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The 2nd Basel Sustainable Publishing Forum | The Global Transition to Open Access: Challenges and Solutions

Part of the Sustainable Publishing Forum series
26–27 October 2020, VIRTUAL, Switzerland

Publishing, Open Access, Sustainability
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The 2nd BSPF has now come to a close!

We are pleased to say that, from all accounts, the BSPF2020 was a great success and the presentations were of a very high level!

During the conference, all the presentations were recorded. They are currently being edited and will soon be uploaded on the conference webpage.

Upon request, the participants of the event who have registered on Sciforum will receive an electronic Certificate of Attendance by email once the event is concluded.

Many thanks for joining us and see you next year!

Event details

Monday, 26 October - Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Welcome Message

Plan S is an initiative for Open Access publishing launched in September 2018. It was put forward by an international consortium of research funders called cOAlition S. Plan S requires that from 2021 scientific publications from research supported by participating funders must be published in compliant Open Access journals or platforms. The principles and implementation guidelines have been clearly stated and many funding agencies and organizations have endorsed the principles.

While a global transition to Open Access is within reach, concerns have arisen over the stability of the publishing landscape on one hand and that of the global research system on the other. Some concerns include researcher evaluation, tenure and promotion; the pressure on learned societies, which often rely on publishing revenues for their activities; and the pressure on small publishers, society publishers and Open Access publishers who do not benefit from negotiated “Publish and Read” deals.

The 2nd Basel Sustainable Publishing Forum (BSPF) will be held virtually from 26–27 October 2020. The aim of the forum is to offer a platform for an open and constructive conversation between researchers, learned societies, university librarians, funding agencies, scholarly publishers, publishing platforms, and other concerned stakeholders (professional associations, etc.) to identify implementable solutions for a sustainable global transition to open access. A main topic of discussion of BSPF2 will be the challenges facing learned societies in this transition to Open Access, but the conference will also cover a broad array of topics relevant to these challenges, like the development of alternative metrics, the evaluation and promotion of researchers, the OA price transparency, the current situation and limitations of transformative agreements, copyright, etc.

This will be a unique opportunity to work together towards sustainable solutions for a successful global transition to open access.

We would like to invite all relevant stakeholders, especially the research community and representatives of learned societies, to join us and participate by sharing their experience, views, opinions, or results, and, to submit a proposal in response to one of the calls.

The University of Basel and MDPI look forward to welcoming you to our virtual conference!

Conference Chairs

Social Research and Methodology Group (SRaM), University of Basel, Switzerland - Website

Prof. Manfred Max Bergman is Chair of Social Research and Methodology at the University of Basel, Research Councilor of the Swiss National Science Foundation, member of the Uganda National Academy of Sciences and the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), a global initiative for the United Nations. He is President of the Swiss Academic Society for Environmental Research and Ecology, Section Editor in Chief of Sustainability, and Editor in Chief of World. He chairs the World Sustainability Forum and the Basel Sustainability Forum. He studied at the Universities of California (BA), Geneva (MA), and Cambridge (PhD). Previous academic affiliations include the Universities of Cambridge, Florence (European University Institute), Geneva, Loyola Chicago, Notre Dame, Oxford, Stellenbosch, St. Gall, Texas A&M, the Witwatersrand, and Zurich. His research is on sustainability and the business-society nexus in India and China.

Department of Chemistry, Former Vice-Rector for Research, University of Basel, Switzerland - Website

In 1974 Constable began studying chemistry at St. Catherine's College, University of Oxford, where he earned his BA in chemistry in 1978. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Cambridge, where he became University Lecturer and Fellow of Robinson College in 1984. He remained at Cambridge until 1993, when he became full professor of inorganic chemistry at the University of Basel. In 2007 he became Dean of Research at the Faculty of Philosophy and Natural Sciences and in 2011 Vice Rector for Research and Promotion of Young Scientists. Constable is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and a member of the American Chemical Society. He is a member of the editorial board of numerous journals including Chemical Communications, Chemical Reviews, Chemical Society Reviews, Coordination Chemistry Reviews, New Journal of Chemistry, Polyhedron and Supramolecular Chemistry.

Program Committee

Dr. Rafael Ball

ETH-Library, ETH Zurich, Switzerland - Website

Rafael Ball has been Director of ETH-​Bibliothek since 1 March 2015. He holds doctorates in biology and science history and studied biology, Slavonic studies and philosophy at the Universities of Mainz, Warsaw and Moscow. He complete a two-​year postgraduate qualification as a scientific librarian in 1996 and was head of user services at the Central Library in the Forschungszentrum Jülich from 1996 to 1998, which he ran from 1998. Ball was Director of the University Library of Regensburg from 2008 to 2015. He has written and edited numerous publications, and is a dedicated speaker and a lecturer at various universities. His main work and research interests are the library of the future, science communication and the role of the printed book in the digital age. Moreover, he is a member of various institutions.

Dr. Lidia Borrell-Damián

Science Europe, Brussels, Belgium - Website

Lidia Borrell-Damián is the newly appointed Secretary General of Science Europe, the association representing major public organisations that fund or perform excellent, ground-breaking research in Europe. In this new role she holds overall responsibility for the strategy and functioning of the organisation. Prior to this she has worked for the European University Association (EUA), an association representing more than 800 universities and national rectors’ conferences in 48 countries, since 2006 and has served as Director for Research and Innovation (R&I) between January 2014 and mid-September 2019. With a doctorate in Chemistry, she has worked as an Associate Professor at the Universitat de Barcelona and the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya. She spent time as a Visiting Scholar at North Carolina State University, USA, and The University of Western Ontario, Canada. She has also worked in the private sector as R&D Deputy Director at a chemical company in Spain and Director of the Research Area at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra.

Prof. Dr. Jean-Claude Burgelman

Department of Communication Sciences, University of Brussels, Belgium - Website

Jean-Claude Burgelman was responsible for open science and data policies of DG RTD, European Commission. He joined the European Commission in 1999 as a Visiting Scientist in the Joint Research Centre (the Institute of Prospective Technological Studies – IPTS), where he became Head of the Information Society Unit in 2005. In January 2008, he moved to the Bureau of European Policy Advisers (attached to the president of the EC) as adviser for innovation policy. Since 1-10-2008, he joined DG RTD, as advisor and then Head of Unit in charge of top level advisory boards like the European Research and Innovation Area Board, the Innovation for Growth Group and the European Forum for Forward Looking Activities. Till 2000, he was full professor of communication technology policy at the Free University of Brussels, as well as director of SMIT and was involved in science and technology assessment. He has been visiting professor at the University of Antwerp, the European College of Bruges and the University of South Africa and involved in several academic journals. He chaired the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Innovation and was a member of its Science Advisory Committee. From 01 March 2020 onwards, Jean-Claude Burgelman has left the EC and re-joined part time his alma mater, the University of Brussels.

