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Materials Webinar | Synthesis and Sintering of High Entropy Ceramics

10 Jun 2022, 18:00 (CEST)

High Entropy Oxides, High Entropy Fluorites, Chemical Synthesis, High Entropy Rock Salts
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Welcome from the Chair

7th Materials Webinar

Synthesis and Sintering of High Entropy Ceramics

Complex ceramics solid solutions are currently attracting a growing scientific interest due to their unique combination of functional and mechanical properties. In particular, the entropy-driven stabilization of new phases and compositions represents a kind of new “far west for ceramurgists”: this approach allows the development of novel materials with still unexplored properties. Moreover, the presence of different cations (typically 5+) in the high entropy ceramics (HEC) structures allows a fine-tuning of their properties by tuning their composition in a multidimensional space.

Due to their complex composition, high entropy ceramics require advanced processing routes, often aided also by the development of predictive models to define their thermal stability. As such, HECs have been manufactured by various synthesis processes, including sol-gel processing, wet-chemical synthesis, spray pyrolysis, solid-state synthesis, and others. Also, various sintering processes have been applied to high entropy ceramics like SPS, flash sintering, UHS, and conventional sintering.

In this webinar, we will present some of the last results regarding the synthesis of novel high entropy rock salts, fluorites, and carbides with a specific focus also on the use of innovative processing/sintering routes.

Date: 10 June 2022

Time: 6:00 pm CEST | 12:00 pm EDT | 12:00 am CST Asia (11 June 2022)

Webinar ID: 813 1338 9640

Webinar Secretariat:


Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Trento, Trento, Italy

Mattia Biesuz got a Ph.D. in “Materials Engineering” at the University of Trento (Italy) in 2017 defending a thesis on the flash sintering mechanisms in alumina and glass-containing alumina ceramics. Since then, he had several research experiences as a PostDoc in China, UK, Czech Republic, and Italy. His research interests currently include various sintering technologies for ceramics consolidation (flash sintering, spark plasma sintering, cold sintering, ultrafast high-temperature sintering), field-assisted ion exchange in glasses and glass-ceramics, porous materials, polymer-derived ceramics, and high-entropy compounds. His research has been mostly focused on underlying the peculiar physical-chemical effects activated by electric fields during ceramics processing. To date, he has published 78 manuscripts. His works have been awarded the “Pfeil Award” (Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, UK, 2020), “MRS Postdoctoral Award” (2022), the “Best Paper Award” in the Journal of the Asian Ceramics Societies (2019). He is an associate editor of Materials, and a member of MRS and ICerS.

Invited Speakers

Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Cassino (FR), Italy

Luca Spiridigliozzi is an Industrial Engineer (working as a professional scientific consultant for industrial R&D projects) and a Material Science Researcher at University of Cassino and Southern Lazio (Italy). He graduated and got a Ph.D. in “Mechanical, Civil and Biomechanical Engineering” at University of Cassino and Southern Lazio (Italy), with an additional master’s degree in “Musicology” at Conservatorio Licinio Refice (Italy) and a Major Master in “Management of the Energy Industry” at LUISS Business School (Italy). His main research areas are: Fuel Cells, Rare Earths-based Materials, and Entropy-Stabilized Oxides. Despite his young age, he published more than 30 scientific papers on international peer-reviewed journals and a monograph entitled “Doped-Ceria Electrolytes: Synthesis, Sintering and Characterization”. He is also a lecturer at University of Cassino and Southern Lazio of “Chemistry and Materials for Civil Engineering”. His personal interests are: creative writing, static modelling and narrative.

Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Václav Tyrpekl graduated in solid-state and inorganic chemistry at the Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. He obtained PhD from the University of Strasbourg, France, working on high temperature experiments related to nuclear safety at CEA Cadarache. After he spent several years at the JRC, European Commission, Karlsruhe, Germany, and the Belgian National Nuclear Research Centre, SCK·CEN, Mol, Belgium. Since 2017 he is a group leader and assistant professor at the Faculty of Science, Charles University, Czech Republic. Since 2020 he is involved also in several R&D projects in the nuclear engineering linked to high temperature reactors and commercial nuclear power plant support with ÚJV Řež, a.s., Czech Republic. His scientific interest covers ceramic materials, sintering, electrical field sintering techniques, chemistry of lanthanides and actinides, high temperature experiments and nuclear fuel cycle. Up to now he is an author of about 50 articles.

Webinar Content

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Time in CEST

Dr. Mattia Biesuz

Chair Introduction

6:00 - 6:10 pm

Dr. Mattia Biesuz

Synthesis and LI-Conductivity of NI-Free High Entropy Rock Salt Oxides

6:10 - 6:30 pm

Dr. Luca Spiridigliozzi

Design and Synthesis of High-Entropy Fluorite Oxides (HEFOs)

6:30 - 6:50 pm

Dr. Václav Tyrpekl

Nonconventional Synthesis of High-Entropy Carbides

6:50 - 7:10 pm

Q&A Session

7:10 - 7:25 pm

Closing of Webinar
Dr. Mattia Biesuz

7:25 - 7:30 pm

Relevant SI

High-Entropy Ceramics: Synthesis and Applications
Guest Editors: Dr. Mattia Biesuz, Dr. Luca Spiridigliozzi & Dr. Václav Tyrpekl
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 20 August 2022

Advanced and Functional Ceramics and Glasses - a section of Materials (ISSN 1996-1944)

Sponsors and Partners


Materials 2021 Travel Awards

We are pleased to mention that Dr. Mattia Biesuz is one of the winners of the Materials Travel Awards for 2021, on behalf of the Editor-in-Chief.

The Materials journal has organized the Travel Awards since 2018. Materials is very proud to support young scientists and will continue to acknowledge their work with a variety of award projects.

Moreover, we are happy to inform you that the Materials 2023 Travel Awards has also been launched; the nomination deadline is 31 December 2022. The announcement of the 2023 winners will be given at the beginning of the new year. We look forward to receiving more applications for the 2023 Travel Awards.

Please find all Materials journal award information here:
