Lithium Niobate Photonics Conference 2023
6–9 December 2023, InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
lithium niobate, photonic integration, quantum information processing
Welcome from the Chairs
Dear Colleagues,
We are delighted to invite you to the Lithium Niobate photonics Conference (LiNC-2023), which will take place in Hong Kong, China, on 6-9 Dec 2023. This conference will bring together leading experts from academia and industry to share the latest advances and challenges in the field of lithium niobate (LN) photonics. The conference will cover the following topics:
• Novel functions and physics in lithium niobate devices
• Materials, fabrication, and integration
• Photonics 2.0 and hybrid integration process
• Quantum computation, sensing, and communication devices
• Industrial new products, manufacture, and perspectives
The conference will offer a unique opportunity for researchers and students to interact with each other, present their latest research, and join the discussions on the future directions of LN photonics. We hope that this conference will foster new collaborations and inspire new ideas that will benefit the LN photonics community and society at large.
We look forward to seeing you in Hong Kong!
Prof. Dr. Cheng Wang
Chair of the Lithium Niobate photonics Conference 2023.
Submission Start Date: 1 October, 2023
Submission Due Date: 9 November, 2023
Please provide a manuscript (PDF document) with 1-2 pages in length, covering the following sections: summary, charts of the experiment/simulation process, results analysis, conclusions, and citations.
The submission will be made via the on-line submission system. Please log in to the on-line submission system using the following website address: Online submission system
Keynote Speakers


Large-scale photonic integrated circuits on thin film lithium niobate

TFLN micro-waveguides for efficient nonlinear photonic applications

Lithium Niobate Building Blocks for Photonic Chip Optical Frequency Combs

Caltech, USA
Few-Cycle Nonlinear Photonics: From Nanoscale Devices to Large-Scale Circuits

Photonic quantum computing with continuous variables

What Nature Photonics looks for

Integrated quantum photonics for quantum network

High-performance chip-scale quantum light sources

American Physical Society
Generation of Different Polarization States Simultaneously with a Metasurface for Quantum Information Technology
Invited Speakers

High speed and low power consumption TFLN PICs for optical communications

Title: Integrated photonics based on thin-film lithium niobate-chalcogenide hybrid waveguides Abstract: The thin-film lithium niobate (TFLN)-chalcogenide (ChG) hybrid waveguides as a novel device platform provide excellent optical and acoustic properties for the development of integrated acousto-optic interaction devices and nonlinear photonics. In our work, based on a nonsuspended TFLN-ChG hybrid Mach-Zehnder interferometer, we firstly proposed and demonstrated a built-in push-pull acousto-optic modulator (AOM) with a half-wave-voltage-length product as low as 0.03 V•cm that presents a modulation efficiency comparable to that of a state-of-the-art suspended counterpart. In addition, a new strategy is proposed for efficient second harmonic generation (SHG) by loading the ChG film over the TFLN platform. We experimentally observed efficient SHG and sum frequency conversion with a conversion efficiency of 51.1%/W. Temperature tuning of the SHG wavelength is also demonstrated with a measured tuning slope of 0.18 nm/K. The introduction of the TFLN-ChG hybrid waveguide platform shows huge opportunities for the advance of the high-performance integrated photonics.

Propagation Loss Reduction Strategy for Silicon Nitride Loaded Thin-Film Lithium Niobate Platform

Acoustic-wave Integrated Circuits on Lithium Niobate

Lightium CEO
photonics engine for quantum control of atomic systems


LNOI and other XOI hetero-substrates for integrated optics

MEMS Acoustic waves in Lithium Niobate thin films for RF applications

Integrated lithium niobate photonics: from communications to metrology

Zhejiang University
Integrated lithium niobate electro-optic modulation and large-capacity communication

South China Normal University
Polarization-handling components on thin-film lithium niobate

Integrated Lithium Niobate nonlinear photonics


Ultra-wide bandwidth thin film LN modulators

Huazhong University of Science and Technology
All optical wavelength conversion based on thin-film PPLN

Advanced Fiber Resources (Zhuhai)Ltd.
Energy efficient optical interconnect for AI clusters and data centers

