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The 3rd Built Environment Research Forum

1 Dec 2021

Built Environment, Architecture, Design, Building and Construction, Urban and Regional Planning
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Welcome from the Chairs

The Annual BE Research Forum registration link:
The 3rd Built Environment Research Forum (BERF#3) is to be held on 1st December 2021. Further information and links to all sessions will be provided by email via Eventbrite once registered.

The plenary session will be from 12:30 to 2:00 pm focusing on:

1. Journal publications from editor’s perspective (speakers: journal editors)

In this session you will hear from three (3) distinguished editors on the process of academic publishing, the role of journal editors, what makes a paper acceptable or not acceptable, trends in journal publishing, as well as challenges in recent years arising from Covid-19.

2. Industry-Academic partnership stories (speakers: both academic and industry partners)

In this session you will hear stories from two (2) distinguished researchers on their processes of innovation and leadership, as well as ways design and technology can enhance life for everyone. This will help provide advice to early career researchers.

3. Advances and future research directions (speakers: academics from different disciplines)

In the final plenary session you will hear from two (2) experienced researchers with a shared engineering background on their forward thinking developments and new technologies. They will look at innovative advances to solve current and future challenges.

This will be followed by four technical sessions that will be held simultaneously from 2:00 to 2:30 pm. The technical sessions are
• 3301 Architecture,
• 3303 Design,
• 3302 Building and construction, and
• 3304 Urban and regional planning (Urban Studies).

The forum welcomes all the researchers who are active in the Built Environment fields.

Call for extended abstracts and NTRO statements:
All researchers with the UNSW affiliation are invited to participate in the annual Built Environment Forum (BERF#3) by submitting NTRO statements or extended abstracts (up to 4 pages). The deadline will be 6 December, and the instructions for submissions will be communicated separately, once you are registered.
All the accepted items will be published in the Environ. Sci. Proc., 2021, BERF3 and/or an e-book (with an ISBN) available on Google Scholar to be citable. Due to individual URL/DOI, they can be shared via social media useful for team building or identity raising. Metrics on readership, citations, and mentions on social media can be tracked and available for authors. This can be beneficial to:
• Communicate the initial outcome or the progress of ongoing research projects related to the BE fields with our stakeholders;
• Demonstrate collaboration and track records, find potential team members and active researchers on specific topics.
• Document the BE projects if they are not fully published elsewhere (titles and abstracts should be different);
• Introduce investigators/researchers who are active in specific topics to academics with common interests;
• Address the need to communicate the outcome of ongoing projects via online platforms, if required by clients;

The BE Research on LinkedIn will help us to share our findings and achievements with the community, industry, government bodies, and our colleagues at other universities. The BE Research on LinkedIn has the potential to forge new research relationships with like-minded academics, different students, or professionals.

All the accepted abstracts are invited to be presented in one of the four technical sessions (3 minutes presentation): 3301 Architecture, 3303 Design, 3302 Building and Construction, and 3304 Urban Studies.

Please see Instructions for Authors, and download the template.

Manuscripts prepared in Microsoft Word must be converted into a single file before submission. When preparing manuscripts in Microsoft Word, the Environmental Sciences Proceedings Microsoft Word template file must be used. Please insert your graphics (schemes, figures, etc.) in the main text after the paragraph of its first citation.

Event Agenda

Architecture Construction Design

Event Chairs


Philip Oldfield is Head of School at UNSW Built Environment, Faculty of Arts, Design and Architecture. Philip’s research interests are focused primarily on sustainable design, embodied carbon and tall building architecture.

University of New South Wales


Panel Chairs

Professor David Sanderson

Professor, inaugural Judith Neilson Chair in Architecture

Chair of Urban and Regional Planning Session (3304)
David is the Inaugural Judith Neilson Chair in Architecture and has 30 years' experience working across the world in development and emergencies. From 1994-98 David was a Project Manager at the Oxford Centre for Disaster Studies. David worked for eight years for the NGO CARE International UK, as head of policy and subsequently Regional Manager for southern and west Africa. From 2006-2013 David was Director of CENDEP, a centre at Oxford Brookes University focusing on development and emergencies. Between 2013-14 he was a full time Visiting Professor at Harvard University, where he taught a course, 'Design for urban disaster', and from 2014-2015 was a Professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).  

