Rural landscapes, shaped by centuries of interaction between humans and nature, represent vital cultural heritage and are among the most significant expressions of a nation’s identity.
In the Mediterranean, olive groves and rural areas contribute significantly to biodiversity, soil protection, and ecosystem resilience. However, these landscapes face threats from the abandonment of traditional farming practices and the intensification of agriculture. To address these challenges, land cover classification and change detection techniques offer valuable tools for assessing, preserving, and restoring olive groves.
This study focuses on identifying rural landscapes of historical significance in the Lazio region (Italy) and assessing their conservation status. Specifically, the olive landscape of Cures, located in the historic province of Sabina, was analysed using a multi-temporal approach that combined historical literature and cartographic data, including orthophotos from 1954.
The research employed the VASA (Historical Environmental Assessment) methodology, a technique designed to evaluate the evolution of landscapes, providing insights into changes in agricultural practices and land use. Software and tools such as Collect Earth and Google Earth were utilised to examine high-resolution satellite images from different periods, allowing for the photointerpretation of land-use changes. The spatial distribution of identified land units was estimated to capture the landscape’s configuration.
By overlaying land-use polygons from 1954 and 2022, the study created a merged database that revealed the evolutionary dynamics of the landscape. This analysis identified key elements of the Cures landscape, highlighted areas at risk of degradation, and pinpointed landscape emergencies—land uses that have experienced significant reductions in area. The findings underscore the importance of these methodologies for enhancing the understanding of rural landscapes, providing essential data to support sustainable agricultural practices and the preservation of cultural traditions. By implementing these strategies, it is possible to better manage and protect these landscapes, ensuring the environmental balance of agricultural lands is maintained.