Improving Electro-optic Modulation Efficiencies of Thin-Film Lithium Niobate Modulators

Chip-scale optical frequency comb and quantum optical circuits using thin film lithium niobate

OAM multiplexed quantum entanglement and its applications
Advisory Committee

Dr. Roel Baets
Ghent University-IMEC
Advisory Committee

Dr. Ai-Qun Liu
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Advisory Committee

Dr. Marko Lončar
Harvard University
Advisory Committee

Dr. Ya Cheng
East China Normal University
Advisory Committee

Dr. Siyuan Yu
Sun Yat-sen University
Advisory Committee

Dr. Chao Lu
Sun Yat-sen University
Advisory Committee
Program Committee

Ghent University
Bart Kuyken received the BSc in Physics and BSc and MSc in Electrical Engineering from Ghent University in 2006 and 2008 respectively. In 2009, he obtained an additional MSc degree from Stanford University. After obtaining a PhD degree from Ghent University in 2013, Bart Kuyken focused his post-doctoral work on integrated nonlinear circuits and comb generation and was a visiting worker at the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics in 2013 and 2014. Currently, Bart is associate professor at Ghent University where he is looking at electrically pumped comb sources on chip. This research is partially funded by the ERC starting grant ELECTRIC.

Sun Yat-sen University
Siyuan Yu received the bachelor's degree in wireless technologies from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 1984, the master's degree in optical communications from the Wuhan Research Institute of Post and Telecommunications, Wuhan, China, in 1987, and the Ph.D. degree in photonics from the University of Glasgow, Glasgow, U.K., in 1997. He had been a Professor of Photonic Information Systems with the University of Bristol, U.K., and has been a Professor with Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China. He has published over 200 papers including two cover features on Science, co-edited a book, and has been granted several international patents. He carried out research in photonic integrated circuits and their applications in optical communication systems. He has helped in pioneering areas such as high-speed integrated optical switches, micro-ring lasers, integrated quantum photonics, and more recently has focused on photonic devices and mode-division multiplexing systems based on orbital angular momentum modes of light in ring-core optical fibers.

Prof. Chao LU obtained his BEng in Electronic Engineering from Tsinghua University, China in 1985. He received his MSc and PhD degree from University of Manchester, UK in 1987 and 1990 respectively. He joined the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University(NTU), Singapore in 1991 as a Lecturer and has served there as Senior Lecturer and Associate Professor until 2006. From June 2002 to December 2005, he was seconded to the Institute for Infocomm Research, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore, as Program Director and Department Manager leading a research group in the area of optical communication and fibre devices. Since April 2006, he has been with the Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University as a Professor. He serves as a Visiting Professor to the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University(NTU) from Dec 2013 to Dec 2014. Over the years, he has published more than 300 papers in major international journals such as Optics Express, Optics Letters, IEEE Photonic Technology Letters and IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology. He has presented many papers and has given a number of invited talks in major international conferences. He has been organizer or technical program committee member of many international conferences. His research interests are in the area of optical communication systems and networks, fibre devices for optical communication and sensor systems. In addition to academic research work, he has had many industrial collaborative research projects and has a number of awarded patents. He is a Fellow of OSA.

Di Zhu received his Ph.D. (2019) and M.Sc. (2017) from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and B.Eng. (2013) from Nanyang Technological University, all in Electrical Engineering. From 2019 to 2021, he was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University. His Ph.D. thesis with Prof. Karl Berggren focused on superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors, and postdoc work with Prof. Marko Lončar centered around thin-film lithium niobate photonics. He was a recipient of Harvard Quantum Initiative Postdoctoral Fellowship, A*STAR National Science Scholarship, and MIT Jin-Au Kong thesis award. His current research interests include integrated quantum photonics, applied superconductivity, and nanoscale electromagnetics. Recently, Di is awarded the NRF Fellowship (Class 2023) to pursue research in building an integrated photonic platform for scalable quantum information processing. He will be joining the National University of Singapore as a Presidential Young Professor in September 2023. Outside of research, Di enjoys reading and hiking.