Associate Professor M. Hank Haeusler

Discipline Director, Computational Design

Chair of Design Session
Associate Professor M. Hank Haeusler Dipl.-Ing. (Fu) / PhD (SIAL/RMIT) is the Discipline Director of the Bachelor of Computational Design (CoDe) at the Australian School of Architecture + Design (Built Environment) at the University of NSW, Sydney. Since December 2017 Haeusler is also a Professor at the Visual Art Innovation Institute at Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing due to being internationally recognised as a researcher, educator, entrepreneur, and designer in media architecture, digital technology, computational design, interaction design, and ubiquitous computing.

Dr Luciano Cardellicchio

Senior Lecturer in Architectural Construction

Chair of Architecture Session
Dr Luciano Cardellicchio is a Senior Lecturer in Architectural Construction at UNSW. He holds a master’s degree in building engineering and a doctoral degree in Architecture and Construction at the University of Rome. His research interests rely on knowledge-creation within the design development and construction process of buildings. Luciano’s research projects focus on accelerated ageing patterns of buildings, the contribution of construction culture in the assessment of heritage values, and building innovation led by design agencies. In 2018 Luciano was awarded the Leverhulme Research Fellow (UK) for his project ‘Our Future Heritage: conservation issues of contemporary architecture’ where he identified why contemporary buildings might age prematurely. Before starting his academic career Luciano worked in practice as construction and design manager in Italy and Canada.

Associate Professor Chyi Lin Lee

Discipline Director, Construction and Property Management

Chair of Building Construction Session (3302)
Associate Professor Chyi Lin Lee is currently the discipline director of construction management and property at the University of New South Wales. His research on housing and property investment has been presented at a variety of international conferences and been published widely. Recent works on housing and property investment have covered issues such as housing economics, real estate futures contracts, property finance and housing submarkets and have been published in leading property journals in the US and UK such as the Journal of Real Estate Finance & Economics, Housing Studies, Habitat International, Accounting and Finance, International Journal of Strategic Property Management, and Journal of Property Investment and Finance.

Dr Gloria Pignatta

Scientia Lecturer

Panel Chair
Dr Gloria Pignatta is a Scentia Lecturer and City Futures Research Centre Fellow in the School of Built Environment and Material and Manufacturing Future Institute Investigator and Early Career Academic Network Executive Committee Chair at UNSW. She is a civil engineer with a PhD in energy engineering at the University of Perugia, Italy. Gloria’s research ranges from engineering to architecture, material science, and urban climate and focuses on the global problem of climate adaptation and mitigation, but also social challenges, such as energy inequality. Her research aims to improve the thermal-energy, environmental, and acoustic performance of buildings to enhance their liveability through the development and the implementation of advanced solutions. In 2016-2018 Gloria worked as Postdoctoral Associate at the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, Singapore, and at the Inter-University Research Center on Pollution and Environment “Mauro Felli", Italy.

Dr Elisa Palazzo

Urban Landscape Architect / Architect Urbanist

Panel Chair
Dr Palazzo is an architect/urbanist and landscape planner with a broad international experience in both academia and the profession. She is currently the Coordinator of the Landscape Architecture Master program and Senior Lecturer at UNSW. Her Ph.D. in urban design, regional and environmental planning examined the role of landscape architecture in urban design to achieve more resilient and environmentally sound cities. She has been lecturing in several universities in Italy and China (Pisa and Florence universities, Tsinghua Beijing) besides Australia, in urban design, environmental planning and landscape architecture. Dr Palazzo is a registered architect and landscape architect. In 20 years with her own practice, studiostudio architetti/urbanisti she has developed large scale public domain projects, including on cultural landscapes, for government and international organisations such as UNESCO.

Keynote Speakers

Associate Dean of Research, Professor of Architectural Analytics. Co-Editor-in-Chief, Nexus Network Journal: Architecture and Mathematics. CFRC Fellow, UNSW

Michael Ostwald is Professor of Architectural Analytics and Associate Dean of Research at the University of New South Wales (UNSW). He is Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Nexus Network Journal: Architecture and Mathematics and on the editorial boards of ARQ and Architectural Theory Review and he was previously editorial advisor to the Columbia Journal of Applied Mathematics. Michael is Series Editor for Birkhäuser’s Mathematics and the Built Environment research monograph series. In 2021 he was awarded a Springer Esteemed Journal Editor Award for excellence in international scholarly leadership.

