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Decoding the effect of polyploidization on Morus species complex: an integrated transcriptomic and phenomic approach
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Published: 02 December 2024 by MDPI in The 4th International Electronic Conference on Agronomy session Crops

Using biotechnological intervention to decode the genetic architecture of non-model crops, especially polyploid tree species, is challenging. The reconstruction of repository transcriptome analysis (RNA-Seq) is considered a leading-edge technique used to understand functional aspects of biological consequence; therefore, this technique is thought to be the only approach for deciphering genetic architecture. Currently, a large number of transcriptome datasets from various species are publicly available. Nevertheless, data processing and interpretation remain difficult due to a lack of critical coding skills, computing resources, and costly automated tools. Furthermore, in the non-model system, they became challenging due to inadequate replicates, the absence of the reference genome, and so on. To meet this demand, we introduced a state-of-the-art methodology for repository transcriptome dataset analysis, including downstream analysis like the taxonomic identity of the transcriptome or global transcriptome map/network and functional enrichment of overrepresented genes using publicly available web platforms and software. Here, mature leaf transcriptome data of wild Morus species belonging to different ploidy levels were sampled, and this revealed the strong biological effect of polyploidization. Further, to substantiate our prediction, we biologically validated the ploidy-associated attributes. Considering all this, the present research helps to understand the molecular basis of phenotype variation without prior coding knowledge and cost. The optimised protocol and generated data help to decode the biological consequences of the strong effect of polyploids on cellular as well as growth behavior levels for further conservation from the ongoing threat of climate change.

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Effect of Inoculation Techniques on Production of Potential of Soybean Varieties Intercropped in Spring Maize
Published: 02 December 2024 by MDPI in The 4th International Electronic Conference on Agronomy session Crops

Conventional cropping systems in Pakistan have been depleting soil fertility, while an increasing population pressure demands more efficient land-use strategies. To address these challenges, maize—soybean intercropping has emerged as a potential solution for enhancing soil fertility and increasing food production. Inoculation with Bradyrhizobium japonicum was also adopted, as he literature suggests it can boost nitrogen fixation in both soybeans and maize, playing a critical role in improving soil fertility and overall crop performance. In order to assess the performance of three soybean varieties, Ajmeri, Rawal-1, and NARC-2, when intercropped with maize, this study was carried out over the course of two consecutive growing seasons (spring 2018 and 2019) at the Agronomic Research Area, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, using three different inoculation techniques: no inoculation, soil inoculation, and seed inoculation with Bradyrhizobium japonicum. In this experiment, three replications of a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) were used to intercrop different soybean cultivars with maize in double-row strips. Soil-inoculated Rawal-1 soybeans consistently produced the maximum 1000-grain weight and maize grain yield throughout the course of the two seasons, with values rising from 287.33 g and 6.82 t ha⁻¹ in 2018 to 295.00 g and 7.10 t ha⁻¹ in 2019. On the other hand, untreated Ajmeri soybeans showed the lowest 1000-grain weight and grain yield. Nevertheless, they did show some improvement from 235.00 g and 4.10 t ha⁻¹ in 2018 to 240.00 g and 4.30 t ha⁻¹ in 2019. In soybeans, seed-inoculated Rawal-1 had the highest number of pods per plant, 1000-seed weight, and grain yield; in 2018, it was measured at 125.74 pods, 147.07 g, and 1.23 t ha⁻¹; and in 2019, it increased to 130.00 pods, 150.00 g, and 1.30 t ha⁻¹. Untreated Ajmeri soybeans consistently yielded the lowest values for these parameters: in 2018, 76.99 pods, 87.16 g, and 0.53 t ha⁻¹; in 2019, 80.00 pods, 90.00 g, and 0.55 t ha⁻¹. Pods per plant, 1000-seed weight, and grain yield increased significantly. In conclusion, intercropping maize with Rawal-1 soybeans using both soil and seed inoculation proved to be an economical and sustainable strategy under Faisalabad's agro-ecological conditions across both growing seasons.

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Effects of various compost types on growth and yield of corn
Published: 02 December 2024 by MDPI in The 4th International Electronic Conference on Agronomy session Crops

Corn (Zea mays) is a vital global crop that is used for human consumption, livestock feed, and biofuel production. It also enhances crop rotation systems by improving soil quality and reducing erosion. This study assessed the effects of six compost types, derived from various organic wastes, on the growth, yield, and physiological performance of GS210 corn. A pot experiment was conducted using six compost variants and two control treatments—one without fertilizer and another with NPK mineral fertilization.