Prof. Xiankai Sun received his Ph.D. degree in Applied Physics from California Institute of Technology in 2010. From 2010 to 2014, he was a Postdoctoral Associate and then an Associate Research Scientist in Department of Electrical Engineering at Yale University. Since 2014, he has been with The Chinese University of Hong Kong, where he is currently an Associate Professor of Electronic Engineering and an Associate Director for Center of Optical Sciences. He is an expert on chip-scale integrated photonic, electronic, and mechanical devices and systems. His current research focuses on novel photonic and optomechanical nanodevices for both fundamental research and practical applications. Prof. Sun has published 96 peer-reviewed journal papers, 71 conference papers, 3 book chapters, and 1 book with a total citation of 3217 and the h-index of 32 (Google Scholar). He is currently an Associate Editor for Optica and Journal of Lightwave Technology. He was a session organizer/chair/co-chair at the conferences PIERS 2016, 2021, IMCO 2018, 2019, and OGC 2022, and a technical committee member at the conferences ACP 2018, 2020, ICOCN 2019, CLEO 2020-2022, AOPC 2021, OCOIP 2023, MWP 2023, and WOMBAT. He was an evaluator for judging the research and professional activities of the Institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences. He was also an external reviewer of grant proposals for the Israel Science Foundation, the French National Research Agency, and the European Research Council. Prof. Sun received fellowships from many professional societies, including the IEEE Photonics Society, the Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans, and SPIE (the International Society for Optics and Photonics). He was honored as a finalist of the Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists by New York Academy of Sciences in 2013 for his contribution to “experimental research of nanoscale optomechanical systems.” He also received the Early Career Award 2015/16 and Research Fellow Scheme (RFS) Award 2023/24 from the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong.

Lanzhou University
Yonghui Tian (Member, IEEE) received the Ph.D. degree in microelectronics and solid-state electronics from Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, in 2013. He is currently a Professor with the School of Physical Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China. His current research interests include silicon-based photonic devices for optical interconnect, optical computing, and optical communication.

Tsinghua University
Qinghua Song is an Assistant Professor in Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School, Tsinghua University, China. He received his Bachelor degree from Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2013 and Ph.D degree from University Paris-Est in 2017. Then he worked as a postdoc in Nanyang Technological University in Singapore from 2017-2018 with Prof. Zhongxiang Shen. After that, he worked as a postdoc in CNRS-CRHEA in France from 2019-2021 with Patrice Genevet. His research mainly focuses on optical metasurfaces, meta-hologram, non-Hermitian optics, topological photonics, tunable metasurface, antenna design, etc. He has published several papers as first author in Science, Science Advances, Nature Communications (2), etc.

Xin (Sunny) Wang received his B.S. in Physics from Peking University, China, in 2005. He then went to the United States for graduate study in Columbia University in the City of New York, where he received Ph.D. in Physics in 2010. His Ph.D. study was focused on the theory of strongly correlated materials, in particular the high-temperature superconductors. From 2010-2015, Dr. Wang was a Research Associate in Condensed Matter Theory Center at University of Maryland, College Park, U.S.A. He joined City University of Hong Kong in 2015 and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2020. His current research interests include quantum computation using electron spins and correlated electron systems.

Prof. Cheng Wang received his B.S. degree in Microelectronics from Tsinghua University in 2012, and his S.M. (2015) and Ph.D. (2017) degrees, both in Electrical Engineering from Harvard University, supervised by Prof. Marko Lončar. After conducting research as a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard, he joined City University of Hong Kong as an Assistant Professor in 2018. Prof. Wang's research focuses on the design and nanofabrication technology of integrated photonic devices and circuits. His current research effort focuses on realizing integrated lithium niobate photonic circuits for applications in optical communications, millimeter-wave/terahertz technologies, nonlinear optics, and quantum photonics. Since joining CityU, Prof. Wang has received a number of awards in both research and teaching, including the NSFC Excellent Young Scientist Fund (HK & Macau) (2019), the Croucher Innovation Award (2020), The President's Award, CityU (2020), 35 Innovators Under 35 (China), MIT Technology Review (2021), as well as EE Outstanding Teaching Award (2019/20&2020/21) and College Outstanding Teaching Award (2020/21).