Editor- in-Chief (Australasia) Housing Studies, Professor Housing Research and Policy and Associate Director at the City Futures Research Centre, UNSW

Hal Pawson is Professor of Housing Research and Policy at the University of New South Wales, Sydney. He retains an Honorary Professor position at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh where he was based until 2011. Both in Australia and the UK he has led numerous policy-relevant research projects, with funders including the ARC and AHURI, as well as many other local, state and national government entities in both countries. He is also a Managing Editor of the international journal, Housing Studies. His latest co-authored books ‘Housing Policy in Australia: A case for system reform’, and ‘The Private Rental Sector in Australia: Living with uncertainty’ were published in 2020 and 2021.
Research Keywords
Private rental housing; social and affordable housing; urban renewal

Editor-in-Chief of Acoustics Australia, Senior Lecturer in the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering UNSW.

Danielle Moreau is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at the University of New South Wales. She obtained her BE(hons) and PhD from the School of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Adelaide in 2005 and 2010, respectively. Danielle’s research is in the field of aeroacoustics or the understanding and control of flow-induced noise. She investigates innovative noise control solutions for aircraft, wind turbines, propellers, fans, UAVs and submarines. Her major research contributions have been in (i) wall-mounted finite airfoil aeroacoustics, (ii) airfoil trailing edge noise production and control and (iii) bluff body flow noise. Danielle is the Chief Editor of Acoustics Australia. Prior to this appointment, she was Associate Editor of Acoustics Australia (2018 – 2020) and co-Editor of a Special Issue on Wind Turbine Noise (2018).

Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Construction Management and Senior Editor of Construction and Building Materials. Associate Dean (Research and HDR), Associate Dean (International), Discipline Leader (Construction Management) at School of Built Environment, Western Sydney University

Vivian’s research team has been selected in the Top-8 Research Team in Australia by Innovyz Institute Pty. Ltd. for an intensive 9-month Waste and Recycling Technology Commercialisation Program focusing on innovative ways to reduce waste, enhance recycling or return waste as resource.
Professor Vivian W. Y. Tam is a world-leading researcher in the field of construction engineering and management. Her findings have found applications and impact for tackling climate-change issues for green buildings and recycled concrete. She is currently the Associate Dean (Research and HDR), Associate Dean (International) and Discipline Leader (Construction Management) at School of Engineering, Design and Built Environment, Western Sydney University, Australia. She is nominated to the College of Expert, Australian Research Council, Australian Government. She is currently the Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Construction Management and Senior Editor of Construction and Building Materials. She has published over 260 referred journal articles. She has been awarded fifty-three research grants (totalled over $4.5 million), including six national competitive projects from Australian Research Council, Australian Government. Her work has been recognised by peers nationally and internationally, which has been exemplified by six Australian Research Council projects and over 19,000 citations with a h-index of 72. Vivian is also named as 100,000 Top-Scientists (Top 2% Scientists) in the World for since 2017.

Senior Research Associate at the School for Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering UNSW

Simon is a Senior Research Associate in CEEM and at the School for Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering at UNSW. Simon's skillset and knowledge covers DER integration in LV networks, distribution network operation, as well as power flow analysis, energy control algorithms and optimisation, and energy data analysis.

Senior lecturer in Industrial Design UNSW

A collaborative project between Industrial Design at UNSW and Clinical Engineering at Prince of Wales hospital. The collaboration commenced as a honours year studio project that has evolved over time. Coordinated and managed by Dr Miles Park, during the past two years UNSW, Built Environment, Industrial Design staff and students, and Prince of Wales Hospital Clinical engineering and ICU clinicians have been progressively refining the ICU Tower design.
Miles is an Industrial Designer with over thirty years experience in product design practice and education. His research specialisation is centred around product life spans. In particular, product durability, design for repair, design for end of life and e-waste mitigation. Aw well he contributes to a range of collaborative interdisciplinary research projects and has a proven track record in designing for production. Recent successful grants include Innovation Districts COVID-19 R&D Challenge (2020) and a series of Smart Cities collaborative projects with industry partners 2018-19).
Research Keywords
e-waste; academic designer; built environment; simplified life cycle assessment; electronic waste; electrical and electronic waste; embodied energy

Clinical engineer at Prince of Wales and UNSW biomedical engineering alumnus

Andrew has recently completed a PhD in Electrical Engineering with a biomedical focus. His research interests are in answering current clinical problems with concise engineered solutions in minimal time. His PhD focused on A-Typical methods for respiration monitoring during sleep, sedentary and high activity levels, along with energy expenditure monitoring with wearable technologies for clinical environments.

