Compounds Webinar | Advanced Materials for Solid-State Hydrogen Storage
20 June 2024, 10:00 (CEST)
Hydrogen Chemisorption, Hydrogen Physisorption, Metal Hydride, Carbon Materials, Circular Economy
Welcome from the Chair
The purpose of this webinar is to present a brief, updated overview of the state of the art of scientific progress in the development of functionalized materials for solid-state hydrogen storage, given by both academic and industrial experienced researchers active in this specific field.
Date: 20 June 2024 at 10.00 a.m. CEST | 4:00 a.m. EDT | 4:00 p.m. CST Asia
Webinar ID: 870 4662 8378
Webinar Secretariat: journal.webinar@mdpi.com
Webinar Recording

Event Chair

Department of Physical and Chemical Sciences (DSFC), University of L’Aquila, Italy
Full Professor of General and Inorganic Chemistry, with research interests in heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysis, organometallic chemistry, hybrid organic/inorganic nanostructures, and oxy/deoxy functionalization of key products for fine-chemistry
Keynote Speakers

Department of Chemistry – Physical Chemistry Section, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy
C Based Materials for Hydrogen Storage: A New Perspective
Prof. Chiara Milanese is associate Professor at the Physical Chemistry Section of the Chemistry Department, Pavia University, where she is the scientific coordinator of the Pavia Hydrogen Laboratory. Her main research activities regard the preparation and characterization of innovative materials for solid state hydrogen storage and energy storage (in particular C-based materials derived from agrifood waste and high-entropy metallic hydrides) and in general topics linked to the circular economy. In this frame, she coordinated two national projects funded by the Cariplo Foundation and she is now leading an Italian PRIN project. She is an Italian expert of the task 40 “Energy storage and conversion based on hydrogen” activated by the IEA and a member of the International Hydrogen Carrier Alliance. She is the author of 266 papers on materials science topics (h-index 38).

Department of Chemistry and NIS, University of Turin, Turin, Italy
Hydrides for Hydrogen Handling
Prof. Marcello Baricco obtained his PhD in Chemistry in 1987. He works for the Department of Chemistry of the University of Torino as full professor in Materials Science and Technology. He has been responsible for several research projects at the University of Torino, with European and Italian research institutions and industrial partners (e.g., FLYHY, COSY, BOR4STORE, and ECOSTORE). He coordinated the SSH2S and HyCARE European projects on hydrogen storage. He is an expert in the Task 40 of the IEA-TCP Hydrogen and he is the coordinator of SP7 on the Hydrogen Handling of JP on Fuel Cells and the Hydrogen of EERA. Scientific contributions have been presented in more than 400 publications in peer-refereed national and international journals with about 7100 citations (h-index 40). A list of published papers can be found at ORCID: www.orcid.org/0000-0002-2856-9894 or ResearchID: www.researcherid.com/rid/B-4075-2013.

Methydor S.r.l., Genova, Italy
Hydrogen Storage Systems: A Company's Point of View
Dr. Thomas Lamberti, Naval Architect and Marine Engineer, obtained his PhD in Mechanical Engineering in 2015, specializing his studies on hydrogen technologies for marine applications. He launched his first startup in 2015, Bluenergy Revolution (BER), a University of Genoa spinoff company focused on R&D and H2 technology integration. In 2021, he launched the joint venture Methydor (beyond water) together with Carlo Luetto of Tecnodelta S.r.l. (TND). The startup company inherited design and integration competences from BER and construction and certification capabilities from TND. In 2022, the company launched the production of its first product, Hydor systems, a hydrogen storage tank able to store hydrogen in the form of metal hydrides. The company focused on these specific storage systems, continuously improving the product performance by testing different materials, powders, suppliers, thermal management systems and others, often with the scientific support of the University of Torino. Today, the company is established in metal hydride hydrogen storage production. Its products have been presented at the Hannover Messe fair in 2023 and 2024 among many other fairs, and it has been integrated onboard boats, locomotive, stationary applications, bikes, and many other applications.
Speaker/Presentation |
Time in CEST |
Professor Marcello Crucianelli Chair Introduction |
10:00 am - 10:10 am |
Professor Chiara Milanese C Based Materials for Hydrogen Storage: A New Perspective |
10:10 am - 10:40 am |
Q&A |
10:40 am - 10:55 am |
Professor Marcello Baricco Hydrides for Hydrogen Handling |
11:00 am - 11:30 am |
Q&A |
11:30 am - 11:45 am |
Dr. Thomas Lamberti Hydrogen Storage Systems: A Company's Point of View |
11:50 am - 12:20 pm |
Q&A | 12:20 pm - 12:35 am |
Professor Marcello Crucianelli Closing of Webinar |
12:40 pm - 12:45 pm |