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IFoU 2018: Reframing Urban Resilience Implementation: Aligning Sustainability and Resilience

10–12 December 2018, Barcelona, Spain
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You can now download the full Conference Program here and the Conference Book of Abstracts here.

Welcome from the Chairs

Research on urban resilience is partly responsible for the urban resilience implementation gap. This is partly because of a lack of agreed and integrated multidisciplinary perspectives, frameworks and metrics to support design and governance for urban resilience. Because of this, the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU), in partnership with the Universitat Internacional de catalunya (UIC), the Urban Resilience research Network (URNet) and the UN Habitat City Resilience profiling Program, will dedicate its 11th Annual Conference to help bridging this gap between research and practice, and moving towards more integrated perspectives on urban resilience implementation.

In order to reach a global audience involved within the debates, the annual conference has been framed within two interconnected international events: a first congress in Barcelona, taking place during the Barcelona Resilience Week (the week in which the city celebrate its experience in resilience with a range of public activities from 10 to 15 December 2018) and a second one a few months later, in Jakarta, Indonesia.

For more information please visit the 11th International Forum on Urbanism (IFOU) Congress 2018 official website.

Conference Secretariat

Conference Chairs

Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC), Barcelona, Spain

Lorenzo is a multidisciplinary researcher chairing the Urban Resilience research Network (URNet) and a Senior Research Fellow at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC Barcelona). Director of the international Master program in City Resilience Design and Management, his research and teaching activities take a critical look at the governance and planning processes related to city resilience and sustainability synergies and trade-offs.

Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC), Barcelona, Spain

Associate professor and assistant director at the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, she is also co-director of the Master Degree in International Cooperation: Sustainable Emergency Architecture. Her research is based on a comprehensive regeneration of degraded and informal settlements, which is developed under the paradigm of sustainable development through a methodology that delves into the recognition of places with urban significance through community participation.

Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC), Barcelona, Spain

Assistant professor at the School of Architecture of the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya and coordinator of the Master Degree in International Cooperation: Sustainable Emergency Architecture at UIC. Her research is focused on the recognition of the social manifestations of community values in physical space by exploring resident’s linkages through a process that combines the social with the physical dimensions, towards a more committed model of urban regeneration.


Registration for all participants includes: Attendance at all sessions and side events, printed book of abstracts with ISBN, paper publication of proceedings with ISBN, conference materials, coffee breaks, lunches, and fieldtrips.

Authors with multiple contributions: Please note that one author registration will cover only ONE accepted contribution.

Please note that, in order to finalize the scientific program in due time, at least one registration by any of the authors, denoted as Covering Author, is required to cover the presentation and publication of any accepted abstract. Covering Author registration deadline is 1 November 2018. Your abstract will be withdrawn if your registration is not complete by this date.

Participation to the conference is considered final only once the registration fees have been paid. The number of participants is limited: once the number of paid registrations reaches the maximum number of participants, unpaid registrations will be cancelled. Please, note that onsite registrations will not be available.

A series of field trips (free of cost) are organised in order to visit on-site actions and initiatives tackling with resilience. Participants are asked to choose and register in one of the following options. Each field trip has a limit of 50 people. Registration is made when registering to the congress.

Conference Dinner: A conference dinner will be served on 10 December. Please note that the conference fee does not include this social event. Therefore, if you plan to attend the dinner, please make sure you select this extra when registering to the conference (Price per person: €50).

Conference Field Trips: We offer the opportunity to attend to one field trip out of the four options available. Field trips will take place on 12 December and they are free of charge. Please note that there is a limited capacity of 50 spots for each field trip and that, in order to attend to one of them, you should select it when registering to the event.
Please check the section "Field Trips" below for more information or access this link for a full description.

