Religions Webinar | Atheist/Theist: Point/Counterpoint
1 Feb 2022, 16:00 (CET)
religious experience, Perception, The global argument from evil, The parable of the Good Samaritan
The date of this webinar has been postponed to 1 February 2022 at 4:00 pm CET | 10:00 am EST | 11:00 pm CST Asia. All those who have already registered for the webinar will remain registered. For those of you who cannot make this new date, please still register for it as you will be informed about the recording.
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The Religions Webinar Secretariat
Welcome from the Chair
1st Religions Webinar
Atheist/Theist: Point/Counterpoint
Welcome to the Webinar "Atheist/Theist: Point/Counterpoint".
The disagreement between atheists and theist manifests itself in many different ways. In this Webinar, Dean Zimmerman’s argument that religious experience can be a form of perception will be challenged by Louise Antony, and Peter van Inwagen’s argument which claims to show that God is logically compatible with all the evil in the world will be challenged by Jim Sterba. Zimmerman and van Inwagen will then respond to these challenges, after which the session will be open to questions from the audience.
We look forward to seeing many of you at the Webinar!
My best regards,
Jim Sterba
Date: 1 February 2022
Time: 4:00 pm CET | 10:00 am EST | 11:00 pm CST Asia
Webinar ID: 829 4992 5321
Webinar Secretariat: religions.webinar@mdpi.com

Department of Philosophy, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, USA
Jim Sterba teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in ethics and political philosophy at the University of Notre Dame. He has published 35 books, and over 200 articles. And he is past president of the American Philosophical Association, Central Division, the North American Society for Social Philosophy, past president of Concerned Philosophers for Peace, and past president of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, American Section. He has been visiting professor of philosophy at the University of Rochester and at the University of Latvia in the then Soviet Union on a Fulbright Award. He has also been visiting distinguished professor of philosophy at the University of San Francisco, the University of California at Irvine, and Santa Clara University. More recently, he has taught at Wuhan University and Peking University. In 2013, he received a grant from the John Templeton Foundation to bring the yet untapped resources of ethics and political Philosophy to bear on the problem of evil. This led the publication of his Is a Good God Logically Possible? in 2019, and to the special issue published this year in Religions devoted to the topic of the book and to another special issue that will come out next year in Religions devoted to the argument of the book.
Invited Speakers

Department of Philosophy, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, USA
Louise Antony is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Massachusetts and at Rutgers University. She has research interests in the philosophy of mind, feminist theory, epistemology, and the philosophy of religion, and is the author of many essays in these areas. A volume of her essays, Only Natural: Gender, Nature, Knowledge, is forthcoming from Oxford University Press. She is the editor of Philosophers Without Gods: Meditations on Atheism and the Secular Life, the co-editor with Charlotte Witt of A Mind of One’s Own: Feminist Essays on Reason and Objectivity, and the co-editor with Norbert Hornstein of Chomsky and His Critics. She is committed to public philosophy, and frequently writes for and speaks to non-academic audiences. Her latest piece, “What is Naturalism?” appears in Think: Philosophy for Everyone.

Department of Philosophy, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA
Dean Zimmerman earned a bachelor’s degree (with majors in philosophy, English, and French) from Minnesota State University—Mankato. At Brown University, he received a masters and Ph.D. in philosophy. Zimmerman has taught at the University of Notre Dame, Syracuse University, and Rutgers University, where he is Director of the Rutgers Center for the Philosophy of Religion, and a professor in the philosophy department. Zimmerman is founding editor of Oxford Studies in Metaphysics, now preparing its 13thth volume. He has co-edited several other books, and his publications include over 50 articles in scholarly journals and books.

Department of Philosophy, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA
Peter van Inwagen has taught philosophy primarily at Syracuse University and the University of Notre Dame, with visiting positions at the University of Rochester, the University of Arizona, Rutgers University, and the University of St Andrews. He has delivered the Wilde Lectures in Oxford University and the Gifford Lectures in the University of St Andrews. He has been President of the Central Division of the American Philosophical Association and the Society of Christian Philosophers. He is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and has been awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of St Andrews. His best-known books are An Essay on Free Will (1983) and Material Beings (1990), both of which are still in print. His most recent book Being: A Study in Ontology is forthcoming from Oxford University Press. He is the author of the articles entitled "Metaphysics" in both the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the Encyclopedia Britannica.
Webinar Content

Speaker/Presentation |
Time in CET |
Prof. Dr. James Sterba Chair Introduction |
4:00 - 4:05 pm |
Prof. Dr. Louise Antony Why Religious Experience is Not Perception |
4:05 - 4:25 pm |
Prof. Dr. Dean Zimmerman Response to Louise Antony |
4:25 - 4:45 pm |
Prof. Dr. James Sterba Ten Years in the Making: A Response to van Inwagen’s Defense |
4:45 - 5:05 pm |
Prof. Dr. Peter van Inwagen Response to Jim Sterba |
5:05 - 5:25 pm |
Q&A Session |
5:25 - 5:55 pm |
Closing of Webinar |
5:55 - 6:00 pm |
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