Senior research fellow at the School of Materials Science and Engineering UNSW

Dr Pramod Koshy is a Senior Research Fellow at the School of Materials Science and Engineering and has taught in the school since 2011 in a voluntary capacity. His primary research foci is on the development of advanced materials for environmental and biomedical applications and in the development of novel refractories for ferrous and non-ferrous metals industries, mineral processing, and the transformation of ceramic and polymeric waste materials for economical and industrially-viable high-performance applications.
Research Keywords
Utilisation of Waste Materials; Ceramic Processing; Nanomaterials; Biomaterials; Polymer-Ceramic Composites; Refractories

National HSE & Quality Manager at Hansen Yuncken

An insight into Work as Imaged v Work as Done – Hansen Yuncken’s approach to greater success in Health Safety Environment & Quality.
Kurt is a highly accomplished, insightful & business focused safety executive offering over 20 years’ experience in a range of safety leadership roles in Engineering, Nuclear, Aviation, Defence, Electrical, Rail and Construction. His career is focused on high risk industries with experience across varying business models and organisational risk profiles. From shop floor to boardroom Kurt is an advocate of the application of risk management and looking at work differently.

Keynote Speakers of Technical Sessions

NSW sales Manager at PCTE

William Ward is an experienced and long serving Sales Managers at PCTE. He oversees the business in New South Wales and specialises in the Construction side of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Equipment for Structures, Industry and the Laboratory. William is at the forefront of training and education at PCTE and is passionate about NDT as it ‘presents a unique opportunity for the construction industry to ensure the very best production quality, and to investigate and evaluate structures to support well informed decisions’.

UNSW researcher and maker working with creative technologies, UNSW Art & Design as Senior Lecturer.

Associate Professor Oliver Bown has diverse academic background spanning social anthropology, evolutionary and adaptive systems, music informatics and interaction design, with a parallel career in electronic music and digital art spanning over 15 years. He has an interest in how artists, designers and musicians can use advanced computing technologies to produce complex creative works.
Research Keywords
Computational Creativity, Generative Music & Art, Musical Metacreation, Interactive Media Art & Design

Senior Lecturer in the School of the Arts and Media at UNSW

The Role of Extended Intelligence in Communicating and Designing Urban Planning
Lukasz Swiatek lectures in the School of the Arts and Media at UNSW Sydney. He draws on a wealth of practical industry experience in both his teaching and research. Over the years, he has taught a range of postgraduate and undergraduate (junior and senior) courses in media studies, communication, and international and global studies.
Research Keywords
media; communications; cultural studies; higher education

Architect and Senior Lecturer in the School of Built Environment at UNSW

Raffaele Pernice is an architect and Senior Lecturer in the School of Built Environment at UNSW. His research interests and activities range from practice to theory and history of architecture and city planning, with particular attention to the relationship between architecture and the city and a focus on the urban development of Japanese cities and the urbanism of Asia Pacific region. He has been recipient of grants and scholarships from academic and international institutions, such as the Japan Foundation and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).

Lecturer in the UNSW Faculty of Built Environment, Interior Architecture Program.

Demet Dincer is a lecturer in the UNSW Faculty of Built Environment, Interior Architecture Program. She received her B.Sc. in Architecture from Yildiz Technical University (2007) as the highest-ranking honour student and M.Sc. in Architectural Design from Istanbul Technical University (2010). She was enrolled in the Urban Design Program in TU Delft for her M.Sc. studies (2009). Demet went to Columbia University as a Fulbright Visiting Researcher for her doctoral studies (2013-14) and received her PhD from Istanbul Technical University (2016).
Research Keywords
architectural design; interior architecture; transdisciplinary; design approach; architecture and society; universal design

Co-founder of Clever Planning with Geology (CPG)

John is one of the Founders of Clever Planning with Geology (CPG). John is a highly skilled executive with a history of providing "C" level management advice on Corporate Strategy, Structure, Culture and Behaviour change. Empowering clients dealing with issues across the life cycle of complex Megaprojects and Megacorporations. John helps with optimisation of operations and financial performance of complex businesses. Clients include Owners (JVP's, Alliances, Government Agencies, Major Corporations), Non-owners (EPCM's, EPC's), Vendors, Suppliers and Consultants with projects often valued in the multi-$Billion or multi-$Deca-Billion range.

CEO of Clever Planning with Geology (CPG)

Jason Errey is the CEO of Clever Planning with Geology (CPG), a highly innovative company defining digital geology acquisition and digital twin creation for industry 4.0. Jason is an accomplished executive, technical specialist and alumni of the University of NSW. Jason has worked nationally and internationally from Europe, Africa, Middle East and Australia applying best practice technology and procedures to achieve geological and environmental understanding for construction.