Early Bird
Until 30th September 2018
Until 10th December 2018
Supported documents
Regular - With accepted abstract 380.00 EUR 430.00 EUR
Early Stage Career Researcher (not tenure track) - With accepted abstract 290.00 EUR 340.00 EUR
PhD Students - With accepted abstract 240.00 EUR 290.00 EUR To confirm your student status please include a scanned copy or photograph of your current student ID card.
Public Administration Officers/NGO - With accepted abstract 320.00 EUR 370.00 EUR
Regular - Non-presenting 430.00 EUR 460.00 EUR
Early Stage Career Researcher (not tenure track) - Non-presenting 340.00 EUR 370.00 EUR
PhD Students - Non-presenting 290.00 EUR 320.00 EUR To confirm your student status please include a scanned copy or photograph of your current student ID card.
Public Administration Officers/NGO - Non-presenting 370.00 EUR 400.00 EUR
Invited Speakers (waived fees) Free Free Registration code
Conference Dinner (10 December 2018) 50.00 EUR 50.00 EUR
FIELDTRIP 01: Barcelona Resilient infrastructures: Underground rainwater retention deposits Free Free
FIELDTRIP 02: Barcelona Community-led Initiatives for sustainability transitions Free Free
FIELDTRIP 03 [CANCELLED]: Barcelona Climate Resilience: strategies for fighting droughts while avoiding saltwater intrusions Free Free
FIELDTRIP 04: Barcelona urban resilience: the 22@ district from industry to technology Free Free
One Day Fee (Non-presenting) 150.00 EUR 150.00 EUR
Cancellation policy

Registrations can be cancelled up to 30 days before the event starts subject to an administrative fee of 120 Euro. Refunds will be processed after the conference.

Registrants can cancel their registration any time prior to the start of the conference in writing by e-mail to If the registrations fees have been paid to and received by the conference organizers, the registrants will be refunded according to the following schedule:

- Cancellation by the registrant up to and including 30 days before the conference starts: guaranteed refund of the amount of registration fees minus possible bank or credit card fees, which were already paid to and received by the conference organizers, and subject to an administrative service fee of 120 Euro.

- Cancellation by the registrant 29 days or less before the conference starts: no guaranteed refund. In case the conference organizers can easily find a replacement registration from a possible waiting list, the conference organizers may refund part of the received registration fee at their sole discretion, subject to an administrative service fee of 120 Euro.

Payment methods

Wire transfer, Credit card

Instructions for Authors

Submission Instructions

Two types of contributions can be submitted: Individual papers and Panels. Please note that the maximum abstract length in both cases is 300 words.

Individual Papers - If submitting your contribution as individual paper, please indicate the format of the future paper by selecting one of the following: 'Short Paper Contribution' or a 'Long Paper Contribution'.

Panel Proposal - If submitting your contribution as panel proposal, please bear in mind the following:

  • Select 'Panel Contribution'
  • Indicate in the “Comments” section the name of the chair and a discussant (i.e. Panel chair: Name and affiliation / Panel discussant: Name and affiliation)
  • Indicate in the “Comments” section the title and submitting author of 4 to 5 abstracts to be included in the panel (i.e. Panel abstracts: 1. Author name – Title / 2. Author name – Title / etc.).
  • Each abstract should be uploaded separately and, when submitting each one of them, indicate in the “Comments” section, which panel you are submitting it to.

All accepted abstracts will be available online in Open Access form on

Please note that the Full Paper submission deadlines (short and long format) is 19 November 2018.

For short and long format papers please use the following templates when submitting your paper:

- Short paper template

- Long paper template

Short papers should have a length of 1500-2000 words while long papers should have a length of 4500-6000 words.

Please note that, for the long papers, all the references mentioned in the text should be cited alphabetically in the “Author-Date” format, for example (Woodward 1987), (Schuman and Scott 1987), (Martínez et al. 2015). The Reference list should include the full title as recommended by the Chicago style guide. The style file for endnote, MDPI.ens, can be found at

For more information regarding abstracts submission, please access the following link:

Special Issue "Eco-Urbanism"

  • Participants of this conference are cordially invited to contribute with a full manuscript to our special issue "Eco-Urbanism" in the journal Urban Science. Free publication for well-prepared manuscripts submitted in 2018.
  • This themed collection is closely aligned with the scope of the event. The submission deadline for this special issue is
    15 December 2018.