Dr. Frederick Fenter

Frontiers Media S.A., Lausanne, Switzerland - Website

Frederick Fenter (1961) is the Executive Editor of Frontiers, an innovative and rapidly growing open-access publisher based in Lausanne Switzerland. He studied chemistry (Ph.D. Harvard, 1990) and conducted research in atmospheric science for a number of years (h=16) before moving into scientific publishing with an appointment as manager of the Inorganic Chemistry Program at Elsevier Science, Lausanne (1997). Since then he has been founder of a start-up in publishing technology (FontisMedia SA, Lausanne); advisor to the launch of an institutional document repository (InfoScience, EPFL); and publisher of an English-language University Press (EPFL Press, Lausanne). In 2013 he rejoined to Frontiers in his current role, which he had previously advised as a consultant during its first 18 months of activity. As Executive Editor at Frontiers, Fred oversees a program of 65 open-access journals, covering more than 550 specialty areas, constituting one of the largest editorial boards in scientific publishing. He is directly involved in all the strategic projects at Frontiers, including the successful Frontiers for Young Minds outreach program. Fred is very active as an advocate for open science and is frequently invited to talk about his experiences and perspectives, or to act as a moderator, with over 10 such presentations or round-table participations over the last year.

Mr. Dominic Mitchell

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Stockholm, Sweden - Website

Dom Mitchell is a digital publishing professional, focussing on open access, who specialises in project management, publisher/partner relations, account management and growth. He has worked extensively with the publisher and librarian communities both as a publisher, with the BMJ Publishing Group (UK), and as an account and project manager at HighWire Press - Stanford University (USA). He is now responsible for collaboration with DOAJ's publishers, for DOAJ's technical development, social media presence and its blog, the DOAJ News Service. In 2019, he was elected to the OASPA Board of Directors.

Mr. Pierre Mounier

OPERAS, Paris, France - Website

Pierre Mounier supports cooperation between the OPERAS partners and establishes the strategic roadmap of the infrastructure. He is trained in classical studies and social anthropology. He is working at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) and is deputy director of OpenEdition, the French national infrastructure dedicated to open scholarly communication in the SSH. He regularly publishes on digital humanities and open science topics, and more largely the social and political impact of ICT.

Ms. Vanessa Proudman

SPARC Europe, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands - Website

Vanessa Proudman is Director of SPARC Europe where she is working to make Open the default in Europe. Vanessa has 20 years’ international experience working with many leading university libraries worldwide as well as research institutions, foundations, international policy makers, information- communication- and IT professionals and designers from over 20 countries. She has focused on supporting research, on open access, open science, open culture and open education and above all on facilitating improved access to Europe’s decentralised research results. She has done this through international and national policy-making, advocacy and knowledge exchange. At present, she is intent on exploring how to create – and above all sustain – an open science ecosystem. At the beginning of her career, she spent a decade heading information and IT at a UN-affiliated international research institution in Vienna. Vanessa is driven by change; she is a keen connector and collaborator, and strongly believes in contributing to the public good through her work.

Dr. Reggie Raju

UCT Libraries, University of Cape Town (UCT), South Africa - Website

Reggie Raju is the Director (Research & Learning) at the University of Cape Town Libraries. He has been in academic libraries for more than 35 years. He is the author of several publications in peer-reviewed national and international journals, chapters in books and a book publication. His research focus is on research librarianship with an emphasis on open access and library publishing. He is currently a member of the Academic and Research Libraries Standing Committee of IFLA as well as being the convenor of its Special Interest Group: Library Publishing. Reggie is currently the Chair of SPARC Africa and is driving the social justice agenda of open access for Africa. He serves on the editorial board of Journal of librarianship and scholarly communication. Reggie Raju holds a BA degree from the University of Durban-Westville and a B Bibl (Hons), a Masters in Information Studies and a PhD in Information Studies, all from the University of Natal.

Dr. Adeline Rege

Library Service, University of Strasbourg, France - Website

Adeline Rege is Head of Scholarly Communication and Electronic Resources at University of Strasbourg Library Services (France) since 2014. She is also a member of the Information and Open Access Policy Group at League of European Research Universities (LERU) and a member of the expert's group on Scientific Information (P5 Program) at Swiss universities. She also serves on the Executive Board of, the French national higher education and research libraries consortium. Prior to joining the University of Strasbourg, Adeline Rege was a librarian at Caen Public Library in Normandy. She holds a PhD in Early Modern History from University Paris-Sorbonne and a degree in Information and Library Sciences from Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Sciences de l'Information et des Bibliothèques (Lyon, France).

Prof. Dr. Bart van Tiggelen

Europhysics Letters Association (EPL), European Physical Society (EPS), Mulhouse, France - Website

Bart van Tiggelen received a master’s degree (1988) in astrophysics at Leiden Observatory, the Netherlands, and a Ph.D. (1992) in theoretical physics at the University of Amsterdam. He is currently a research professor at the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) in France, and is based in Grenoble. His research interests are in wave propagation in random media, specifically optics and acoustics of disordered media, magneto-optics and Anderson localization, mesoscopic physics, and seismic wave propagation. Bart van Tiggelen has been a Co-Editor for several years of EPL and since January 2018, he is Editor–in–Chief.

Dr. Alicia Wise

Information Power, Winchester, United Kingdom - Website

Alicia Wise is an effective and experienced game changer working at the intersection of copyright, digital technologies, policy, and people. Alicia is known for her work as a communicator, influencer, and relationship builder and as someone who can drive organisational development and transformational change. With both an open and candid personality and tenacity and determination, she is driven to do what is right and get things done through collaboration and partnership. She has more than 30 years’ experience in the academic information space including roles with libraries, publishers, and researchers. Most recently she was with Elsevier where she led on Open Access and global strategic relations. Prior to this she held roles with the Publishers Association, Publishers Licensing Society, Jisc, Archaeology Data Service, and in universities. She has served on the boards of Access to Research, Accessible Books Consortium, CHORUS, CLOCKSS, Digital Preservation Coalition, and Research4Life.

