MDPI World Children's Day Webinar 2023
20 Nov 2023, 14:00 (CET)
Children Matters, Children Disputes, Children Issues
Welcome from the Chair
In order to commemorate the World Children's Day (, MDPI is launching a special webinar to encourage researchers to join together, take action, and raise awareness of children's rights.
World Children’s Day was first established in 1954 as Universal Children's Day and is celebrated on 20 November each year to promote international togetherness, awareness among children worldwide, and improving children's welfare. World Children's Day offers each of us an inspirational entry-point to advocate, promote and celebrate children's rights, translating into dialogues and actions that will build a better world for children.
The webinar aims to encourage connections and collaboration among air pollution researchers and the international open access community to share and discuss their research findings. We are very much looking forward to seeing you at the MDPI World Children's Day 2023.
Webinar Secretariat
Invited Speakers
Department of Law and Criminology, Aberystwyth University, United Kingdom
Dr. Kathy Hampson is a Senior Lecturer in Criminology Aberystwyth University where she has developed both under- and post-graduate courses in youth justice. She worked for nearly a decade as a case manager in a large city Youth Offending Team, during which she completed her PhD exploring the emotional intelligence of children who have offended. After this she worked in a hybrid strategic-research-advisor role looking at the resettlement of children coming out of custody across North Wales. Her research interests include youth justice systems, custody and resettlement practice, Child First youth justice and participatory practice within the sector. She has provided training for Youth Offending Teams and magistrates across Wales in both desistance practice in youth justice and in Child First justice.
School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Loughborough University, United Kingdom
Stephen Case is Professor of Youth Justice at Loughborough University. His research and scholarship have focused on the promotion of positive, ‘children first’, rights-based and anti-risk management approaches to working with children in conflict with the law. In addition to over 60 academic journal articles, he has published numerous books including ‘Child First: Developing a new Youth Justice System’ (Case and Hazel 2023 – Palgrave), ‘Youth Justice: A Critical Introduction’ (Case 2021 – Routledge), ‘Positive Youth Justice: Children First, Offenders Second’ (Haines and Case 2015 – Policy Press) and ‘Understanding Youth Offending: Risk Factor Research, Policy and Practice’ (Case and Haines 2009 – Routledge). Professor Case has conducted funded research for the Youth Justice Board, UKRI, the Home Office, the Welsh Government, the ESRC, the Leverhulme Trust and the Nuffield Foundation. His most recent publications, ‘Child First: The evidence-base’ and ‘Child First Strategy Implementation Project’ are available at:'Child%20First'%20Justice%20is%20a,rather%20than%20as%20'offenders
School of Social Sciences and Humanities Loughborough University, United Kingdom
Andrea is a Research Associate at Loughborough University working on a progressive Nuffield Foundation Child First Research Project looking at children’s collaboration in youth justice decision-making. Previous research projects include an Economic and Social Research Council-funded project ‘The Youth Justice System’s Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic’ and the HMIP project ‘Implementation and Delivery of Community Resolutions’, undertaken at the Manchester Centre for Youth Studies at Manchester Metropolitan University. She has over twenty years’ experience of providing strategic support to Youth Offending and Children’s Services, using a range of qualitative and quantitative research methods to evaluate and inform evidence-based practice; developing and implementing performance management and quality assurance frameworks and reporting mechanisms. Andrea graduated from Keele University with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Criminology and Sociology/Anthropology (1998) and a Master of Arts in Criminology and Criminal Justice (2020) and was awarded the accolade of the Mike Collison Memorial Prize for the best postgraduate dissertation.
School of Communication Sciences & Disorders, the University of Memphis, US
Dr. Moncrieff’s research focuses on auditory disorders across the lifespan, with particular emphasis on the negative impact of auditory disorders on communication, language, learning, and reading. She has identified “amblyaudia” and “dichotic dysaudia,” two auditory processing deficits that interfere with a listener’s ability to integrate competing information arriving at the two ears. Both dichotic deficits improve with a short-term auditory training regimen developed to remediate amblyaudia, Auditory Rehabilitation for Interaural Asymmetry (ARIA). Her current research objective is to differentiate these two dichotic deficits through behavioral, electrophysiologic, and imaging methods before and after ARIA training.
Department of Kinesiology, Health Promotion, & Recreation, College of Education, University of North Texas
Andrew M. Colombo-Dougovito, PhD, CAPE (he/him), is an internationally recognized scholar, educator, and advocate of adapted physical activity. His work interrogates the systemic agents that govern the accessibility of sport and physical activity for disabled persons and their families. Dr. Colombo-Dougovito collaborates with community partners to pursue pragmatic, yet transformative, solutions to the multiple marginalizations experienced individuals and their families in educational, recreational, and organizational .
Speaker/Presentation |
Time in CET |
Introduction |
2pm-2.10pm |
Stephen Case, Andrea Nisbet & Kathy Hampson |
2.10pm-2.40pm |
Deborah Moncrieff |
2.40pm-3.10pm |
Andrew M. Colombo-Dougovito |
3.10pm-3.40pm |
Q&A |
3.40pm-3.55pm |
Closing of Webinar |
3.55pm-4.00pm |
Webinar Recording
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