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Nanomaterials Webinar | X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy for the Characterization of Nanostructured Materials

Part of the MDPI Nanomaterials Webinars series
30 July 2024, 14:00 (CEST)

XAS, Nanostructures, EXAFS, XANES, Characterization, Catalysis, Operando, Material Science
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Welcome from the Chair

19th Nanomaterials Webinar

X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy for the Characterization of Nanostructured Materials

Esteemed reseachers from various research groups will give presentations about their characterization works, using mainly X-Ray Absorption Spectroscoy, in conjuction with also other techniques, which lead to the recent publication of important literature papers.

Date: 30 July 2024

Time: 2:00 pm CEST | 8:00 am EDT | 8:00 pm CST Asia

Webinar ID: 858 6693 2084

Webinar Secretariat:

Webinar Content

In this section, you will find the recordings of this webinar to watch, re-watch and share with your colleagues!

Some interesting application of X-ray absorption spectroscopy technique to real case studies has been showed, particularly focussing on nanostructured materials. It has been shown examples of which information can be retrieved from the analysis of either the XANES and EXAFS regions, and how they complement with results from other techniques like X-ray diffraction. Finally, strategies to deal with big data (thousands of spectra) through Chemometric tools, such as Principal Component Analysis and Multivariate Curve Resolution, were also presented.


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Event Chair

Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste, Area Science Park, Basovizza, Trieste, Italy,
Department of Physics, Computer Science and Mathematics, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Via Campi 103, 41125 Modena, Italy

Dr. Simone Pollastri got a master degree cum laude in geological sciences at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. In the same academy he took his PhD, investigating mineral fibres using several techniques, including synchrotron radiation-based XRPD and XAS, in most of the European facilities (SLS, Switzerland; Diamond, UK; ESRF, France; Elettra, Italy). Thanks to the acquired skills, he got a 3 years post-doc position in the frame of the CEROP project (funded by CERIC-ERIC) for the characterization of a fuel cell using cutting edge Pt-ceria catalysts, by means of operando XAS experiments, at the XAFS beamline of Elettra synchrotron (Trieste, Italy). He spent then almost other 3 years at Elettra as a post-doc researcher at the XRF beamline, deepening the knowledge in the X-Ray Fluorescence technique. He is currently time fixed researcher at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia with active collaboration with both Elettra synchrotron (XRF, XAFS and SAXS beamlines) and CNR-IOM (BACH beamline).

Keynote Speakers

University of Pavia, Department of Chemistry, viale Taramelli 16, 27100 Pavia, Italy,
INSTM, National Inter-University Consortium for Materials Science and Technology, Via G. Giusti 9, 50121 Florence, Italy

Dr. Martina Fracchia got her master’s degree cum laude in Chemistry at the University of Pavia. She then enrolled in the Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences at the same university, investigating the mechanism of catalytic and electrochemical reactions by operando X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). During her Ph.D., she spent four months at the University of Bremen (Germany) and since 2015 she has participated to over 30 experiments in synchrotron radiation facilities (ESRF, France and Elettra, Italy). Since 2019 she is post-doctoral fellow at the University of Pavia. Her research is mainly devoted to the study of novel materials (in particular high entropy oxides) for catalysis and energy production/storage, characterizing them through conventional laboratory techniques and advanced synchrotron radiation techniques (XAS, XRD). In 2022 she won the “Young physico-chemist award” issued by the Physical Chemistry division of the Italian Chemical Society (SCI). In 2023 she was awarded the fellowship “L’Orèal-Italia for Women in Science 2023” issued by L’Oréal-Italia and UNESCO, to promote her research on high entropy oxides as sustainable catalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction.

Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste, S.S. 14, Km 163.5 in Area Science Park, Basovizza 34149, Italy

Dr. Boby Joseph is an experimental condensed matter physicist, presently working as the beamline in charge of the Xpress high-pressure diffraction station at the Elettra Synchrotron Center, Trieste. Main theme of his current research is the investigation of the pressure induced electronic and structural changes of materials systems. He is associated with the Elettra Synchrotron Center for last 10 years. Before to join the synchrotron center he had a seven year long post-doctoral period where he was extensively using the European synchrotron facilities for the material science investigations.

Institute of Physics, Rio de Janeiro State University: Rio de Janeiro, 20550-900 – Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brasil

PhD by Université Lille 1 (2015, France). I've developed new approaches (Chemometric/MCR-ALS) to treat in situ/operando time-resolved spectroscopy data (particularly, X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy). A acquired a fair experience in synchrotron facilities, particularly, at XAS (4y postdoc at Elettra). Also interested in how gold nanoparticles interact with sulfur to form self-assembled structures via SERS. It has an important application as gas sensors and biological probe.



Presentation Title

Time in CEST

Time in EDT

Time in CST Asia

Dr. Simone Pollastri

Chair Introduction

2:00 - 2:10 pm

8:00 – 8:10 am

8:00 – 8:10 pm

Dr. Martina Fracchia

Operando X-ray absorption spectroscopy on MAX and MXene-based electrodes for Na and Li-ion batteries

2:10 - 2:30 pm

8:10 – 8:30 am

8:10 – 8:30 pm

Dr. Boby Joseph

Important inputs from XAFS for the bulk and site-specific local structure characterization of selected nanoparticle systems

2:30 - 2:50 pm

8:30 – 8:50 am

8:30 – 8:50 pm

Dr. Danilo Oliveira de Souza

Time-resolved X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy, from an increased dataset to useful information. The Chemometrics approach.

2:50 - 3:10 pm

8:50 – 9:10 am

8:50 – 9:10 pm

Q&A Session

3:10 - 3:25 pm

9:10 – 9:25 am

9:10 – 9:25 pm

Dr. Simone Pollastri

Closing of Webinar

3:25 - 3:30 pm

9:25 – 9:30 am

9:25 – 9:30 pm

Relevant Special Issue

State-of-the-Art Insights into Nanostructures by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy

Edited by Simone Pollastri
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 10 October 2024

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