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Marine Renewable Energy Topic Workshop

26 Apr 2022, 10:00 (CET)

Marine Environment, Offshore and Floating Wind, Tide and Wave Energy, Floating Solar Energy, Osmotic Energy, Power to X Systems, Storage Systems, Resource Assessment, Hybrid Against Colocation Concepts
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Welcome from the Chair

Dear Colleagues,

In this webinar, our focus will be on advances and challenges in harvesting ocean energy. Ocean energy sources are abundant, and the amount of energy that can be generated using existing technologies varies from site-to-site and day-to-day, depending on the location and weather conditions.

As we are all aware, a drastic reduction in CO2 emissions represents an issue of increasing importance. From this perspective, the technologies that are currently associated with ocean energy extraction are incredibly important for achieving the expected energy efficiency and environmental protection targets. On the other hand, although significant advances have been noticed in recent years, with regard to extracting ocean energy, there are still important challenges related to the implementation of cost-effective technologies that could survive in harsh marine environments.

Such aspects will be discussed in this webinar, which seeks to contribute to the renewable energy agenda and to improve knowledge and performance in harvesting ocean energy.

Workshop Chair,
Prof. Doc. Eugen RUSU

Speakers' Profiles

Prof. Dr. Eugen RUSU

Eugen RUSU received a diploma in Naval Architecture (1982) and a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (1997). Between 1999 and 2004, he worked as a post-doc fellow at the at Hydrographical Institute of the Portuguese Navy, where he was responsible for wave modelling and provided environmental support for major situations such as the accident of the M/V Prestige (2002) and the NATO exercises Unified Odyssey (2002) and ‘Swordfish’ (2003). Eugen Rusu worked as a consulting Scientist at the NATO Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation, La Spezia, Italy (2005), modelling coastal waves and surf zone processes as main tasks.

Starting in 2006, in parallel with his activity as a professor at the University Dunarea de Jos of Galati, he has been working as a professor collaborator at CENTEC (Centre for Marine Technology and Ocean Engineering), University of Lisbon, Portugal. Since 2012, he has also acted as an expert for the European Commission. Eugen Rusu has published more than 150 works in the fields of renewable energy and marine engineering, and he received awards including Doctor Honoris Causa (2015) at the Maritime University of Constanta, Romania, and Outstanding Contribution awards for reviewing from the journals Renewable Energy (2015) and Ocean Engineering (2016) . He has been recognized as a Top 1% World Reviewer in the field of engineering (2018 and 2019). He is also the President of the Council of the Doctoral Schools at Galati University and of the Romanian National Commission of Mechanical Engineering. Since 2018, he has been a corresponding member of the Romanian Academy, the highest level scientific and cultural forum in Romania.


Kostas BELIBASSAKIS received a diploma in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (1986) and a PhD from the same department and university (1992). He has served as a professor and as the Head of the Department of Naval Architecture, Technological Educational Institute of Athens (2000-2010). He has extensive professional experience as a Naval Architect and Marine Engineer in the Elefsis Shipyards S.A. (1994-1995).

His research interests include ship and marine hydrodynamics, marine propulsors, and biomimetic thrusters; wave phenomena in the sea, surface gravity waves, and acoustic waves; propagation models in inhomogeneous environments; free-surface hydrodynamics/wave–body interactions (both rigid and elastic bodies); and wave climate and wave energy potential (statistical description). For 30 years, he has participated in research projects funded by the EU and by Greek national resources (Ministry of Education, Greek Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT), public and private sector, etc.). Kostas has been the author and/or co-author of 83 international journal publications and more than 170 conference papers published in the corresponding proceedings. He has 3299 citations on Google Scholar, an h-index of 27, and an i10-index of 69. He also has 2762 citations on Research Gate 2762 and an RG score of 32.47.

Alexandros Magkouris
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from University of Western Macedonia (2017) and MSc in Maritime and Marine Technology from National Technical University of Athens (2020).

He is currently a Ph.D. Candidate at the school of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens. His research interests include free surface hydrodynamics/wave–body interactions with applications in floating platforms for marine photovoltaic systems and solar ships as well as BEM hydrodynamic modelling of wave energy systems (OWC and OSWC). He has been the author and/or co-author of three international journal publications and two conference papers published in the corresponding proceedings. He has 16 citations on Google Scholar, an h-index of 2, and an i10-index of 1. He has 14 citations on Research Gate and an RG score 5.81.

Dr. Hady Habib Fayek

Hady Habib Fayek received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Power Engineering in 2019 at 29 years old, from Helwan University, Egypt, including associated research with Texas A&M University, USA. He obtained his B.Sc. degree in 2011, and an M.Sc. degree in 2014, from Helwan University. He is currently working as a lecturer in the Energy Engineering Program, Faculty of Engineering, Heliopolis University. He is the chairman of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Egypt Chapter; he was the main organizer of many international conferences on smart cities and sustainable electrical engineering. He has published more than 30 research papers about recent advances in the electrical power and energy sector in many international conferences and journals. Hady is a guest editor and reviewer in many transactions, journals and conferences. He is also a keynote speaker in many conferences and webinars.


This is a FREE webinar. The number of participants to the live session is limited but the recording will be made available on Sciforum shortly afterwards. Registrations with academic institutional email addresses will be prioritized.



Time in CET

Speaker Introduction

10:00 - 10:10 am

Prof. Dr. Eugen RUSU

Marine renewable energy and the green road to a low carbon future

10:10 - 10:40 am

Prof. Kostas BELIBASSAKIS and Mr. Alexandros Magkouris

BEM models for the hydrodynamic analysis of OWC and Floating PV Structures in variable bathymetry

10:40 - 11:10 am

Dr. Hady Habib Fayek

Operation of Microgrids with 100% Marine Renewable Energy

11:10 - 11:40 am


11:40 - 12:00 pm

Workshop Content

Prof. Dr. Eugen RUSU
Marine renewable energy and the green road to a low carbon future

Prof. Kostas BELIBASSAKIS and Mr. Alexandros Magkouris
BEM models for the hydrodynamic analysis of OWC and Floating PV Structures in variable bathymetry

Dr. Hady Habib Fayek
Marine renewable energy and the green road to a low carbon future

Related Topics

Marine Renewable Energy

edited by: Prof. Dr. Eugen RUSU, Prof. Dr. Kostas Belibassakis, Dr. George Lavidas

- Marina environment
- Offshore and floating wind
- Tide and wave energy
- Floating solar energy
- Osmotic energy
- Power to X systems
- Storage systems
- Resource assessment
- Hybrid against colocation concepts
- Multi-platform concepts
- Arrays of energy converters
- Numerical modelling
- Laboratory experiments
- Climate change and environmental impact
- Regulatory, market and financial challenges
- Industrial design and manufacturing processes
- Marine spatial planning issues
- Economic assessments

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