Over the past two decades, eco-urbanism has gained significant traction and its scope is broadened to cover multiple dimensions of sustainable development. During the same period, the concept has guided development of many programs and initiatives such as eco-cities, eco-districts, éco-quartiers, eco-garden cities, green cities, ubiquitous cities, and smart eco-cities. These initiatives are implemented in different scales, ranging from blocks, to neighborhoods, to cities.

This Special Issue of Urban Science aims to offer a platform for advancing our understanding of the theory and practice of eco-urbanism and examining the extent to which the above-mentioned goals and objectives have been achieved. With concept of smart cities gaining momentum, it is also aimed to find out if possible improvements can be achieved by integrating these two concepts. We encourage researchers and practitioners to submit original research articles, case studies, reviews, critical perspectives, and viewpoint articles.

Venue, Travel and Accommodation

On 10 & 11 December the conference will take place here:
Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC)
Carrer Immaculada 22
08017 Barcelona

On 10 & 11 December the conference will take place here

On 12 December the conference will take in the following venue:
Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site

Carrer Sant Antoni Maria Claret 167
08025 Barcelona

On 12 December the conference will take place here

List of accepted submissions (138)

Id Title Authors
sciforum-019627 Integration and instability: the resilience of urban refugees in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Submitted: 08 May 2018

Abstract: Show Abstract
Show Abstract
sciforum-019639 Disturbances – Early detection as a prerequisite for resilience

Submitted: 15 Jul 2018

Abstract: Show Abstract
Show Abstract
sciforum-019676 Water sensitive urban design: Addressing flooding resilience in Ho Chi Minh City

Submitted: 11 May 2018

Abstract: Show Abstract
Show Abstract
sciforum-019826 A framework for conceptualizing the resilience of urban green spaces in transition—The case of Frankfurt Rhine-Main

Submitted: 17 Jul 2018

Abstract: Show Abstract
Show Abstract
sciforum-019846 Building Urban Resilience of Public Places in Volos (Greece). Perspectives and possibilities of related contribution of digital tools.


Submitted: 17 May 2018

Abstract: Show Abstract
, Show Abstract


Field Trips

A series of field trips (free of cost) are organised in order to visit on-site actions and initiatives tackling with resilience. Participants are asked to choose and register in one of the following options. Each field trip has a limit of 50 people. Registration is made when registering to the congress.

FIELDTRIP 01: Barcelona Resilient infrastructures: Underground rainwater retention deposits

Barcelona coping capacities to flooding have been in place since a hundred years, but especially in the last 3 decades could develop hard infrastructure-based responses to flooding within the city centre. This field visit explores the underground rainwater retention deposits, illustrating their structure, functioning and questioning their relationship with sustainability, highlighting a set of resilience trade-offs. More details coming soon.

FIELDTRIP 02: Barcelona Community-led Initiatives for sustainability transitions

Barcelona tension among being a tourist destination, becoming a global city and locals’ needs is expressed also through a variety of community led initiatives, from community gardens, to occupying empty houses within the city centre, co-management of public spaces and co-housing experiments. This field visit will explore those aspects of community resilience for a more liveable and sustainable city. More details coming soon.

FIELDTRIP 03 [CANCELLED]: Barcelona Climate Resilience: strategies for fighting droughts while avoiding saltwater intrusions

Two rivers’ moths close Barcelona Eastern and Western along the Catalan coast, and one of these rivers, namely Llobregat, is a small delta in which the city finds the most conflictive uses as agriculture, the big International Airport, urban sprawl, protected areas, the industrial harbour and city facilities as a big sewage plant. Prone to salt water intrusion, this urban delta recently hosted the European bigger desalination plant, responding to the 2009 drought. The site visit will illustrate conflicts and solutions adopted in coping with drought and saltwater intrusion in this part of the city. More details coming soon.

FIELDTRIP 04: Barcelona urban resilience: the 22@ district from industry to technology

The Barcelona 22@ district is a consolidated compact city model transformed by the 22@ Plan approved in the year 2000 in the Poblenou, from an old industrial area to clean technology . This new urban plan allowed for a new land designation called 22@, which substituted the traditional industrial designation 22a. Today, in this neighbourhood you can find the most innovative companies along with research, training and tech transfer centers, housing, facilities and green areas. This tech district coexists with industrial heritage buildings reconverted to new uses.

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