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Materials Webinar | Nanoarchitectonics of Functional Materials

26 July 2023, 10:00 (CEST)

Nanoarchitectonics, Functional Materials, Nanotechnology
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10th Materials Webinar

Nanoarchitectonics of Functional Materials

The Materials webinar on nanoarchitectonics is very pleased to host Prof. Dr. David Leong and Prof. Dr. Jung Ho Kim as keynote speakers.

Nanoarchitectonics was introduced 20 years ago as a new concept referring to a technological system for arranging nanoscale structural units in a required architecture. The nanoarchitectonics concept couples nanotechnology with various research fields, including materials science, supramolecular chemistry, and bio-related sciences, to logically create functional materials from nanoscale units. In nanoarchitectonics approaches, several actions, and processes, including the regulation of atomic/molecular manipulation, chemical materials modification, control of physicochemical interactions, self-assembly/self-organization, application of external physical stimuli, and biological processes, are combined with rational selection to create functional materials, where interactions, thermal fluctuations, and statistic uncertainties can be harmonized. In the frame of this concept, many new nanocomposites and nanoarchitectures with multifunctional properties were obtained through the combination of several materials within a well-defined architecture.

Date: 26 July 2023

Time: 10:00 am CEST

Webinar ID: 890 8122 8662

Webinar Secretariat:

Event Chairs

Rennes Institute for Chemical Sciences, CNRS, France,
LINK, NIMS-Saint-Gobain-CNRS, Japan

In 1998, Fabien Grasset received his Ph.D. degree in solid-state chemistry from the University of Science and Technology of Bordeaux, France, and the Bordeaux Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry (ICMCB). After a postdoctoral stay at ICMCB on magnetic nanoparticles for nanobiotechnology (group of Professor E. Duguet), he undertook a postdoctoral fellowship on functional nanoparticles (ZnO, M@SiO2) at the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) in Japan from 1999 to 2001 (group of Professors H. Haneda). He joined as assistant professor the University of Rennes 1 (UR1), France, in Sept. 2001 and as associate professor since Feb. 2003. He worked on nanomaterials and colloidal chemistry. He joined CNRS in Oct. 2014 as Director of Research and he worked as Director at the IRL3629 LINK CNRS-Saint Gobain-NIMS based at NIMS, Tsukuba, Japan until Jan. 2020. Since Feb. 2020, he is currently Director of research at ISCR, Rennes, France and he will be back to LINK on Sept. 2023. He published around 110 papers. In 2007, he was invited as a Short-Term Fellow of the International Center for Young Scientist (ICYS) at the National Institute for Materials Science under ICYS/NIMS program for 3 months. From 2007 to 2009, he was one of the PI of a MERLION PHC between the National University of Singapore (Professor Y. Zhang) and the UR1. From 2008 to 2012, he was elected at the National Committee of CNRS (section 15). Since 2011, he was PI on several industrial projects (Solvay, Saint-Gobain, Firadec, Kerdry…) and in the ANR’s projects CLUSTOP, ZnO-type-P and CLIMATE and currently in DUVNANO project.

WPI Research Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA), National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), 1-1 Namiki, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0044, Japan,
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8561, Japan

Katsuhiko Ariga is the Principal Investigator of World Premier International (WPI) Research Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA) at the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS). He received his Ph.D. Degrees from the Tokyo Institute of Technology. His research field is based on supramolecular chemistry and surface science, including the boundary research areas of organic chemistry, physical chemistry, biochemistry, and materials chemistry. He also appointed as a professor of Univ. Tokyo since 2017. His H-index is 111 (Web of Science, August, 2021) and he has been selected as a highly cited researcher in both materials science and chemistry. Editorial activities: Editor-in-Chief of Bulletin of Chemical Society of Japan; Executive Advisory Board of Advanced Materials; International Advisory Board of Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Chemistry An Asian Journal, ChemNanoMat; Editorial Board Member of Chemistry of Materials, Langmuir (- 2014), ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Appl. Mater. Today, Small Methods, etc. He is a Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry, a Member of World Economic Forum Expert Network and Honorary Member of Materials Research Society of India.