Advisory Program Committee

Drs. Saskia C. J. de Vries

Sampan - academia and publishing, Leiden, The Netherlands - Website

Saskia de Vries soon joined HES Publishers in Utrecht as a jack of all trades. In 1985, she switched to Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. In the 20 years that she ran Amsterdam University Press as its first director. It grew into an international, academic publisher with 20 employees in 2012 who were responsible for the approximately 200 books and 9 academic journals that they published a year. Amsterdam University Press was coordinator of the EU project Open Access Publishing in European Networks and grew into one of the most innovative university presses in the world, that gives high priority to Open Access publishing. In 2006 she was co-founder and first director of Leiden University Press, which functions as part of the University of Leyden since 2009. Saskia started her own business in 2012, Sampan – academia & publishing, where she works on various projects.

Prof. Dr. Johan E.C.V. Rooryck

Centre for Linguistics, Leiden University, The Netherlands - Website

Johan Rooryck, born in Leuven, Belgium, in 1961, is a professor of French linguistics at Leiden University. His main research interests lie in the interaction between morphology, syntax, and semantics; and the relation between language and core knowledge systems. He was the Executive Editor of Lingua from 1999 to 2015. Lingua was ranked 7th in Google Scholar’s h5-Index Top Publications – Humanities, Literature & Arts, and 3rd in the subsection Language & Linguistics in October 2015, when its 6 editors and the 31-member editorial board resigned after Elsevier rejected the editors’ request to publish Lingua under conditions of Fair Open Access. The editorial team and board then went on to found the Fair Open Access journal Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, published by Ubiquity Press with financial support for Author Processing Charges from LingOA and the Open Library of the Humanities (OLH). Johan is now the Editor in Chief of Glossa and is active in promoting Fair Open Access. In 2019 he has been appointed the Open Access Champion for cOAlition S.

Conference Speakers

Emerald Publishing, Bingley, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom - Website

Shelley Allen joined Emerald Publishing in March 2019 as Head of Open Research. With 17 years’ experience within academic publishing, working in mostly editorial roles across a range of subject disciplines, Shelley is passionate about driving change and ensuring real impact for the communities Emerald serves. Shelley has a keen interest in open science, particularly exploring ways to translate research for new audiences as well as leveraging the wider impact “Open” can have, including bringing new and diverse voices into the research landscape.

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Copenhagen, Denmark - Website

Lars Bjørnshauge was Director of Libraries at Lund University from 2001 to 2011 and founded the DOAJ in 2003. He became Managing Director of DOAJ in January 2013. He has vast experience in: change management; the re-engineering of academic libraries; the development of information services for research & higher education. He has been a strong advocate of open access and for providing services to the open access movement (open access to research publications). He is co-founder of OpenDOAR and the Directory of Open Access Books.

OA Switchboard (OASPA), Amsterdam, The Netherlands - Website

Yvonne Campfens is a consultant with over 25 years in publishing and related service sectors, with a Masters in applied econometrics from University of Amsterdam (1993). Early in her career she held a publishing position at Elsevier Science and thereafter various positions at Swets Subscription Service, including in publisher relations and as business partner to ALPSP in managing the ALJC (ALPSP Learned Journals Collection). From 2007 – 2012 she led the on-boarding of learned society publishing partners at Springer Nature, and was a co-founder of the TRANSFER Code of Practice. After running the Dutch language educational/professional business at Springer Media for three years as Managing Director, she returned to the international research group of the newly merged company (Springer Nature) in 2015, where she worked across all Springer Nature Research divisions. In 2018 she started her own consultancy business and since the beginning of this year she is project manager for the OA Switchboard, an initiative overseen by Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA).

Sampan - academia and publishing, Leiden, The Netherlands - Website

Saskia de Vries soon joined HES Publishers in Utrecht as a jack of all trades. In 1985, she switched to Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. In the 20 years that she ran Amsterdam University Press as its first director. It grew into an international, academic publisher with 20 employees in 2012 who were responsible for the approximately 200 books and 9 academic journals that they published a year. Amsterdam University Press was coordinator of the EU project Open Access Publishing in European Networks and grew into one of the most innovative university presses in the world, that gives high priority to Open Access publishing. In 2006 she was co-founder and first director of Leiden University Press, which functions as part of the University of Leyden since 2009. Saskia started her own business in 2012, Sampan – academia & publishing, where she works on various projects.

The Center for the Sociology of Innovation (CSI), Paris, France - Website

Quentin Dufour defended a PhD thesis in sociology on the making of the French GDP, the main representation of the national economy, in November 2019. At the crossroads of the sociology of quantification, the sociology of activity, and Science Studies, the thesis questions the role of quantification in the production and stabilization of a representation of the French economy. Based on a nine-month ethnographic survey within the National Accounts Department of INSEE, it shows that, far from being the result of an automatic calculation, our knowledge of the economy is based on a complex organization, and involves an interpretative work called “arbitrage” during which figures are questioned, evaluated, and sometimes modified. The representation of the economy derives its overall coherence, in time and space, from this work of arbitration. Since February 2020, Quentin Dufour holds a postdoctoral position at the CSI and is part of the research project “Socio-Economy of Scientific Publication”, which focuses on the transformation of scientific journal publication models in the era of open access. He is particularly interested in how major historical publishers and users of scientific publishing (such as university libraries) are negotiating the transition from a traditional publishing model (where access to journals requires a subscription) to different open access models (where tariff barriers to access the journal are removed). The survey is based on the exploration and analysis of public documents, including recent “big deals” signed in different European countries between publishers operating on the scientific publishing market and national institutions in charge of negotiating access to journals.

