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Sensors Webinar | Advanced Magnetic Sensors and Their Applications

Part of the Sensors Webinar Series series
27 Feb 2024, 10:00 (CET)

Magnetic Sensors, Magnetic Materials, Magnetic Measurements and Instrumentation, Measurement Standards, Magnetic Sensors Applications
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Welcome from the Chair

We are delighted to welcome you to participate in the webinar entitled "Advanced Magnetic Sensors and Their Applications". Magnetic sensors have recently attracted great attention from academia and industry due to their numerous exciting applications, including electronic surveillance, electrical engineering, medicine, informatics, magnetic recording, construction monitoring, and the automobile and aircraft industries, among others.

The webinar will address various concepts, from developing and deploying magnetic sensors to the development of materials for various magnetic sensor applications. We will involve world experts, who will discuss the latest advancements in sensorics, the latest research findings, ideas for highly sensitive magnetic devices and applications, magnetic sensing technology, and related prospective industrial applications of magnetic sensors. These discussions will link the basic phenomena and fundamental aspects of magnetic materials suitable for magnetic sensors with applications for wireless non-destructive control and monitoring, wearable electronics, and medicine involving magnetic sensorics. We will conclude with an engaging discussion about the benefits, trends, and opportunities of magnetic sensor applications, and highlight as well as outline routes through which to address some of the obstacles and threats that may accompany these developments.

Webinar Content

In this section, you will find the recordings of this webinar to watch, re-watch and share with your colleagues!

Event Chair

Advanced Polymers and Materials: Physics, Chemistry and Technology, Chemistry Faculty, University of Basque Country, Spain,
Department Applied Physics I, Escuela de Ingeniería de Gipuzkoa, EIG, University of Basque Country, Spain,
IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science, Spain; 4EHU Quantum Center, University of the Basque Country, Spain

Arcady P. Zhukov graduated in 1980 from the Physics-Chemistry Department of the Moscow Steel and Alloys Institute (presently National University of Science and Technology). In 1988 he received Ph.D. degree from the Institute of Solid State Physics (Chernogolovka) of the Russian Academy of Science, in 2010- Doctor of Science (habilitation) in Moscow State “Lomonosov” University. Present employment: Ikerbasque Research professor at the Department of the Materials Physics of the University of Basque Country, Spain. Current fields of interest: amorphous and nanocrystalline ferromagnetic materials, magnetic micro-wires, giant magneto-impedance, giant magnetoresistance, magnetoelastic sensors. He has published more than 550 referred papers in the international journals (total number of citations of A. Zhukov’s papers, updated Oct 12, 2023: 11914, Citation H-index = 58). A. Zhukov is an associate Editor of IEEE Magnetic letters and International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, member of several editorial boards and various committees of International Conferences, guest Editor of J. Alloys Compound., J. Magn. Magn. Mater., ... A. Zhukov wrote four books: (Springer, Nova Sci. Publ-, IFSA Publ.) few book chapters (the last one for the Handbook of Magnetic Materials ed. by Prof. K. Buschow).

Keynote Speakers

Department of Polymers and Advanced Materials: Physics, Chemistry and Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Spain,
Departamento de Física Aplicada, Escuela de Ingeniería de Gipuzkoa, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Spain,
EHU Quantum Center, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Spain

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

Evangelos Hristoforou, Electrical Engineer from the University of Patras and PhD Graduate from King’s College London, is Professor of Electronic Materials at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens and Director of the Laboratory of Electronic Sensors. His research topics mainly refer to: • Materials and Applications for Sensors and Transducers, the most important product being a method and devices for magnetic monitoring of the stress tensor distribution in ferromagnetic steels. Other sensors and materials developed up to now refer to position and displacement sensors, magnetometers and their applications, magnetic cardiograph, mass flowmeters etc. • Hybrid electric systems, the most important innovation related to the production of hydrogen from water below 300C. Other systems developed in the lab refer to the production of excellent quality bio-fuel from wastes & carbon, energy harvesting, battery rejuvenation, scrubber development etc. • Magnetic techniques for biomedical applications, where the most important applications are related to the production of valuable ingredients from agricultural products, desalination, sewage and algae cultivation using selective magnetic separation by employing magnetic nanoparticles. Other products are related to the development of magnetic particle imaging, thrombolysis catheters, as well as water/amino-acid structural studies. Evangelos Hristoforou is actively related to numerous industries in the field of sensors, energy and health, collaborating in several research projects. He has published more than 150 papers in international journals (h-index=24) and has given more than 30 invited presentations in international conferences.


Chair and Speakers

Presentation Title

Time in CET

Time in CST Asia

Prof. Dr. Arcady Zhukov

Chair Introduction

10:00 - 10:10 am

5:00 - 5:10 pm

Dr. Paula Corte-León

Fine-Tuning of the Magnetic Anisotropy in Fe-based Amorphous Glass Coated Microwires

10:10 - 10:30 am

5:10 - 5:30 pm

Prof. Dr. Evangelos Hristoforou

Excellence in stress tensor distribution monitoring and rehabilitation in magnetic steels - Steel Health Monitoring Using Primary and Secondary Standards

10:30 - 10:50 am

5:30 - 5:50 pm

Q&A Session

10:50 - 11:05 am

5:50 - 6:05 pm

Prof. Dr. Arcady Zhukov

Closing of Webinar

11:05 - 11:10 am

6:05 - 6:10 pm

Relevant Topics

Magnetic Sensors
Edited by Arcady Zhukov and Nicolò Marconato

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