B.A. Visual Arts (USyd), Hons (SCU), PhD Architecture (USyd), Research Fellow UNSW Art, Design, Architecture.

Kate’s research investigates experimental 3D Printing, Digital Fabrication and Robotics with a focus on the development of new and sustainable materials for digital fabrication. Kate’s research builds on traditional material processes and integrates them into emerging digital technologies for a range of industries including the Built Environment, Medicine, and Multi-Modal Data Visualisation. Kate convenes and teaches Design courses at UNSW Built Environment and has over 15 years of undergraduate and postgraduate teaching experience in Australia’s leading Universities.
Research Keywords
3d printing; creative robotics; sustainable design

Senior Lecturer in School of Communication, Journalism and Marketing at Massey University in Aotearoa New Zealand.

The Role of Extended Intelligence in Communicating and Designing Urban Planning.
Chris Galloway lectures in the School of Communication, Journalism and Marketing (within the Massey Business School) at Massey University in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Arts, Design & Architecture, School of Art and Design UNSW; PhD (Design History) UNSW; ADA Academic and Exec Team

Dr Mark Ian Jones is an architect and design history scholar in the Faculty of Arts, Design & Architecture, School of Art and Design. He is currently a member of the Faculty Leadership in the role of Director of Education Innovation. Dr Jones is also a respected academic who is best known for his single authored book, ‘Vicke Lindstrand On the Periphery: Mid-twentieth century Swedish design and the reception of Vicke Lindstrand’, published in the Figura Nova Series by Uppsala University Press in November 2016. His current research examines transnational design relations between Australia and Scandinavia, and the role of the Australian retail sector in international design diplomacy.

Higher Degree Research Coordinator and Lecturer in Design History and Theory at UNSW School of Art & Design

Livia Rezende is a design historian with an international career spanning Australia, the UK and Brazil. With a focus on Latin America and studies of nationalism underpinned by a global design history methodology, her research features in Iberoamericana (2021), Designing Worlds (2016), Cultures of International Exhibitions (2015), Design Frontiers (2014), and the Journal of Design History (2015, 2017) whose Locating Design Exchanges in Latin America and the Caribbean special issue (2019) she co-edited. Dr Rezende has straddled design practice and historical research for nearly twenty years, having worked as a graphic designer for national companies and large corporations; the heritage and creative economy sectors, and the print industries while advancing academic research in Design History and Theory. She joined UNSW Arts, Design & Architecture in 2019 to form a new team and establish learning, teaching and research in Design History and Theory.

Research Fellow (Disaster & Urban Resilience), UNSW

Attributes of a resilient community
Dr Paul Barnes is the Judith Neilson Research Fellow in Disaster Resilience within the School of Built Environment and Coordinator of the UNSW-wide Resilient Futures Collective. He holds an undergraduate degree in Environmental Health Sciences and a Doctorate examining risk perception and organisational risk management within emergency response agencies. Paul has over 25 years of experience within public sector emergency management and as a practitioner-academic in risk and crisis management. He previously served at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute where he established and lead the Risk and Resilience Program.

Postdoctoral Fellow in the School of Built Environment, UNSW.

Building resilient towns in bushfire-affected areas of NSW
Timothy Heffernan is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the School of Built Environment and has a PhD from UNSW in anthropology. Tim's research focuses on the lived experience of crisis and the way communities build recovery after adverse events. He has worked with family groups and civil society organisations in Europe and Australia and is currently undertaking resilience-related action research with local stakeholder in NSW after bushfires.
Research Keywords
anthropology; sociology; crisis; crisis management; crisis response.

Senior Lecturer in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering UNSW


Lecturer- Project Management Program, Civil Engineering Department, University of Sydney, UNSW Alumni

Fatima Afzal is conducting research under the supervision of Dr Benson Lim and Scientia Professor Deo Prasad that focuses on the sustainability performance of construction companies. Centred on the resource-based theory, the research highlights the organisational practices that could not only improve the overall performance of the organisation but would also give competitive advantage.

