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The First International Conference on Antioxidants: Sources, Methods, Health Benefits and Industrial Applications

10–12 May 2023, Barcelona, Spain

Oxidative Stress, Cardiovascular Diseases, Neurodegenerative Disease, Skin Diseases, Microbiome and Gut Health, Antioxidants Activity
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Welcome from the Chairs

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the first International Conference on Antioxidants: Sources, Methods, Health Benefits, and Industrial Applications.

The conference is organized by the MDPI open access journal Antioxidants (Impact Factor 7.675) and will be held as a three-day event in Barcelona, Spain, 10-12 May, 2023.

Antioxidants represent a huge area of investigation for researchers from many disciplines, and their importance in a variety of fields from health to food to innovative materials is increasingly appreciated.

Despite the enormous amount of research work related to this issue, our knowledge needs to be improved on the mechanism of action, the bioaccesibility and bioavailability of dietary antioxidants, oxidative stress and antioxidant defence systems, antioxidant-based therapeutic strategies, antioxidant functional food, and the design of biomaterials with antioxidant properties for use in biomedical applications or functional packaging. We have to continue pursuing the search for new natural sources of antioxidants while shifting toward sustainable methodologies for their extraction, and, finally, we need to standardize and validate the methods for their analysis and for evaluating and ranking the antioxidant power.

The main topics and sessions of the conference will cover:

The conference will host a number of internationally renowned speakers and invites submissions for oral presentations and posters. We wish the meeting may offer a unique opportunity for direct communication between scholars, favoring personal contacts between younger and experienced researchers on advanced research topics and technological issues.

All presenters at the conference will be encouraged to submit a full manuscript of their presentation for consideration for publication in a Special Issue of Antioxidants .

We look forward to seeing you at this exciting meeting in Barcelona.

Prof. Dr. Alessandra Napolitano, and Prof. Dr. Rosa M. Lamuela Raventos

ICA2023 Conference Chairs

Conference Secretariat

Dr. Elena Gonzalez
Dr. Laura Soto
Ms. Dora Wu
Dr. Ana Sanchis

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Conference Chairs

Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Naples ‘Federico II’, Naples, Italy Website

Alessandra Napolitano, PhD in chemistry, full professor of Organic Chemistry at the Department of Chemical Sciences of Naples University Federico II since 2011. She is the author and co-author of 235 publications on peer reviewed journals including papers and reviews (ISI Web of Science rid/E-9761, h-index 44 March 2020) and book chapters regarding pigmentation, food chemistry and antioxidants of natural origin. Main research interests include: polyphenol antioxidants of dietary origin; human epidermal pigments melanins and related bioinspired pigments; design and preparation of functional biomaterials based on polyphenols and polyphenol containing agri-food wastes. She is the head of the research group working on polyphenol chemistry operating at the Department of Chemical Sciences of Naples Federico II University, and has many active collaborations with international scientific institutions. She is responsible of projects supported by international companies. She has been invited speaker and/or chairperson in several international meetings related to melanin pigmentation and polyphenol chemistry and applications, and has been in charge of the organization of international meetings and schools. She is presently associate editor of the open access journal Antioxidants and guest editor of special issues on several journals. She has served as secretary of the European Society for Pigment Cell Research and Member of the Council of the Federation of Pigment Cell Societies.

Department of Nutrition, Food Sciences and Gastronomy, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Website

Dr. Rosa M Lamuela-Raventós has a Ph.D. in Pharmacy. She is the Director of the Institute for Research on Nutrition and Food Safety (INSA-UB) since December 2015 and Full Professor at the Department of Nutrition, Food Sciences and Gastronomy of the School of Pharmacy and Food Sciences, University of Barcelona. She is among the most influential scientists in the world according the Highly Cited Researchers list published by Clarivate Analytics in 2017, 2018 and 2019. She has published 294 articles and her h-index is 76. In 2018 she received the XXV Danone Institute Award for Scientific Career Dr. Carles Martí Henneberg. Dr. Lamuela-Raventós is the principal investigator of the research group Natural Antioxidants: Polyphenols ( and leads one of CIBEROBN’s ( research groups. She is involved in important national and international projects related to the nutritional interest of bioactive compounds in foods.

Conference Committee

Saarland University, Saarbruecken, Germany

Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Klinik für Dermatologie, Venerologie und Allergologie, Berlin, Germany

National Research Council, Institute of Food Sciences, Avellino, Italy

Khalifa University of Science and Technology, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Associate Professor of Biochemistry, University of Palermo Department of Biological, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies, Italy

University of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Qingdao, China,
Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China

Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of Granada, Granada, Spain

Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of Granada, Granada, Spain

Alegría Carrasco-Pancorbo is Full Professor of the Department of Analytical Chemistry at the University of Granada since 2018. Her scientific contributions have mainly focused on the extraction of compounds of interest from food matrices (olive oil, tropical fruits, etc.) and their subsequent characterization using innovative analytical methodologies based on both targeted and non-targeted metabolomics approaches. All her research experience is supported by more than 110 scientific articles and 22 book chapters. She has participated in more than 32 Research & Development projects financed in public calls and 10 with private companies.