Educopia Institute, Powell, OH, United States - Website

Christina currently serves as the Data Trust Program Officer for the OA eBook Usage Data Trust project having previously served as Educopia’s Director of Strategic Initiatives (2015-2017). Affiliated with Educopia since 2012, Christina has worked to develop capacity-building resources for Educopia’s affiliated communities while managing efforts relating to digital preservation, cultural heritage workforce and leadership development, and data analytics. Now a senior leader experienced in developing data policy, strategic partnerships and extramural funding, Christina began her career working in software as a service development pertaining to back-office supply-chain logistics, government e-records management, enterprise technology planning, and nonprofit capacity-building. Christina is certified in Design Thinking by IDEO and as an Information Privacy Professional (CIPP/US) by the International Association of Privacy Professionals. She holds an M.A. in International Science and Technology Policy from George Washington University, a Certificate in International Business from the University of Washington, and a data-analytics focused B.S. with Honors in Criminal Justice and Psychology from The Ohio State University. She currently serves as Co-Chair for the Professionalizing Data Stewardship Interest Group of the Research Data Alliance, sits on the Advisory Board for the Association of Rural and Small Library Leadership Institute, and serves on the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission’s Data Policy Needs Survey and Toolkit working group.

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries, Zurich, Switzerland - Website


Basel University Library, Switzerland - Website

In 1978 Simon Geiger began studying chemistry at University of Basel, where he earned his MA in chemistry in 1982 and received his PhD on nanostructured fluids in 1986. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Leiden 1987-1988. In 1989 he joined University Library Basel to take the responsibility for the collections and services in the natural sciences. In 1997 he established the cooperative acquisition of electronic journals and databases in a network of Swiss university libraries. He represents the University of Basel at the Consortium of Swiss Acacemic Libraries.

Emerald Publishing, Bingley, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom - Website

Juliet Harrison is Head of Business, Management and Economics Publishing at Emerald Publishing Ltd. Her role involves managing a team of Publishers and Commissioning Editors working within the fields of Business, Management and Economics (including Operations and Logistics), Juliet is responsible for developing the strategy for the growth of Emerald's Journals, Books and Cases content. Previous to this, Juliet worked as an Executive Publisher for Emerald's Social Sciences journals programme and has worked within the field of academic publishing for over 10 years.

Springer Nature, London, United Kingdom - Website

Steven Inchcoombe read Physics at Merton College, Oxford and qualified as a chartered accountant with PwC. From 1990 to 2000, Steven was at Interactive Data Corporation, where he ultimately became responsible for strategy, M&A and the EMEA region, and during this period the business became listed on NASDAQ. He then moved on to Board positions with the Financial Times Group, including UK Publisher of the Financial Times and Managing Director of Steven joined the Macmillan Board in 2006. From 2007 to 2013, he led the Nature Publishing Group (NPG), and in 2013 became CEO of Macmillan’s Science and Scholarly division, comprising NPG, Scientific American and Palgrave Macmillan. Following the creation of Springer Nature in May 2015 he was appointed Managing Director of its Nature Research Group and most recently promoted to Chief Publishing Officer for Springer Nature in March 2016.

Wellcome Trust, London, United Kingdom - Website

Robert Kiley is Head of Open Research at Wellcome where he is responsible for developing and implementing Wellcomes’s open research strategy. Over the past decade Robert has played a leading role in the implementation of Wellcome’s open access policy. He has also been responsible for initiating the development of eLife, the online journal developed in partnership with HHMI and the Max Planck Society and Wellcome’s OA repository, Europe PubMed Central repository. Most recently Robert championed the development of Wellcome’s own publishing platform – Wellcome Open Research – which is fast becoming the most used publication venue for Wellcome funded research articles. Since March 2019, he has also assumed the role as cOAlition S Coordinator. Robert is a qualified librarian and is a member of the Board of Directors for ORCID.

MDPI, Basel, Switzerland - Website

Bastien holds a Bachelor in Electronic, Electric and Data Processing and a Master in Automatic and Industrial Data Processing. Bastien joined MDPI in February 2013 and developed After working for three years on several internal projects, he went back to university to complete his studies and completed his Ph.D. in Computer Sciences in October 2019. The goal of his PhD was to semantically link scientific articles together by using Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence techniques. After completing his PhD, Bastien launched the R&D department which develops and applies other text mining approaches to scientific articles.

SciencePOD, Dublin, Ireland - Website

Sabine is a media entrepreneur, science communicator, journalist and editor with a keen interest in using technology to deliver improved editorial solutions and a vast international experience working across Europe, the USA and Asia. Sabine’s career in science and technology publishing spans 20 years, and she has previously worked for international science publishing houses such as the Nature Publishing Group (now part of Springer Nature) and strategic pharma intelligence publishing house Windhover (now Informa). She speaks French, English, German and a little Spanish.

Decentralized Science, Madrid, Spain - Website

​Evgeniya is a researcher and consultant who has collaborated with both public and private regional development organisations worldwide. She has produced reports, research articles and white papers investigating the best regional practices of innovation promotion, academia-industry-government collaboration, SME support programmes, the governance of sustainable innovation and that of creative clusters. She has collaborated as Researcher and/or Lecturer with such organisations as Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), Canberra Innovation Network (Australia), the Moscow State University (Russia) and National Research University ‘Higher School of Economics’ (Russia) under the mandate of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

CNR-ISTI, OpenAIRE, Toscana, Italy - Website

Paolo Manghi is Researcher at CNR-ISTI since 2006, member of the InfraScience research group. His research focuses on data models for Digital Library Management Systems, data curation in digital libraries, and autonomic service-oriented data infrastructures, with special care to the realization and technological transfer of open source software. He is author of several research papers in such fields. Moreover, he has participated and coordinated the research and technical activities of several EC projects, such as DRIVER, DRIVER-II, OpenAIRE, OpenAIREplus, HOPE, EFG, and several others whose focus was on the realization of aggregative data infrastructures for scientific communication and science. He is currently coordinating research and development activities supporting the production data infrastructures for the OpenAIRE2020 project, project, and the EAGLE project. Finally, he is conceiver and designer of the D-NET Software Toolkit, a framework for the construction of autonomic and sustainable aggregative data infrastructures.

MDPI, Basel, Switzerland - Website

Delia Mihaila joined MDPI in March 2013. She previously held the positions of Managing Editor, Publishing Development Manager, and Publishing Director within MDPI. Delia held the CEO position within MDPI previously, from February 2015 to April 2016. She holds a Master of Arts in International Publishing from Oxford Brookes University. Before joining MDPI she worked as Journal Publishing Manager for John Wiley & Sons in the UK, where she was responsible for the strategic development and performance of a large portfolio of journals within the health sciences division. Before obtaining her Master’s degree in the UK, she worked as Business Development Manager for a medical publisher in Romania and acquired project management experience being involved in several PHARE European projects.

