Editor-in-Chief Forum: International Day of Forests and World Water Day
21–22 Mar 2021
Water, Forest, Plants, Quaternary, Hydrology
Welcome Message
Dear Colleagues,
MDPI would like to invite you to the Editor-in-Chief Forum: International Day of Forests and World Water Day. It is the first of a planned series dealing with different focus topics of interest to the broad readership of two important resources on the earth: water and forests. This forum intends to highlight exciting topics in a comprehensive but efficient manner, the event will last for Two Days, which includes time for the discussion of presentations and it is totally free of charge.
We have invited six Editors -in-Chief from Water, Plants and Forests who have not only significantly contributed to our journals, but are also recognized for their great achievements in research fields related to the study of water science and technology; plant science and forestry, forest ecology.
We will record the lectures, with the agreement of the lecturers, and deposit them in our online database. We will continue to build this database with brief introductions and summaries of topics across this fascinating field of water and forests. We hope that this event is of interest to you, and we welcome you to join us at this forum.
We look forward to seeing you at Editor-in-Chief Forum: International Day of Forests and World Water Day. Please find below an outline of the 6 presenters representing the broad range of water and forests sciences.
Speakers' Profiles
Editor-in-Chief of Water Journal
Prof. Dr. Enedir Ghisi |
Prof. Enedir Ghisi obtained his PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of Leeds, in the UK, in 2002. He is currently a professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, located in Florianópolis, southern Brazil. So far, he has published 11 book chapters, 136 conference articles and 131 journal articles. He has concluded the supervision of 11 PhD and 30 master's students. Currently, he supervises 8 PhD and 8 master's students. In 2020 he was recognised as one of the 100,000 most influential scientists in the world for the whole career and also for 2019. |
Prof. Dr. Steven G. Pueppke |
Dr. Steve Pueppke is currently a Faculty Member of the Center for Global Change and Earth Observations at Michigan State University, USA, and Associate Director of the Asia Hub at Nanjing Agricultural University, China. Trained as a plant biologist, he has conducted research for more than 40 years while serving in a number of administrative positions at universities in the USA, including Associate Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies at Michigan State University. He has longstanding interests in collaborative interdisciplinary approaches to science within an international context and has been Guest Professor at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, and the University of Marburg, Germany. His most recent research interests focus on the relationships between water, energy, and food, especially in Central and Eastern Asia. He was awarded a PhD degree from Cornell University in 1975 and has published 150 referred papers and book chapters. Dr. Pueppke currently serves as Section Editor-in-Chief for Water, Agriculture and Aquaculture for the journal "Water. |
Prof. Dr. Slobodan P.Simonovic |
Dr. Slobodan P. Simonovic is universally acknowledged as one of the world’s leading authorities on application of Systems Analysis to water and environmental management. He advanced the understanding of water and environmental systems, by providing decision-makers with tools to support their sustainable management. He provides unparalleled contributions to global and local management of water that have improved the lives and livelihoods of millions of people worldwide. His work has a significant impact on our understanding of system linkages between humans, and build and natural environments that lead to sustainable water resources management and resilience as a new development paradigm. |
Prof. Dr. Helena M. Ramos |
Dr. Helena M. Ramos is Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), the engineering faculty of the University of Lisbon. She is Editor-in-chief of Water Journal and guest editor of several special issues. She has more than 400 publications, with 7 books published, 180 scientific international papers and more than 15 international scientific research projects. |
Editor-in-Chief of Forests Journal
Dr. Angela Lo Monaco |
Dr. Lo Monaco is Associate Professor of Wood Technology at the Department of Agriculture and Forest Science at the University of Tuscia, Viterbo Italy, where she is also Head of the Wood Science and Technology laboratory. She is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the Section Wood Science and Forest products. Her current research work deals with the performance of wood in outdoor conditions, wood modification, wood conservation in cultural heritage. |
Editor-in-Chief of Plants Journal
Prof. Dr. Veronica De Micco |
Dr. Veronica De Micco is a researcher in Environmental and Applied Botany, she is interested in the adaptive strategies of plants in changing environmental conditions.
Editor-in-Chief of Water Journal
Laboratory of Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Department of Civil Engineering, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Campus Universitario
The objective of the speech is to present a method to environmentally evaluate a permeable pavement system used to harvest stormwater for non-potable water uses in a building. Two pavement systems were compared through life cycle assessment (LCA). The first system consists of a permeable pavement; in this case, the stormwater filtered by the pavement is used for non-potable water purposes in a building. The second system consists of a flexible pavement (impermeable), with no stormwater harvesting, and with conventional water supply in the building.
stormwater harvesting; water consumption in buildings; water efficiency; rainwater use in buildings; sustainability; permeable pavements; energy efficiency; buildings; climate change.