Invited Speakers

Full Professor of Human Nutrition Department of Food and Drugs Head, School of Advanced Studies on Food and Nutrition University of Parma, Italy

Antioxidants and health: evolution of a concept
Daniele is a Professor of Human Nutrition and the Head of the School of Advanced Studies on Food and Nutrition at the University of Parma, Italy. Since December 2022, he has been the Chair of the Board of Directors of the ONFOODS Foundation, coordinating a national consortium of 26 entities carrying out food science and nutrition research in Italy. Dan serves as Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition. He is a proud Commendatore (Commander) of the Italian Republic, a title granted for scientific achievements. Dan has grown a team of young and brilliant scientists, all working on the effects of plant foods on human health, with a specific focus on the interaction of phytochemicals with the human gut microbiota as a mediating step for their beneficial actions towards human physiology.

Department of Medicina, Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona

Antiinflammatory Effects of Antioxidant Compounds from Mediterranean Diet
Professor Ramón Estruch is Senior Consultant of the Department of Internal Medicine at the Hospital Clínic (Barcelona, Spain), Professor of Medicine in the School of Medicine at the University of Barcelona, Member of the Steering Committee of the CIBER of Obesity and Nutrition at the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Government of Spain and Scientific Director of the Mediterranean Diet Foundation, Barcelona, Spain. He has published more than 650 manuscripts in high impact Journals, including 'The New England Journal of Medicine', 'JAMA', 'The Lancet', 'Annals of Internal Medicine', 'Archives of Internal Medicine', 'Circulation' and 'American Journal of Nutrition', among others. In this context, it should be underlined the results of the study “Effects of the Mediterranean Diet on the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease” (PREDIMED study), published in 'The New England Journal of Medicine', that was the second original article more read in the year 2013, and that has been the basis of the dietary guidelines recommended by several governments and scientific societies around the world. Finally, the years 2018, 2019, 2020 y 2021 has been recognized as a 'Highly Cited Researcher' by Claryvate Analytics, USA.

National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, Clermont-Ferrand, France

Databases and metabolomics for assessing intake and bioavailability of polyphenols
Senior scientist at INRAE, Human Nutrition Unit (France), I led projects for 20y on polyphenol bioavailability and nutritional metabolomics. My current interests are 1) metabolomics to assess dietary and phytochemical exposures and relate them to health outcomes 2) polyphenol metabolism, inter-individual variation and links with gut microbiota. I developed PhytoHub, a database on food phytochemicals and their metabolites, currently upgraded for cardiometabolic health effects (JPI FoodPhyt).

Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO) - Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL), Barcelona, Spain

Polyphenol exposure and body weight change: epidemiological to clinical evidence
Raul is a principal investigator at the Unit of Nutrition and Cancer, Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL). He qualified in both Nutrition and Food Science and also obtained a master on Statistics and Epidemiology. He earned his Doctorate from the University of Barcelona in 2008. He did his PostDoc at the IDIBELL, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the University of Cambridge, before joining his current position in 2016. He is interested in whether dietary factors, particularly polyphenols and polyphenol-rich foods, are causally associated with the development of chronic diseases, especially cancer. He is co-author of more than 130 peer-review articles (>5,000 citations, h-index: 42) and above 10 book chapters in his area. ORCID: Website:

University of Valencia, Spain

Genistein as a treatment for prodromal Alzheimer's disease. Results of the GENIAL clinical trial (NCT 01982578).
Professor José Viña was born in Valencia, Spain in 1953. After pursuing his studies in Medicine at the University of Valencia, and doing research work under Prof Hans Krebs (Krebs cycle) in Oxford, he obtained his PhD in 1976. He taught Physiology at Extremadura University and then returned to Valencia and took up his present position as full Professor of Physiology at the University of Valencia. Here Prof Viña combines his teaching duties with research work, the latter in two main lines, ageing and exercise. José Viña leads a successful research group named FRESHAGE working on different aspects of ageing, including healthy ageing, exercise and Alzheimer’s disease. Dr Viña’s work has been acknowledged by his peers. Dr Viña’s papers (including book chapters) have been quoted over 19,900 times, yielding an h-Index of 74 and an extended h-Index (including citations to book chapters) of 78. Dr Viña was the author of the most cited paper in the Biochemical Journal 1978, also in the Free Radical Biology and Medicine in 2003 and the Journal of Gerontology in 2013. He was the most cited author in Free Radical Research 2008. He wrote the second most cited paper in IUBMB Life in 2000, in the Biochemical Journal in 1980 and in Free Radical Biology and Medicine in 2019 (data from