The Company of Biologists, Cambridge, United Kingdom - Website

Claire Moulton is the Publisher at The Company of Biologists, where she is responsible for the company’s journal and digital content strategy. The Company of Biologists was the first publisher to be afforded Transformative Journal status by Plan S, following on from their early adoption of Read & Publish agreements and transparent metrics. Another focus has been building community sites including preLights, an early-career initiative around preprint commenting. Previously, Claire worked for Elsevier, where she was responsible for the Current Opinion and Trends journals. She has a background in molecular and developmental biology.

OPERAS, Paris, France - Website

Pierre Mounier supports cooperation between the OPERAS partners and establishes the strategic roadmap of the infrastructure. He is trained in classical studies and social anthropology. He is working at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) and is deputy director of OpenEdition, the French national infrastructure dedicated to open scholarly communication in the SSH. He regularly publishes on digital humanities and open science topics, and more largely the social and political impact of ICT.

Frontiers Media SA, Lausanne, Switzerland - Website

Based in Frontiers' London office, Robyn joined Frontiers as a Journal Development Manager for Frontiers in Psychiatry and previously worked for a number of international publishers. She is now the Publishing Partnerships Manager at Frontiers and her work focuses on collaborations with societies, funders and other organisations.

CERN, Geneva, Switzerland - Website

Dedicated to promoting equality, Dr. Naim has devoted 15 years to increase global access to scientific information. Together with the White House and the Department of State, Dr. Naim has launched scientific programs in vulnerable Middle Eastern and African communities. He has also partnered with USAID, The World Bank, and numerous foreign governments to design and implement projects that empower local communities, advance global health, and lay the foundation for socioeconomic equality. Most recently, he was the Director of Partnerships & Initiatives at Annual Reviews, a nonprofit research publisher where he worked to design and implement a sustainable model for transforming the organization’s journals to open access. In his academic career at the Stanford University Graduate School of Education he explores new mechanisms and business models to expand equitable global access to scientific information, and as an educator has designed curricula in information literacy and instructed a number of classes at the intersection of science, technology and public policy. As an advisor to TeachAids, he supports research and teaching efforts for both HIV and Concussion initiatives. He also serves as Executive Director at Network for Information and Digital Access (NIDA) to provide support to NGO focused on democratizing public access to information and services in partnership with thought leaders from many countries. Since November 2019, Kamran Naim is Head of Open Science for CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. He leads a portfolio of activities that aim to set the standards of the future open science ecosystem. Kamran holds a PhD from Stanford University on Cooperative Models to support open access publishing.

Book Industry Study Group, New York, NY, United States - Website

Brian O'Leary is executive director of the Book Industry Study Group, a trade association that solves problems affecting two or more parts of the publishing supply chain. BISG membership represents the entire publishing industry, from publishers, distributors, wholesalers, retailers and libraries to printers, suppliers, service providers and more. BISG maintains several standing committees and working groups that meet to review, discuss and resolve problems raised by members and the industry as a whole. Prior to joining BISG, he was principal of Magellan Media, a consulting firm that worked with book, magazine, and association publishers to improve the effectiveness of their content workflows. During that time, he wrote and spoke extensively about issues affecting the publishing industry. In addition to a blog, his work included ""Book: A Futurist's Manifesto"", a collection of forward-looking essays on publishing that he co-edited with Hugh McGuire. While at Magellan, he studied and reported on: the use of metadata in the book industry supply chain; territorial rights in the digital age; and best practices in digital exports. He also studied the impact of free content and digital piracy on paid book sales, and he edited a review of the use of XML in book publishing. Before founding Magellan Media, Brian served as senior VP and associate publisher with Hammond Inc., where he restructured editorial operations to benefit from the firm’s prior technology investments. He came to Hammond after a 12-year career overseeing production and distribution operations at several of Time Inc.’s weekly magazines, including Time, Entertainment Weekly and People. He joined Time Inc. after earning an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School. Brian also hold an A.B. in chemistry from Harvard College.

cognitio - studentisches Forum für Recht und Gesellschaft, Lucernce, Switzerland - Website

Dario Picecchi is co-founder and member of the editorial board of the journal "cognitio – studentisches Forum für Recht und Gesellschaft''. Cognitio is a student law journal with the goal of promoting early academic work and comprehensive publication processes including peer review procedures. Dario Picecchi studied law at the University of Lucerne and at the University of Notre Dame (USA). Since 2017 he has been a doctoral candidate and research assistant to Prof. Dr. iur. Bernhard Rütsche (Chair of Public Law and Philosophy of Law, University of Lucerne).

Bielefeld University Library, Bielefeld, Germany - Website

Dirk Pieper is Deputy Director at Bielefeld University Library and responsible for projects and innovation. He is also a member of several national and international boards and initiatives like “Efficiency and Standards for Article Charges” (ESAC) and the “EBSCO European Academic Advisory Board”. From 2004-2014 he was the Head of Media Department at Bielefeld UL. He holds a degree in political science and economics from Universität Hamburg and has been involved in several Open Access projects.

Delta Think, London, United Kingdom - Website

Dan Pollock is Chief Digital Officer of Delta Think, based in London, UK. His strength lies in helping publishing companies successfully explore and exploit new digital opportunities, through his combination of commercial expertise and technical understanding. Over the last 20 years, Dan has specialized in digital publishing strategy and product innovation for companies primarily in STM and Legal publishing. He has held executive leadership and strategic advisory roles, and senior positions managing products, operations and change in organizations ranging from dot-coms to complex corporates. His expertise includes the establishment of new business units and product management functions in large organizations, handling digital extensions to flagship brands, the implementation of analytics and social media practice and policies, business and price modeling, interfacing between business and technology functions, and strategic advisory services. Most recently, prior to joining our team, Dan was part of the leadership team of Jordan Publishing Ltd through its successful sale to LexisNexis (RELX). He has previously worked for Macmillan Publishers (Nature Publishing Group), Outsell Inc., RELX (Elsevier Health Sciences, LexisNexis), Times Mirror International Publishers. His early career was in software engineering, specializing in publishing solutions. Dan has been the principal architect of the Delta Think Open Access Data & Analytics Tool and supports market intelligence and strategy projects related to Open Access.

