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2017 The 3rd International Conference on Inventions

29 September–2 October 2017, Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan
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A. SPINTECH Technology Thesis Awards Section (For authors attend both Spintech awards and Ici2017, Abstract deadline extended: 4 July)

SPINTECH Technology Thesis Awards collocated with ICI2017


Spintech Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.
“Let Your Industry Revolve Around Us”is SPINTCH commitment to customers. SPINTECH quality policy is satisfied for customer, supplying a suitable product and serving, and keep on of improvement. In order to assist the progress of applied science and engineering technology, promote the atmosphere of industry-academic cooperation, and encourage outstanding talented people to join R & D work to let theory and practical implementing connect and interact effectively, establishing the base of the development of industry. With SPINTECH Technology Thesis Award, contestants can improve their research abilities and industry can choose talented people. This can make the cooperation and exchanging ideas between industry and academia.
The theme of the competition are "Recent Trends in Computing and Precision Engineering”,“Recent Trends in Energy and bio-/Nano-materails”,“Cloud Application in SPINTECH Spindle (SPINTECH-Cloud)”and“The Innovation Application of High Speed Spindle”
There are three categories of the competition:
1. Thesis Award
2. Spintech Highspeed Spindle Practice Competition
3. Capstone Project Competition

Topics of competition papers include, but not limited to the following

(1)Modeling and computing technology
(2)Smart machines and systems
(5)Smart material
(6)Smart devices
(7)Smart energy system
(8)Smart sensors and actuators
(9)Smart instruments
(10)Intelligent control system
(11)Smart design technology
(12)Smart information and communication system
(13)New physical or chemical experiments and analysis
(14)New key industrial technologies

The manuscript must be written in English. 

Rules of Contest 

1. The originality of the thesis
    a. Innovative technology
    b. Breakthroughs of the originality of the theory
2. High academic and applied value
    a. Theoretical derivation or model construction
    b. The prototypes of experiments or the establishment of the systems
    c. The promotion of engineering technical standards
    d. Domestic invention of novel technology
3. Framework and organization for your article
   The completeness of the references, the fitness of the framework, approach methods, as well as the qualification of the figures and data will also be taken into consideration.     
   a. Please write your abstract first for initial consideration.
   b. If your abstract is accepted, the minimum requirement of your final paper is six pages.
   c. The template package for the full papers: ( Click )

There are three prizes and several Honorable Mentions to be won in this year's competition. Fine Creation Award goes to the one who is nominated to the finals. The instructors of winners will get a certificate of merit. The certificates of merit and the money awards will be mailed and wired to winners after the Presentation ceremony.
Money Award
For Advisors
For Students
Gold Medal
100,000NTD / 3,300USD
20,000NTD / 660USD
Silver Medal
35,000NTD / 1,155USD
15,000NTD / 495USD
Bronze Medal
17,000NTD / 560USD
8,000NTD / 264USD
Honorable Mention
5,000NTD / 165USD
5,000NTD / 165USD

Gold Medal Award: a certificate of merit and money award.
Silver Medal Award: a certificate of merit and money award.
Bronze Medal Award: a certificate of merit and money award.
Honorable Mention: a certificate of merit and money award.
Fine creation Award: a certificate of merit.


Last year, SPINTECH Technology Thesis Awards collocated with the 2016 International Conference on Inventions, held in Kenting, Taiwan, was an outstanding success. The technology thesis awards went to many potential scholars and students who distributed themselves into the field of technological researches.

The Number of the Prizewinners
Gold Medal
Silver Medal
Bronze Medal
Honorable Mention