Gdansk University of Technology, Poland

Does endogenous antioxidant system indeed require support from exogenous antioxidants to maintain redox homeostasis?
Agnieszka Bartoszek graduated from Gdansk University of Technology in Gdansk, Poland. In 1990, she was awarded PhD degree in organic chemistry; in 2012 received habilitation in biotechnology and in 2020 the title of professor in exact and natural sciences. Prof. Bartoszek currently holds the position of Full Professor at the Department of Food Chemistry, Technology and Biotechnology at Gdańsk University of Technology (Poland). Initially, her research interests were centered around antitumor compounds interacting with DNA. This scientific area was gradually replaced by the environmental, in particular dietary, risk factors of cancer, to finally embrace dietary prevention of civilization diseases. This research concentrated on chemopreventive potential of dietary phytochemicals and resulted in the cooperation with food industry to design and to elaborate the technology of health oriented functional produces enriched with plant antioxidant bioactives. Another recently undertaken research deals with nutritional importance of dietary nucleic acids. The more theoretical area of her research concerns chemical and electrochemical properties of antioxidants found in plant foods and their impact on cellular redox homeostasis. Prof. Bartoszek is author or coauthor of over 100 scientific publications and chapters in textbooks.

University of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Qingdao, China,
Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China

Nutritionally targeting mitochondria to prevent age-associated diseases: Hydroxytytrosol is a rising star after resveratrol
Dr. Jiankang Liu received his BS from Xi’an Jiaotong Unviersity and PhD of Medical Science from Okayama University School of Medicine, Japan. He completed post-doc training in Dr. Bruce Ames laboratory at University of California, Berkeley and worked as a faculty at University of California at Berkeley, Children Hospital Oakland Research Institute, University of California at Irvine, University of Kentucky College of Medicine, and Shanghai Institute for Nutritional Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Currently, he is a Professor of the University of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at Qingdao and Xi’an Jiaotong Universityat Xi’an, China. Dr. Liu’s research interests include molecular and cellular mechanisms of aging, stress, and age-/stress-associated degenerative diseases with a focus on nutritional regulation of mitochondrial metabolism. He has published more 250 papers with more than 17,000 times citations (H-index 72)and was elected as one of the Most Cited Chinese Researchers in the area of Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology by Elsevier consecutively for 7 years (2015-2021) and the World Top 1.5% or 2% Scientist (2019-2022).

University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain

Institute of Food Science, Technology and Nutrition /Spanish Research Council (ICTAN-CSIC), Madrid, Spain,
CIBER of Diabetes and Metabolic Diaseases, ISCIII, Madrid, Spain

Exploring natural sources of macromolecular polyphenols
Jara Pérez-Jiménez is a Tenured Scientist at the Institute of Food Science, Technology and Nutrition /Spanish Research Council (ICTAN-CSIC), in Madrid, and a member of the CIBER of Diabetes and Associated Metabolic Disease (CIBERDEM), Spain. Her main research interest is the study of non-extractable polyphenols, as un understudied class of dietary bioactive compounds, with particular emphasis on their role in the modulation of cardiometabolic alterations. Her research has given place to more than 90 scientific papers (>7,000 citations, h-index: 38) and the co-edition of a book published by the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK). She was a member of the Committee of Experts in Human Nutrition of the French Agency of Food Safety (2015-18) and is currently a member of the Teófilo Hernando Young Researchers Forum of the Spanish Royal National of Academy.

Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Naples “Federico II “, Italy

Multifaceted application opportunities offered by agri-food waste-derived phenolic compounds
Lucia Panzella is Associate Professor of Organic Chemistry at the Department of Chemical Sciences of University of Naples “Federico II”. Her main research interests include the structural characterization, extraction and evaluation/modulation of the antioxidant properties of natural phenolic compounds with particular reference to the exploitation of these compounds for the development of functional materials to be used in the food, cosmetic, and biomedical sectors. She is coauthor of more than 130 publications on international peer-reviewed journals.

Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Food Science, Toxicology and Forensic Medicine Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitat de València, València, Spain

Antioxidant compounds´ recovery from alternative sources assisted by innovative extraction methodologies
Prof. Francisco J. Barba, Bachelor´s+MSc degrees in both Pharmacy and Food Science and Technology. He obtained an European PhD tesis in 2011 (extraordinary doctorate award) and nowadays he is professor at the University of Valencia, Spain. He has been granted with different predoctoral and postdoctoral fellowships like Marie Curie IEF. Dr. Barba is an international benchmark in the field of innovative food processing technologies and in particular in the use of pulsed electric fields, supercritical fluids, ultrasound, accelerated extraction with solvents, etc. for different agri-food applications. He is the coordinator of the multidisciplinary group “ALISOST – Innovative Technologies to Obtain Sustainable Foods”, with more than 15 people involved and the director of the Master of Sustainable Food Processing. Dr. Barba has participated in more than 20 national and international projects, as Principal Investigator (3 European and 2 national) and as a participant. Currently, he is one of the coordinators of the program AGROALNEXT “Research Program in Food Processing” at the Comunitat Valenciana level, worth 9 million euros and WPleader of the EU projects “AQUABIOPROFIT; H2020-BBI-JTI-2017-790956 and WHEATBIOME. He is the author or co-author of more than 400 publications in journals with a high impact factor (SCOPUS hindex: 77; Google Scholar hindex: 86), more than 12 books edited by prestigious international publishers, and project evaluator for more than 40 agencies, including the European Commission. He was recognized in 2020 and 2021 by the Expertscape ranking as one of the world's leading experts in food preservation and other fields. He has been also awarded as a Highly Cited Researcher (2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022) in Agricultural Sciences as well as Top 2% of scientists worldwide according to the University of Stanford ranking. In addition, he is one of the 100 most outstanding Valencian researchers and has more than 40 articles considered as Highly Cited Papers (Clarivate Analytics, Web of Science).

