, Konstantina aims to explore the lighting parameters that provide safe environments for people with reduced vision.

Construction Sustainability Manager, Mirvac
A sustainability professional with seventeen years of diverse environmental and sustainability experience across government, industry associations and consulting in Australia and the UK. Martin has experience in driving sustainability across a range of scales, from national policy development; to corporate strategy; to environmental and sustainability framework assessments and implementation; to detailed project management, delivery and reporting.

Head of Sustainable Future, Lendlease
Bonnitcha uses sustainability methods such as life cycle assessment and sustainable procurement standards to ensure that resources expended have the greatest sustainability outcomes.

Head of Health, Safety and Environment, ADC
More than 25 years' experience in the management of environment, health and safety across high risk and complex organisations. Bachelor of Building Degree and PhD in construction safety. Related specialist skills and experience include: legal and expert opinion; management of major incidents and investigation; tender, conversion and delivery of complex projects; interrogation of design and planning at tender and downstream design and planning stages; high risk work methodology reviews; and detailed analysis of upstream design and planning with a specialised focus to reduce downstream risks in delivery.

Manager Sustainability, Sydney Metro, Metro West
Ibbotson has been in the sustainable development for the past 17 years, I have conducted a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study for both government and industrial organisations in Australia and overseas. Results highlight materials, processes and systems that have high environmental impact (hotspots). Alternative solutions are tested for opportunities of a continuous improvement by comparing the results with other constraints.
Deputy editor, Environment and Energy, The Conversation Australia

Strategist - Net Zero and Climate Change, Sustainable Design USYD

Updates from History and Theory

Casual Academic, UNSW BE
The Hybrid Practitioner: Re-evaluating Post-war Interior Design Practices through Client Histories

Modernism in Sri Lanka

Circular economy and regenerative design concepts

Social justice in urban renewal in China: A study of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao greater bay area

Research Associate-City Futures
An institutional analysis of sales agents in Sydney’s new apartment market
Rupa Ganguli is an economic geographer, who has used quantitative and qualitative research methods to study the dynamics and drivers of Australian commercial and residential property markets. She has extensive research and consulting work experience in the property development and real estate agency industry, employed within major publicly listed companies.

Development of a Framework to Support Whole-Life-Cycle Net-Zero-Carbon Buildings through Integration of Building Information Modelling and Digital Twins

Role of Governance in achieving proactive “Building Fire” risk management: The case of Dhaka, Bangladesh

Minimising Energy Performance Gap in Australia Commercial Buildings
Sustainability of Prefabricated Construction Methods: A Life Cycle Assessment Approach
WORKSHOP 1. Negotiation
We are all seasoned negotiators and as successful professionals we bring considerable experience to the process. Despite this, many of us still leave a negotiation wondering what we might have done differently and better and whether we maximised our negotiation opportunities.
This short workshop provides an opportunity to challenge your thinking about your negotiation approach and repertoire. Prior to the session, participants have the opportunity to visit https://jamboard.google.com/d/1SrwXtsifoIYzPC1n72L5BbtogneMqY66S2xYnrgtZiA/viewer?f=0 and post their comments about their negotiation challenges and to pose questions for the presenter. The link will also be available in the chat box during the session for participants wishing to add further comments.
Session Presenter
Dr. Rosemary Howell, Visiting Professorial Fellow
WORKSHOP 2. Partnering with Industry and Government
This session will explore different partnership models and provide insights to building and maintaining successful collaborations with industry and government. We will unpack the different components of a successful proposal and develop skills to gain a better understanding of research impact from a funding partner’s perspective.
Some of key questions that will be discussed:
• What does impact mean in an ARC grant?
• What level of innovation or novelty should be considered in an ARC grant?
• What is the key success factor of an ARC application from your point of view?
• What are the opportunities for Early Career Academics to lead or contribute to competitive grants?
Session Presenter
Ms. Miranda Einstein, Business Development Manager