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Molecules Webinar | Sample Preparation, Quo Vadis: Current Status of Sample Preparation Approaches

12 June 2020, 00:00

molecules, Sample Preparation, Solid Phase Extraction, paper based extraction, fabric phase extraction
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1st Webinar Series on Molecules - an Open Access Journal

Sample Preparation, Quo Vadis: Current Status of Sample Preparation Approaches

Sample preparation is and always will be the most important step in chemical analysis. Numerous techniques, methods, methodologies, and approaches are available in the literature, offering a wide range of analytical tools to the lab practitioner. Analytical scientists all over the world must deal with the development of protocols for a plethora of analytes in various sample matrices. Extraction techniques, either sorbent or solvent-based, provide the necessary tools to handle the sample in such a way that all its information can be revealed, exploiting all advantages of instrumentation to the fullest and prolonging the lifetime of the instrument for seamless operation.

In the last decade, advances in sample pretreatment are following green chemistry and green analytical chemistry demands, focusing on miniaturization and automation as well as by using the least possible amount of organic solvents. The question, then, is how far have we come now and what are the future perspectives?

This webinar will provide a short introduction to sample preparation and include selective presentation of three state-of-the-art, representative extraction techniques: solid phase extraction, fabric phase sorptive extraction, and paper-based sorptive extraction. The related Special Issue “Sample Preparation, Quo Vadis: Current Status of Sample Preparation Approaches”, which will be published by the open access journal Molecules, is open for submissions should you have a relevant paper ready for publication. More details can be found here.

Chair: Prof. Dr. Victoria F. Samanidou

Date & Time: 12 JUNE 2020 4:00pm (CEST) | 10:00 am (EDT) | 10:00 pm (CST Asia)

Webinar ID: 896-2697-1955

Webinar Secretariat:

The following experts will present and speak:

Prof. Dr. Samanidou Assistant Prof. Kabir Prof. Dr. Pico

Prof. Dr. Victoria F. Samanidou

Prof. Dr. Abuzar Kabir

Prof. Dr. Yolanda Picó

Prof. Dr. Rafael Lucena

Prof. Dr. Victoria Samanidou is a Full Professor and Director of the Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Her research interests are focused on the development of sample preparation methods using sorptive extraction prior to chromatographic analysis. She has co-authored more than 170 original research articles in peer reviewed journals as well as 45 reviews and 50 chapters in scientific books (H-index 36 (Scopus Author ID 7003896015). She serves on the editorial boards of over 10 scientific journals and has served as Guest Editor of around 20 Special Issues.

In 2016, she was included in top 50 list of most influential women in Analytical Science.

Prof. Dr. Abuzar Kabir is a Research Assistant Professor at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Florida International University, Miami, Florida, USA. His research focuses on the synthesis, characterization, and applications of novel sol–gel-derived advanced material systems. His inventions have drawn global attention, and include fabric phase sorptive extraction, dynamic fabric phase sorptive extraction, capsule phase microextraction, molecular imprinting technology, superpolar sorbents, in-vial microextraction, sol–gel-based reversed phase LC stationary phases and SPE sorbents, organic polymeric LC stationary phases and SPE sorbents, and synthesis of mesoporous silica and its application in reversed phase LC stationary phases and SPE sorbents. He has developed and formulated numerous high-efficiency sol–gel hybrid inorganic–organic sorbents based on silicon, titanium, zirconium, tantalum, and germanium chemistries. Dr. Kabir has authored 18 patents, 10 book chapters, 70 journal articles, and 125 conference papers.

Prof. Dr. Yolanda Picó is a world-leading expert in the development and validation of methods for the analysis and determination of emerging organic contaminants in food and the environment, and especially in the application of new extraction procedures. During her career, she has co-authored over 300 articles included in SCI and has edited 5 books on the analysis of food contaminants and their determination.

Prof. Dr. Rafael Lucena has served as Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the University of Córdoba since 2010, where he is also the Secretary of the Research Institute of Fine Chemistry and Nanochemistry. To date, Rafael has coauthored more than 100 scientific articles (h-index: 33) dealing with different facets of analytical chemistry, although sample preparation lies at the central core of his research. His research is mainly focused on the development of new extraction approaches and the design of novel materials for analytes isolation. He is also interested in the integration of microextraction techniques with sampling and instrumental analysis.


The webinar will start at 4:00 pm (CEST) and last maximum 2 hours




4:00pm (CEST)

Prof. Dr. Samanidou

"Sample Preparation at a Glance"

4:05pm (CEST)

Assistant Prof. Dr. Kabir

"Fabric Phase Sorptive Extraction"

4:30pm (CEST)

Prof. Dr. Picó

"Solid-Phase Extraction of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment"

4:55pm (CEST)

Prof. Dr. Lucena

"Paper Based Sorptive Extraction"

5:20pm (CEST)


5:45pm (CEST)

Webinar Content

On Friday 12 June 2020, MDPI and Molecules organized the first webinar on Molecules, entitled: “Sample Preparation, Quo Vadis: Current Status of Sample Preparation Approaches”. The webinar provided an introduction to sample preparation and included selective presentation of three state-of-the-art, representative extraction techniques: solid phase extraction, fabric phase sorptive extraction, and paper-based sorptive extraction.

Prof. Dr. Victoria F. Samanidou, Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece was the chair of the webinar. Her primary research interest is the development of sample preparation methods using sorptive extraction prior to chromatographic analysis. As the chair of the webinar, Prof. Dr. Samanidou welcomed the audience to the subject with the title "Sample Preparation at a glance", and she introduced the three following expert researchers: Prof. Dr. Abuzar Kabir, Prof. Dr. Yolanda Picó and Prof. Dr. Rafael Lucena.

Prof. Dr. Abuzar Kabir is a Research Assistant Professor at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Florida International University, Miami, Florida, USA. He spoke about “Fabric Phase Sorptive Extraction. His presentation was followed by Prof. Dr. Yolanda Picó, Desertification Research Centre, University of Valencia, Spain, who presented her research about "Solid-Phase Extraction of Pharmaceuticals in the environment". The last presentation about "Paper Based Sorptive Extraction" was held by Prof. Dr. Rafael Lucena, Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of Valencia. Their presentations were followed by a discussion and Q&A session moderated by Prof. Dr. Victoria F. Samanidou.

The webinar was offered via Zoom and required registration to attend. The full recording can be found here on Sciforum website.

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