Liu Liu received the B. Eng. in Information Engineering in 2002 at Zhejiang University, China, and Ph.D. in Photonics in 2006 at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden. He joined South China Normal University in 2011, and Zhejiang University in 2019. He is now a Professor at the College of Optical Science and Engineering in Zhejiang University. His current research area is heterogeneous integration, and silicon nanophotonic devices.

Changjian Guo received the B.Eng. degree from the Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China, in 2006, and the Ph.D. degree from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, in 2011. He is currently an Associate Professor with South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China. His research interests include optical communication and digital signal processing.

Advanced Fiber Resources (Zhuhai)Ltd.
Presently, Gui Jun Ji occupies the position of Chief Technology Officer & Executive Deputy GM at Advanced Fiber Resources Zhuhai Ltd. and Senior Director-Research & Development at Molex Co. LLC. Dr. Ji is also on the board of Chinese Optical Society and Senior Engineering Manager-Waveguide Operations at Viavi Solutions (Hong Kong) Ltd. In the past he held the position of Senior Director-Research & Development at Oplink Communications, Inc. and Director-Process Engineering at NeoPhotonics (China) Co., Ltd.
Program at a glance
The detailed program of the conference can be downloaded here:schedule_linc23_final.pdf
The manual of the conference can be downloaded here: 会议手册(转曲).pdf
Location |
Time | ||||
Dec.6 Wednesday |
Dec.7 Thursday |
Dec.8 Friday |
Dec.9 Saturday |
Registration | Hallway,B1 Level | 14:00-20:00 | 8:30-18:30 | 8:30-18:30 | |
Opening Ceremony | Picasso,B1 Level | 8:30-8:40 | |||
Keynote Session | Picasso,B1 Level | 8:40-18:20 | |||
Technical Session | Picasso & Monet, B1 Level | 8:00-17:00 | |||
Poster Session | Picasso,B1 Level | 11:30-13:10 | |||
Exhibition | Picasso & Hallway, B1 Level | 8:00-17:00 | 8:00-17:00 | ||
Welcome Reception | Monet, B1 Level | 18:00-20:00 | |||
Banquet | Man Lok Vessel (Boarding from Hung Home Pier ) | 19:15-21:25 | |||
Lab Tour | HK CityU | 9:00-11:00 |
Conference Venue
InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong
70 Mody Road, Tsimshatsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong
The LiNC-2023 Conference will be held at InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong. Located on the waterfront of Victoria Harbour right in the heart of the shopping, business and entertainment district of Tsimshatsui East, InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong offers sophistication and heritage amidst the breath-taking view of Victoria Harbour.
Traffic route:
1. From Hong Kong International Airport:
1.1 Via Airport Express Train (to Tsim Sha Tsui Station)
From the airport, follow the signs to the Airport Express train station. You can buy a ticket from the machines or the counters. The fare is HK$107 - HK$123.
Board the train and get off at Hong Kong Station, which is the last stop. The train ride takes about 24 minutes.
From Hong Kong Station, follow the signs to the subway station. You need to transfer to the Tsuen Wan Line, which is the red line on the subway map. You can use the same ticket or Octopus card that you used for the Airport Express train.
Take the subway and get off at Tsim Sha Tsui Station, which is the 6th stop. The subway ride takes about 11 minutes.
