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This article consists of a three-species food web model that has been developed by considering the
interaction between susceptible prey, infected prey, and predator species. It is assumed that
susceptible prey species grow logistically in the absence of predators. It is assumed that predators
consume susceptible and infected prey and infected prey consumes susceptible prey. Furthermore, the predator consumes its prey in the form of Holling-type and Crowley-Martin-type interactions. Also, infected prey consumes susceptible prey in the form of Holling-type interaction. The positive invariance, positivity, and boundedness of the system are discussed. The conditions of all biologically feasible equilibrium points have
been examined. The local stability of the systems around these equilibrium points is investigated
and global stability is analyzed by suitable Lyapunov functions around these equilibrium points.
Furthermore, the occurrence of Hopf-bifurcation concerning predation rete of the system has been
investigated. Finally, we demonstrate some numerical simulation results to illustrate our main
analytical findings.

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The effectiveness of the combined use of polymer hydrogel with protein hydrolysates of various composition and molecular weight in relation to wheat productivity and disease susceptibility
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Protein hydrolysate from by-products of farm animals’ primary processing, including amino acids with a predominance of glycine and peptides with a molecular weight of 200 to 1000 Da, was used in our earlier studies. Later, the technology of its production was changed and a new hydrolysate from by-products of meat, chicken, and fish processing was obtained, a distinctive feature of which, compared with the previous one, is not only the composition of amino-acids, but also the molecular weight – 700,000 Da. For the period 2021-2022, a comparative assessment of the effectiveness of protein hydrolysates of various nature, including as part of multifunctional compositions with acrylic hydrogel, was carried out in relation to morphometric indicators of productivity and plant diseases intensity. In the experiment, when seeds were soaked in a new protein hydrolysate before sowing, and acrylic hydrogel was introduced into the soil at a consumption rate of 6 g per 1 m2 or 60 kg/ha, wheat yield significantly increased (by 73.3% compared to the control). This was caused by an increase in field germination of wheat seeds – by 21.9%, plant height – by 17.0%, the spikelets number per spike – by 7.8%, the preflag leaf area – by 36.0%, as well as a decrease in the intensity of wheat affection by particularly dangerous diseases: brown rust – by 21.7%, yellow rust – by 28.3%., root rot – by 5.6%. Thus, the molecular weight of hydrolysates, and the acrylic hydrogel proportion and composition, determine their properties, but also influence the economic efficiency of application in wheat cultivation.

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Management and quality of irrigation water in the sustainable Selenium-enriched rice (Oryza sativa L.) production

There is a growing need for strategic actions involving efficient water use, sustainable agricultural production, and food security. Agricultural productivity can be improved through good agricultural practices based on water quality management, new genetically modified resources, and using precision agriculture. This study aimed to monitor the crop water (supply, irrigation, and flooding) of an advanced rice (Oryza sativa L.) line of the breeding program (OP 1509) subjected to Selenium (Se) enrichment. Water lines in paddy rice field were monitored by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). The parameters of pH, pHs, electrical conductivity, temperature, HCO3-, Cl-, SO42-, PO43-, Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ were considered. According to the Piper diagram, the samples were classified as sodium chloride bicarbonate (supply) and sodium bicarbonate chloride (irrigation and flooding). The Langelier Saturation Index (LSI) was calculated. According to the Wilcox classification, regarding agriculture use, the samples were classified as C2S1 (supply and irrigation) and C3S1 (flooding). The Selenium contents were analyzed by atomic absorption and significant differences were observed in rice grains, with a maximum content of 10 In conclusion, water quality is in accordance with the parameters for use in this crop and the workflow used improved the grain quality.

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Recently, regenerative agriculture has been considered as a means to further develop sustainable management practices, though its application has been limited. Despite efforts in legislation framework through rural development programmes, European’s Common Agricultural Policy or Green Deal to enhance sustainable agricultural management practices, regenerative agriculture continues to be a residual practice among farmers, although the interest on it is slightly growing. These efforts act as a driving force to kick-start the implementation of sustainable practices, but must be proven feasible by stakeholders in rural societies. The objective of this work is to evaluate the impact of several sustainable agricultural scenarios in rainfed almond crops within a regenerative framework on a range of ecosystems services (ES). The evaluation was based on long- and medium-term data bases of field and laboratory monitoring of soils and vegetation in rainfed almond crops of SE Spain and stakeholders’ interviews. A Multicriteria Analysis (MCA) was conducted to evaluate the different land management scenarios integrating different type of indicators of soil quality, nutrient availability, and carbon sequestration of different groups of ES. The evaluation included stakeholders’ participation, views and financial profitability. Three land management scenarios were analyzed: (i) conventional, (ii) natural cover crops and (iii) seeded cover crops. The results offer the performance of three management scenarios on different ecosystem services and economic sustainability, considering different distributions of weights according to stakeholders’ perspective. Sustainability, acceptance and stability of the scenarios were achieved and provided an integrated view of impacts that could help in decision making.