University of Lucerne, Library, Lucernce, Switzerland - Website

Simone Rosenkranz studied Jewish Studies, Islamic Studies and Philosophy at the Universities of Lucerne and Basel and at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In 1999 she received her doctorate with a thesis on Jewish-Christian relations in the early Islamic Orient. From 1999 to 2009 Simone Rosenkranz was an assistant at the Institute for Jewish-Christian Research at the University of Lucerne. Since 2002 she has also been a subject specialist at the Central and University Library, where she initially supervised the subjects Jewish Studies and Biblical Studies, and since 2005 also the departments of Religious Studies, Science Research (from 2009) and Health Sciences (from 2013). Simone Rosenkranz also holds a teaching position for Modern Hebrew I at the Institute for Jewish-Christian Research.

PLOS, Washington, District of Columbia, United States - Website

Sara Rouhi is the Director of Strategic Partnerships at PLOS focusing on developing new business models for sustainable, inclusive open access publishing. She previously managed business development at Digital Science for both the Altmetric and Dimensions platforms. She volunteers for SSP's Education Committee and ALPSP's North American Steering Committee amongst others. She was the recipient of the SSP's Emerging Leader award in 2015 and writes and speaks frequently on metrics, open access, and diversity in scholarly communications. She's a comedian and improviser in Washington DC and tweets all things politics, open science, improv, and #scholcomm on Twitter.

Decentralized Science, Madrid, Spain - Website

Antonio Tenorio-Fornés is a free software developer and researcher. He holds a 5 years CS/Eng degree and a Master in Research in Computer Science. He is currently the principal investigator of Decentralized Science, funded by LEDGER European Project. He is also developing his PhD at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, for which he received funding by an institutional scholarship. His research aims to provide decentralized governance tools for Commons-Based Peer Production communities. He has also participated in the European Projects P2P Models and P2Pvalue. He has been visiting researcher at the University of Surrey, the University of Westminster and Kozminski University. His experience developing decentralized web tools includes Teem, SwellRT and, using technologies such as Blockchain and IPFS.

The Center for the Sociology of Innovation (CSI), Paris, France - Website

Didier Torny’s research works are at the crossroads of the sociology of mobilization, the sociology of law, public policies studies and science and technology studies. On risk and health issues, his publications has underlined the role of alarm raisers in the agenda setting theory, helped to clarify the role of administrations in writing, implementing and controlling public regulation and discussed the emergence of new forms of government, based on traceability, to address them. He has conducted his research programs on many fieldworks: prion diseases, asbestos, pesticides, vaccines, diethylstilbestrol and endocrine disruptors, pandemic influenza. Didier Torny joined CSI in 2016, where he keeps on doing fieldwork on controversies affecting preventive health policies, notably mammogram screenings, and on a political economy of academic publication, especially with David Pontille. He is also project officer at the Scientific and Technical Direction of CNRS, copilot of the evaluation group of the French Open Science Commitee, and contributes to Scriptopolis, a blog on urban writings, with CSI colleagues.

Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Engineering and Architecture, Library, Lucernce, Switzerland - Website

Clemens Trautwein focused his work on project work and project management in national and international research projects in the field of water ecology. He now uses his experience in analytical thinking, research and publishing as a subject specialist at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Library of Engineering & Architecture. He advises and trains researchers in scientific publishing, especially Open Access, and research data management. Clemens received his doctorate in environmental engineering from the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna in 2013, having completed his diploma in landscape planning and landscape management in 2007. In his academic career to date, he has published scientific articles and book chapters as a first author, mentored students and designed and conducted courses.

UNSILO, Aarhus, Denmark - Website

Michael Upshall is head of business development at UNSILO, the machine-learning arm of Cactus Communications. His publishing experience began with compiling dictionaries and editing how-to books, before co-founding reference publisher Helicon Publishing, invested in by Microsoft and then floated on the UK AIM. He has worked with publishers on digital creation and delivery, including The IET, CABI and Cambridge University Press, as well as managing projects for JISC, the UK association for digital solutions in UK higher education. He has written articles and books (Content Licensing, Elsevier, 2009), and writes a regular column on digital publishing.

Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), Leiden University, The Netherlands - Website

Ludo Waltman is professor of Quantitative Science Studies and deputy director at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) at Leiden University. Ludo leads the Quantitative Science Studies (QSS) research group at CWTS. The QSS group does research in the fields of bibliometrics and scientometrics, with a special emphasis on applications in research management and science policy. Together with his colleague Nees Jan van Eck, Ludo has developed two software tools for the analysis and visualization of bibliometric networks: VOSviewer and CitNetExplorer. Ludo is coordinator of the CWTS Leiden Ranking, a bibliometric ranking of major universities worldwide. In addition, Ludo serves as Editor-in-Chief of Quantitative Science Studies.

University of Michigan Library, Ann Arbor, MI, United States - Website

Rebecca Welzenbach helps scholars present themselves and their work to the world. She empowers scholars to create the conditions under which they can establish a strong public identity, a coherent account of their contributions to the scholarly enterprise, and a persuasive body of evidence for the impact of their work within the academy and for the public. She can answer questions about and provide training on the following tools and topics: Altmetric/Altmetric Explorer, bibliometrics/citation analysis, Dimensions,, Michigan Research Experts, research impact metrics, and establishing and maintaining a public scholarly profile. Rebecca is also always glad to talk about open access, repositories, copyright and licensing issues, etc., as they pertain to making your work more discoverable, usable, and impactful.

Information Power, Winchester, United Kingdom - Website

Alicia Wise is an effective and experienced game changer working at the intersection of copyright, digital technologies, policy, and people. Alicia is known for her work as a communicator, influencer, and relationship builder and as someone who can drive organisational development and transformational change. With both an open and candid personality and tenacity and determination, she is driven to do what is right and get things done through collaboration and partnership. She has more than 30 years’ experience in the academic information space including roles with libraries, publishers, and researchers. Most recently she was with Elsevier where she led on Open Access and global strategic relations. Prior to this she held roles with the Publishers Association, Publishers Licensing Society, Jisc, Archaeology Data Service, and in universities. She has served on the boards of Access to Research, Accessible Books Consortium, CHORUS, CLOCKSS, Digital Preservation Coalition, and Research4Life.