Conference Schedule

Wednesday 10 May 2023
Thursday 11 May 2023
Friday 12 May 2023

S1. Health Outcomes of Antioxidants and Oxidative Stress - Part I

S3. Natural and Synthetic Antioxidants: Sources, Analysis and Mechanisms of Action - Part I

Coffee Break

Coffee Break

S1. Health Outcomes of Antioxidants and Oxidative Stress - Part II

S3. Natural and Synthetic Antioxidants: Sources, Analysis and Mechanisms of Action - Part II


Lunch and
Poster Session A

Lunch and
Poster Session B


Opening Session - Plenary Lectures

S2. Antioxidant Enzyme Systems - Part I

S4. Natural and Synthetic Antioxidants: Sustainable Methodologies for Recovery and Processing - Part I

Flash Poster Presentations

Coffee Break and Conference Group Photograph

Coffee Break

Welcome Reception

S2. Antioxidant Enzyme Systems - Part II

S4. Natural and Synthetic Antioxidants: Sustainable Methodologies for Recovery and Processing - Part II

Awards Ceremony and
Closing Remarks

Wednesday 10 May 2023: 14:00 – 18:00

Thursday 11 May 2023: 09:00 – 18:00

Friday 12 May 2023: 09:00 – 18:00

Conference Program

Wednesday 10 May 2023

14:00 – 15:00

Registration (Check-in)

15:00 – 15:10

Welcome from the Chairs

Opening Session

Session chairs: Alessandra Napolitano and Rosa Lamuela

15:10 – 15:50

Plenary Talk : Daniele Del Rio - Antioxidants and health: evolution of a concept

Flash Poster Presentations

Session chairs: Alessandra Napolitano and Rosa Lamuela

15:50 – 15:55

Shruti Shandilya - A11. Vitamin K2: A Promising Antioxidative Regimen for Oxidative Stress Induced Organelle Damage in Neurodegenerative Diseases

15:55 – 16:00

Daria Trocka - B4. Can beta-blockers be used as antiglycoxidant drugs? New properties of nebivolol

16:00 – 16:05

Alba Iglesias Mayor - A1. BRS Device: A Point-Of-Care Testing System for Total Antioxidant Activity Determination in Biological Samples

16:05 – 16:10

Bernhard Blank-Landeshammer - A16. Improved in vitro bioavailability of antioxidant phytochemicals through interaction with plant extracts

16:10 – 16:15

Abigail García-Villegas - B12. Revalorization of Avocado By-Products for the Development of Cosmetic Ingredients

16:15 – 16:20

Paweł Przbylski - B30. Polyhydroxyphenols with mitochondrial-targeted moiety

16:20 – 16:25

Marília Goulart - B27. Extracts, Natural Stilbenes, In Placenta Protection: Which Are They and How Do They Work?

16:25 – 16:30

Rita Argenziano - B39. Recovery of low and high molecular weight phenolic compounds endowed with potent antioxidant properties from agri-food byproducts by an ecofriendly and sequential two-steps protocol

16:30 – 16:35

Raquel Rodríguez Solana - B43. Using Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents to extract phenolics from in vitro cultures of the Mediterranean plant Thymus lotocephalus produced in response to abiotic factors

16:35 – 16:40

María Ángeles Martín-Cabrejas - B24. Phenolic compounds from coffee pulp potentially scavenge reactive oxygen and nitrogen species after in vitro digestion

16:40 – 17:20

Plenary Talk : Ramón Estruch - Antiinflammatory Effects of Antioxidant Compounds from Mediterranean Diet

17:20 – 18:20

Welcome Reception

Thursday 11 May 2023

Session 1. Part I

Health Outcomes of Antioxidants and Oxidative Stress

Session chairs: Mario Allegra and Anna Tresserra-Rimbau

09:00 – 09:30

Raul Zamora-Ros - Polyphenol exposure and body weight change: epidemiological to clinical evidence

09:30 – 09:45

Mariano Stornaiuolo - A wave of pro-oxidant metabolites is released by melanoma cells during chemotherapy and triggers paracrine pro-survival epigenetic changes in the tumor microenvironment