Associate Professor, Chongqing University, China

Addressing urban heat challenges and public participation
Bao-Jie He is an Associate Professor of Urban Climate and Sustainable Built Environment at School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing University, China. Baojie is now working on topics of Cool Cities and Communities and Net Zero Carbon Built Environment. Dr. He is a UNSW Alumni (Australia), Green Talents Alumni (Germany) in 2021 and is one of the top 2% scientists (Mendeley) from 2020.
Research Keywords
energy efficiency technology; green buildings; concentrated solar thermal; building energy management; cfd (computational fluid dynamics)microclimate

Postdoctoral research fellow in the School of Built Environment, UNSW

Development and testing of advanced nano-scale fluorescent materials for urban heat mitigation
Samira is a postdoctoral research fellow in the School of Built Environment, UNSW. She is currently working on a national-level cool roof project funded by department of industry, science, energy and resources. During her PhD project, Samira has developed a cutting-edge cool coating technology based on nano-scale fluorescent materials for the very first time. She has also contributed to several large-scale urban heat mitigation projects across Australia since 2017.

Associate Professor in Design at the School of Art and Design UNSW

A Multifaceted Perspective to Keeping Clothes in Use
Dr Alison Gwilt is Associate Professor in Design at the School of Art and Design. Her research examines innovative design methods and approaches that enable the fashion and textiles community, from educators, to producers, and consumers, to adopt more circular and sustainable practices. Her books include, ‘A Practical Guide to Sustainable Fashion’ (Bloomsbury 2nd ed. 2020); ‘Global Perspectives on Sustainable Fashion’ (Bloomsbury 2019); ‘Fashion Design for Living’ (Routledge 2015) and ‘Shaping Sustainable Fashion’ (Routledge 2011).

Sustainability Consultant, research assistant UNSW

Simulating the impact of solar energy on pyramid and stair urban blocks

Speakers of Technical Workshops

Susie Yamaguchi

UNSW Outreach Librarian

UNSW Outreach Librarian

Speakers of Technical Sessions

Mudan Wang

Scientia PhD Candidate, Construction Management, UNSW

An investigation of digital technology implementation in off-site construction with a focus on efficiency improvement.

Saul Deane

UNSW Postgraduate Research Student

MacArthur Sandstone Granaries: The Colonial Blockhouses of Sydney Basin’s dispossession

Samuel Yaw Frimpong

UNSW Postgraduate Research Student

Mental health conditions among young construction workers: a systematic narrative review, focusing specifically on the case of Ghana.

Wei Du

UNSW Construction Student

Measuring Virtual Reality (VR) technology application and adoption in Chinese construction risk management

Sameed Ur Rehman

UNSW Construction Student

Evaluating key factors influencing project delays during Covid-19 and role of BIM as digital solutions

Yu-Cheng Lin

UNSW HDR Candidate

The risk and return characteristics of sector-specific REITs in the Asia-Pacific

Mouhamed Kbar

UNSW Construction Student

The architecture of social divide

Yihan Hai

UNSW student

Application of BIM in Circular Economy and Waste and Demolition Management in Construction Field

Shayan Naderi

UNSW HDR Candidate

Cost-saving through pre-cooling: a case study of Sydney  

Jeffrey Tighe

HDR Candidate, Architecture UNSW

Towards incompletion: the making and un-making of a city

Saul Deane

HDR Candidate, Architecture UNSW

MacArthur sandstone granaries: the colonial blockhouses of Sydney Basin’s dispossession

Nina Homainejad

PhD Student, Faculty of Built Environment UNSW

A methodology for an automated three-dimensional heathland assessment workflow in support of bushfire behaviour modelling

Instructions for Authors

Call for extended abstracts and NTROs

All researchers with the UNSW affiliation are invited to participate in the annual Built Environment Forum (BERF#3) by submitting NTRO statements or extended abstracts (up to 4 pages). The deadline will be 6 December, and the instructions for submissions will be communicated separately, once you are registered.

Why we submit an abstract:

All the accepted items will be published in the forum proceeding and/or an e-book (with an ISBN) available on Google Scholar to be citable. Due to individual URL/DOI, they can be shared via social media useful for team building or identity raising. Metrics on readership, citations, and mentions on social media can be tracked and available for authors. This can be beneficial to:
• Communicate the initial outcome or the progress of ongoing research projects related to the BE fields with our stakeholders;
• Demonstrate collaboration and track records, find potential team members and active researchers on specific topics.
• Document the BE projects if they are not fully published elsewhere (titles and abstracts should be different);
• Introduce investigators/researchers who are active in specific topics to academics with common interests;
• Address the need to communicate the outcome of ongoing projects via online platforms, if required by clients;

All the accepted abstracts are invited to be presented in one of the four technical sessions (3 minutes presentation): 3301 Architecture, 3303 Design, 3302 Building and Construction, and 3304 Urban Studies.