Keynote Speakers

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Nanomaterials Induced Endothelial Leakiness
David graduated with a Bachelor of Chemical Engineering from National University of Singapore (NUS) in 1998. He worked as a school teacher teaching GCE A-levels Chemistry for a few years before doing his PhD work on stem cell biology at the Department of Biological Sciences, NUS and graduating in 2006. Thereafter he did his postdoctoral training under Professor Morris Jay Birnbaum at University of Pennsylvania Medical School, Howard Hughes Medical Institutes. After his postdoctoral training, he returned to NUS as a Lee Kuan Yew Postdoctoral Fellow and later returned to his undergraduate alma mater department as an Assistant Professor in 2010. He got his tenured Associate Professor in 2017 till present. He has published in a variety of topics spanning basic chemistry mechanisms, basic nano-biology mechanisms to applied materials work in a variety of bio-related applications. His senior author work can be found in the top chemistry and materials journals namely, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials and ACS Nano etc. He was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry in 2019. His current Scopus h-index is 63.

Institute for Superconducting and Electronic Materials, Australian Institute for Innovative Materials (AIIM), University of Wollongong, North Wollongong, NSW 2500, Australia

Nanoarchitectonics of Lithium Ion Pathways through Pores in a Carbon Framework for Improving the Storage Capability and Reversiblity of Lithium Metal Anode
Professor Jung Ho Kim is a dedicated full-time Professor at the Australian Institute for Innovative Materials (AIIM), the University of Wollongong (UOW) in Australia. He completed his Bachelor's (1998), Master's (2000), and PhD (2005) degrees at Sungkyunkwan University in South Korea. Starting from April 2005, he has been actively involved at UOW. Professor Kim's outstanding contributions to his field have been recognized through various prestigious appointments and grants. He was honored with an Australian Research Council (ARC) Australian Postdoctoral Fellowship (APD) for four years (2008-2011) and later awarded an ARC Future Fellowship (FT) for five years (2012-2016). Since 2016, he has held a tenured position as a Professor at UOW. In addition to his academic roles, Professor Kim actively contributes to the scientific community through his editorial engagements. He currently serves as an Advisory Board Member for Materials Future (IOP), Guest Editor for EcoMat (Wiley), Guest Editor for Carbon Energy (Wiley), Associate Editor for Science Technology of Advanced Materials (Taylor&Francis). Recently, he has taken on the prestigious role of Editor-in-Chief for Frontiers in Batteries and Electrochemistry. Professor Kim's expertise lies in the field of energy harvesting and storage devices, where he has dedicated his efforts over the past 17 years. His prolific research output includes over 300 peer-reviewed SCI journal articles, garnering more than 20,000 citations and an impressive h-index of over 71. In recognition of his significant contributions, he was named a highly cited researcher in the cross-field category for the year 2021.


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Time in CEST

Time in CST Asia

Dr. Fabien Grasset
Chair Introduction

10:00–10:05 a.m.

4:00–4:05 p.m.

Prof. Dr. David Leong
Nanomaterials Induced Endothelial Leakiness

10:05–10:35 a.m.

4:05–4:35 p.m.

Prof. Dr. Jung Ho Kim
Nanoarchitectonics of lithium ion pathways through pores in a carbon framework for improving the storage capability and reversiblity of lithium metal anode

10:35–11:05 a.m.

4:35–5:05 p.m.

Q&A Session

11:05–11:25 a.m.

5:05–5:25 p.m.

Prof. Dr. Katsuhiko Ariga
Closing of Webinar

11:25–11:30 a.m.

5:25–5:30 p.m.

Webinar Content

On Wednesday, 26 July 2023, MDPI and the Journal Materials organized the 10th webinar entitled "Nanoarchitectonics of Functional Materials". This online Webinar was chaired by Dr. Fabien Grasset (CNRS, France) and Prof. Katsuhiko Ariga (NIMS, Japan). The two speakers Dr. David Leong (National University of Singapore, Singapore) and Prof. Jung Ho Kim (University of Wollongong, Australia) presented their research related to the Nanoarchitectonics of Functional Materials.

After a short introduction by the chair, Prof. Dr. David Leong presented his research on nanomaterials induced endothelial leakiness. The second speaker was Prof. Dr. Jung Ho Kim and his presentation explained the nanoarchitectonics of lithium ion pathways through pores in a carbon framework for improving the storage capability and reversiblity of lithium metal anode.

A Q&A session and a discussion, moderated by wo chairs, was conducted at the end. The webinar was offered via Zoom and required registration to attend. The full recording can be found below. In order to stay updated on the next webinars on Materials, be sure to sign up for our newsletter by clicking on “Subscribe” at the top of the page.

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