09:45 – 10:00

Sabrina Donati Zeppa - High-intensity exercise modifies diet habits and microbiota composition in healthy students

10:00 – 10:15

José Ricardo Pérez-Correa - Overall mass balance analysis of an integrated pressurized liquid extraction and resin purification process for the recovery of phlorotannins from Chilean brown seaweeds

10:15 – 10:30

Ana Barros - Fighting antibiotic resistance : giving a second life to natural compounds

10:30 – 11:00

Coffee Break

Session 1. Part II

Health Outcomes of Antioxidants and Oxidative Stress

Session chairs: Daniele del Rio and Raul Zamora-Ros

11:00 – 11:30

José Viña - Genistein as a treatment for prodromal Alzheimer's disease. Results of the GENIAL clinical trial (NCT 01982578)

11:30 – 11:45

Anna Tresserra-Rimbau - An anti-inflammatory diet, measured by urinary polyphenol excretion, and Metabolic Syndrome in the PREDIMED cohort

11:45 – 12:00

Victoria Olt - Identified phenolic compounds of the colonic fraction from biscuits with Tannat grape pomace present potential to improve gut health

12:00 – 12:15

Raquel Burggraaf-Sánchez de las Matas - Effects of oral Pterostilbene in patients with diabetic retinopathy, a clinical trial

12:15 – 12:30

Bence Pál Barta - Gut-region-specific expression of nuclear factor kappa B p65 in the myenteric ganglia and its microenvironment of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats

12:30 – 14:30

Lunch and Poster Session A

Session 2. Part I

Antioxidant Enzyme Systems

Session chairs: José Viña and Agnieszka Bartoszek

14:30 – 15:00

Jiankang Liu - Nutritionally targeting mitochondria to prevent age-associated diseases: Hydroxytytrosol is a rising star after resveratrol

15:00 – 15:15

Micol Silic-Benussi - Disrupting redox homeostasis and the mTOR pathway to kill T-lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) cells

15:15 – 15:30

Silvia Arribas - Blood pressure reduction and improved plasma GSH in hypertensive rats supplemented with cocoa shell extract

15:30 – 15:45

Martina Meinke - Effects of smoking on skin – application of spectroscopic measurements and biological assays

15:45 – 16:00

Carmela Spagnuolo - Aliophen® Formulation Based on Malts and Hops, characterization, biological activities, and applicative outcomes

16:00 – 16:30

Coffee Break and Conference Group Photograph

Session 2. Part II

Antioxidant Enzyme Systems

Session chairs: Gian Luigi Russo and Martina Meinke

16:30 – 17:00

Agnieszka Bartoszek - Does endogenous antioxidant system indeed require support from exogenous antioxidants to maintain redox homeostasis?

17:00 – 17:15

Silke Lohan - Assessment of the redox homeostasis in blood by EPR spectroscopy using UVA irradiation as stressor

17:15 – 17:30

Laura De Cubas - Monitoring cytosolic and mitochondrial H2O2 and GSH/GSSG levels linked to physiology and pathology

17:30 – 17:45

George Luo - A Core Nrf2 Gene Set through Broad Transcriptomic Analysis is Representative of Nrf2 Activity and Reveals Selective Drug Resistance

17:45 – 18:00

Guillermo López-Lluch - CoQ10 and endothelial cells activity : relationship with cognitive deficiency

Friday 12 May 2023

Session 3. Part I

Natural and Synthetic Antioxidants: Sources, Analysis and Mechanisms of Action

Session chairs: José Ricardo Pérez-Correa and Grzegorz Litwinienko

09:00 – 09:30

Jesus Simal Gandara - Clinical Metabolomics

09:30 – 09:45

Adrianna Piasek - Extract from used coffee grounds as a good source of several antioxidants for skin cells

09:45 – 10:00

Mario Allegra - Evaluation of the neuroprotective potential of Indicaxanthin from Opuntia ficus indica fruit against dysmetabolism-related neurodegeneration in high-fat diet-fed mice.

10:00 – 10:15

Immacolata Castellano - Low molecular weight thiols with antioxidant activity: natural sources and potential health benefits

10:15 – 10:30

Iveta Mintale - Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) seed lipid extract as a supplement to reduce residual risk in patients with coronary heart disease

10:30 – 11:00

Coffee Break

Session 3. Part II

Natural and Synthetic Antioxidants: Sources, Analysis and Mechanisms of Action

Session chairs: Lucia Panzella and Iveta Mintale

11:00 – 11:30

Jara Pérez-Jiménez - Exploring natural sources of macromolecular polyphenols

11:30 – 11:45

Nikola Stamenković - Can the Universal Acidity Scaling formalism explain scavenging processes in antioxidant theory? A new way to link radical- and ion-driven processes, combining kinetics and thermodynamics

11:45 – 12:00

Grzegorz Litwinienko- Polydopamine /melanin nanoparticles as a bionanoantioxidant. Studies in model lipid systems

12:00 – 12:15

Riccardo Amorati - Pro-aromatic terpenes from essential oils : a natural strategy to enhance the radical trapping activity of antioxidants and nanomaterials.