The key indices of chlorophyll fluorescence, such as Fv/Fm (0.80, 0.80, 0.81), Fv/F0 (4.07, 3.99, 4.03), and photosynthetic efficiency (PI: 4.62, 4.22, 5.21) were highest in compost-treated plants, indicating their enhanced photosynthetic performance. Among the growth parameters, NPK fertilization showed the greatest benefits, with plant height reaching 188.9 cm, cob length reaching 17.5 cm, 324 grains per cob, and a thousand-grain weight (MTZ) of 285.2 g. The grain protein content also increased under mineral fertilization (9.5%) compared to the control (8.5%).

Organic fertilizers performed slightly less well in terms of yield but still surpassed the control, with grain protein contents ranging from 9.1% to 9.3%. The compost treatments involving sewage sludge and garden waste, Compost 2 and Compost 4, demonstrated comparable results to NPK in certain parameters, especially in photosynthesis and grain count. However, composts made solely from garden waste showed reduced effectiveness during corn’s rapid growth stages.

In conclusion, while NPK mineral fertilization produced the highest growth and yield, certain compost variants proved effective alternatives, particularly for improving soil and plant health. These findings suggest that combining organic fertilizers with mineral nitrogen could optimize corn production, and further study is warranted to refine these approaches for the development of sustainable agriculture.

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Yield, morphological and physiological parameters of organic and pelleted Avena sativa L. plants at different fertilization practices
Published: 02 December 2024 by MDPI in The 4th International Electronic Conference on Agronomy session Crops

Oat (Avena sativa L.) is one of the most important self-fertilizing field plant belonging to the Poaceae family. It has no great requirements regarding the growing conditions, but with a very good reaction to fertilization. The current study evaluated the significancy effects of solely application of mineral (NPK) and organo-mineral (OM) fertilizers, and their individual combination with calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2), on the yield, certain morphological traits [mean number of leaves per plant - MNLP, minimum leaf length (cm) per plant - MinLL, maximum leaf length (cm) per plant - MaxLL, number of ears per plant - NEP] and physiological parameters (nitrogen balance index - NBI, content of: chlorophyll - Chl, flavonoids - Flv, anthocyanins - Ant), in oat plants, between the treatments and in relation to the control. The NBI and contents of Chl, Flv, and Ant, were measured using Dualex leafclip sensor. The experiment was performed in semi-controlled glasshouse conditions, in pots, from the 4th decade of March to the 4th decade of June, in 2024, using organic and pelleted (graded) oat seeds, with Vertisol soil. The soil is characterized as a light clay with an acid reaction. The obtained results showed that the NBI, the contents of Chl, Flv, and Ant, in both oast, significantly differed between the treatments applied and in relation to control, whereby MNLP, MinLL, MaxLL and NEP insignificantly differed between the treatments. It was also observed a significant increase in all the tested parameters of applied variants in relation to the control, which could also be stated for the yield of both oats. Slightly better data on all tested parameters showed the pelleted oat. The best results were obtained with the use of OM ferilizer+Ca(OH)2, which could be proposed as an optimal fertilization treatment in pelleted and organic oats cultivation regarding this research.

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Flowering, fruiting, and chlorophyll content of pruned and unpruned eggplant (Solanum melongena) cv. banate king influenced by GA3 and NAA
Published: 02 December 2024 by MDPI in The 4th International Electronic Conference on Agronomy session Crops

Eggplant styles vary in length, resulting in low fruit production. Exogenous application of plant growth regulators could reduce heterostyly. This study aimed to determine the effects and further improvements in the production of flowers and fruits of eggplant when Gibberellic acid (GA3) and Naphthalene Acetic Acid (NAA) were applied to pruned and unpruned plants alone or in combination. Horticultural and yield parameters were gathered manually from the experimental area. For physiological parameters, the supernatant of samples was separated, and the absorbance at 400-700 nm was measured using a UV-vis spectrophotometer for chlorophyll determination. All data from the split-plot design were subjected to analysis of variance, and further, Tukey’s Honest Significant Difference Test was applied to separate significant and insignificant means. Standing plants that were four months old were used as test plants using the Banate King cultivar for corrective pruning and exogenous hormones. This study was carried out in Mindanao, Philippines, during the summer of 2022, with distinct dry conditions. The pruning technique and foliar spraying did not affect the number of days to flower, days to harvest, or total number of flowers. The plants for which GA3 was applied alone or in combination with NAA, on the other hand, were the longest. The NAA application contributed to the heavy weight of the fruits. Furthermore, the chlorophyll content of pruned plants increased by 25% compared to the control.