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Effect of different carriers and storage temperatures on the viability of Bacillus thuringiensis B9 and Bacillus pacificus B11 isolated from tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) rhizosphere
Published: 18 April 2024 by MDPI in 2nd International Online Conference on Agriculture session Crop Production;

The present study aimed to evaluate the use of agricultural waste as carriers in the bioformulation of two plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPR), Bacillus thuringiensis B9 and Bacillus pacificus B11 isolated from the tomato rhizosphere, and to determine the effect of different carriers and storage temperatures on bacterial survival. Three carriers, namely palm nut shell biochar, coffee pulp and soil, were inoculated with one of the strains, dehydrated and stored at ambient and refrigeration temperatures (4°C). Bacterial survival was evaluated for 150 days at 30-day intervals. The results showed that the number of bacterial cells present in the bioformulations decreased progressively with storage time at room temperature, but at refrigeration temperature the bacterial population initially decreased before increasing until reaching its maximum population at 90 days and gradually decreasing afterward. Although the coffee pulp and biochar carriers stored at 4°C retained the viability of the bacterial strains as well as possible, the formulations stored at room temperature also remained viable

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Potential of Achyrocline satureioides ethanolic extract in the control of Spodoptera littoralis
Published: 18 April 2024 by MDPI in 2nd International Online Conference on Agriculture session Crop Production;

The species Spodoptera littoralis, commonly known as the cotton leafworm, is one of the most destructive agricultural pests in tropical and subtropical regions. Due to its polyphagous behavior, it feeds on at least 87 types of plants, including important crops like tomatoes, bell peppers, cotton, and corn, resulting in significant losses for farmers. Currently, the main method of controlling this pest involves using synthetic chemical insecticides with low selectivity. However, improper use of these chemicals can cause environmental damage and lead to the development of resistant strains, making pest control challenging and necessitating the exploration of new alternatives. In recent years, there has been extensive research on the use of plant extracts for pest control. As part of this trend, this study aims to evaluate the potential of ethanolic extracts from leaves and inflorescences of Achyrocline satureioides, a native South American species, as an alternative control agent for Spodoptera littoralis. The ethanolic extract of A. satureioides was prepared through maceration, and a Bioassay was conducted with five replications using sixth instar S. littoralis larvae. The Food Deterrence methodology was employed, where Petri plates were coated with agar and divided into four areas, each containing four leaf discs (1 cm²) of Capsicum annuum. Two of the discs were treated with 10 μL of the extract, while the other two received 10 μL of water. Two larvae were placed on each plate and allowed to feed until they consumed 75% of the control or sample. The results demonstrated that the concentration of 10 mg/mL of the extracts from A. satureioides leaves and inflorescences inhibited 37.23% and 22.72% of S. littoralis feeding, respectively. This indicates that the extracts have an inhibitory effect on the feeding behavior of this caterpillar. As a result, they show promise as potential candidates for further studies aimed at developing formulations that can enhance their effectiveness as environmentally friendly alternatives for pest control.

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Ammonium and lanthanum impact methane oxidation and methanotrophic communities in agricultural soils.
Published: 18 April 2024 by MDPI in 2nd International Online Conference on Agriculture session Agricultural Soils;

An ever-increasing amount of research is being done on the stability and recovery of soil methane-oxidizing bacteria since it is one of the fundamental processes controlling the amount of methane in the atmosphere. Mineral fertilizers may alter the methane oxidation processes in agricultural soils when they are introduced. Although ammonium (NH4+) is believed to have a significant impact on the aerobic methane oxidation activity in soils, there is still little data on how it reacts with lanthanum (La). The recent identification of a novel class of lanthanum-containing enzymes in methanotrophic bacteria may be the foundation for controlling the function of the soil "methane filter" and related microbiota. In the current study, microcosms with agricultural soddy-podzolic soils were created. These microcosms had 20% CH4 in the gas phase, varying amounts of NH4+ (100 and 200 µg/g) and La (5, 10, and 20 µg/g) in the soil. Using GC analysis and high-performance 16S rRNA sequencing, the methane oxidation potential and composition of soil bacterial communities were studied over a month of incubation. A negative impact of NH4+ on the oxidation of methane was observed, whereas La had a somewhat beneficial effect. Ammonium had an impact on the composition of methanotrophs, and a significant shift was observed at all La levels. Proteobacteria made up a larger share of the soil microbial community, and Gammaproteobacteria dominated the methanotrophic populations. Methylobacter, a methanotroph, and Methylotenera, an obligatory methylotroph, were the two absolute dominants in the La amended variants. The findings here reported could help evaluate how lanthanum regulates methanotrophic communities in agricultural soils and lead to the creation of new strategies for controlling the methane cycling in soils.