12:15 – 12:30

Layla Simón - Phlorotannin-containing extracts from Chilean brown algae (Durvillae incurvata) inhibit melanoma cell migration

12:30 – 14:30

Lunch and Poster Session B

Session 4. Part I

Natural and Synthetic Antioxidants: Sustainable Methodologies for Recovery and Processing

Session chairs: Jara Pérez-Jiménez and Luca Valgimigli

14:30 – 15:00

Lucia Panzella - Multifaceted application opportunities offered by agri-food waste-derived phenolic compounds

15:00 – 15:15

Diana Pinto - Screening of a novel nutraceutical ingredient extracted from chestnut shells by in-vitro and in-vivo assays – An insight into metabolomic approaches

15:15 – 15:30

Federica Tonolo - From agri-food waste to functional foods: the molecular mechanism of Nrf2-activating sunflower seed-derived antioxidant bioactive peptides

15:30 – 15:45

Maria Laura Alfieri - Hexamethylenediamine-mediated deposition of catechol-based thin films with potent antioxidant activity

15:45 – 16:00

Salvio Suárez - A Universal and Versatile Approach to Antimicrobial Coatings via copolymerization of a catechol and a diamine

16:00 – 16:30

Coffee Break

Session 4. Part II

Natural and Synthetic Antioxidants: Sustainable Methodologies for Recovery and Processing

Session chairs: Alessandra Napolitano and Rosa Lamuela

16:30 – 17:00

Francisco J. Barba - Antioxidant compounds´ recovery from alternative sources assisted by innovative extraction methodologies

17:00 – 17:15

Faye Langston - The impact of broccoli pre-processing on the bioaccessibility and intestinal cell uptake of glucosinolates and carotenoids from broccoli baked snacks

17:15 – 17:30

Elisabetta Esposito - Ethosomes and Transethosomes for polyphenol transdermal administration

17:30 – 17:45

Emily Pilar Laveriano Santos - Gender Differences between Total Polyphenols in Urine and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Adolescents from Spain

17:45 – 18:00

Ancuta Nartea - The effects of mild baking processing, reproductive cycle and alternative aquafeed in the lipid quality and oxidative stress of fish fillets: the role of carotenoids and tocopherols

18:00 – 18:15

Awards Ceremony and Closing Remarks

Poster Sessions

Posters have been divided in two groups and will be presented in one of the two poster sessions:

  • Poster Session A – Thursday, 11 May 2023; 13:15-14:30h. Posters A1 to A45. Posters should be set up during Thursday morning and must be removed by 6pm on the same day.
  • Poster Session B – Friday, 12 May 2023; 13:15-14:30h. Posters B1 to B44. Posters should be set up during Friday morning and must be removed by 6pm on the same day.

The session in which each poster will be presented can be found HERE, together with the posters' numbers, titles, and presenters' names. Please contact us if the poster presenter's name is incorrect in the list (last update 9 May 2023).

Each presenter will be provided with a vertical poster board. Note that maximum poster size limited to A0: 84 x 120 cm / 33 x 47 in (width x height) in vertical orientation (portrait). Please print your poster prior to the conference.

Conference Book

To view this content, you need to be logged in to Sciforum platform and registered to this specific event.


The registration fee includes attendance of all conference sessions, morning/afternoon coffee breaks and lunches, Welcome Cocktail on the 10th of May, conference bag and program book.

Participation to the conference is considered final only once the registration fees have been paid. The number of participants is limited: once the number of paid registrations reaches the maximum number of participants, unpaid registrations will be cancelled.

Please note that, in order to finalize the scientific program in due time, at least one registration by anyone of the authors, denoted as Covering Author, is required to cover the presentation and publication of any accepted abstract. Covering Author registration deadline is 4 April 2023. Your abstract will be withdrawn if your registration is not complete by this date.

When registering, please provide us with your institutional email address. This will accelerate the registration process. If you are registering several people under the same registration, please do not use the same email address for each person, but their individual institutional email addresses. Thank you for your understanding.

Certificate of Attendance: Participants of the event will be able to downlod an electronic Certificate of Attendance by accessing their dashboards on once the event is concluded. The certificates will be found under "My Certificates" category.

