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Symmetry Webinar | Solving Quantum Field Theory

Part of the MDPI Symmetry Webinars series
4 May 2022, 15:00 (CEST)

Quantum Field Theory, Gravity, symmetry
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Welcome from the Chair

2nd Symmetry Webinar

Solving Quantum Field Theory

Quantum Field Theory provides an extraordinarily successful description of natural phenomena, working from the largest to the smallest scales. Its applications range from fundamental physics to condensed matter and reach out to health sciences, including the highly topical subject of the dynamics of epidemics. Such a broad range of applications calls for different, highly specialized approaches. This variety may obscure the substantial unity of the field, which, however, must be nurtured and recognized to preserve our capability to identify new avenues of research and to further expand the attendant methodologies. We will present two unconventional approaches.

The first speaker, Francesco Sannino, will provide a comprehensive overview of Quantum Field Theory. The title of his talk is self-explanatory and is called Solving Quantum Field Theory: From Gravity to Pandemics. He will deduce several conjectures and conditions on the type of extensions allowed for the Standard Model and suggests that the same physics underlying the fundamental forces of the universe can be used to understand the spread of infectious disease.

Gravity is commonly viewed as very different from other interactions. There are objective reasons for this as well as historical ones, and different views are possible. The second speaker, Roberto Percacci, will present a somewhat unconventional view of gravity as a spontaneously broken gauge theory, that has features of both strong and electroweak interactions below the respective characteristic scales. The emphasis will be on the use of Quantum Field Theory, which is very well established at low energies but may work also in the UV limit.

Date: 4 May 2022

Time: 3:00 pm CEST | 9:00 am EDT | 9:00 pm CST Asia

Webinar ID: 882 2584 3746

Webinar Secretariat:


University of Napoli Federico II, Italy

Giulia Ricciardi is a Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Napoli Federico II. She was awarded her PhD in Theoretical Physics summa cum laude by Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Her career started as a postdoctoral fellow, and she subsequently became a research associate at Harvard University. She has continued working in leading universities and research institutions in Italy and abroad. Her research field is theoretical physics at high energies, with a focus on flavor physics. She has received various prizes for her scientific research and has collaborated on experimental projects such as Belle II and T2K. She is on the scientific board of several conference committees and has founded and chaired an ongoing series of international conferences on elementary particles, which has been ongoing since 2006.

Invited Speakers

CERN, Theory Physics Department, Switzerland,
Danish IAS, University of Southern Denmark,
University of Napoli Federico II, Italy

Professor Francesco Sannino is a Scientific Associate position at CERN and an Associate Professor at the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen. Francesco has held postdoctoral positions at NORDITA in Copenhagen and at Yale University in the United States. He was also a Young Fellow at the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nuclear (INFN). Professor Francesco Sannino is widely recognised for having pioneered analytical and numerical investigations of the conformal structure of gauge theories in fundamental interactions, the construction of minimal composite extensions for standard models, and the recent discovery of four-dimensional asymptotically safe theories. He has been recognised by numerous awards and prestigious research grants, including the Excellence Team Leader Grant from the European Commission, the Elite Researcher Prize from the Danish Ministry of Science, and grants from the Danish National Research Foundation Centres of Excellence. Francesco is also a member of the Royal Danish Academy and the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters. Since 2014, he has been on an ERC panel for Consolidator Grants for Fundamental Constituents of Matter, providing grants for research in high-energy physics, quantum information, cold atoms, laser, plasma, and nuclear physics. Francesco has also served as the Associate Editor of the European Journal of Physics. At the age of 27, Professor Francesco Sannino earned two PhDs in physics, one from Syracuse University in the United States and the other from the University Federico II in Naples Italy, where he had also previously earned his Laurea degree. His work crosses several realms of particle physics and cosmology, from the bright and dark extensions of standard models and inflationary cosmology to the mathematical underpinning of theories of fundamental interactions. Recently, he has contributed to the mathematical modelling of infectious diseases via deep theoretical physics concepts.

Physics, SISSA, Trieste, Italy

He received a PhD with Walther Thirring (Vienna) and then completed a fellowship with Bruno Rossi at MIT. He then worked at SISSA, first as an Assistant Professor and then as an Associate Professor. At the turn of the century, he was involved in several internet startups for a number of years. He also has a long-standing interest in gravity and was one of the earlies contributors to the development of the asymptotic safety approach to quantum gravity.


This is a FREE webinar. The number of participants to the live session is limited but the recording will be made available on Sciforum shortly afterwards. Registrations with academic institutional email addresses will be prioritized.

Certificates of attendance will be delivered to those who attend the live webinar.

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Time in CEST

Prof. Dr. Giulia Ricciardi

Chair Introduction

3:00 - 3:10 pm

Prof. Dr. Francesco Sannino

Solving Quantum Field Theory: From Gravity to Pandemics

3:10 - 3:40 pm

Prof. Dr. Roberto Percacci

Gravity as a QFT

3:40 - 4:10 pm

Q&A Session

4:10 - 4:25 pm

Closing of Webinar
Prof. Dr. Giulia Ricciardi

4:25 - 4:30 pm

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