From Tsim Sha Tsui Station, exit from Exit B2 and walk along Nathan Road towards the harbour. Turn right at Mody Road and walk for about 10 minutes. You will see the hotel on your left. The hotel address is 70 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong .
1.2 Via Airport Express Train (to Kowloon Station)
The Airport Express Train operates around every 15 minutes from 05:54hrs to 00:48hrs. Travel by train from Hong Kong International Airport to Kowloon Station cost HK$105 one way one person. The distance between Airport and Kowloon Station is approximately 25 minutes by train and 15 minutes by taxi from Kowloon Station to the Hotel.
1.3 Taxi
Travel by taxi direct to InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong is approximately 30 minutes and cost HK$350 one way to accommodate the maximum of four passengers.
2.From West Kowloon Station (high speed train station):
2.1 Subway (West Rail Line)
You can take the subway (from Austin Station) and take the West Rail Line to East Tsim Sha Tsui Station, which is the 5th stop. The subway ride takes about 15 minutes and costs HK$9.8. From East Tsim Sha Tsui Station, exit from Exit P1 and walk for about 10 minutes to the hotel. The hotel address is 70 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
2.2 Taxi
Travel by taxi direct to InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong is approximately 9 minutes and cost about HK$30 one way to accommodate the maximum of four passengers.
3.From Hung Hom Station
You can walk for about 15 minutes to the hotel. The hotel is located near the Hung Hom Ferry Pier, which is also a scenic spot to enjoy the view of Victoria Harbour. Alternatively, you can take a taxi from the station to the hotel, which takes about 5 minutes and costs around HK$25.
Beware of Unauthorized Registration
Note that Sciforum is the only official registration platform to register to LiNC-2023. Beware that entering into financial agreements with non-endorsed companies can have costly consequences. -
The organizers do not accept liability for personal accident, loss, or damage to private property incurred as a result of participation in the event. -
Photographs and/or video will be taken during the conference
By taking part in this event you grant the event organisers full rights to use the images resulting from the photography/video filming, and any reproductions or adaptations of the images for fundraising, publicity or other purposes to help achieve the conference’s aims. This might include (but is not limited to), the right to use them in their printed and online publicity, social media, press releases and funding applications. If you do not consent, please inform the organizing committee. - 请所有国内参会代表使用以下账户信息,通过网上转账的方式缴纳会议注册费用。本次会议委托泰州市蔚鸣科技咨询有限公司协助处理会议服务及赞助事宜,代为收取会议费、赞助费用款项,并出具会议费发票。转账信息如下:
账 户 名 称: 泰州市蔚鸣科技咨询有限公司
开 户 银 行: 中国银行股份有限公司泰州分行
账 号: 491073168400
税 号: 91321200MA1Y7NMR1N (均为阿拉伯数字1)
地 址: 泰州市海陵区新能源产业园区姚家路22号4楼4026 - 注册费标准:
注册类型 会前缴费(CNY) 会上缴费(转账,CNY) 会上缴费(现金,HKD) (2023年12月6日前) (2023年12月6日起) (2023年12月6日起) Regular 3800 3800 4500 Student 2350 2350 2700 -
Payment Method (Outside Mainland China):
On-Site Payment
Only cash payment is acceptedType Price Regular (Cash payments) 4500.00HKD Student (Cash payments) 2700.00HKD
Wire Transfer:
Account Number: 012-816-2-014831-8
Account Name: Physical Society of Hong Kong
Bank Name: Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited
Bank Code: 012
Bank Address: 1 Garden Road, Hong Kong
Bank City: Hong Kong
Add remarks: LiNC-2023, + Full Name
Price | |
Regular | 3800.00 CNY |
Student | 2350.00 CNY |