Early Bird
Until 26 February 2023
Until 1 May 2023
Supported documents
Academic 450.00 EUR 550.00 EUR
Student 250.00 EUR 300.00 EUR Scanned copy or photograph of your current student ID is required.
Guest Editor/Board Member of Antioxidants 300.00 EUR 400.00 EUR
Antioxidants Author/Reviewer 380.00 EUR 450.00 EUR
Members of Partnering Societies 400.00 EUR 490.00 EUR Verification of your current membership with a Partnering Society is required (i.e. society membership certificate or a receipt showing proof of your society membership fee payment).
Non-Academic 650.00 EUR 750.00 EUR
Chairs, Invited Speakers, and Committee Members Free Free
Cancellation policy

Cancellation of paid registration is possible under the terms listed below:

> 2 months before the conference

Full refund but 60 EUR are retained for administration

> 1 month before the conference

Refund 50% of the applying fees

> 2 weeks before the conference

Refund 25% of the applying fees

< 2 weeks before the conference

No refund

Payment methods

Wire transfer, Credit card

Instructions for Authors

The "First International Conference on Antioxidants" (ICA2023) will accept abstracts only.
The accepted abstracts will be available online on during and after the conference. Moreover, participants will have the opportunity to contribute with a full manuscript to a special issue related to the conference in the journal Antioxidants.
Please note that abstract submission and conference registration are two separate processes. Please use the same email address during registration and when submitting your work.

To register for the conference, please follow this link.
  • Create an account on and click "Submit New Abstract to ICA 2023" on the left panel.
  • Choose a session which is best suited for your research.
  • Submit an abstract in English - the word limits are minimum 150 words and maximum 300 words. .
  • The deadline to submit your abstract has been extended to 20 January 2023. You will be notified by 20 February 2023 regarding the acceptance of your submission.
  • Upon submission, you can select if you wish to be considered for oral or poster presentation (or both). Following assessment by the Chairs and Conference Committee, you will be notified by 20 February 2023 whether your contribution has been accepted for oral or poster presentation.
  • Please note that, in order to finalize the scientific program in due time, at least one registration by anyone of the authors, denoted as Covering Author, is required to cover the presentation and publication of any accepted abstract. Covering Author registration deadline is 4 April 2023.
Oral Presentations

Short talks will be 15 min long including questions (12+3 Q&A). The typical presentation should be up to 10–12-minute talk.

Flash Poster Presentations

Ten poster presenters will be selected to give a Flash poster presentation. Flash poster presentations will be held in a special session on the first day of the event and will last 5 minutes. There won’t be questions afterwards. Therefore, we would like to encourage you to invite the attendees to visit your poster at the end of your presentation.


Each presenter will be provided with a vertical poster board. Maximum poster size limited to A0: 84 x 120 cm / 33 x 47 in (width x height) in vertical orientation (portrait). Please print your poster prior to the conference. A plan of the poster session will be circulated later on.

Publication Opportunities

Venue, Travel and Accommodation



Barcelona is the capital and largest city of Catalonia and is Spain's second largest city, with a population of over one and half million people.

Located on the northeastern Mediterranean coast of Spain, this city has a rich and diverse history, with its roots dating back to Roman times. The fruitful medieval period established Barcelona's position as the economic and political centre of the Western Mediterranean. The city's Gothic Quarter bears witness to the splendour enjoyed by the city from the 13th to the 15th centuries.

The 20th century ushered in widespread urban renewal throughout Barcelona city, culminating in its landmark Eixample district, which showcases some of Barcelona's most distinctive Catalan art-nouveau, or modernista, buildings. The Catalan Antoni Gaudí, one of the most eminent architects, designed buildings such as La Pedrera, the Casa Batlló and the Sagrada Família church, which have become world-famous landmarks.

In 1992, Barcelona gained international recognition by hosting the Olympic games which brought about a massive upturn in its tourism industry. For visitors, this has translated into the very modern, yet incredibly old city you see now in the 21st century, where new elements work to both preserve and celebrate both the city’s heritage and origins.

Barcelona is plenty of outdoor markets, restaurants, shops, museums, and churches. The city is also very walkable, with an extensive and reliable Metro system for more far-flung destinations.

For a complete overview, see or visit


The AXA Convention Centre is located in a vibrant modern zone of the city, with easy access from the airport, as well as the urban and suburban areas of the city. It is part of the "L'Illa Diagonal", a modern complex which includes a shopping centre, two 4-stars hotels, several offices, a sports centre, a public park, and a parking with 2500 spaces.

Address: Carrer Deu i Mata, 111, 08029 Barcelona (



The international airport of Barcelona is called Barcelona-El Prat and is located 10 km far from the city centre. The airport is well connected to airport hubs in Europe and several locations around the world. For more information about the airport and flights, please visit the official website

Once you get to the airport, you have several options to reach the city centre and/or the conference venue.

To the city centre:

- By shuttle bus: AEROBUS ( This bus connects Barcelona Airport (Terminal 1 and Terminal 2) with the city center (Pl. Catalunya) in 35 minutes. It runs every day of the year with departures every 5 minutes and cost 6,75 €.

- By train: TRAIN R2 NORD ( This train connects the Terminal 2 of the airport with the city center (Barcelona-Passeig de Gràcia). It runs every day of the year with departures every 30 minutes and cost 4,60 €.