B. Inventions and innovation in advanced manufacturing

C. Inventions/innovation in applied optics and lasers

D. Inventions/innovation in devices, sensors and actuators

E. Inventions/innovation in smart system

F. Inventions/innovation in Electro/Opto/Mechatronic Systems

G. Inventions/innovation in energy and thermal/fluidic science

H. Invention/innovations in biotechnology/materials

I. Inventions/innovation in surface science/ nanotechnology

J. Design/modeling/computing methods

K. Inventions and Innovation in smart design

L. Inventions and Innovation in Electrical Engineering/Energy/Communications

M. Others related to Inventions

N. Micro & Nanoscale Heat Transfer & Energy Workshop(MNHTE2017, Chairman: Prof. Huei Chu Weng)

We would like to invite you to attend in the 4th Micro & Nanoscale Heat Transfer and Energy Workshop (MNHTE2017), organized by the Heat and Mass Transfer Society of Taiwan with Chung Yuan Christian University, and the other Universities in Taiwan, following up a series of workshops that have been held every year since the first workshop held in National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan in 2014. Our aims are collecting, exchanging, and promoting knowledge in this interdisciplinary emerging field. Advances in research projects and development in relative technology will also be covered. The workshop collocated with ICI2017 will include keynote and invited presentations, oral and poster presentations, as well as panel discussions on current trends in micro/nanoscale heat and transfer and its future opportunities in renewable energy. Look forward to seeing you at Sun Moon Lake Teachers' Hostel on September 30 - October 1, 2017.

微奈米尺度熱傳及能源國際工作坊 將於2017年9月30日-10月1日(週六、日)在日月潭教師會館舉行,自2014年第一屆由國立成功大學舉辦,迄今第四屆由中原大學主辦,並由台灣熱質傳學會組織運作。本工作坊的目的在促進國內外學術合作與交流,參與的講者包括國內外知名大學教師、研究學者及相關領域專家。主題以微奈米尺度熱傳及能源為重點,參與專家學者們交流微觀熱傳的重要概念、研究方法與最新發展,同時也分享在能源相關領域的應用與技術突破。我們竭誠期待學者專家們的參與,更歡迎媒體採訪及各界共襄盛舉。

X1. Invited Session: Advanced Materials and Sensors (Chairman: Prof. Tao-Hsing Chen)

Invited Session Organized by Chairman: Prof. Tao-Hsing Chen, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan

X2. Invention/innovation in energy saving technology (Chairman:Prof. Win-Jet Luo)

Invited Session Organized by Chairman: Prof. Win-Jet Luo, National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Taiwan

X3. Innovation in Smart Sensor, Metrology & Intelligent Automation System (Chairman: Prof. Chin-Sheng Chen)

X4. Nanomaterials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy ( Chairmam Prof. Ming-Tsang Lee)

Guest Editor
Prof. Dr. Ming-Tsang Lee

Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan
Website | E-Mail
Phone: +886-4-22840433 ext. 419
Interests: heat transfer; nanocatalysis; energy conversion; advanced manufacturing
Guest Editor
Prof. Dr. Coleman X. Kronawitter

Department of Chemical Engineering, University of California at Davis, Davis, CA, USA
Website | E-Mail
Interests: energy conversion; electrocatalysis; materials design, surface science
Guest Editor
Prof. Dr. Seung Hwan Ko

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Website | E-Mail
Interests: nanomaterials; flexible electronics; stretchable electronics; laser processing

Dear Colleagues,

The utilization of nanomaterials in technologies for renewable energy and sustainability applications continues to represent an important area of academic and commercial research. There are numerous mechanisms by which the integration of nanomaterials can improve device performance. These include, for example, facilitation of increased harvesting and conversion efficiencies, simplified and rapid manufacturing processes for novel device architectures, and improved energy storage properties. We invite authors to contribute original research articles or comprehensive review articles covering the most recent progress and new developments in the design and utilization of nanomaterials for highly efficient, novel devices relevant to applications in renewable energy and sustainability. This special issue aims to cover a broad range of subjects, from nanomaterials synthesis to the design and characterization of energy devices and technologies with nanomaterial integration. The format of welcomed articles includes full papers, communications, and reviews. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

  1. Nanomaterials development, synthesis, and fabrication for renewable energy applications;
  2. Novel micro/nanofabrication technologies for efficient energy devices;
  3. Design and preparation of novel nanotextured/nanostructured surfaces for improved energy harvesting and conversion efficiencies;
  4. Low-dimensional nanomaterials or nanocomposites for renewable energies;
  5. Green techniques for energy-related nanomaterials processing;
  6. Nanomaterial-based technologies for sustainability and environmental issues;
  7. Other studies of nanoscience and nanotechnology associated with renewable energy and sustainability.

* This event is managed by external organizers. Sciforum is not responsible for the content posted on this website.