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MDPI Editor-in-Chief Forum | Medicine and Pharmacology

25–29 Sep 2023
Event's Timezone: Central European Summer Time

microorganisms, Pharmacology, Cells Sciences, biomolecules, Oncology
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Welcome Message

Dear Colleagues,

MDPI would like to invite you to join the MDPI Editor-in-Chief Forum | Medicine and Pharmacology . This forum intends to highlight exciting topics of Microorganisms; Pharmacology; Cells Sciences; Biomolecules; and Oncology in a comprehensive but efficient manner, the event will last for Five Days, which includes time for the discussion of presentations and it is totally free of charge.

We have invited Editors -in-Chief from Hematology Reports, Tomography, Current Oncology, Infectious Disease Reports, Prosthesis, Psychoactives and Reports. They have not only significantly contributed to our journals, but are also recognized for their great achievements in research fields.

We will record the lectures, with the agreement of the lecturers, and deposit them in our online database. We will continue to build this database with brief introductions and summaries of topics across this fascinating field of Microorganisms; Pharmacology; Cells Sciences; Biomolecules; and Oncology. We hope this event is of interest to you, and we welcome you to join us at this forum.

We look forward to seeing you at MDPI Editor-in-Chief Forum | Medicine and Pharmacology . Please find below an outline of the presenters introducing the journals and representing the broad range of journal scopes studies.


25 September 2023, 8:00 am-9:10 am UTC
Journal: Prosthesis
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Time Speaker Presentation Theme
8:00 am – 8:10am


Opening Speech
8:10 am – 8:45am Prof. Dr. Marco Cicciu

Prosthodontics and Prosthesis Related to Dental Implant

8:45am – 9:00am Host

Prosthesis Journal Introduction

9:00am - 9:10am Host Ending Speech
25 September 2023, 1:00 pm-2:10 pm UTC
Journal: Hematology Reports
In order to attend the forum, please register by clicking on the button below.

Time Speaker Presentation Theme
1:00 pm – 1.10 pm Host Opening Speech
1:10 pm – 1.45 pm Dr. Claudio Cerchione The revolution in Multiple Myeloma
1:45 pm – 2:00 pm Host Hematology Reports Journal Introduction
2:00 pm – 2:10 pm Host Ending Speech

26 September 2023, 8:00 am-9:10am UTC
Journals: Infectious Disease Reports
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Time Speaker Presentation Theme
8:00am-8:10am Host Opening Speech
8:10am-8:45am Dr. Nicola Petrosillo Infectious Disease in An Era of Global Change and Emerging Pathogens
8:45am-9:00am Host Infectious Disease Reports Journal Introduction
9:00am-9:10am Host Ending Speech

27 September 2023, 7:00 am-8:10 am UTC
Journals: Reports
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Time Speaker Presentation Theme
7:00 am-7:10 am Host Opening Speech
7:10 am-7:45 am Prof. Dr. Toshio Hattori Biomarkers in Human Diseases
7:45 am-8:00am Host Reports Journal Introduction
8:00 am-8:10am Host Ending Speech

27 September 2023, 1:00 pm-2:10 pm UTC
Journal: Tomography
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Time Speaker Presentation Theme
1:00 pm – 1:10pm Host Opening Speech
1:10 pm – 1:45pm

Prof. Dr. Emilio Quaia

The Hot Topic Research on Tomography

1:45pm – 2:00pm

Host Tomography Journal Introduction
2:00pm - 2:10pm

Host Ending Speech
28 September 2023, 1:00 pm-2:10 pm UTC
Journal: Psychoactives
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Time Speaker Presentation Theme
1:00 pm – 1:10pm Host Opening Speech
1:10 pm – 1:45pm

Prof. Dr. Ricardo Dinis-Oliveira

Uncovering Psychoactive Abuse by Analyzing Real Cases: Preparing An Atlas Based on Signs of Exposure

1:45pm – 2:00pm

Host Psychoactives Journal Introduction
2:00pm - 2:10pm

Host Ending Speech
29 September 2023, 3:00 pm-4:10 pm UTC
Journal: Current Oncology
In order to attend the forum, please register by clicking on the button below.

