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Comparative Yield Response of Two Alfalfa Cultivars to Biostimulant Supply

Improving alfalfa biomass yield production through an eco-friendly approach is crucial for sustainable agriculture productivity. A study was conducted at the University of Debrecen, Hungary, to examine the effect of biostimulant application on two alfalfa biomass yield performances and identify potential cultivar-specific responses to the biostimulant treatment. Two alfalfa cultivars, (i) Magor and (ii) Hunor, were subjected to biostimulant supply under field conditions, and biomass yield was harvested four times on a plot basis. The experiment was arranged in a randomised complete block design (RCBD) with four treatment combinations consisting of T0 = control, T1 Biostimulant containing MTU®, pidolic acid, and Si (2.5L/ha); T2 = Tricho Immun + Ino Green (foliar fertilizer) (3+3L/ha); and T3 = Tricho Immun (3L/ha) replicated three times. Our findings show significant differences in yield responses between the two cultivars following the application of biostimulant treatments with or without foliar fertilizer. Hunor exhibited a significant increase in biomass yield of 8.73% compared to 6.27% Magor across all the harvested periods. The application of biostimulants with or without foliar fertilizer significantly increases biomass yield production, highlighting differential responses based on cultivar genetics. The treatment applied attained biomass yield in the range of 17959 kg/ha to 19983.75 kg/ha, which contributed a yield increase of 1.10% to 11.27% for Magor, while 15534 kg/ha to 17347 kg/ha was observed for Hunor, contributing a yield increase in the range of 8.11% to 11.67%. Our results indicate that Hunor had a better yield response to biostimulant application compared to Magor. The study contributes valuable insights to optimizing alfalfa production strategies, focusing on the potential of biostimulants in enhancing alfalfa crop yield performances and agricultural sustainability.

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The Jatropha curcas as a substitute for Ricinus communis in biodiesel production in the semi-arid region of Brazil
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In Brazil, public policies have been promoting the use of renewable energies, with a particular emphasis on biofuels, as well as research for the replacement of fossil fuels, among which biodiesel stands out. The primary species used for biodiesel production is castor bean (Ricinus communis), widely disseminated in the semi-arid region due to its resistance to long dry periods and its requirement for highly fertile soils. However, another crop is emerging in this process: the Jatropha curcas L. This species, native to Brazil and belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family, the same as castor bean, requires strong sunlight and is also highly drought-resistant. Additionally, it can tolerate increased rainfall and soils with poor chemical characteristics. This study presents the results of three years of cultivation of Jatropha curcas and castor bean at the Rio Seco Experimental Station (Amélia Rodrigues, Bahia, Brazil), a region located on the marginal zone of the semi-arid area, which is also hot but has a higher rainfall index and chemically poor soils, comparing their productivity and respective edaphoclimatic aptitudes. It was observed that castor bean has a significant restriction concerning humidity, as its cultivation and development showed low production, frequently associated with fungal action due to humidity and low yield due to the type of soil, resulting in non-viability for biofuel production in this region. However, Jatropha curcas showed better results, indicating greater adaptability. Nevertheless, Jatropha curcas is still a little-known plant, both in its productive cycle and productivity, requiring further studies to efficiently monitor its phenological cycle and the duration of its productive cycle.

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The role of Opuntia ficus-indica in mitigating climate change impacts on vineyards: a physiological and molecular approach
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Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) is one of the most widely cultivated species globally, due to its role in the wine industry. Production loss in vineyards is partly due to the high radiation levels associated with extreme temperatures. To mitigate this problem, various techniques have been adopted to enhance plant resilience, such as the application of natural substances. These substances are compounds, microorganisms or an amalgamation of both that, when applied to plants, could improve tolerance under environmental stresses and increase nutrient uptake and plant growth, without being classified as pesticides or fertilizers.

The application of natural substances derived from cactus species to agricultural crops has proven effective in increasing tolerance to both biotic and abiotic stress. In this study, an aqueous extract prepared from the cladodes of prickly pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) was applied to V. vinifera cv. 'Aragonês' plants under heat stress (42◦C) to explore its potential for protecting vines from heat stress. The effect of extract application was assessed by measuring various physiological parameters (stomatal conductance, relative water content, chlorophyll content, water potential and leaf temperature) and by analysing the whole proteome profile through the two-dimensional electrophoresis technique. Parameters were evaluated in leaves collected prior to extract application, and at 2, 7 and 15 days post-application.

