1st International Conference of Environmental Medicine
Environmental Threats To Human Health: From Genetics To Epigenetics
11 September 2024, Chieti, Italy
Environment, Health, Epigenetics, Nutrition, Climate changes, Wellbeing
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Welcome from the Chairs
The Italian Society of Environmental Medicine (SIMA) and the University "Gabriele d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara are glad to present the first International Conference of Environmental Medicine addressing the impacts of environmental exposures on human health in an epigenetic perspective.
The choice of University of Chieti as conference venue is not a case, as it is internationally recognized in the field of epigenetics.
We are waiting for you in Italy to start changing the world by starting to change the way we look at medicine.
Alessandro Miani (SIMA President)
Liborio Stuppia (Rector of G. D'Annunzio University)
Event Chairs

President of Italian Society of Environmental Medicine

President of Environmental Health Research Organization

Rector of "Gabriele D'Annunzio" University of Chieti-Pescara
Opening Lecture

Sir Richard Roberts
NOBEL Prize for Medicine
Main Speakers

Prof. Andrea Baccarelli
Dean of T. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard University, Boston

Director Maria Neira
Director of the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Health, World Health Organization, Geneve

Prof. Vasilis Vasiliou
Department Chair and Professor of Epidemiology (Environmental Health Sciences) at Yale School of Public Health (USA)

Prof. Annamaria Colao
UNESCO Chair on Health Education and Sustainable Development, Naples

Prof. Sir Andrew Haines
Prof. of Environmental Change and Public Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Lancet Commission on Pollution and Health

Prof. Marcella Trombetta
Dean of the Department of Science and Technology for Sustainable Development and One Health, Campus Biomedico University, Rome

Prof. Alessio Fasano
Professor of Nutrition, T. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard University

Director Veronica Manfredi
Director for Zero Pollution and Green Cities, European Commission, Bruxelles

Prof. Salvatore Ippolito
Former United Nations Officer and SESMA President

Prof. Paola Fermo
Full Professor of Chemistry, University of Milan

Prof. Giovanni Leonardi
Head of Environmental Epidemiology, UK Agency for Security and Health, London

Dr. Rachel Hodgdon
President and CEO of the International Well Buinding Institute (IWBI), New York

Prof. Marcello Iriti
Professor of Pharamecutical Biology, University of Milan

Dr. Rita Trombin
President of the Italian Academy of Biophilia (AIB)

Dr. Robert Ainslie
President of Laureate Science Alliance (LSA)

Prof. Yuexin Yang
President of Chinese Nutrition Society

Prof. Luigi Falciola
Professor of Analytical Chemistry, University of Milan

Prof. Nicola Mammarella
Director of Department of Psichological Sciences, Health and Territory, Gabriele D'Annunzio University

Prof. Ivan Gentile
Full Professor of Infectious Diseases, Federico II University, Naples

Dr. Fabrizio Capaccioli
President of the Italian Green Building Council

Prof. Saverio Mecca
Emeritus of Architecture at University of Florence

Prof. Enrico Greco
University of Trieste
General information
The conference is open to the participation of all the interested people in a multi-disciplinary perspective (medical doctors, biologists, biotechnologists, psychologists, engineers, chemists etc.). For the registration, please use the REGISTRATION FORM and send it to the following email: internationalconference@simaitalia.org
Participation fee
The participation fee is 250 Euros, including conference registration, poster exhibition, lunch buffet and cocktail dinner at the event.
The participation fee must be paid before 10/09/2024 by using the following IBAN entitled to "SIMA":
Students' participation fee is 100 Euros. Participation is free for students, teachers, personnel and hospital staff of "Gabriele D'Annunzio University" as well as for students of the Italian Association of Medical Students (SISM) and International Federation of Medical Students Association (IFMSA).
Abstract Submission
Abstracts should include the following sections: Objective; Methods; Results; Conclusions - All the abstracts selected by the SIMA Scientific Committee will be allowed for the Poster Exhibition section at the conference venue (the format of the posters to be printed by the authors will be communicated with their email of approval).
Venue of the Conference
Logistics: Transfers at fixed time on September 10th and 11th will be provided by the organizing committee from the International Airport of Rome Fiumicino (1 hour 45 min distance) and from the Airport of Pescara (15 minutes – connected with the European hub of Milan Bergamo BGY Airport) to the Conference Venue in Chieti. At least two weeks before the conference, the timetable of the trasfers will be available on the conference website.
Housing: The following hotels are the closest to the conference venue: