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Medicina Webinar | Progress in Alzheimer's Disease: The Alzheimer's Foundation of America Celebrates 20 Years

Part of the MDPI Medicina Webinars series
29 November 2022, 15:00 (CET)

Alzheimers disease, Neurodegeneration, Cognitive Impairment, Memory, Treatment, caregiver, Mitochondria, amyloid, Tau protein
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Welcome from the Chair

2nd Medicina Webinar

Progress in Alzheimer's Disease: The Alzheimer's Foundation of America Celebrates 20 Years

Hello and welcome to our webinar “Progress in Alzheimer's Disease: The Alzheimer's Foundation of America (AFA) Celebrates 20 Years”. This program is presented as part of the mission of AFA: “Enriching lives today, creating hope for tomorrow.”

That hope for the future lies in the efforts of dedicated researchers around the globe who are seeking new ways to treat this incurable disease. At the present time, therapy for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is able to help reduce symptoms and manage some behavioral issues, but the disease process and ultimate outcome is not changed. Attempts to find disease-modifying therapy have led to studies of anti-amyloid treatments designed to reduce amyloid deposits in the brain, but their real-world effect in slowing cognitive decline is uncertain.

This webinar is part of our effort to bring together partners worldwide to look at AD from different perspectives in order to achieve a breakthrough.

Date: 29 November 2022

Time: 3:00 pm CET | 8:00 am CST | 9:00 am EST | 11:00 am CLST | 10:00 pm CST Asia

Webinar ID: 880 5737 9991

Webinar Secretariat:


Department of Medicine, NYU Long Island School of Medicine, Mineola, NY, USA

Allison B. Reiss, M.D. is a Board-Certified internal medicine physician, educator and molecular biologist who studies the molecular processes underlying Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Her research is bench-to-bedside and directed toward finding effective treatment for AD based on an understanding of the metabolic disruptions that cause neurodegeneration. She received her M.D. from SUNY Downstate and completed Internal Medicine Residency at UMDNJ Rutgers. Dr. Reiss is Head of The Inflammation Laboratory and Associate Professor of Medicine at NYU Long Island School of Medicine. She is well-published in medical and scientific journals and has chaired symposia at national and international conferences. Dr. Reiss is Section Editor-in-Chief, Neurology, for the journal Medicina. She has received funding from NIH and AFA. She has a strong passion for community outreach and is dedicated to improving healthcare, especially for older populations.

Invited Speakers

Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA), New York, NY, USA

Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr. has served as President & Chief Executive Officer of the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA) since 2014. Under his leadership, AFA has seen tremendous growth in its membership, programs, services, revenue, and presence across the nation, while earning Charity Navigator’s highest rating of four stars in recognition of its commitment to fiscal responsibility, transparency, and accountability. During Fuschillo’s tenure, AFA expanded its National Toll-Free Helpline hours and accessibility, creating a web chat and text message feature that can serve individuals in more than 90 different languages. AFA’s membership has grown to more than 2,000 member offices. It launched a national, multi-year “Educating America Tour” which brings free educational conferences to communities across the country to connect them with information about Alzheimer’s disease, brain health, caregiving tips and strategies and care planning. AFA also grew its memory screening efforts into a year-round National Memory Screening Program that provides free, confidential memory screenings to individuals across the country. Fuschillo spearheaded the creation of new grant programs for community-based services and research across the country, as well as cutting-edge initiatives like The Apartment, a full-scale model studio residence that educates families impacted by dementia-related illnesses about ways to make their home safer and more dementia-friendly. Prior to joining AFA, Fuschillo served as a member of the New York State Senate for nearly 16 years, authoring more than 200 state laws, including ones to protect individuals with cognitive conditions.

Department Of Psychiatry, NYU Langone Hospital—Long Island, Mineola, NY, USA,
NYU Long Island School of Medicine, Mineola, NY, USA

Aaron Pinkhasov, MD is founding Chair of the Behavioral Health Department at NYU Langone Hospital –Long Island and is a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Medicine at NYU Long Island School of Medicine. He completed a Combined Internal Medicine and Psychiatry Residency program at SUNY-Downstate in Brooklyn, New York. The author of multiple publications and presentations, Dr. Pinkhasov has received multiple professional honors, including the President’s Award from the Office of the President, Borough of Brooklyn and Innovative Model for Integrated Care Award from the Association of Medicine and Psychiatry in 2017. He is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and a Fellow of the Academy of Consultation and Liaison Psychiatry. His clinical expertise and areas of research include psychopharmacology, neurocognitive disorders, as well as, role of psychiatry services in optimizing health outcomes. He is an Alzheimer’s disease researcher and currently an investigator on an AFA-funded study of Alzheimer’s disease molecular pathways.