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Over the past few decades, agroforestry production systems have gained significant popularity in Bangladesh, resulting in positive ecological and health impacts for the country. These techniques have become crucial for supporting sustainable agriculture, particularly in the face of global climate change, as they enhance food security, promote food diversity, and create lucrative income sources. The primary objective of this study is to present evidence of the widespread adoption of agroforestry in Bangladesh as a sustainable and climate-smart technology package. Additionally, the study examines investment analysis, factors influencing adoption, and conducts a SWOT analysis of agroforestry methods. The study encompasses a sample of 340 respondents and utilizes a multistage random sampling methodology. The findings reveal that although a majority of farmers (75%) are aware of agroforestry, only a few have actively implemented it. The study incorporates a financial and investment analysis of various combinations of trees and vegetables. Discounted cash flow indicators such as Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR), Net Present Value (NPV), and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) are employed in the analysis. The results demonstrate that agroforestry is a more favorable alternative for farmers considering adoption, as it provides superior BCR, NPV, and IRR. Furthermore, the study utilizes a binary logistic model to identify factors that influence the adoption of agroforestry. It reveals a positive correlation between the likelihood of agroforestry adoption and factors such as larger farm size, younger respondents, and higher education levels, training experiences, more frequent extension visits, and improved market access. The study also employs the Problem Confrontation Index (PCI) to rank and identify the obstacles faced by farmers for practicing agroforestry. Insufficient technical support, inadequate education and training, and lack of skill labour emerge as significant hindrances to agroforestry adoption. This comprehensive investigation provides valuable insights into the prospects and limitations of agroforestry adoption in the examined areas of Bangladesh. The study recommends the widespread adoption of agroforestry practices through focused training programs that can empower farmers with tangible advantages.

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Irrigation water management and quality in two Rocha pear orchards

Tackling human malnutrition resulting from mineral deficits in foods is currently an agro-industrial problem. To address this problematic, an agronomic workflow to enrich Rocha pears in calcium (Ca) was considered in two orchards of Portugal. This study aims to assess quality differences in irrigation water of two orchards (of Rocha pear) where an agronomic Ca enrichment workflow would be performed, and identify possible conditioning to Ca increases in fruits. Thus, electrical conductivity (EC), pH, pHs, cations (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+) and anions (HCO3-, Cl-, SO42-) were attained to calculate Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) index and Langelier Saturation Index (LSI) and assess the agricultural use. Values of EC, pH, pHs, SAR index and LSI of both orchards varied between 1198 – 1211 µS/cm, 7.4 – 7.5, 7.7 – 8.1, 3.5 – 7.4 and -0.69 – -0.21. Regarding Piper classification, irrigation waters were classified as sodium bicarbonate (orchard 1) and sodium chloride bicarbonate (orchard 2). Both orchards presented different classifications regarding the agricultural use, namely C3S1 (orchard 2) and C3S2 (orchard 1). The water of both orchards presented the same salinity hazard (C3), but the use of these irrigation waters is enabled since these trees can be considered salt-tolerant. However, regarding the alkalinization hazard to soils, irrigation water from orchard 2 offers less danger (S1) in comparison to orchard 1 (S2). But a slight inferior LSI (orchard 1) can favor a higher tendency to dissolve calcium carbonate. In conclusion, although slightly different, analysis indicate that waters of both orchards did not induce toxicity to Rocha pear trees.

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Organic amendments for growth, yield and quality of Green Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.)
Published: 18 April 2024 by MDPI in 2nd International Online Conference on Agriculture session Crop Production;

Fresh and green leafy vegetables are an inevitable part human nutrition. Leafy coriander is one of the most important condiments in the world which requires adequate fertilizer input for higher production. Expanding population constraints have compelled many countries to use pesticides and fertilisers to boost farm production in order to fulfil their ever-increasing food demand. To stimulate rapid and sumptuous growth of the leafy vegetables like coriander, farmers apply a lot of nitrogenous fertilisers resulting in poor quality and shelf life. Application of organic amendments can solve this issue by improving the quality of coriander as well as prolonging its shelf life. Moreover, a good research work has been done in India and abroad on coriander as a seed spice, but as a condiment limited research has been conducted. Hence, the present investigation was taken up. The experiment was laid out with 7 treatments in Randomized Block Design and replicated 3 times in the organic block of Experimental Farm at Assam Agricultural University, India. The data of the respective field experiment were subjected to appropriate statistical analysis as per procedure given by Panse and Sukhatme. The result of the present investigation revealed that T₇ (Enriched compost @ 5 t ha-1) could produce the maximum yield with the highest benefit-cost ratio of 3.18 along with the best performance in the quality of produce. Therefore, T₇ can be inferred as farmer’s friendly for sustainable production, higher net return and good quality which can be taken into consideration for adoption under field conditions.
