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Materials Webinar | Materials in Cultural Heritage: Analysis, Testing, and Preservation

28 May 2024, 10:00 (CEST)

Materials Analysis of CH Materials, Analytical Techniques, Conservation, Preservation
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Welcome from the Chair

12th Materials Webinar
Materials in Cultural Heritage: Analysis, Testing, and Preservation

You are kindly invited to the webinar on the studies of objects of cultural heritage by different analytical techniques. The methods encompass a broad spectrum from nuclear-based methods involving irradiation by protons and slow neutrons, towards the softer atomic methods including electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy and mass analysis.

Objects of cultural heritage are memories from our past generations and by studying and preserving them we learn about the life in the past that is often mirrored in nowadays events. The webinar is devoted to the material studies of selected objects that will reveal their way of manufacture, use and dissemination. Specially we will study the technology of historical glass, provenance studies of different archaeological materials, and composition and use of different pigments.

Date: 28 May 2024

Time: 10:00 am CEST | 4:00 pm CST Asia

Webinar ID: 829 1944 1723

Webinar Secretariat:

Event Chairs

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia,
Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia

Žiga Šmit is a retired full professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. He has been teaching basic physics and a course on archaeometry, while his research work is conducted at the Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana. His general interest is atomic collisions with light ions. He studied ionization mechanisms in inner shells by light ion impact in semiclassical approximation and examined the effects beyond the first step models. Simultaneously, he developed numerical models for practical applications of proton-induced X-rays for chemical analysis, like the analysis of thick target archaeological materials, differential PIXE for the analysis of layered materials, and a combined PIXE-PIGE method for the analysis of historic glasses. His studies include analysis of usewear on flint tools, colored metals of Roman military equipment, glass from different historic periods (from the Bronze Age until the 20th century), (semi) precious stones and paint pigments. Currently he is involved in the analysis of glass from a broader Balkan region, studies of archeological metals and development of software for analytical purposes.

Keynote Speakers

Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Overview of Analyses of the Archaeological Glass Finds From Serbia Using PIXE/PIGE Measurements
Until recently director of the Laboratory of Physics of the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences. Dedicated first to a long-term task of construction of the Tesla Accelerator Installation and then to the completion of the Facility for Modification and Analysis of materials with ion beams (FAMA – a low-energy part of Tesla). Participated in the development of control and data acquisition systems for isochronous accelerator, ion-beam sources (ECR and multi-cusp types), ion-beam transport lines and experimental channels. Developed heterogenous computer models of ion beam transport, ion beam diagnostics (ion beam profile monitor), and power supplies, and coupled them with human-machine interface, obtaining an integrated modelling environment suitable for operator training. Took part in the development of conceptual projects of radiation protection system of accelerator installation, ion-beam analysis (IBA) channels for analysis of materials in-air and in-vacuum (PIXE, PIXE, RBS), and suggested a concept of eye-melanoma proton-therapy channel. Lately focused on applications of IBA methods in Αrchaeometry and interpretation of results, mainly concerning archaeological glass from the territory of Serbia.

Nuclear Analysis and Radiography Department, Centre for Energy Research, Hungary,
Budapest Neutron Centre, Hungary

Non-destructive analytical methods applied for Heritage Science at the Budapest Neutron Centre
A physicist who graduated from Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest in 1990, completed his PhD thesis on the radioactivity of well-waters and groundwaters at the Doctoral School of Semmelweis University and Eötvös Loránd University, earning his PhD in 2000. In 1996, he began working at the Institute of Isotopes, now known as the Centre for Energy Research, where he explored the potential applications of Prompt-Gamma Activation Analysis (PGAA) at the Budapest Neutron Centre. In 1997, he initiated the development of PGAA applications on various heritage science materials and has continued to work in this field ever since. He has participated in and led numerous national and international heritage science projects, coordinated heritage science-related user programs at the Budapest Neutron Centre, including CHARISMA, IPERION CH, IPERION HS, and E-RIHS. An accomplished author, he has published over 300 scientific papers and co-authored and co-edited three handbooks on nuclear methods in heritage science. Additionally, he is a frequent referee of scientific papers and project proposals.

Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Modelling the Lifetime of Paper-Based Collections
Matija Strlič is Professor of Analytical Chemistry at University of Ljubljana and Professor of Heritage Science at University College London. His main research interests are in modelling of heritage materials, environments, values and decision making. He has published more than 170 peer-reviewed papers and is Editorial Board Member of Heritage Science, Polymer Degradation and Stability and Studies in Conservation. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and of the International Institute for Conservation. His track record includes more than 50 national (Slovenia and UK) and international (EU and bilateral) projects, with total funding of more that €63M for heritage science. He regularly reviews proposals for the EU and 15+ national funding bodies and has worked on the development of Strategic Research Agendas for several national and international funding and policy making bodies. In 2015, he received the Ambassador of Science of the Republic of Slovenia Award for the outstanding achievements in science and international collaboration.

Department of Industrial Design and Production Engineering, University of West Attica, Greece

Advanced Technology in Cultural heritage
Theodore Ganetsos is a full Professor at the Department of Industrial Design and Production Engineering of the University of West Attica, in Athens – Greece. He is Physicist (PhD 2001 in Dresden in material science). He is the Director of the Non-Destructive Techniques Laboratory. His general interest is the use of non-destructive techniques for materials characterisation. Using portable instruments Raman Spectroscopy, XRF, FTIR and Multispectral Camera, identify pigments in paintings and artefacts. He studied precious and semi-percious stones using portable Raman for identification. Currently he is involved in the analysis of Byzantine paintings in Greek Museums and supervise 4 PhD students. He is the Director of the MSc programme (in English) with the title “Advanced technologies in Cultural Heritage” and related to his cooperation with a company finalise the development of a portable Raman Spectrometer using a Robotic arm in order to study pigments in paintings. He supervised 26 Master thesis and his publications in journals are 124 with over 100 participations in International Conferences

Investigative Science, Historic England, Fort Cumberland, UK

Multianalytical Investigations of the Romanesque Wall Paintings at Church of St Mary (Kempley, UK)
Francesca Gherardi is a materials scientist in the Investigative Science team at Historic England, Portsmouth, UK. She received a PhD in Materials Engineering from Politecnico di Milano, Italy, with a research focused on the set-up of nanostructured protective treatments for stone and paint surfaces of Cultural Heritage. She worked as a research fellow at the Politecnico di Milano and University of Lincoln, UK, where she was involved in several international projects on the development of innovative conservation methodologies for stones, paintings, and textiles. She has contributed to different editorial and scientific boards as a reviewer, and has published research papers in peer-reviewed journals, books, and conference proceedings. Her research interests are the analysis of artworks, archaeological objects and buildings, and conservation treatment strategy development.

Webinar Recording

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Time in CEST

Time in CST Asia

Prof. Dr. Žiga Šmit

Chair Introduction

10.00 - 10.10

16.00 – 16.10

Dr. Roman Balvanović

Overview of Analyses of the Archaeological Glass Finds from Serbia using PIXE/PIGE Measurements

10.10 – 10.25

16.10 - 16.25

Dr. Zsolt Kasztovszky

Non-destructive Analytical Methods Applied for Heritage Science at the Budapest Neutron Centre

10.25 - 10.40

16.25 - 16-40

Dr. Matija Strlič

Modelling the Lifetime of Paper-Based Collections

10.40 – 10.55

16.40 - 16.55

Prof. Dr. Theodore Ganetsos

Advanced Technology in Cultural Heritage

10.55 - 11.10

16.55 - 17.10

Dr. Francesca Gherardi

Multianalytical Investigations of the Romanesque Wall Paintings at Church of St Mary (Kempley, UK)

11.10 – 11.25

17.10 - 17.25


11:25 - 11:40

17:25 - 17:40

Prof. Dr. Žiga Šmit

Chair Closing

11:40 - 11:50

17:40 - 17:50

Relevant Special Issue

Materials in Cultural Heritage: Analysis, Testing, and Preservation

Edited by Žiga Šmit and Eva Menart
Manuscript submission deadline: 20 September 2024

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