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Sensors Webinar | Sensors for Air Quality Monitoring

Part of the Sensors Webinar Series series
20 July 2022, 14:00 (CEST)

air pollutant measurements, Air Quality Networks, new air pollutant detection, emission inventory evaluation, air pollution hot spot detection, air quality simulation evaluation, personal air pollution exposure, Epidemiology, Environmental Medicine
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Welcome from the Chair

3rd Sensors Webinar

Sensors for Air Quality Monitoring

New sensors to detect air pollutants like fine dust (PM10, PM2.5), O3, NO2 or CO as well as greenhouse gases like CO2 are available and applied in different areas of air pollutant measurements. These sensors are not only small, lightweight, fast and cheap but also relatively unstable and inaccurate. Due to the now available Technical Specification CEN/TS 17660-1 "Air quality - Performance evaluation of air quality sensor systems - Part 1: Gaseous pollutants in ambient air", we have a basis for the application of digital sensors.

The newest status will be summarized about (1) the possibilities and shortcomings of the new sensing techniques and applications, (2) the methodologies to overcome their disadvantages, (3) the solutions to integrate networks of these sensors into the existing, well-calibrated air quality monitoring networks, (4) the solutions to use them for air quality information, (5) their application for new tasks as detection of air pollution hot spots or evaluation of emission inventories and numerical air pollution simulations as well as (6) detection of personal air pollution exposure and thus in epidemiology and environmental medicine.

Further, it is required to extend our knowledge on harmful compounds in the atmosphere. This is possible by measurements in ambient air but also at their emission sources. To improve human health, it is required also to detect personal pollen and fungi.

Date: 20 July 2022

Time: 2:00 pm CEST | 8:00 am EDT | 8:00 pm CST Asia

Webinar ID: 857 4849 4845

Webinar Secretariat:


Atmospheric Physics Consultant, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany

He is physicist and retired from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research - Atmospheric Environmental Research in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany in 02/2016 (Regelaltersrentner). Since then, he is self-employed (freischaffend) as Atmospheric Physics Consultant. He is working since 50 years in atmospheric research and his current research interests are: (1) Atmospheric environment, (3) Air quality studies by remote sensing (FTIR, DOAS, LIDAR, SODAR), unmanned aerial vehicles, in situ measurements (also middle- and low-cost sensors) as well as emission determination: gases, particulates, (3) Meteorological influences upon air pollution (gases, particulates). He is teaching atmospheric physics for the atmospheric environmental research at the School of Atmospheric Sciences of the Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu, China since 2016. He was supervisor of 17 doctorial and 20 master's or diploma students as well as coordinated about 60 research projects of national and international funding organizations and companies.

Invited Speakers

Institute for Geography, University of Augsburg, Germany

I plan to report on instrument differences (SDS011, Alphasense N2/3, Grimm EDM80OPC, EDM164), practical (recalibration) difficulties (humidity, density, ventilation) and spatial correlation between the sensors time series at different temporal aggregation levels. Please let me know if we could further coordinate between the three contributions.
He is Physical geographer with focus on climatology, working on large scale climate teleconnections and historical climatology first. A further main topic is synoptic climatology and weather type classifications, linking large scale circulation to local climate variability, like machine learning based downscaling. Latest projects address urban boundary layer dynamics and air quality questions using low-cost sensor networks, mobile measurements and unmanned aerial systems. Recent studies include work based on the urban climate model PALM-4U.

Department of Flue Gas Cleaning and Air Quality Control, University of Stuttgart, Germany

The idea is to compile the latest information about the use of air quality sensors and give an overview about the topics that are more controversial or more challenging in the field. I will base the presentation in the notes I wrote during the Air Sensor International Conference that took placed in May in Pasadena (USA), also the coming Air Quality Conference happening in Thessaloniki in 3 weeks and my own experience.
Miriam Chacón Mateos is a research scientist and a PhD student at the Department of Flue Gas Cleaning and Air Quality Control at the University of Stuttgart in Germany. Her research focuses on the investigation of air quality low-cost sensors for their application in epidemiological studies. She conducted a feasibility study together with the University Hospital Charité in Berlin with patients with COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and Asthma. Currently she is working on a project funded by the German Environment Agency to determine and communicate the current possibilities and limits of air quality sensors. She holds a B.Eng. in Chemical Engineering from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain, and a M.Sc. in Air Quality Control, Solid Waste and Waste Water Process Engineering from University of Stuttgart, Germany.

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering Laboratory, University Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece

Dimosthenis Sarigiannis is Professor of Environmental Engineering and Director of the Environmental Engineering Laboratory and the General Chemical Technology Laboratory of the Department of Chemical Engineering and of the Research Group on the Exposome and Health at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece. He is also Associate Professor of Environmental Health Engineering at the Institute for Advanced Study (IUSS) in Pavia, Italy, Director of the Research Center on Complex Risk and Data Analysis and member of the coordination team of the nation-wide PhD program on Sustainable Development and Climate at the Institute for Advanced Study (IUSS) of Pavia in Italy and visiting Professor at the University of Paris. He is President of the Mediterranean Scientific Association for Environmental Protection, Vice-President of the Hellenic Society of Toxicology, member of the Expert Committee on Air Pollution of the Greek Ministry of Health and advisor to the WHO European Centre for Environment and Health. In 2015 he received the Bo Holmstedt award from EUROTOX and the Bo Holmstedt Foundation for his contributions to the safety of pharmaceuticals and chemicals. He is the author or co-author of over 150 scientific papers published in the peer-reviewed literature and 26 chapters in international books and monographs and has led or contributed to 40 international research projects in the above areas. His research focuses (a) on the unraveling of the human exposome to improve the health risk assessment of industrial and environmental toxicants and to evaluate the effects of climate change and of climate change adaptation and mitigation policies and (b) on internalizing health aspects into circular economy strategies towards the implementation of safe-and-sustainable-by-design approaches to chemicals, materials and products.

Webinar Content

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Time in CEST

Prof. Dr. Klaus Schäfer

Chair Introduction

2:00 - 2:10 pm

Prof. Dr. Andreas Philipp

Particulate Matter Monitoring in a Heterogeneous Sensor Network in the Urban Area of Augsburg (Germany)

2:10 - 2:30 pm

Ms. Miriam Chacón Mateos

Low-Cost Air Quality Sensors: Current Status and Perspectives

2:30 - 2:50 pm

Prof. Dr. Dimosthenis A. Sarigiannis

Refined PM Personal Exposure Monitoring Using Wearable Sensors

2:50 - 3:10 pm

Q&A Session

3:10 - 3:25 pm

Closing of Webinar
Prof. Dr. Klaus Schäfer

3:25 - 3:30 pm

Relevant SI

Sensors for Air Quality Monitoring
A topical collection in Sensors (ISSN 1424-8220). This collection belongs to the section "Physical Sensors".
Collection Editors: Prof. Dr. Klaus Schäfer & Dr. Matthias Budde

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