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The Cultivation of Three Varieties of Solanum tuberosum L. in Substrates Containing Waste from an Abandoned Polymetallic Sulfide Mine: Effects on Phenological Development and Metal Accumulation in Potatoes
Published: 02 December 2024 by MDPI in The 4th International Electronic Conference on Agronomy session Crops

Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is one of the most widely produced and consumed crops worldwide and can easily be cultivated in different locations and climates. Given its importance for food and nutritional security, an experimental trial was conducted to evaluate the impact on the phenological development and accumulation of potentially contaminating metals in the vegetative organs of cultivating three varieties (Red Lady, Agria, and Désirée) in substrates containing slag and waste from the Caveira polymetallic sulfide mine, located in Grândola (Beja, Portugal), at proportions of 10:0, 10:1, 10:2, and 10:3. The physicochemical parameters of the substrates were characterised before and after harvest (pH, electrical conductivity, organic matter, Cu, Hg, As, and Pb) and also in the vegetative organs of S. tuberosum after harvest (Cu, As and Pb). A physicochemical analysis of the mine leachate was also conducted, presenting a pH of 3.03 and an electric conductivity of 1240 mS/cm. The produced tubers were analysed in terms of their dry weight, number, size, and metal concentration. The tubers revealed the presence of Cu, Pb, and As, varying between 17.3 and 32, <5 and 27.6, and <5 and 14.8 mg/kg, respectively, considering the three varieties and all the substrates. The cultivation substrate impacted the mobilisation and accumulation of Cu, As, and Pb in the different vegetative organs and was dependent on the variety and substrate composition. Regarding the phenological development, no influence was observed. In the three varieties, the number of tubers per plant increased in the substrates that contained mine waste compared to the control substrate. Pearson's and Spearman's correlation coefficients were used to determine the correlations between the metal concentrations in the substrates and those in the vegetative organs of the plants. It was found that potato production in contaminated soils can cause a risk to human health, with a lower risk for the Agria variety, as lower levels of contaminating metals accumulate in these tubers.

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Published: 02 December 2024 by MDPI in The 4th International Electronic Conference on Agronomy session Crops

There is a steady increase in the demand for orange-fleshed sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L.) in South-eastern Nigeria. This study was aimed at determining the planting density appropriate for a high production of orange-fleshed sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L.). Field experiments were conducted at the National Root Crops Research Institute, Umudike, in 2015 and at the Research farm of Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Umuahia, Abia state, in 2016 to determine the effect of planting density on the growth and yield of orange-fleshed sweetpotato using three planting densities (25,000; 33,333 and 50,000 plants/ha) and two varieties (Tio-joe and Melinda). The trial was conducted as a 2 x 3 factorial laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with six replicates. The results of the experiment indicated a significant effect on vine length from the Tio-joe over Melind variety at both cropping seasons, and the Melinda variety performed better than the Tiojoe variety in number of branches and number of leaves at 8 weeks after planting (WAP) in 2015 and 12 WAP in 2016. Vine length was influenced by the interaction of planting densities and varieties at 8 WAP in 2015. However, planting density and the treatment combination of the planting densities and varieties had no significant influence on vine length in 2016, number of branches, ornumber of leaves in 2015 and 2016. Similarly, vine girth, weed density, and weed dry weight were not significantly influenced by the varieties, planting densities, and the interaction of varieties x planting density in both seasons. Findings from this study showed that the yield and yield components of Tio-joe were higher than those of the Melinda variety in both seasons. These yield components were not influenced by planting densities and interactions. Although, it was observed that the highest yield components were obtained from 50,000 plants/ha in both seasons.