Please download the template and follow the instructions. Manuscripts prepared in Microsoft Word must be converted into a single file before submission. When preparing manuscripts in Microsoft Word, the Environmental Sciences Proceedings Microsoft Word template file must be used. Please insert your graphics (schemes, figures, etc.) in the main text after the paragraph of its first citation. Please note that figures and tables should be consistent with the font type and size as provided in the template. Within the abstract, the research reason should be acknowledged, such as if it is part of a course, research for a major thesis or independent research.

The submitting author, who is generally the corresponding author, is responsible for the manuscript during the submission and peer-review process. All co-authors can see the manuscript details in the submission system, if they register and log in using the e-mail address provided during manuscript submission.

Submission location

Please follow template instructions before submission. To submit an abstract you are required to register an account with Sciforum. If you are not already an account holder, the link to register can be found here. Alternatively, clicking the 'submit abstract' will lead to the login/ registration page. The link for submission is contained on the top of page as highlighted:

Abstract submission button

Research Forum Organizer

The School of Built Envrionment

University of New South Wales


The University of New South Wales


Research Forum Organising Committee


















Dr. Ali Al-Ashwal

Academic Course Advisor, Construction Management Undergraduate, Penrith, Senior Lecturer in Project Management at Western Sydney University

Dr. Ali Al-Ashwal specialises in Building and Construction Economics and Construction Management

Dr. Leila M. Naeni

Senior Lecturer, Project Management Associate Director of the Postgraduate Project Management Program School of Built Environment, DAB at University of Technology Sydney

Dr. Leila M. Naeni specialises in Project Management and Construction Engineering and Management

Dr. Arezoo Shirazi

Lecturer School of Built Environment at University of Technology Sydney

Dr. Arezoo Shirazi specialises in Smart and sustainable buildings, Green construction and building, Life cycle and energy analysis and Modelling Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of residential building retrofit measures

Dr. Cristina Piselli

Post-doc Research Fellow, Building engineer, Department of Engineering, CIRIAF - Interuniversity Research Centre at University of Perugia

Dr. Cristina Piselli specialises in Building Materials and Construction

Dr. Farzaneh Tahmoorian

School of Engineering and Technology Central Queensland University

Dr Farzaneh Tahmoorian has worked as site engineer and project manager in many construction projects. She obtained her Master Degree from University of Technology Sydney (UTS), followed by her PhD in "Application of Waste Materials in Flexible Pavements" from Western Sydney University in Australia. Farzaneh is currently a full-time lecturer in pavement and transport engineering at the School of Engineering and Technology (SET) in Central Queensland University (CQU). Farzaneh has worked significantly on utilisation of various waste materials in asphalt mixes and has been researching on a novel approach for the mix design of asphalt pavements whereby the asphalt mix exhibited enhancements in durability, performance, and with reduced cost. The outcome of her research has demonstrated a 6% reduction in bitumen consumption.

Dr Yihai Fang

Lecturer in Construction Engineering and Management, Department of Civil Engineering at Monash University

Dr Yihai Fang is a Lecturer in Construction Engineering and Management at the Department of Civil Engineering at Monash University. He received his B.Sc. and Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Tongji University in 2011 and the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2016, respectively. He then worked as a Postdoctoral Associate at the College of Design, Construction and Planning at the University of Florida. Yihai‘s research interests include Construction Automation and Informatics, Construction Robotics, Digital Twin for Construction and Built Environments, and Construction Safety and Human Factors.

Professor. Federica Rosso

Guest Editor of "Sustainable “Passive” Strategies to Improve Resilience and Comfort in Urban Areas: The Role of Construction Materials and Citizens Involvement", Sustainability MDPI. Sapienza University of Rome Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering

Fredrica is a research fellow (Department of civil, construction and environmental engineering) at the Sapienza University of Rome.

Dr. Mahanim Binti Hanid

Senior Lecturer Department of Quantity Surveying Faculty of Built Environment, University of Malaya

Reviewer for Utilizing an Intervention Forecasting Approach to Improve Reefer Container Demand Forecasting Accuracy: A Case Study in Indonesia. Mahanim specialises in construction management, lean construction and building economics

Industry Partners

Invited Speakers
Invited Speakers
Clever Planning with Geology
Invited Speakers
Hansen Yuncken

Latest Notices


We welcome Kurt Warren from Hansen Yuncken to present an insight into work as imaged versus work as done and to demonstrate Hansen Yuncken’s approach to greater success in Health Safety, Environment & Quality. Kurt will be presenting tomorrow in Panel 2: Academic-Industry partnership story. This event is available to UNSW students, staff and researchers as well as UNSW Built Environment industry partners. Event registration is compulsory for attendance.