Time Speaker Presentation Theme
3:00 pm – 3:10pm Host Opening Speech
3:10 pm – 3:45pm

Prof. Dr. Shahid Ahmed

Current Oncology Promotion

3:45pm – 4:00pm

Host Current Oncology Journal Introduction
4:00pm - 4:10pm

Host Ending Speech

Speakers' Profiles

Editor-in-Chief of Prosthesis Journal

Prof. Dr. Marco Cicciu

Prof. Dr. Marco Cicciù is a Dental Science expert who graduated in 07/17/2003 with a grade of 110/110 and honours. He was also the winner of a PhD concourse in Interceptive Orthodontic Science in 2003 and completed a PhD in Interceptive Orthodontic Science in 2006. From 2006, he enrolled in the specialist postgraduate school of Milano University of Oral Surgery. From 13/10/2007 to 17/04/2008, Dr. Marco Cicciù spent time at the Loma Linda University under Head Director Dr. Alan S Herford (California, USA). In that period, he performed animal research on rhBMP2 and bone regeneration techniques with Dr. Philip J Boyne. Currently, he is a visiting Professor and Research Fellow at the Loma Linda University, California, USA. Dr. Cicciù is a reviewer of several international high-impact journals. Between 2003 and 2006, his research activity to complete his PhD thesis included individual study and bibliographic research. His PhD thesis was titled "Functional Outcome of Mandible condyle fractures in young subjects". During 2007/2008 and 2009/2010, Dr. Cicciù was tutor for the Master of Science degree in Dental Implantology at Messina University. On 10 November 2009, Dr. Cicciù completed his post-degree Master of Science specialization in Oral Surgery at the University of Milan with a grade of 70/70 and honours, developing a thesis on growth factor application in oral surgery. He was founder of the PhD course entitled “Bioengineering applied to Medical Science” at Messina University. He is now Vice President of the Italian Society of Oral Surgery. He is also the author of more than 300 indexed publications on Scopus, Medline, and Pubmed journals. His H-index is 50 according to Scopus. He is now the Editor-in-Chief of Prosthesis at MDPI.

Associate Editor of Hematology Reports Journal

Dr. Claudio Cerchione

Dr. Claudio Cerchione works in Hematology Unit of Istituto Romagnolo per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori “Dino Amadori” (IRST) IRCCS, where he is Head of Myeloma Research Group and Principal Investigator of many clinical trials company sponsored and non-company sponsored. He has spent international research experiences in Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität, Bonn, Germany, in Universitade de Coimbra, Portugal, collaborating in their clinical and research projects, and in MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, USA, where he has been nominated International Ambassdor of SOHO (Society of Hematologic Oncology). He is member of the editorial boards of many scientific journals, or Reviewer for several highly cited international journals and member of several international societies and President of Society of Hematologic Oncology Italy (SOHO Italy). In 2018/2019 he was nominated by EHA as one of the winners of Clinical Research Training in Hematology. He is author/co-author of more than one hundred papers in peer-reviewed international journals.

Editor-in-Chief of Infectious Disease Reports Journal

Dr. Nicola Petrosillo

Dr. Nicola Petrosillo is a MD specialist in Infectious Diseases and in Internal Medicine. He is Professor of Infectious Diseases at the International University Saint Camillus in Rome, Italy, and is Head, of the Infection Prevention & Control Service at the University Hospital Campus Bio-Medico in Rome, Italy. For 22 year he has been Director of one Infectious Disease Division at the National Institute for Infectious Diseases “L. Spallanzani” in Rome, Italy.

He is Chair of the ESCMID International Affairs SubCommittee; he is also President of the Multidisciplinary Joint Committee on Infection Control, European Union Medical Specialties (UEMS).

His main fields of interest include emerging and re-emerging infections, pandemic plans, preparedness, communication & health, healthcare associated-infections, severe infections, infection prevention and control, antimicrobial resistance, antimicrobial stewardship,

Since 1996 he has been leader of 21 National Research Programs (Italian Ministry of Health) and of International Projects (COMBACT-CDI, CONNECT PVRI JPIAMR, JPI-EC-AMR, etc) on Infectious Diseases.

He is author/co-author of 445 articles on peer reviewed journals (Scopus H index 62). Author of chapters in books of Infectious Diseases. Invited speaker in several international conferences, symposia and meeting. Peer reviewer of several international journals.

Since 2013, he has been Editor-in-Chief of Infectious Disease Reports.

