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Buildings Webinar | Rethinking Buildings Maintenance

2 June 2022, 15:00 (CEST)

Maintenance strategies, service life, Maintainability, Serviceability, Functionality, imperfect maintenance, building stock management, predictive methods, inspection methodology
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Welcome from the Chairs

1st Buildings Webinar

Rethinking Buildings Maintenance

On behalf of Buildings’ Journal, as Chair of this Webinar, I would like welcome all the colleagues joining this event. Today, we have three worldwide experts on buildings’ maintenance. Together, we are going rethink the maintenance of buildings and their components. The concept of maintenance emerged initially in the industrial and mechanical engineering sector. It is generally acknowledged that maintenance activities in the construction sector, have been seen over the past decades as a necessary nuisance. Most of the maintenance actions in the construction sector are still reactive, with the selection of a given maintenance action to minimize costs, regardless of the risks whilst sacrificing the users’ interests and the buildings’ performance. Frequently, maintenance policies as have been adopted present several limitations, such as: the implementation of strategic procedures is often poor or non-existent; the information regarding the durability and performance of buildings is neglected; the risk of failure over time is not considered; the global costs associated with repairs are not adequately addressed. Fortunately, such approaches have increasingly been replaced and, currently, real estate managers recognize that appropriate maintenance is the only way to ensure the long-term durability of constructed assets, in the most economical way, and without compromising their reliability or safety. The success of this Webinar depends on the participants, and all of you are welcome to discuss ideas and raise all the questions you feel relevant for the topic. You are all welcome to submit a paper for our Special Issue. Finally, I would like to thank all of the Webinar participants and to the invited speakers for sharing their precious knowledge with all of us.

Date: 2 June 2022

Time: 3:00 pm CEST | 9:00 am EDT | 9:00 pm CST Asia

Webinar ID: 843 5183 7515

Webinar Secretariat:


Postdoctoral researcher at CERIS, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), University of Lisbon, Portugal,
Secretary of CIB W080 - Prediction of Service Life of Building Materials and Components, Portugal

Ana Silva, Post-Doctoral Researcher at IST - University of Lisbon. Author of 72 scientific publications in indexed journals. Author of an International Book, entitled "Methodologies for service life prediction of buildings: with a focus on façade claddings. Responsible Investigator of the Research Project entitled "Buildings Envelope SLP-based Maintenance: reducing the risks and costs for owners". Supervision of two completed PhD theses. Secretary of CIB W080 commission and member of ISO TC 59 SC14.

Invited Speakers

National Research Council Canada, Construction Research Centre

Dr. Lacasse is a Senior Research Officer and Team leader at the Construction Research Centre of the National Research Council Canada. He undertakes both strategic and collaborative research related to building facades & fenestration, is responsible for both maintaining and advancing the team’s research capabilities. He is a widely recognised expert in the durability of building materials and building elements and the moisture management of building enclosures having authored over 173 peer-reviewed articles & 125 technical reports, over the course of his more than 30-year career at the NRC. He has fostered research collaboration with local academia as well as internationally and has played an important role in industry having influenced code and standard development in respect to resistance to deterioration of building assemblies, where his work has helped develop both CSA and ISO standards on durability.

Assistant Professor, Departamento de Ingeniería y Gestión de la Construcción, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Andrés J. Prieto, Assistant professor, Department of Construction Engineering and Management, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Author of 27 scientific publications in indexed journals. Editor of the International Book, "Science and Digital technology for Cultural Heritage”. Responsible Investigator of the Research " ANID FONDECYT 11190554 - Artificial Intelligence at the service of the integral management of heritage buildings in southern Chile”.

Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTECH

Carles Serrat is an Associate Professor at the Dept. of Mathematics at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTECH, at the Barcelona School of Building Construction (Catalonia, Spain). His areas or research include, but are not limited to, methodological and applied statistics as well as methaheuristics to fields like public health, construction, civil engineering, economy, logistics, and transport. Specifically he focuses on approaches based on survival analysis techniques, longitudinal data analysis, and missing data analysis. Professor Serrat has been granted for visiting scholarships at Harvard University and Hasselt University and visiting researcher stays at Open University of Catalonia, Trinity College Dublin, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, and Universidad de La Sabana. Chair in chief of the XV Edition of the Durability of Building Materials and Component (DBMC 2020) International Conference. More info at:

Webinar Content

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Time in CEST

Chair Dr. Ana Silva

Chair Introduction

3:00 - 3:20 pm

Dr. Michael A. Lacasse

Adaptation of buildings to the anticipated effects of climate change

3:20 - 3:40 pm

Prof. Dr. Andrés Prieto

Digital methodologies to evaluate functional service life of buildings in Chile

3:40 - 4:00 pm

Prof. Dr. Carles Serrat Piè

BRAIN: A Multiscale Strategic Predictive System for the Conservation of the Built Urban Front

4:00 - 4: 20 pm

Q&A Session

4:20 - 4:40 pm

Closing of Webinar

Chair Dr. Ana Silva

4:40 - 4:45 pm

Relevant SI

Rethinking Building Maintenance
Guest Editors: Dr. Andrés Prieto, Dr. Ana Silva, Dr. Michael A. Lacasse & Prof. Dr. Carles Serrat
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 15 November 2022

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