We are excited to hear from William Ward presenting his work with PCTE focusing on non-destructive testing (NDT) equipment for structures, industry and the laboratory. William is at the forefront of training and education at PCTE and is passionate about NDT as it ‘presents a unique opportunity for the construction industry to ensure the very best production quality, and to investigate and evaluate structures to support well informed decisions’.


We welcome Jason Errey and John Noonan to present their highly innovative project MyGeoTwin defining digital geology acquisition and digital twin creation for industry 4.0. MyGeoTwin of the Sydney Harbour will be the largest uncoupled data acquisition program to collect engineering quality structural geology across a key public asset, to a depth of 40m. It will collect 2000 kilometres of data, 160 Million data points at 25cm resolution, to a depth of 40m, with all data to be collected in just 150 days. The Sydney Harbour data set will inform Sustainable Design and Environmental Management of all Infrastructure in and traversing the harbour as well as harbour management for hundreds of years to come.



All researchers with the UNSW affiliation are invited to participate in the annual Built Environment Forum (BERF#3) by submitting NTRO statements or extended abstracts (up to 4 pages) and/ or speaking.

The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to the 6th of December.



All researchers with the UNSW affiliation are invited to participate in the annual Built Environment Forum (BERF#3) by submitting NTRO statements or extended abstracts (up to 4 pages) and/ or speaking.

The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to the 16th November.


We are pleased to welcome Dr Miles Park and Dr Andrew Cook to present their research on a new-generation ICU unit on wheels (pictured below).

The ICU equipment tower in the Intensive Care Unit

A collaborative project between Industrial Design at UNSW and Clinical Engineering at Prince of Wales hospital. The collaboration commenced as a honours year studio project that has evolved over time. Coordinated and managed by Dr Miles Park, during the past two years UNSW, Built Environment, Industrial Design staff and students, and Prince of Wales Hospital Clinical engineering and ICU clinicians have been progressively refining the ICU Tower design.

An early prototype built by George Papadogiannis in the DFL:

An early prototype built by George Papadogiannis in the DFL. Photo: Miles Park.

Nicholas Matkovic’s design proposal:

Nicholas Matkovic’s design proposal. Photo: Miles Park.

Nicholas Matkovic presenting an ICU tower prototype at the hospital that was built in stainless steel in the DFL:

Nicholas Matkovic presenting an ICU tower prototype at the hospital that was built in stainless steel in the DFL

The ICU ventilator equipment trolleys, referred to as ICU towers, are essentially an ICU unit on wheels. They bring together vital life support and patient monitoring equipment together as a package on a mobile trolley. A key feature of the ICU Tower is that it enables life support equipment and patient monitoring to remain connected to the patient during transport - the transition from the ward to other specialist units within the hospital. By enabling life support and patient monitoring equipment to remain connected to the patient, it mitigates the risk of errors with connecting patient lines and infection control and offers a more efficient workflow for clinicians.


The 3rd Built Environment Research Forum (BERF#3) is to be held on 1st December 2021. Please register on Eventbrite page. Further information and links to all sessions will be provided by email via Eventbrite once registered.

Publication Opportunities

All the accepted items will be published in the forum proceeding and an e-book (with an ISBN) available on Google Scholar to be citable. Due to individual URL/DOI, they can be shared via social media useful for team building or identity raising. Metrics on readership, citations, and mentions on social media can be tracked and available for authors.

This can be beneficial to:
• Communicate the initial outcome or the progress of ongoing research projects related to the BE fields with our stakeholders;
• Demonstrate collaboration and track records, find potential team members and active researchers on specific topics.
• Document the BE projects if they are not fully published elsewhere (titles and abstracts should be different);
• Introduce investigators/researchers who are active in specific topics to academics with common interests;
• Address the need to communicate the outcome of ongoing projects via online platforms, if required by clients;

What to expect

2021 Built Environment Research Forum 2

The Built Environment Research Forum took place on 29 September 2021 and focused on all relevant advances, challenges and opportunities related to the built environment, furthering interdisciplinary discussions and industry partnerships. The Post Forum report is available here. Much like this event, the 3rd Built Environment research forum will allow researchers to learn from each other's research outputs and best practices to extend the research network and identify potential opportunities for support.

* This event is managed by external organizers. Sciforum is not responsible for the content posted on this website.