Center for Global Change and Earth Observations, Michigan State University,
NAU-MSU Asia Hub, Nanjing Agricultural University
The concept of WEF nexus emphasizes the relationships between water, energy, and food as parts of a single complex system. It seeks to de-emphasize approaches that artificially fragment the system and lead to tradeoffs rather than synergies. This presentation will briefly introduce the concept and then provide a rationale for its application, using a Central Asian water basin as a real world example. It will conclude with a discussion of challenges associated with the WEF nexus concept, especially for natural and physical scientists.
water-energy-food nexus; interactions of agriculture and the environment; Central Asia and China; interdisciplinary research
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Western Ontario London
The ANEMI model is an integrated assessment model of global change that emphasizes the role of water resources. The model is based on the principles of system dynamics simulation to analyze changes in the Earth system using feedback processes. Securing water resources for the future is a key issue of global change, and ties into global systems of population growth, climate change, carbon cycle, hydrologic cycle, economy, energy production, land use and pollution generation. The model is intended for analyzing long-term global feedbacks which drive global change. In its current form allows for a variety of scenarios to be created to address global issues such as climate change from an integrated perspective, or to examine the change in one model sector on Earth system behaviour. The endogenous structure of the model allows for global change to be driven entirely by model structure rather than exogenous inputs.
water management; systems theory; sustainability
Civil Engineering Department and CEHIDRO, Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon
Water (drinkable, usable water) is likely to be one of the most limiting resources in the future, given the growing global population, the high water demand, and the confounding effects of climate change. We need to better control losses and manage water wisely, efficiently, cost-effectively and equitably, if we are to avoid the calamity of a lack of usable water supply.
hydropower; hydraulic transients; CFD, pumped-storage; water and energy nexus; hybrid energy solutions; energy recovery; hydrodynamics
Editor-in-Chief of Forests Journal
DAFNE (Department of Agriculture and forest science) University of Tuscia (Viterbo, Italy)
The diagnostic approach to a work of art or demo ethnoanthropological significance cannot ignore technological aspects. Materials are subject to inevitable ageing and wood is no exception. Its durability varies according to the botanical species, the area from which it originated in a tree and its technological properties, as well as the construction techniques and the environment in which the artefact is conserved. The case studies presented are an example of the possibilities offered by a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach, respectful of materials and construction techniques, based on the principles of minimum intervention even in the diagnostic phase.
Wood science and technology, forest logging, forestry, forest management
Editor-in-Chief of Plants Journal
Prof. Dr. Veronica De Micco
University of Naples Federico II, Dept. Agricultural Sciences, Plant & Wood Anatomy Lab
Functional anatomical traits, linking structure and eco-physiology, plant hydraulics, wood formation, dendroecology, quantitative wood anatomy, stable isotopes, drought, Mediterranean ecosystems, plant adaptive strategies in extreme environments, ionizing radiation, altered gravity, crop biology in CEA (controlled environment agriculture)
Ongoing climate change is one of the major challenges for forestry and agriculture since it is expected to drastically modify plant growth. In recent decades, tree vulnerability and forest die-back are serious phenomena, rapidly increasing worldwide: therefore, the assessment of forest vulnerability as well as forecasting changes in tree growth are current challenges due to impacts on ecological, social and economic aspects. Forest ecosystems in the Mediterranean region are particularly vulnerable to climate change. Indeed, the Mediterranean region is a biodiversity and a climatic change hotspot, where climate models consistently project significant increase in temperature and high irregularities in the precipitation patterns that are responsible for an increase in the frequency and duration of extreme events, such as severe and prolonged drought periods. These variations in climatic conditions will likely induce plastic adaptive responses in plants, thus affecting plant growth and productivity of forestry systems, and ultimately biogeochemical cycles. The potentially negative impact of environmental changes on Mediterranean forest health and productivity, would consequently alter the role played by such forests in providing key ecosystem services. This speech will highlight the need to apply a multidisciplinary approach, crossing scales and disciplines, based on the analysis of multiple proxies, to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon. More specifically, considering that the largest part of global vegetation biomass depends on a thin layer of cells, namely the vascular cambium, the speech highlights that the study of wood formation and functional interpretation of wood anatomical traits is crucial to support other more applied disciplines, including trait-based ecology and forest management. A focus on study cases on wood formation in Mediterranean species leading to intra-annual density fluctuations (IADFs) in tree rings will be reported. Functional anatomical traits and isotopic signals hidden in tree rings are a synthesis of the various