Editor-in-Chief of Reports Journal

Prof. Dr. Toshio Hattori

Prof. Dr. Toshio Hattori works at the Research Institute of Health and Welfare at Kibi International University. He is also an emeritus Prof. of Tohoku University and a guest Prof. of the Shizuoka Graduate University of Public Health. In graduate school, he reported that ATL cells (HTLV-1 infected cells) are derived from CD4+ cells. After three years as a post-doctoral fellow at NIH, he worked at Kumamoto University and the Institute for Virus Research at Kyoto University and made outstanding achievements in clinical and basic research in ATL and AIDS. He started an international collaborative study at Tohoku University and received Heilongchang scientific achievement awards from China. He found that Galectin-9 is a severity marker of Dengue, Malaria, and AIDS/TB. He also worked as a dean of the Human Security course at the Medical Department, and the course received Tohoku University’s presidential educational awards. He extended his research on Biomarkers of tropical infectious diseases at the International Research Institute of Disaster Science and Kibi International University. He is author/co-author of more than 230 scientific peer-reviewed journals.

Editor-in-Chief of Tomography Journal

Prof. Dr. Emilio Quaia

Prof. Dr. Emilio Quaia is an Italian radiologist, academic, and author. He is a Professor of Radiology and the Director of the Radiology Department at the University of Padova.

Quaia is the editor of the book Contrast Media in Ultrasonography: Basic Principles and Clinical Applications (Medical Radiology), Radiological Imaging of the Kidney (Medical Radiology), and Imaging of the Liver and Intra-hepatic Biliary Tract (Medical Radiology). His research is focused in the field of Radiology, with a particular focus on contrast-enhanced ultrasound and liver, kidney and chest imaging.

Quaia is a European Society of Urogenital Radiology and ESGAR fellow. He is the Editor-in-chief of a health journal, Tomography and the Deputy Editor of Insights into Imaging.

Editor-in-Chief of Psychoactives Journal

Prof. Dr. Ricardo Dinis-Oliveira

Prof. Dr. Ricardo Dinis-Oliveira, PhD, European PhD, DSc, is a Toxicologist and Forensic Sciences Expert. He develops its scientific and academic activity in the areas of Toxicology and Pharmacology of Psychoactive Substances, Pesticides and Medicines, in their preclinical, clinical, and forensic aspects, and in Forensic Medicine, namely the development of mathematical models to calculate the postmortem interval, known as the Holy Grail of Forensic Sciences. He is the author of more than 200 articles published (representing more than 55000 citations) in international indexed journals, with peer review, and author of about 40 book chapters, 4 books and 4 national and 3 international patents. He is a Full Professor at the University Institute of Health Sciences and of the Faculty of Medicine of University of Porto. He is the Director of the Research Unit 1H-TOXRUN – One Health Toxicology Research Unit of IUCS and integrated researcher of UCIBIO-REQUIMTE - Applied Molecular Biosciences Unit/ Associated Laboratory for Green Chemistry, Clean Technologies, and Processes. In 2021 and 2022 he integrated the World’s Top 2% Scientist’s list, which ranks the most highly cited scientists. He is the Scientific Consulting of the companies of pharmaceutical development of Avextra Pharma GmbH and Albert Labs and he is the Technical-Scientific Director of the Center of forensic expertise He is the Director of Medical Writing at MTG Research. According to SCOPUS, his current h index is 37.

Editor-in-Chief of Current Oncology Journal

Prof. Dr. Shahid Ahmed

Prof. Dr. Shahid Ahmed is a medical oncologist at the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency, Saskatchewan, Canada and Professor of Oncology at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. In addition to patients care he has been actively involved in medical education and research. He has PhD in Community and Population Health Sciences. His research interest includes real world and health service research in gastrointestinal and breast cancer. Dr. Ahmed holds several research grants and has been actively involved in collaborative research and clinical trials. He has presented his works at several international meetings and published more than 100 articles in peer-reviewed journals.

Webinar Recording

Prosthesis Session
Prof. Dr. Marco Cicciu - Prosthodontics and Prosthesis Related to Dental Implant


Hematology Reports Session
Dr. Claudio Cerchione - The revolution in Multiple Myeloma


Infectious Disease Reports Session
Dr. Nicola Petrosillo - Infectious Disease in An Era of Global Change and Emerging Pathogens


Reports Session
Prof. Dr. Toshio Hattori - Biomarkers in Human Diseases


Tomography Session
Prof. Dr. Emilio Quaia - The Hot Topic Research on Tomography


Psychoactives Session
Prof. Dr. Ricardo Dinis-Oliveira - Uncovering Psychoactive Abuse by Analyzing Real Cases: Preparing An Atlas Based on Signs of Exposure


Current Oncology Session
Prof. Dr. Shahid Ahmed - Current Oncology Promotion


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