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Published: 02 December 2024 by MDPI in The 4th International Electronic Conference on Agronomy session Crops

In the investigation conducted throughout 2023, the impact of various planting techniques on TD-1 wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) variety growth and yield was examined. The study encompassed three distinct sowing methods: T1 = drilling, T2 = broadcasting and T3 = ridges. Various parameters were observed, such as the plant's height (cm), the number of tillers per square meter (m-2), spike length (cm), number of grains in step with the spike (g), the weight of 1000 grains or the seed index (g), and yield of grains (kg ha-1). The summarized statements of the research are presented below. The wheat variety sown using the drilling method exhibited notably superior performance, showcasing a plant height of 63.30 cm, 452.67 m-2 tillers, a 10.13 cm spike length, 15.00 spikelets in accordance with spikes, 35.33 grains for each spike, a 43.66 g seed index (1000-grain weight), a 6218 kg ha-1 biological yield, and a 4325 kg ha-1 grain yield. The ridge-sown crop displayed characteristics such as a 63.20 cm plant height, 313.33 m-2 tillers, a 8.23 cm spike length, 13.33 spikelets contained in each spike, 33.66 grains through to each spike, a 34.66 g seed index (1000-grain weight), a 5614 kg ha-1 biological yield, and a 3922 kg ha-1 grain yield. In contrast, the broadcasting method yielded a plant height of 65.87 cm, 320.67 m-2 tillers, a 9.03 cm spike length, 13.33 spikelets on account of spikes, 36.00 grains for spikes, a 41.33 g seed index (1000-grain weight), a 6371 kg ha-1 biological yield, and a 4141 kg ha-1 grain yield. In conclusion, the drilling method proved to be the most favorable, resulting in a greater yield of grains of 4325 kg ha-1 compared to broadcasting (4141 kg ha-1) and ridge sowing (3922 kg ha-1).

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Metabolomic Discrimination of Brachiaria decumbens and Brachiaria brizantha using 1H-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy and Ultra-High-Performance Liquid Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry (UHPLC-MS): A Comparative Phytochemical Analysis
Published: 02 December 2024 by MDPI in The 4th International Electronic Conference on Agronomy session Crops

Brazil is one of the largest herd holders with a dependency on natural and cultivated pastures (Brachiaria species (100 million hectares)). The two most reported toxic pasture species (Brachiaria decumbens and Brachiaria brizantha) were grown in the greenhouse greenhouse of the Faculty of Animal Science and Food Engineering on different doses of nitrogen (0, 100, 200 and 300 mg/Kg) and were evaluated for a year. We explored the expected secondary metabolic compounds first by performing thin-layer chromatography, and then by confirming the compounds, their types and metabolic profiles, which were identified by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography. Differential metabolites, steroidal saponin concentrations and their sub-types were confirmed by nano-magnetic resonance. The main source of differential probably toxic components in both species was the protodioscin isomer (Protoneodioscin and Protodioscin). We isolated four steroidal saponins and three sapogenins in leaves of Brachiaria decumbens and Brachiaria brizantha by MS-MS/MS-ESI/UPLC as diosgenin, dioscin, and yamogenin (already detected earlier) were detected. We identified protoneodioscin isomer (protodioscin and protoneodioscin (19 and 20) as the main differential (probably toxic)component between B. decumbens and B. brizantha along with acetyl-protodioscin, deoxyhexosyl-hexosyl-hexosyl-3-o-spirostane, and o-hexosyl-protodioscin in Brachiaria species. Additionally, the new findings included the fact that flavo-lignans, Tricin-4'-O-(β-guaiacyl glyceryl) ether isomers, acetyl-protodioscin, O-hexosyl-protodioscin, protodioscin isomer, tribulosaponin A and glycoside structures were also detected and established by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy.

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Biopesticides from marine macroalgae against bacterial and fungal pathogens towards crop disease management
Published: 02 December 2024 by MDPI in The 4th International Electronic Conference on Agronomy session Crops

In a context where macroalgae are highly valued for their versatility across multiple industries, harnessing these resources to develop sustainable products for crop protection is key. Different European crops are susceptible to bacterial and fungal pathogens that can significantly impact crop health and productivity, including mildew, powdery mildew, and botrytis, which affect a wide variety of crops due to their broad host range, adaptability, and favorable environmental conditions. This study investigates how marine macroalgae can be used as a source of active compounds such as polyphenols, polysaccharides, pigments, lectins, lipophilic compounds, alkaloids, and terpenoids against fungal and bacterial phytopathogens. Through a systematic literature review, the research assesses the infection mechanisms and susceptibility of commercial cultivars to phytopathogens and the use of macroalgae in the formulation of new sustainable bio-based pesticides. By combining a literature review with data analysis from major academic databases, this review aims to identify current knowledge gaps and suggest future research directions. The findings will highlight the potential of macroalgae as effective biopesticides with minimum impact on human and animal health and ecosystems. Moreover, it will help in the transition of agricultural practices as a solution for reducing the use and risk of chemical synthetic products for crop protection.