1) Balzano A., Cufar K., De Micco V. 2021. Xylem and Phloem Formation Dynamics in Quercus ilex L. at a Dry Site in Southern Italy. Forests, 12, 188. https://doi.org/10.3390/f12020188 2) Battipaglia G., De Micco V., Gartner H. 2020. Most recent trends in tree-ring sciences: From local to global, from molecule to forest stands, from days to millennia. - Editorial to the special issue “TRACE 2019”. Dendrochronologia, 63, 125758; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dendro.2020.125758 3) Battipaglia G., Rigling A., De Micco V. 2020. Editorial: Multiscale approach to assess forest vulnerability. Frontiers in Plant Science 11:744. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00744 4) Balzano A., Battipaglia G., Cherubini P., De Micco V. 2020. Xylem plasticity in Pinus pinaster and Quercus ilex growing at sites with different water availability in the Mediterranean region: relations between Intra-Annual Density Fluctuations and environmental conditions. Forests 11, 379; doi:10.3390/f11040379 5) Balzano A., De Micco V., Čufar K., De Luis M., Gričar J. 2020. Intra-seasonal trends in phloem traits in Pinus spp. from drought-prone environments. IAWA Journal, in press 6) De Micco V., Carrer M., Rathgeber CBK., Camarero JJ., Voltas J., Cherubini P., Battipaglia G. 2019. From xylogenesis to tree rings: wood traits to investigate tree response to environmental changes. IAWA Journal 40: 155-182 7) De Micco V., Battipaglia G., Camarero JJ., Cirillo C., Baas P. 2019. From Wood Formation to Tree Rings in Biology, Ecology and Forestry. IAWA Journal 40: 151-154 8) Zalloni E., Battipaglia G., Cherubini P., Saurer M., De Micco V. 2019. Wood growth in pure and mixed Quercus ilex L. forests: drought influence depends on site conditions. Frontiers in Plant Science 10:397. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00397 9) Balzano A., Battipaglia G., De Micco V. 2019. Wood-traits analysis to understand climatic factors triggering intra-annual density fluctuations in co-occurring Mediterranean trees. IAWA Journal 40: 241-258 10) Cartenì F, Deslauriers A, Rossi S, Morin H, De Micco V, Mazzoleni S, Giannino F. 2018. The physiological mecha
Editor-in-Chief Forum: International Day of Forests and World Water Day
Session 1: 21 March 09:00am (UTC)
In order to attend the Section 1, please register by clicking on the button below.
Speakers/Presentations |
Time UTC |
Time CET |
Time EST |
Prof. Dr. Enedir Ghisi The Use of Permeable Pavements to Harvest Stormwater |
09:00 am |
10.00am |
5.00am |
Prof. Dr. Helena M. Ramos New Challenges towards Digital Water, Systems Efficiency and Safety in the Water Sector |
09:30 am |
10.30am |
5.30am |
Session 2: 21 March 03:00pm (UTC)
In order to attend the Section 2, please register by clicking on the button below.
Speakers/Presentations |
Time UTC |
Time CET |
Time EST |
Prof. Dr. Veronica De Micco Forest Vulnerability in Mediterranean Environment under Climate Change: Interdisciplinary Approaches at Multiple Scales |
03:00 pm |
04.00pm |
11.00am |
Dr. Angela Lo Monaco Diagnostic for the Conservation of Wooden Works of Art. Philological Approach |
03:30 pm |
04.30pm |
11.30am |
Session 3: 21 March 10:00pm - 22 March 12:00am (UTC)
In order to attend the Section 3, please register by clicking on the button below.
Speakers/Presentations |
Time UTC |
Time CET |
Time EST |
Prof. Dr. Slobodan P. Simonovic ANEMI - A Model for Integrated Assessment of Global Change |
10:00 pm |
11.00am |
06.00pm |
Prof. Dr. Steven G. Pueppke The Water-Energy-Food Nexus: What, Why, a Real World Example, and Challenges |
10:30 pm |
11:30am |
06:30pm |
Relevant Special Issues
Water Journal
Special Issue "System Dynamics Modelling for Water–Energy–Climate Nexus"
Special Issue"Cross-Sector Green Infrastructure for Improving Urban Storm Water Quality"
Topical Collection "Water Policy Collection"
Forests Journal
Mangrove Wetland Restoration and Rehabilitation
Special Issue "Coastal Forest Dynamics and Coastline Erosion"
Relationships between Growth and Water Relations of Trees
Emerging Principles of Tree Biology in the Omics Era
Plants Journal
Forest Environment and Ecology
Metabolomic and Morphological Adaptations of Forests under Climate Change
Factor-Specific Nutrient Modeling and Management of Agricultural and Forest Crops
Decline of Mediterranean Fruit Crops and Forests Associated with Fungal Trunk Pathogens
Quaternary Journal
Lake Sediments: An Invaluable Archive of Earth Critical Zone Trajectories
Fire Activity and Environmental Archaeology
Hydrology Journal
Socio-Hydrology: The New Paradigm in Resilient Water Management
Integrated Surface Water and Groundwater Analysis