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Sustainability Webinar | Green Technologies for Urban Water Management

1 Dec 2021, 12:00 (CET)

urban water management, Green Infrastructure, Climate Impact, resilient cities, Real-time Control
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Welcome from the Chair

7th Sustainability Webinar

Green Technologies for Urban Water Management

Dear Colleagues,

With rapid urbanisation and climate, cities are facing more challenges in the way they deal with urban water (stormwater, greywater, pre-treated domestic/commercial wastewater). Green technologies are one of the solutions labelled as nature friendly for stormwater management (and more recently being developed for treatment of more water types, e.g., greywater, pre-treated wastewater), including constructed wetlands, ponds, bioretentions (or raingardens), swales and porous pavements, etc. They sit under various sustainable concepts all over the world, e.g., water sensitive urban design (WSUD) in Australia, nature-based solutions (NBS) in Europe, sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDS) in UK, low impact developments (LIDs) in the USA, and more recently, sponge cities (SCs) in China. Green technologies are known to provide multiple benefits, e.g., frequent flooding and pollution mitigation, waterway health protection, microclimate improvement, and improvement of amenity values in urban landscapes.

In this webinar, we are fortunate to have invited four recognised researchers as our keynote speakers to talk about the current development and practice of green technologies urban water management across different regions of the world (e.g., Asia-Pacific, Europe). Latest advancement of these technologies by employing real time control techniques will also be shared to our audience.

We look forward to seeing you at the webinar.

Dr. Kefeng Zhang
Dr. Veljko Prodanovic
Prof. Dr. Eduardo Mário Mendiondo
Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Djukić
Guest Editors

Date: 1 December 2021

Time: 12:00pm CET | 6:00am EST | 7:00pm CST Asia

Webinar ID: 891 9272 8849

Webinar Secretariat:


Water Research Centre, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNSW Sydney, Australia

Dr Kefeng Zhang is a Senior Lecturer at Water Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Australia. Kefeng is also an ARC DECRA fellow (Australia Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award) , who is currently developing frameworks for risk quantification, control and monitoring of nature-based solutions for stormwater harvesting. His main areas of interest include stormwater quality monitoring and modelling, development of nature-based solutions (e.g., stormwater bio-retention systems and green walls) for urban water management, stormwater harvesting, as well as integrated urban water modelling tools.

Invited Speakers

School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Queensland University of Technology, Australia

Professor Ana Deletic is Executive Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane Queensland (QUT). Until February 2021 Ana was the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research) at the University of New South Wales, Sydney (UNSW). Prior to that, until mid-2017 Ana was Associate Dean of Research Engineering Faculty and the Founding Director of Monash Infrastructure research institute at Monash University. Ana is an urban water researcher, focusing on stormwater management and socio-technical modelling. She led the development of a number of green nature-based water treatment systems which are now widely adopted in Australia and abroad. Ana is an Honorary Fellow of Engineers Australia, a Fellow of Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE), and Editor of Water Research. In 2012, the Victorian State Government awarded Ana the Victoria Prize for Science and Innovation (Physical Sciences) for her lifelong achievements in stormwater research.

School of Ecosystem and Forest Sciences, The University of Melbourne, Australia

Wei (Daniel) is working on the modelling, monitoring and development of Real-Time Control (RTC) and Model Predictive Control of urban stormwater system, with a primary focus on Stormwater Control Measures. During the PhD, Wei (Daniel), collaborate with water utility company and local authorities, investigated the use of RTC technology on smart rainwater harvesting system to enhance its simultaneous performance related to urban flood mitigation and environmental flow restoration. More recently, Wei (Daniel) has received the GLOBALINK FRQNT-MITACS Research Grants, supported by Quebec Water Research Centre (CentrEau), Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS) and University Laval, as recognition to his collaborative research on applying decentralized smart rainwater tanks to mitigate combined sewer overflow at the catchment scales.

WG Flood risk and climate adaptation, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany

PD Dr. Heidi Kreibich is Head of the working group “Flood risk and climate adaptation” at the German Research Centre for Geosciences and senior lecturer at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Additionally, she is chair of the Panta Rhei initiative of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) and executive editor of the ISI-Journal “Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences”. Her research is focused on flood risk modelling, flood vulnerability analysis and loss modelling, climate adaptation and flood risk management as well as multi risk assessments. In this respect she is particularly interested in the interaction of pluvial and riverine floods in cities as well as on the interaction of floods and droughts.

School of Environment, Tsinghua University, China

Professor Jia Haifeng conducted his research and teaching in the fields of watershed / urban water environmental planning and management, water quality and hydrologic modelling, urban runoff control and Sponge city, and Environmental Remote Sensing and GIS. He has finished 100 research projects. He has published more 200 peer-reviewed journal papers and conference papers, and 9 books. He has received 38 different level academic and engineering Awards and Honors. He is active in international academic activities and international collaborations. He has organized and attended many international conferences. He also serves as Member of IAHR/IWA Joint Committee on Urban Drainage.

Webinar Content

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Time in CET

Dr. Kefeng Zhang

Chair Introduction

12:00 - 12:05 pm

Prof. Dr. Ana Deletic

Green Technologies for Urban Water Management: Experience From Australia

12:05 - 12:10 pm

Dr. Daniel (Wei) Xu

Enhancing Environmental Benefits of Rainwater Harvesting Systems Using ‘Smart’ Real-Time Control Technology

12:10 - 12:15 pm

Dr. Heidi Kreibich

Property Level Flood Precaution Are an Effective Component for Climate Adaptation Strategies

12:15 - 12:20 pm

Prof. Dr. Jia Haifeng

Green Infrastructure Application in Sponge City Construction

12:20 - 12:25 pm

Panel Discussion

12:25 - 12:55 pm

Closing of Webinar
Dr. Kefeng Zhang

12:55 - 1:00 pm

Relevant SI

Green Technologies for Urban Water Management
Guest Editors: Dr. Kefeng Zhang, Dr. Veljko Prodanovic, Prof. Dr. Eduardo Mário Mendiondo, Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Djukić
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 August 2022

Check out the video below to find out more about the Special Issue!

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