Metals Webinar | Steel Health Monitoring and Faultless Steel Production & Manufacturing
17 June 2022, 11:00 (CEST)
residual stresses, XRD, SEM, EBSD, Magnetic permeability, Barkhausen noise, Stress annihilation, Induction Heating
Welcome from the Chair
3rd Metals Webinar
Steel Health Monitoring and Faultless Steel Production & Manufacturing
I am honored to announce the webinar “Steel Health Monitoring and Faultless Steel Production & Manufacturing.” Failure analysis, which is based on structural characterization, property determination, and their correlation, is crucial in determining causes of failure. However, the most important advantage of failure analysis is its ability to recognize mistakes that could be corrected or avoided, therefore preventing repeated failure.
Scientific interest in failure analysis’s commercial and market value has encouraged researchers to investigate the mechanisms underlying metal failure. Industrialists and researchers are both invited to contribute to this webinar, which will present a collection of articles with the aim of aiding newcomers in the field and updating experts on the state of the art.
Date: 17 June 2022
Time: 11:00 am CEST | 5:00 am EDT | 5:00 pm CST Asia
Webinar ID: 898 9892 8788
Webinar Secretariat: metals.webinar@mdpi.com

Laboratory of Electronic Sensors, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athen, Athens, Greece
Evangelos Hristoforou received a D. Eng degree in electrical engineering from the University of Patras, Greece, in 1984, and a PhD degree in electronic and electrical engineering from King’s College, University of London, UK, in 1991. He served as a postdoctoral fellow at the NCSR “Demokritos”, Athens, Greece, from 1991 to 1994. In 1994, he was appointed as an assistant professor at the Electrical Engineering Department, TEI of Chalkis, where he was became a professor in 1998. In 2000, he was appointed as an assistant professor of electronic materials at the Laboratory of Physical Metallurgy, School of Mining and Metallurgy Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, and in 2010, he served as a professor at the same position. In 2016, he was appointed as a professor and Director of the Laboratory of Electronic Sensors at the School of Electrical & Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens. His research interests include new magnetic effects and materials for engineering applications. He has published more than 170 ISI journal papers, over 50 conference papers, and he holds 5 international patents (Scopus h-index=30). He has supervised 13 PhD theses, more than 90 final year diploma theses and over 50 MSc Theses. He is the Chair of the Hellenic Society of Non-Destructive Techniques (NDT), a member of the European Federation of NDT and the International Confederation of NDT, and the supervisor of 17 PhD students.
Invited Speakers

Energy Systems Laboratory, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece
Aphrodite Ktena is a professor at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. She holds a BSc degree in electrical engineering (1989, suma cum laude, University of Bridgeport, USA) and MSc / PhD degrees in electrical and computer engineering (1993, Carnegie Mellon University, USA). Her research interests include hysteresis and magnetic material modeling and characterization, sensor development and measurement technology, and system modeling and optimization. She has a long-standing collaboration with the Laboratory of Electronic Sensors at the National Technical University of Athens on magnetic non-destructive testing methods for steels. She has published over 100 papers in international journals and conference proceedings, is an editor for IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Electrical Engineering & Electromechanics, Magnetism, Metals, a reviewer for over 30 journals, and has coordinated several EU and nationally funded projects. She is also a member of the Technical Chamber of Greece, IEEE, and CIGRE.

Department of Information Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
Alessandro Trifiletti was born in Rome (Italy) on October 4, 1959. In 1991, he joined the Electronic Engineering Department of “La Sapienza” University in Rome, where he was involved in research activities involving analogue, RF, and microwave IC’s design. In 2019, he become a full-time professor with the Engineering Faculty at the same University. Prof. Trifiletti has worked in the field of microelectronics, both from the point of view of design methodologies and circuit topologies, and is a co-author of over 270 publications, of which more than 120 were published in international journals, while the others were published in the proceedings of major international conferences (mostly sponsored by the IEEE). His h-index is 23 (Scopus). He is presently a reviewer for several major IEE and IEEE journals, including: IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transaction on Circuit and Systems (part I and II), IEE Proceedings on Circuits, Devices and Systems, and Electronic Letters. He is also the author of two international patents (extended in the U.S.A.) concerning RF circuits and two Italian patents. Prof. Trifiletti’s expertise centers on analogue and RF microelectronics, radar and ESM systems, high-speed communication systems, security issues in cryptographic algorithms implementation, and embedded system design.
Webinar Content

Speaker/Presentation |
Time in CEST |
Prof. Dr. Evangelos Hristoforou Chair Introduction |
11:00 - 11:15 am |
Prof. Dr. Aphrodite Ktena Microstructure and Magnetization Processes in Steels: Physics and Phenomenology |
11:15 am - 12:00 pm |
Prof. Dr. Alessandro Trifiletti Different Types of Sensors to Monitor Magnetic Properties |
12:00 - 12:45 pm |
Q&A Session |
12:45 - 13:15 pm |
Closing of Webinar |
13:15 pm |
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