- By taxi: taxis just outside the arrival area. The taxi from the airport to the city center (Plaza Catalunya) costs approximately 30-35€. Public taxis can apply four types of fares in Barcelona. These fares must be visible inside the taxi, and are usually printed on a sticker over the window. Finally, the amount payable must be indicated on the taximeter. VTC apps that work in Barcelona are Bolt and Cabify and might offer cheaper rates.

To the conference venue:

- By metro: LINE L9 ( This metro line connects Barcelona Airport (Terminal 1 and Terminal 2) with the north-west of the city (Zona Universitària). From here you can take TRAM T1, T2, T3 (get off at L'Illa stop) or bus 7, 67 (get off at Diagonal - Entença stop) ( The metro from the airport costs 5,15 € and the tram or bus 2,40 €. You can buy the bus/tram ticket at the tram stop or on the bus.

- By taxi: taxis just outside the arrival area. The taxi from the airport to the conference venue costs approximately 30-35€. VTC apps that work in Barcelona are Bolt and Cabify and might offer cheaper rates.


Barcelona Sants station is Barcelona's largest train station and provides rail services both in and around Barcelona and for the whole of Spain and beyond. For more information about the station and train service, please visit the official website

Once you get to the station, you have the following options to reach the conference venue:

- By bus: LINES V7 or 78 (

- By taxi: taxis just outside the station. The taxi from the station to the conference venue costs about 10 €.


We want your stay in Barcelona during the conference to be as good as possible. With that in mind, we have agreed a discount with several hotels to make your accommodation choice easier. Please book your accommodation online and contact the hotels directly with any issues or requests related to accommodation bookings.

We are delighted to announce that the following hotels will offer a discounted price for all ICA 2023 attendees:

  • Arenas Atiram: The Arenas Atiram Hotel offers a highly personalized service together with very friendly, elegant facilities, and it is within walking distance from the conference venue.
  • Oriente Atiram and Meson Castilla Atiram: Located in Las Ramblas, have a fantastic central location, next to Plaza Catalunya and the famous Boqueria market, 25-30 minutes away (by metro) from the conference venue.
  • Tres Torres Atiram: Located in the center of one of the best residential neighbourhoods of Barcelona, next to the distinguished commercial and leisure districts Diagonal Avenue, 1.5 km away from the conference venue.
Please add the 10% discount code ‘MDPI23’ while making your reservation in any of the Atiram hotels.
    • Hostal Aslyp 114: The Hostal Aslyp114 is a cosy hotel with private rooms, located just 10 minutes away from the conference venue. Please add the 5% discount code ‘BCN114’ and indicate that you will be attending ICA2023 while making your reservation.
    Beware of Unauthorized Registration and Hotel Solicitations
    Note that Sciforum is the only official registration platform to register to ICA2023, and that we are not associated with any hotel agency (other than the listed above). While other hotel resellers and travel agencies may contact you with offers for your trip, they are not endorsed by or affiliated with ICA2023 or Sciforum. Beware that entering into financial agreements with non-endorsed companies can have costly consequences.

    Visa Support Letters

    • Applicants must have paid for registration and submitted an abstract in order to get a letter of support.
    • Applicants must provide us with a scan of their valid in date passport that contains a photo of them.
    • Applicants must provide us with an academic CV, two references from their institution (contact information including institutional email and phone) and a letter of support from their institution to confirm that they support the delegate attending the meeting.
    • This must be carried in good time before the meeting, “last minute” requests will not be processed.

    Event Awards

    In order to recognize the works presented during the conference in the format of posters and presentations, two awards will be offered to our conference participants, sponsored by the journal Antioxidants. Awards will be announced during the Award Ceremony on the last day of the conference.

    The Awards
    Best Oral Presentation (500€)

    Number of Awards Available: 1

    Selected by the Scientific Committee after evaluation of all selected talks presented during the conference.
    Best Poster (300€)

    Number of Awards Available: 1

    Determined through a vote by all attendees. Please vote for the Best Poster here:

    Event Awardees

    We are pleased to announce that the ICA 2023 Best Oral Presentation Award, judged by the Conference Chairs, Invited Speakers, and Scientific Committee, has been granted to:

    Diana Pinto - Screening of a novel nutraceutical ingredient extracted from chestnut shells by in-vitro and in-vivo assays – An insight into metabolomic approaches

    The ICA 2023 Best Poster Award, voted on by our attendees, has been granted to:

    Mariela Rodríguez - B26. Exploration of grape pomace flour and amaranth flour as functional ingredients in the elaboration of breads: phenolic composition, antioxidant capacity and simulated digestion

    Congratulations to the awardees!

    Sponsors and Partners

    We invite you and your company to participate in and sponsor ICA 2023! Find all information on sponsorship opportunities in our Sponsorship Agenda. If you have any questions or wish to discuss options further, please do not hesitate to contact the Conference Secretariat. We thank you for your consideration!



    Partnering Societies

    Media Partners
