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Cancers Webinar | Epigenetic and Metabolic Alterations in the Tumor Microenvironment I

15 Dec 2020, 00:00

Tumor Microenvironment, Hypoxia, Inflammation, Cytokines, Epigenetics, Metabolic Crosstalk
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Cancers Webinar

Epigenetic and Metabolic Alterations in the Tumor Microenvironment

The present webinar is linked to the Cancers Special Issue on “Epigenetic and Metabolic Alterations in the Tumor Microenvironment”.

The intercellular communications between the malignant cancer cells and the cancer-associated fibroblasts and immune cells present in the stroma leads to the continuous remodeling of the tumor microenvironment, which then impinges on the progression of cancer. In this scenario, epigenetic changes caused by microenvironmental factors play a major role in metabolic reprogramming and consequently in the behavior of cancer cells.

There will be two webinar sessions on 15 December 2020 and 16 December 2020.

A keynote lecture by Dr Jacques Pouyssegur will be delivered on 15 December 2020.

In these webinars, the invited speakers will present the state-of-art of the current researches on the epigenetic and metabolic alterations occurring in the tumor environment that influence cancer progression through impacting the proliferation, migration and invasion, dormancy, stemness and resistance to therapy of cancer cells.

Date: 15 December 2020

Time: 3:00 p.m. (CET) | 9:00 a.m. (EDT) | 9:00 p.m. (CST Asia)

Chair: Prof. Dr. Ciro Isidoro

Prof. Dr. Ciro Isidoro

Dr. Ciro Isidoro is Full Professor of General Pathology and Clinical Pathology at the Department of Health Sciences, Università del Piemonte Orientale (Novara, Italy). His laboratory has a consolidated experience in the biogenesis and function of lysosomal proteases, and in alterations of the autophagy-lysosomal proteolysis in cancer. Emphasis is given to the study of protein–protein interactions and to the subcellular localization of the protein of interest in order to understand its altered function. Researches focus on the mechanism of action of nutraceuticals and probiotics in the epigenetic regulation of autophagy and of cell death in 3D heterotypic organoid cancer models.

The following experts will present and speak:

Dr. Jacques Pouyssegur

Over the last 35 years, Pouyssegur’s team has made substantial contributions to the areas of cell adhesion, surface glycoproteins, metabolism, intracellular pH control, first structure of human Na/H antiporter (NHE1) and established that pHi and MAP kinase (ERK1/2) signaling are critical for cell cycle entry. During the last 15 years the group has turned his interest to another essential growth mechanism: how do cells control their nutrient supply? This key process has led him to investigate mechanisms of hypoxia signaling, angiogenesis, tumor metabolism, nutritional and oxidative stresses in cancer.

Prof. Dr. Danny N. Dhanasekaran

Dr. Danny Dhanasekaran received his Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the Indian Institute of Science, India and postdoctoral training at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin and National Jewish Center for Cancer Research and Respiratory Medicine at Denver, Colorado. After rising to the rank of Professor of Biochemistry at Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, he joined the University of Oklahoma Health Science Center as the Professor of Cell Biology, Samuel Noble Foundation Endowed Chair in Cancer Research, and Deputy Director for Basic Research of the Stephenson Cancer Center. His academic honors include WCU Professorship at the Seoul National University, Seoul, S. Korea, Visiting Professor of Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan, and Visiting Professorship in Università del Piemonte Orientale, Novara, Italy. He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed publications. His current research is focused on defining the role of coding and non-coding RNAs in tumor microenvironment and tumor progression along with a focus on developing novel cancer therapeutics.

Prof. Dr Salem Chouaib

Prof. Salem Chouaib, an INSERM Research Director at Institute Gustave Roussy, Paris, France, completed his undergraduate studies at the university Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris VI) and Pasteur Institute (Paris). He received his PhD in immunology, (laboratory of Jean Dausset, Nobel prize in medicine) in 1983 and his higher doctorate (doctorat d etat es sciences) in 1986 from the same university. He joined the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York where he undertook a post-doctoral training in the Human Immunogenetics Laboratory. In 1986, he was appointed as research associate at the French National Institute of Health and Biomedical Research (INSERM) and joined the tumor biology department at the Institut Gustave Roussy. For more than twenty years, he was leading an INSERM Research Unit (tumor immunology). His laboratory focused on the investigation of the functional cross talk between cytotoxic cells and tumor targets in the context of tumor microenvironment complexity and plasticity. His research was constantly directed at impulsing the transfer of fundamental concepts in clinical application in particular in the field of cancer vaccine and cancer immunotherapy.


Speakers/Presentations Time CET Time EDT Time CST Asia


Dr. Jacques Pouyssegur

"Exploiting Metabolism, Nutritional and Oxidative Stresses in Cancers"


Q&A (10 min)

9.00am 9.00pm

Prof. Dr. Danny N. Dhanasekaran

"LncRNAs and Cancer Epigenome"


Q&A (10 min)

3.50am 9.50pm

Prof. Dr. Salem Chouaib
Pleas note that Dr. Stephane Terry will be presenting on Prof. Dr. Chouaib's behalf.

"Impact of microenvirnmental hypoxic stress on the anti-tumor cytotoxic response."


Q&A (10 min)

10.25am 10.25pm

Webinar Content

The Cancers Webinar - Epigenetic and Metabolic Alterations in the Tumor Microenvironment, held on December 15, 2020 and chaired by Prof. Dr. Ciro Isidoro was a success. With over 125 enrolled from all over the world, the chair and two presenters went deep into a subject of extreme importance, how epigenetic and metabolic alterations occurring in the tumor environment could influence cancer progression.

Prof. Dr. Ciro Isidoro introduced the topic and presented the 2 speakers. Prof. Dr. Jacques Pouyssegur started the session with a keynote presentation on "Exploiting Metabolism, Nutritional and Oxidative Stresses in Cancers". Dr. Stephane Terry on behalf of Prof. Dr. Salem Chouaib followed him presenting his research and discussing the topic of “Impact of microenvironmental hypoxic stress on the anti-tumor cytotoxic response”. All presentations were followed by a fruitful discussion and Q&A session moderated by the chair. The attendants had so many questions that the webinar could not cover all of them. Here you can download the unanswered question from Dr. Terry:

Answers from Dr. Stephane Terry

The webinar was offered via Zoom and required registration to attend. The full recording can be found here on Sciforum website.

In order to stay updated on the next webinars on Cancers, be sure to sign up for our newsletter by clicking on “Subscribe” at the top of the page.

Relevant Special Issue

Epigenetic and Metabolic Alterations in the Tumor Microenvironment
Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Danny N. Dhanasekaran, Prof. Dr. Ciro Isidoro
Deadline for manuscript submissions:10 October 2021.

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