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Drones Webinar | Drone Research for Advancing Community Healthcare & Medicine Access

2 September 2022, 16:00 (CEST)

drone medical logistics, delivery drones, crash proof packaging, UAS data
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Welcome from the Chairs

2nd Drones Webinar

Drone Research for Advancing Community Healthcare & Medicine Access

You are invited to attend the Drone Research for Advancing Community Healthcare and Medicines Access network webinar. DRACHMA is a vibrant group of over a hundred members covering drone manufacturers, developers and operators right through to clinicians and medical commissioning groups. It’s a friendly network that exchanges best practice and develops ideas. The aim of DRACHMA is to create new collaborations to aid the development of drone technologies for healthcare and medicines access. Our meetings are aimed at, but not limited to, Drone Researchers, Drone Developers and Drone Operators, Healthcare Researchers and Healthcare Service Providers. Innovators, entrepreneurs, engineers, regulators, researchers, pilots, community leaders, surgeons, paramedics, nurses, patient advocates, undergraduate and PhD students through to eminent Professors, all make up our community. Recordings of previous meetings may be found here.

The programme for this webinar has been designed to showcase the recent achievements in drone medical research and innovation. It flows from optimal drone design to airspace testing, through to regulatory issues governing medical cargo packaging, finally ending on a presentation which highlights how to best share drone operational data for the dissemination of best practice. The webinar will close by highlighting a new special issue in the journal drones, entitled "Evidence Based Drone Innovation & Research for Healthcare".

We look forward to seeing you at the webinar.

Paul & Patrick

Date: 2 September 2022

Time: 4:00 pm CEST | 3:00 pm BST | 10:00 am EDT | 10:00 pm CST Asia

Webinar ID: 880 9808 9163

Webinar Secretariat:


Institute of Pharmaceutical Science, Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine, King’s College London & DroneMatLab Ltd., UK

Dr Royall has led research and teaching in the area of pharmaceutics at King’s College London for over 20 years. He is a materials scientist with expertise in formulation development and medicine stability. Dr Royall’s research group has made a significant contribution to the application of drones for medicines delivery and healthcare logistics. Current research projects are focused on assuring the quality of drone flown medicines and medical products, the impact of vibration on sensitive therapeutic molecules and understanding the impact the drones will make on future healthcare. He has published over 125 research papers, has secured funding from the EPSRC, BBSRC, UKRI Future flight challenge, and many industrial collaborators.Dr Royall edited the special issue on drones for medicine delivery and healthcare logistics for the journal Drones, co-founded the Drone Research for Advancing Community Healthcare & Medicine Access (DRACHMA) network, is a Director of DroneMatlab Ltd and a member of Remotely Piloted and Autonomous Aircraft Systems Group of the Royal Aeronautical Society.

Institute of Pharmaceutical Science, Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine, King’s College London & DroneMatLab Ltd., UK

Dr Patrick Courtney has 20 years industrial experience in technology development. He worked as Director for global firms such as PerkinElmer, as well as at Sartorius and Cap Gemini. He has a long involvement in EU and national RTD programmes and leads a European working group on laboratory robotics. Dr Courtney edited the special issue on drones for medicine delivery and healthcare logistics for the journal Drones, co-founded the Drone Research for Advancing Community Healthcare & Medicine Access (DRACHMA) network and is a Director of DroneMatlab Ltd.

Invited Speakers

Head of Humanitarian Programes, Wingcopter GmbH, Germany

In her role as the head of humanitarian services at Wingcopter, Andi oversees the development, implementation, and monitoring of drone interventions into health supply chains in low resource countries with the aim to strengthen public health systems, create new job opportunities, and reduce our carbon footprint. Part of the portfolio includes the 1.2 million EUR Drone and Data Aid program which aims to provide drone delivery services to 7 million Malawians from the Central Region. She has been on-the-ground, scaling up the drone network which recently reached 1,250 emergency medical deliveries. The Wingcopter drone delivery service offers medical, vaccine, blood and sample transport as well as a digital solution to seamlessly integrate into existing health systems. Prior to Wingcopter, she has coordinated multi-million entrepreneurship and innovation programs for the World Bank, USAID, and the U.S. Department of Commerce. Andi holds an undergraduate degree in business administration from Shippensburg University and has worked in U.S., Europe, Tanzania, Rwanda, Malawi, and Colombia.

South African National Blood Service, Roodepoort, South Africa

Kobus graduated with an MBA from the University of South Africa and has been at the forefront of SANBS development of drone operations for the delivery blood across South Africa. He is also responsible for the ICT systems that manages the blood transfusion value chain in SANBS. The presentation will touch upon the successful approaches that the SANBS team deployed to initiate drone logistics and gain acceptance from the patient, clinical and regulatory communities. The talk will be very much from the user and the commissioning bodies’ perspective

Webinar Content

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Time in BST

Time in CEST

Prof. Dr. Paul Royall & Dr. Patrick Courtney

Chair Introduction

3:00 - 3:10 pm

4:00 - 4:10 pm

Andi Fisanich

Delivering the Future – Wingcopter’s Plans to Scale Drone Delivery in Malawi

3:10 - 3:25 pm

4:10 - 4:25 pm


3:25 - 3:30 pm

4:25 - 4:30 pm

Kobus Strydom

Development of Blood Services Drone Logistics: Insights from the South African National Blood Service

3:30 – 3:45pm

4:30 – 4:45pm


3:45 – 3:50pm

4:45 – 4:50pm

Dr. Patrick Courtney

An Overview and Outline for a New Special Issue in the Journal Drones Entitled Evidence Based Drone Innovation & Research in Healthcare

3:50 – 4:05 pm

4:50 – 5:05 pm


4:05 – 4:10 pm

5:05 – 5:10 pm

Prof. Dr. Paul Royall & Dr. Patrick Courtney

Closing Remarks & Introduction of a Special Issue

4:10 pm

5:10 pm

Relevant SI

Guest Editors: Dr. Paul Royall & Dr. Patrick Courtney
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 1 September 2023

Sponsors and Partners