The analysis of physiological parameters did not indicate a positive effect of the extract application in mitigating the effects of heat stress in grapevine. The protein spots detected as differentially expressed between vines submitted to heat stress with and without application of the extract suggest a probable involvement of proteins related to abiotic stress response, revealing an effect of Opuntia ficus-indica extract on grapevines. To our knowledge, this study is the first to employ Opuntia ficus-indica extract as a natural substance to mitigate sunburn effects on grapevines, providing strategies for future field applications.

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Brewing Sustainability: Transforming Coffee Waste into Powerful Crop Protectors—A Circular Economy Approach
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The coffee industry generates substantial waste, which is often discarded, creating environmental and economic challenges. However, these residues can be a valuable source of bioactive compounds with antimicrobial properties, presenting an opportunity for their use in crop protection, both pre- and post-harvest. Following circular economy principles, this study proposes the extraction and characterization of bioactive products from coffee byproducts and evaluates their antifungal activity against pathogens affecting coffee plants and/or stored coffee beans. The proposed method for recovering coffee residues (extraction in aqueous ammonia medium followed by freeze-drying) has proven cost-effective for caffeine production and competitive with current methods. In vitro activity assays demonstrated the high antimicrobial activity of the extracts against Fusarium xylarioides, Aspergillus flavus, A. niger, and Penicillium verrucosum. The minimum inhibitory concentrations ranged from 15.6 to 375, 31.2 to 1000, 62.5 to 1000, and 62.5 to 1500 μg/mL, respectively, depending on the residue used. The extract with the highest activity, derived from silver skin, was tested for the pre-harvest protection of coffee plants and the post-harvest protection of coffee beans. At a concentration of 62.5 μg/mL, it demonstrated complete control of tracheomycosis caused by F. xylarioides in coffee plants and full protection of coffee beans against A. flavus, A. niger, and P. verrucosum. These findings suggest that aqueous ammonia extracts of coffee byproducts represent a promising alternative to conventional synthetic phytosanitary products, with the potential to improve the sustainability of the coffee industry.

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Evaluation of Coco Peat-Based, Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria Formulation for Drought Stress Management and Sustainable Agriculture

This research studies the formulation of a biofertilizer using coco peat as a carrier agent along with plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on the growth enhancement of Zea mays (maize) under drought stress. Rhizobacteria were isolated from Phyllanthus amarus growing around a waste-dump site and screened for plant growth-promoting (PGP) traits: indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) production and phosphate solubilization. Rhizobacteria were further tested for PGP activity via a seed germination bioassay. The formulations were prepared by homogenizing 20ml of each PGPR standardized inoculum with 2g of oven-dried coco peat. The PGP potential of the formulations was evaluated in a pot experiment by measuring the wet weight (WW), plant height (PH), and shoot and root lengths (SL and RL) of the treated maize seeds weekly,for 14 days. Drought stress was simulated by not watering maize plants during the pot experiment. Ten (10) rhizobacteria were isolated; only two were positive for IAA production and phosphate solubilization. Four rhizobacteria (CE, PP, LP and DYE) expressed superior growth performance during the seed germination bioassay and were further used for the formulation ( 2g coco peat+20 ml CE) and pot experiment. On Day 14, the SL, RL, PH, and WW of maize seeds cultivated with the formulations ranged between 2.2 and 6.3cm, 2.5 and 15.1cm, 27 and 41.1cm, and 1 and 2g, respectively, while the corresponding values for the control (maize seeds + coco peat only) were 7cm (SL), 3.5cm (RL), 30cm (PH), and 1g (WW). On day 16, all plants withered except for those treated with 2g coco peat+20 ml CE and 2g coco peat+20 ml DYE. These PGPR were further identified by 16s rDNA sequencing and biochemical tests as Priestia flexa strain PG61 and Staphylococcus aureus, respectively. This study therefore shows the potential of carrier-based rhizobacteria fertilizers in managing drought stress and enhancing plant growth, thus effectively achieving Sustainable Development Goal 2.