Conference Organizers

Charlotte Gardini

MDPI, Basel, Switzerland


Karen Gisler

MDPI, Basel, Switzerland


Elena Gonzalez

MDPI, Barcelona, Spain


Ana Sanchis

MDPI, Barcelona, Spain


Cédric Spinnler

MDPI, Basel, Switzerland


Dr. Franck Vazquez

MDPI, Basel, Switzerland


Franck Vazquez received his Ph.D. in Life and Health Sciences in 2004 from the University of Lille. He completed two post-docs in Basel, at the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research and at the Botanical Institute of the University of Basel. From 2009 to 2013 Franck's research group was funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. During his research career, Franck has published a total of 30 papers, which have been cited more than 4000 times. He joined MDPI in January 2014 and served as the Chief Scientific Officer from February 2015 to April 2016, and as the Chief Executive Officer from May 2016 to April 2019. Franck is also a member of the Board of Directors of OASPA since September 2017.


Detailed Program

Day 1 - Monday, 26 October 2020, 08:30 - 16:15 (CET)

08:30 - 08:35

Welcome from the Organizers

Dr. Franck Vazquez

08:35 - 08:45

Welcome from the Chairs

Session 1: Partners for Independent Publishers

Chair: Mr. Lars Bjørnshauge

08:45 - 09:30

Where did we want to go when we started out? How is it going?
A report about a journey in times when not much travelling takes place!

Mr. Lars Bjørnshauge
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

09:30 - 10:15

How did we get here? How to move on? How is the OA Switchboard helping.

Ms. Yvonne Campfens
OA Switchboard (OASPA)

10:15 - 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 - 11:15

It Is Not Always Recognised That Open-Access Content Lends Itself to More Powerful Discovery and Research Using AI Analytics Tools

Mr. Michael Upshall

11:15 - 12:15

Fueling Innovation with Data

Dr. Bastien Latard

Ms. Robyn Mugridge

Mr. Daniel Pollock
Delta Think

12:15 - 14:00

Lunch Break

Session 2: Open Access Agreements Between Libraries and Publishers

Chair: Mr. Dirk Pieper

14:00 - 14:45

Transformative Agreements: Lessons Learned and Outlook

Mr. Dirk Pieper
University Library, Bielefeld

14:45 - 15:30

Transformative Agreements to Achieve Open Access - a First Systematic Analysis of Available Consortium-Publisher Documents

Mr. Didier Torny
The Center for the Sociology of Innovation (CSI)

Mr. Quentin Dufour
The Center for the Sociology of Innovation (CSI)

15:30 - 16:15

Negotiating and Implementing Transitional Read and Publish Agreements at Swiss Academic and Research Institutions

Mr. Fabian Felder
Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Dr. Simon Geiger
Basel University Library

Day 2 - Tuesday, 27 October 2020, 09:00 - 17:30 (CET)

Session 3: Transformative Journals

Chair: Dr. Alicia Wise

09:00 - 10:00

The view from cOAlition S

Mr. Robert Kiley
Wellcome Trust

A broad publisher’s perspective

Mr. Steven Inchcoombe
Springer Nature

A specialist publisher’s perspective

Dr. Claire Moulton
The Company of Biologists

Session 4: New Open Access Initiatives

Chair: Prof. Dr. Max Bergman

10:00 - 10:30

The Two Breakdowns of Publication Services and Prices

Drs. Saskia C. J. de Vries
Sampan - academia and publishing

Dr. Alicia Wise
Information Power

Dr. Claire Moulton
The Company of Biologists

Ms. Delia Mihaila

10:30 - 10:45

The First Results of the Online Survey on Diamond Journals

Mr. Pierre Mounier

10:45 - 11:00

Coffee Break

11:00 - 11:15

Cognitio: A Grass Root Open Access Initiative - Insights and Thoughts on the Ongoing Discussion About Open Science, Open Access and the Future of (Legal) Education

Mr. Dario Picecchi
cognitio - studentisches Forum für Recht und Gesellschaft

11:15 - 11:30

Solving the OA Visibility Issue With Teaser Digital Stories

Ms. Sabine Louët

11:30 - 11:45

What have we learnt since launching an open access platform?

Ms. Shelley Allen
Emerald Publishing

Ms. Juliet Harrison
Emerald Publishing

11:45 - 12:00

Quartz OA: Community Currencies for a Sustainable Open Access Publishing Model

Mr. Antonio Tenorio-Fornés
Decentralized Science

Dr. Evgeniya Lupova-Henry
Decentralized Science

12:00 - 12:15

OA-EASI landscape change: identifying needs for transformation to open access of the publishing landscape on a national level

Dr. Clemens Trautwein
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Engineering and Architecture, Library

Dr. Simone Rosenkranz
University of Lucerne, Library, Lucernce, Switzerland

12:15 - 13:00

Building a Sustainable, Equitable and Inclusive Open Access Future

Dr. Kamran Naim

Ms. Sara Rouhi

13:00 - 14:30

Lunch Break

Session 5: Bibliometrics in the Open Access Era

Chair: Prof. Dr. Ed Constable

14:30 - 15:15

Open Metadata of Scholarly

Prof. Dr. Ludo Waltman
Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), Leiden University

15:15 - 16:00

The Openaire Research Graph: Open and Sustainable Monitoring in the Era of Open Science

Dr. Paolo Manghi
CNR-ISTI, OpenAIRE, Toscana, Italy

16:00 - 17:30


Improving OA Monograph Usage Data Analytics for Sustainable Publishing

Ms. Christina Drummond
Educopia Institute

Mr. Brian O’Leary
Book Industry Study Group

Ms. Rebecca Welzenbach
University of Michigan Library

17:30 - 17:40

Closing Remarks from the Chairs

Recorded Sessions

In this section, you will find the different recordings of the sessions held over the two days of the 2nd Basel Sustainable Publishing Forum for you to watch, re-watch and share with your colleagues!

Day 1 - 26 October 2020

Session 1: Partners for Independent Publishers

Session 2: Open Access Agreements Between Libraries and Publishers

Day 2 - 27 October 2020

Session 3: Transformative Journals

Session 4: New Open Access Initiatives

Session 5: Bibliometrics in the Open Access Era

Webinar Series

BSPF Webinar 1 | Plan S and Price Transparency: Towards a Breakdown of Publication Services and Prices

The first webinar of the BSPF was held on 2 July 2020 at 3.00 pm (CEST). It touched upon topics such as Plan S and Price Transparency and consisted of talks from different publishers. The webinar website and the full recording can be found here.