The University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, USA

George Perry is Professor of Neuroscience, Developmental and Regenerative Biology, Professor of Chemistry, holds the Semmes Foundation Distinguished University Chair in Neurobiology, and is former Dean of Sciences at The University of Texas at San Antonio. Perry has studied Alzheimer’s disease (AD) since 1982 and was the first to discover that oxidative stress is a key feature of this and related neurodegenerative diseases. His studies identified oxidative damage, its source from metabolic/mitochondria failure and catalysis by iron and copper. This work led to a novel interpretation of the role of amyloid—that instead of causing AD, it is a protective antioxidant response, and the reason all the amyloid-based therapies have failed. Prior to joining UTSA as dean in 2006, Perry worked for more than 20 years at Case Western Reserve University, where he was professor of pathology and neurosciences and chair of the Department of Pathology. Perry earned a B.A. in zoology from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a Ph.D. in marine biology from Scripps Institution of Oceanography. He received a postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Cell Biology at Baylor College of Medicine, where he laid the foundation for his observations of abnormalities in cell structures. Perry is recognized internationally as one of the top AD researchers and has been cited over 107,000 times. He serves as editor-in-chief for the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. As dean at UTSA for over 12 years, Perry oversaw faculty of 140+ tenure track, a student body of over 5,000, and 10 research centers. Over $55MM was raised from donors, leading to the formation of numerous endowments and initiatives. Research funding tripled to over $30MM/yr and led to UTSA being designated as a Carnegie R-1 center. Perry has won numerous awards for leadership and scholarship and is a member of the Academies of Sciences of Mexico, Portugal, and Spain. He has led several professional organizations, including the American Association of Neuropathologists

Departments of Neurology, Pharmacology, and Medical Microbiology, Immunology & Cell Biology, Center for Alzheimer’s Research and Treatment, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, IL, USA

Kevin N. Hascup, Assistant Professor in the Department of Neurology at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, is an experienced neuroscientist with expertise in neurodegenerative disorders, geroscience, neurotransmission, and cognition. He joined Southern Illinois University School of Medicine in 2014 after completing fellowships at McGill University (2009-2011) and the Karolinska Institute (2008-2009). He received his PhD in Neurobiology from the University of Kentucky (2007). Leading a team of scientists in the Dale and Deborah Smith Center for Alzheimer’s Research and Treatment, Dr. Hascup’s research focuses on elucidating the transition from physiological to pathological aging. Specifically, our laboratory is identifying alterations among glutamatergic neurotransmission and cellular senescence that drive Alzheimer’s disease progression with the long-term goal to identify earlier therapeutic options or interventional strategies. This novel research has led to extramural funding from the Illinois Department of Public Health as well as the NIH. Dr. Hascup’s scholarship record includes over 30 peer-reviewed scientific journal articles, 6 book chapters, and more than 60 scientific abstracts. He has given talks at several national and international society meetings including the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference and the Society for Neuroscience. In addition to his publication record, Dr. Hascup has served as a study section reviewer for the Illinois Department of Public Health, the NIH, and the National Science Foundation. Dr. Hascup also serves as an Associate Editor for Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience.

Latin American Brain Health Institute (BrainLat), Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Santiago de Chile, Chile

Agustin Ibanez is an Argentinean neuroscientist interested in global approaches to dementia and social, cognitive, and affective neuroscience. He is a full professor and Director of the Latin American Brain Health Institute (BrainLat) at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (UAI, Chile). Also, he is a Senior Atlantic Fellow at GBHI-UCSF, Research Associate Professor at GBHI-Trinity College Dublin, and Team Leader of Predictive Brain Health Modelling Group, Trinity College Dublin. Dr. Ibanez holds a track record with +300 publications (+160 in the last five years), including top-ten journals. He has received multiple research funding from different international stakeholders. Dr. Ibanez is the founder of significant regional initiatives, such as the Multi-partner consortium to expand dementia research in Latin America (ReDLat) and the Latin American and Caribbean Consortium on Dementia (LAC-CD). He is an active member of different societies. He also has established current international collaborations with centers of excellence. His intense work has helped Latin American translational neuroscience by establishing a framework to engage scientists through internships, workshops, Masters and Ph.D. programs, organizing educational activities for the health community, focusing on cognitive neuroscience and underrepresented dementia populations. His research has been highlighted in different outlets, including the BBC, Nature, Nature News, Nature Social Sciences, Discovery Channel, Popular Science, Daily Mail, Newsweek, Le Monde, and Oxford University Press.

Webinar Content

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Time in CET

Dr. Allison B. Reiss

Chair Introduction

3:00 - 3:10 pm

Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr.

AFA President Introduction

3:10 - 3:20 pm

Prof. Dr. Aaron Pinkhasov

Brief Introduction to Neurocognitive Disorders

3:20 - 3:40 pm

Prof. Dr. George Perry

In Search of a Cure for Alzheimer’s Disease

3:40 - 4:00 pm

Dr. Kevin N. Hascup

Glutamate as a Biomarker in Alzheimer’s Disease

4:00 - 4:20 pm

Prof. Dr. Agustín Ibáñez

Brain Health in Latin America: From Biomarkers to Computational Approaches to Implementation Science

4:20 - 4:40 pm

Q&A Session

4:40 - 4:55 pm

Closing of Webinar
Dr. Allison B. Reiss

4:55 - 5:00 pm

Relevant SI

Commemorative Issue Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America: Understanding and Treating Alzheimer’s Disease
Guest Editors: Dr. Allison B. Reiss & Dr. Aaron Pinkhasov
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 5 March 2023

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