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This study offers a comparative analysis of how Romania and Western European countries are adopting precision and digital agriculture, focusing on regional trends, challenges faced, and specific outcomes for farming practices. The dataset used in this research includes responses from structured surveys and in-depth interviews with farmers, industry experts, and policymakers from Romania and several European countries. These responses provide diverse perspectives on the socio-economic and structural factors that influence the use of digital tools and precision technologies. Data collection methods involved quantitative surveys to assess adoption rates and qualitative interviews to gather insights on how socio-economic differences and farm structures impact technology use. This dataset is complemented by a review of recent literature and case studies, offering a comprehensive view of digital agriculture's effects on efficiency, sustainability, and food security. Among the main findings, the study highlights a significant contrast: Western European farms, typically larger and benefiting from advanced infrastructure and supportive policies, show widespread adoption of precision agriculture. In contrast, Romania faces considerable challenges due to the high number of small-scale farms, limited financial resources, and a shortage of technical expertise. However, Romania's extensive high-speed internet infrastructure presents a unique advantage, enabling quicker adoption of digital tools where other barriers can be effectively managed. Farms in Romania that have embraced these technologies report substantial improvements in crop yields, resource efficiency, and environmental impact. The study concludes that to close Romania's adoption gap, tailored financial incentives, dedicated educational programs, and infrastructure support are essential to better align with broader European trends, fostering competitiveness, sustainability, and resilience in Romanian agriculture.

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Use of Convolution Neural Networks for classification of time series of Sentinel-1 chronological data

Satellite data is crucial for monitoring soil conditions, with applications in agriculture and environmental management. This study assesses soil moisture in a semi-arid region of Tunisia using Sentinel-1 satellite imagery and CNN-based classifiers developed for time-series data classification. The training database was validated with Sentinel-2 imagery and ground-truth data to enhance classification accuracy.

The study area, in central Tunisia's Kairouan governorate, spans the eastern Tunisian Atlas (9°30′E to 10°15′E, 35°N to 35°45′N). Measurements were taken during a 2019 field campaign. The region's land use includes cereals, orchards, olive groves, bare soils, fallows, vegetables, urban areas, and dams. Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 images from June to October 2019 were downloaded from the Copernicus platform. Sentinel-1 data was preprocessed using ESA’s SNAP software, involving terrain correction, noise reduction, and radiometric calibration, and then segmented in QGIS using GPS field reference data. Statistical analysis in R revealed correlations between VH backscattering, land uses, and NDVI with rainfall. Sentinel-1 (VH polarization) and Sentinel-2 NDVI images informed sampling hypotheses for CNN training, considering soil moisture and biomass variations.

The CNN classifiers, implemented in MATLAB R2018a, were evaluated through cross-validation, selecting models that minimized errors and maximized accuracy. The CNN achieved the best results with a learning time of 503 seconds, accuracy of 99.36%, and a loss of 6.76%. The training phase used 9x9 sampling windows, 15,000 samples (2/3 for training, 1/3 for testing), 5 classes, 50 filters (5x5), Maxpooling (window size = 4, stride = 2), and the activation function 'gradient descent with momentum.' The learning rate was 0.005, with 1 fully connected layer, 30 epochs, and 50 iterations. The CNN outperformed the Random Forest (RF) method applied to Sentinel-2 data in handling data complexity such as moisture, biodiversity, and biomass.

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Mitigating water stress impacts on corn plants using microbial-based biostimulants and organic amendments

