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Polymers Webinar | Advanced Polymer Materials From Natural Resources

Part of the Polymers Webinar series
24 November 2022, 16:30 (CET)

Biopolymers, marine sources, agrofood sources, Mechanical Properties, Biological properties
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1st Polymers Webinar

Advanced Polymer Materials From Natural Resources

Biopolymers are currently present in our life in different areas; therefore, in-depth research on advanced polymer materials is a hot topic. Over recent years, there has been a continuously growing interest in the development of sustainable, safe, and environmentally friendly biopolymer-based materials from renewable resources to cope with the growing market demand. The challenge is to tailor biopolymers from natural sources with enhanced functional properties when compared with their synthetic counterparts without jeopardizing their thermomechanical profiles. Another key factor is to be able to obtain biopolymers adapted processing using emerging technologies such as 3D printing.

These polymers could be obtained from several raw materials, from marine sources to terrestrial plants or vegetables. In this context, strategies associated with the extraction technologies to achieve advanced biopolymers are essential. Structure and mechanical features are also critically relevant to the processing, manufacturing, and final application of biopolymers. Their functional properties can be highly dependent on the aforementioned factors. Innovative final applications are also the targets of further study.

This webinar aims to provide an overview of recent research advances in Advanced Polymer Materials from Natural Resources that find an application in several fields, from food to non-food sectors. As Chairs, we cordially invite you to participate.

Date: 24 November 2022

Time: 4:30 pm CET | 10:30 am EST | 11:30 pm CST Asia

Webinar ID: 815 8955 6808

Webinar Secretariat:


Department of Chemical Engineering, Universidade de Vigo (Campus Ourense), Science Faculty, Ourense, Spain

She was awarded her PhD in Chemical and Environmental Engineering at the University of Santiago de Compostela. Currently, she has a research position at the University of Vigo (Spain), where is working on the integral valorisation of brown and red algae using environmental friendly technologies to obtain hydrogels and other components of industrial value.

Department of Chemical Engineering, Universidade de Vigo (Campus Ourense), Science Faculty, Ourense, Spain

She is a postdoctoral researcher at Universidade de Vigo, where she completed her PhD in Food Science and Technology. Her doctoral thesis was focused on the extraction of bioactive compounds from seaweeds mainly brown seaweeds. During her postdoctoral stage her research has been focused on the formulation of polymeric particulate systems, as microparticles and nanoparticles.

Invited Speakers

University of Sevilla, Spain

Estefanía Álvarez-Castillo is a chemical engineer that is developing her doctoral thesis entitled "Development of biodegradable superabsorbent materials processed from agro-industrial by-products" at the University of Seville. She has made two international research stays, at the Superior Institute of Agronomy (Portugal) and at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden). She has published more than 20 scientific research and contributed to more than 10 international conferences related to rheology and polymers.

CINBIO, Facultade de Ciencias (Campus Ourense), Universidade de Vigo, Edificio Politécnico, Ourense, Spain

Julie Queffelec has been recently graduated from the engineering school of IMT Mines d’Albi in France. During my last year I chose to specialize myself in bio-health engineering. After a first internship in the EQ2 team of the University of Vigo in Spain where I worked on algae bio-compounds and biopolymers, I decided to have a second experience in the pharmaceutical industry, studying surfactants in monoclonal antibody solutions. Once graduated, my interest in the valorization of vegetal biomass through green extraction processes made my go back to the EQ2 team where I am currently working.

Drug Delivery Laboratory, CCMAR, Universidade do Algave, Faro, Portugal

Jorge Filipe Rodrigues Pontes completed the Mestrado in Ciências Farmacêuticas in 2016/12 in Universidade do Algarve, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia. At present, Jorge is a PhD Student in Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas. The scientific area in which Jorge is currently involved is pharmaceutical technology allied with biomedical sciences. The studies that are currently perfomed in the team of which Jorge is a member are related to the production, characterisation and therapeutic evaluation of polysaccharide-based micro and nanoparticles envisaged for lung drug delivery.

Webinar Content

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Time in CET

Dr. María Dolores Torres Pérez & Dr. Noelia Flórez Fernández

Chair Introduction

4:30 - 4:35 pm

Dr. Estefanía Álvarez-Castillo

Extraction of Protein from Blood From Slaughterhouses to Develop Bioplastics

4:35 - 4:55 pm


4:55 - 5:00 pm

Ms. Julie Queffelec

Green Processing for Biopolymers From Undaria pinnatifida

5:00 - 5:20 pm


5:20 - 5:25 pm

Mr. Jorge F. Rodrigues Pontes

Advanced Biopolymers in the Pharmaceutical Field

5:25 - 5:50 pm


5:50 - 5:55 pm

Closing of Webinar
Dr. María Dolores Torres Pérez & Dr. Noelia Flórez Fernández

5:55 - 6:00 pm

Relevant SI

Advanced Polymer Materials From Natural Resources
Guest Editors: Dr. Noelia Flórez-Fernández, Prof. Dr. Herminia Domínguez & Dr. María Dolores Torres
Deadline for manuscript submissions: closed (10 October 2022)

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