BSPF Webinar 2 | New Approaches to Evaluate Researchers' Impact

The second webinar in this series was held on 11 September 2020 at 2:00 pm (CEST). It was entitled "New Approaches to Evaluate Researchers' Impact" and Prof. Dr. Ed Constable from the University of Basel and co-chair of the BSPF 2020 moderated the webinar. The full recording is online:

Call for Proposals

Call for Presentations
We are looking for speakers willing to present important initiatives or projects relevant to the global transition to open access. Proposals can contain updates on well-known initiatives, or new initiatives and frameworks. They may also cover research that provides a novel and alternative perspective on the transition to open access. Presentations may be keynotes (30-45min) or short presentations (10-15min). Presentation proposals should consist of up to 500 words.

Call for Panels
We seek proposals for interactive panels intended to generate lively discussions. We are primarily looking for panels directly relevant to learned societies, but also for panels discussing topics relevant to the global transition to Open Access.
Panels will be composed of 4–8 panelists and
last between 45 minutes to 1.5 hours.
Panel proposals should consist
of a (maximum) 500-word abstract. Please also provide the names, affiliations, and email addresses of panelists who have agreed to participate.

Call for Posters
We welcome poster presentations on research, viewpoints, analysis, and initiatives relevant to the audience and topic. Poster proposals should consist of up to 500 words.

Submissions must be submitted in English to before 13 September 2020.
Notification of acceptance: around 9 October 2020.

You can download the full call for proposals here.


When registering as an "Academic" for the virtual conference, please register with your academic email address. If you are registering several people under the same registration, please do not use the same email address for each person, but their individual university email addresses. Thank you for your understanding.

In the interest of inclusive global participation and in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath, MDPI has generously agreed to drop the registration fees for all virtual academics, members of partnering societies and students for the 2nd Basel Sustainable Publishing Forum. However, registration for the event is mandatory.

Speakers and Invited Guests - VIRTUAL Free
Others, incl. Commercial and Not-for-Profit Publishers - VIRTUAL 150.00 CHF
Academics, Societies and Students - VIRTUAL Free

Cancellation policy

Participation in the conference is considered final only once the registration fees have been paid. The number of participants is limited, once the number of paid registrations reaches the maximum number of participants, unpaid registrations will be canceled.

Cancellation of paid registration is possible under the terms listed below:
> 2 weeks before the conference Refund 50% of the applying fees
< 2 weeks before the conference No refund

In the unlikely event that MDPI shall deem it necessary to cancel the conference, all pre-paid registration fees will be reimbursed. MDPI shall not be liable for reimbursing the cost of travel or accommodation arrangements made by individual delegates.

Photographs and/or video will be taken during the conference
By taking part in this event you grant the event organizers full rights to use the images resulting from the photography/video filming, and any reproductions or adaptations of the images for fundraising, publicity or other purposes to help achieve the conference’s aims. This might include (but is not limited to), the right to use them in their printed and online publicity, social media, press releases and funding applications.

MDPI, St. Alban-Anlage 66, 4052 Basel, Switzerland
+41 61 683 77 34

Sponsors and Partners


Bronze Sponsors

Media Partners

Conference Poster

Conference Poster

Code of Conduct


This conference is part of a community-driven series of events. To enhance collaboration, creativity, innovation, and exchange of ideas, and maintain a welcoming, respectful, safe, professional and inspiring environment, this event is governed by a Code of Conduct (CoC) that all participants (i.e., attendees, speakers, chairpersons, moderators, employees, volunteers, sponsors, exhibitors) must adopt.


This CoC outlines our expectations for participants, both online (e.g., on social media) and at in-person events. We expect all participants:
-to actively engage in creating a friendly and safe environment for all,
-to express their views in the context of the rights of all other participants to hold and express different views,
-to be kind and considerate, and, to respect personal space and boundaries for personal interactions.
-to be mindful of other participants,
-to behave appropriately, and to refrain from displaying any demeaning, harassing, aggressive, offensive or intimidating materials or behavior,
-to dress and behave professionally,
-to respect others’ properties, including private and communal property.
-to follow regulations and laws applicable at the venue.

Inappropriate behavior — harassment, aggression, and intimidation

Harassment, aggression, offensive language and intimidation are inappropriate and unacceptable. These behaviors can be related to, but not limited to: race, color, creed, gender (including pregnancy, perceived pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, or related medical conditions), gender identity, religion (including religious dress and grooming), marital status, domestic partner status, genetic information, age, national origin or ancestry, military or veteran status, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, or any other appearance or physical characteristics.
Inappropriate behavior can take many forms such as offensive comments, verbal threats or demands, jokes, derogatory statements, intimidation, obscene language, offensive clothing, leering, stalking, staring, gestures, pictures, drawings, cartoons, violating personal space by impeding or blocking another person's movement or otherwise physically interfering with them, harassing photography or recordings, unwanted or offensive letters or poems, offensive email or voicemail messages, or social media postings.

Consequences of inappropriate behavior

Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. Participants asked to stop inappropriate behavior are expected to comply immediately. Non-complying participants may be expelled from the conference without a refund, and/or might be banned from future events in case of repeated or severe breaches of this CoC.

What to do about inappropriate behavior?

If you witness or are subjected to inappropriate behavior or have any other concerns, please notify Dr. Franck Vazquez ( or Dr. Sara Martinez (

If you have questions regarding this Code of Conduct or its implementation, please contact us.

We look forward to an outstanding meeting!

The Basel Autumn Fair 2020 - CANCELLED

Unfortunately, the Basel Autumn Fair, cannot be held this year due to the risk of contracting the coronavirus. This was decided by the government of the canton of Basel-Stadt. After the summer holidays, the government intends to provide information on the context in which the anniversary year will kick off on the occasion of the 550th anniversary of the Basel Autumn Fair.

The Basel Autumn Fair (Basler Herbstmesse) is Switzerland's biggest and oldest funfair. Dating back over 540 years, it is part of the city's living cultural heritage and it draws about a million people from Switzerland and elsewhere to Basel. This huge fair is spread over seven of the city’s plazas and also in the trade fair center, giving the impression that it stretches over the entire city center.