Water stress is one of the main factors limiting crop productivity in arid and semi-arid Mediterranean regions. The aim of this study is to assess the effect of using organic amendments (C) alone or combined with biostimulants based on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (F) and plant growth-promoting bacteria (B) on Zea mays L. in alleviating the effects of water stress. Two factors were studied in this work: the water regime (25% and 75% of field capacity) and the single, double and triple application of F, B and C. Shoot and root dry biomass, osmolyte content (proline and total soluble sugars), antioxidant system (Polyphenol oxidase), stress marker content (malondialdehyde and hydrogen peroxide) and mycorrhization intensity and frequency were assessed. The results showed that drought stress negatively affected plant biomass, biochemistry, and root colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. In addition, combined applications, particularly mycorrhizae and compost, improved shoot and root dry biomass by 179 and 275%, respectively, compared with untreated drought-stressed plants. Mycorrhization intensity and frequency were higher when the soil contained plant growth-promoting bacteria and reduced when amended with compost alone under water stress. The single or combined application of F, B and C enhanced proline and total soluble sugar content and polyphenol oxidase activity in leaves in comparison with untreated plants. On the other hand, malondialdehyde and hydrogen peroxide content were minimized (67% and 18%, respectively) by applying the triple combination of F, B and C. In conclusion, the strategy of combining organic amendments and microbial-based biostimulants may offer an environmentally friendly solution in arid and semi-arid regions where soils are degraded to provide drought protection for corn crops.

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Novel IoT Solution Using Smart Sensors for Precision Irrigation Agriculture: Design, Applications, Algorithms and Pilot Testing of IoT-Based System for Agricultural Water Management
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Rice is a staple crop for ensuring global food security, although it requires a lot of water, up to 2500 L, to produce 1 Kg of rice. Rice farming is expanding in East Africa, with up to 90% production on smallholder farms using traditional flooding and rain-fed methods vulnerable to climate change and variability. Alternate wetting and drying (AWD) and rice intensification (SRI) systems are climate-smart irrigation practices that increase yields and water management, although practised at a micro-research scale. Some of the challenges to adopting these techniques among farmers and large schemes in East Africa include poor government policies, limited awareness, technical knowledge, changes in soil structure that influence irrigation water application, and frequent manual water level (WL) monitoring. This study presents the pilot test of the i) self-developed Internet of Things (IoT)-based smart solution, ii) compared with conventional AWD practice to address AWD challenges and improve water management for smallholder farmers in Africa. The pilot test was carried out at the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology with pot rice cultivation in greenhouse conditions between Dec 2024 and Feb 2024. The preliminary results indicated that the IoT system had 16% water savings twice that of conventional AWD and higher compared to conventional AWD and CF. Since there is ongoing field research development in Uganda, we have yet to understand the effects of the IoT AWD system on water use efficiency, labour savings, yields, soil hydraulic conditions, economic projection for adoption by smallholder farmers, and promotion in Africa.

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Biofortification and Increased Heat Stress Resistance of Pea Microgreens through Selenium Seed Priming
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Selenium (Se) is an essential micronutrient for human health, playing a crucial role as a component of various enzymes and proteins involved in antioxidant defense and immune regulation. In small quantities, Se can improve plant yield and quality and modulate stress-responsive genes [1-3]. However, plant foods grown in Se-deficient soils inevitably contain low levels of this micronutrient. This study aimed to address this issue by biofortifying pea microgreens (Pisum sativum L.) under heat stress through seed priming with Se. Seed priming is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly method for biofortifying edible crops, promoting uniform germination and fast emergence, even under stressed environments. In this experiment, seeds were submitted to nutri-priming treatments using 25–100 µM Se solutions for 6 and 12 h, with sodium selenate as the Se source. Hydroprimed and unprimed seeds served as controls. After treatment, one batch of seeds was tested for electrolyte leakage, while another was grown in a high-temperature greenhouse to produce pea microgreens. Emergence rate and morphological parameters were monitored daily. Upon harvest, biomass was measured, and the Se content was analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry. Additionally, chlorophyll levels, soluble sugars, organic acids, total phenolics, and antioxidant activity were quantified using different analytical methods [4]. The seed treatment significantly influenced the emergence and growth of pea microgreens. The 6 h treatment resulted in superior agronomic performance and greater biomass accumulation compared to the 12 h treatment. However, the unprimed control exhibited the highest emergence rate. Despite this, Se priming significantly increased the Se concentrations in the microgreens' aerial parts, confirming the effectiveness of this biofortification strategy. These findings highlight the need to balance biomass production with Se accumulation to optimize production protocols under heat stress, contributing to the development of Se-biofortified foods in the context of rising global temperatures.