Advanced Fiber Resources (Zhuhai)Ltd.
Incorporated in 2000, AFR is a leading provider of passive optical components, designed mainly for telecommunication, fiber laser, data center, autonomous vehicle, fiber sensor and bio-medical equipment applications. AFR designs and manufactures advanced and cost-effective passive components and modulators at our ISO 9001-certified and ISO 14001-certified facility in Zhuhai. China.
AFR specializes in high-power handling fiber optic components and polarization maintaining components. Our 1064nm high power components are capable of handling up to 10 kW on average, and 100 kW peak optical power for fiber laser applications. Our PM components offer excellent optical performance, e.g., high extinction ratio and low insertioross. as well as high reliability and have become the key enablers of broadband optical networks,. high-speed optical test equipment, fiber sensing, and other PM optical systems.
AFR is led by a strong management team, many of whom possess more than a decade of successful technology or management experience in the fiber optic industry in the Silicon Valley. Our goal is to become our customers' first choice for high-power handling & PM fiber optic components, and to promote our world-class optical technologies in the alobal market.

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) is a public research university located in Hung Hom, Hong Kong. The university is one of the eight government-funded degree-granting tertiary institutions in Hong Kong. Founded in 1937 as the first Government Trade School, it is the first institution to provide technical education in Hong Kong. In 1994, the Legislative Council of Hong Kong passed a bill which granted the former Hong Kong Polytechnic official university status.

City University of Hong Kong
The Department of English at City University of Hong Kong is a leading centre for English studies in Asia. Our international faculty conduct cutting-edge research and contribute to the Department's undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Through a close collaboration with the University's Language Centre, we contribute to developing the academic literacy skills of CityU students across the curriculum.
We are a young department, having celebrated our 30th anniversary in 2019, with a passion for educational excellence.

Zhejiang University
Zhejiang University (ZJU) is one of China’s top higher education institutions, as well as one of its oldest; its roots can be traced back to 1897 and the founding of the Qiushi Academy.
Located in Hangzhou – one of China’s most picturesque cities – the University is organized across seven faculties and 39 schools. It is home to 4,383 full-time faculty members, including 30 members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and 31 members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. ZJU has 63,136 full-time students, over 53% of whom are postgraduate students.

South China Normal University
South China Normal University is an institution of higher education with a long history and a rich legacy. Originally known as Guangdong Provincial Xiangqin Normal College, South China Normal University (SCNU) was founded in 1933. In 1996, it became a member of “Project 211”, a national project aiming to establish 100 well-acknowledged key universities and colleges in China. 2015 saw the co-construction of SCNU by the Guangdong Provincial Government and Ministry of Education as well as its entry into the Guangdong High-Level University Sponsoring Project. In 2017, SCNU became a member of the National Sponsoring Project for World-Class Disciplines Construction. SCNU now boasts three campuses, namely Shipai Campus, University Town Campus and Nanhai Campus, with a total school area of over two hundred hectares and a total floor space of over one million square meters, housing a collection of over 3.7 million books.

Physical Society of Hong Kong
The formation of the Physical Society of Hong Kong (PSHK) was first motivated in Feb 1966 by a group of physicists from two universities at that time (that is, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the University of Hong Kong) and from industries in Hong Kong. A preparation committee was formed, and in September 1966, the Society was formally constituted. Officers and Council members were also elected for a one-year period. In Nov 1966, the Hong Kong Government officially approved the Constitution of PSHK. At the present time, we have over 100 members from all six physics departments in the local universities. The Society is a member of the Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies (AAPPS). Moreover, members of PSHK also receive reciprocal membership from several other physical societies. Currently, the executive committee of the PSHK consists of the President, Vice-President, Hon. Secretary, and Hon. Treasurer. The Council consists of 18 members coming from all 6 physics departments in Hong Kong.

Optical Society of Zhejiang
The Zhejiang Province Optical Society is a provincial-level, academic, public welfare, and non-profit legal entity registered in accordance with the law, voluntarily formed by optical and optoelectronic related technology, education workers, and entrepreneurs engaged in the optoelectronic industry throughout the province. It is a component of the Zhejiang Association for Science and Technology (referred to as the Zhejiang Association for Science and Technology), a provincial-level local association of the China Optical Society, and an important social force for the Party and government to develop the optics, optical engineering, and optoelectronic information technology industries in Zhejiang Province. The purpose of this society is to unite and organize scientific and technological workers in the optical and related fields within the province; Promote the development of optics and related disciplines and technologies; Promote the popularization of optical and related professional knowledge; Promote the cultivation of optical and related professional talents; Promote the organic integration of optics and related majors with socio-economic development; Promote cross provincial and cross-border academic exchanges and scientific and technological cooperation; Developing the optical science industry in Zhejiang Province and serving the strategy of "revitalizing the country through science and education"; Reflect the opinions of optical technology workers, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of optical technology workers, serve scientific and technological workers, serve economic and social development, and improve the scientific quality of the province.
LINC-2023. Lithium Niobate Photonics Conference 2023
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