2019 Advances in Quantum Engineering International Meeting
24–26 June 2019, Shenzhen, China
Quantum cryptography, quantum computation, quantum metrology, quantum sensing
Welcome from the Chairs
You are cordially invited to attend the 2nd AQE International Meeting that will take place in the Special economic city of Shenzhen on 24- 26 June 2019.
Quantum information science, engineering and technology has been an active area of research in the last few decades and it has culminated in several breakthrough results in recent years. Through this workshop, we hope to assemble a small group of expertise in quantum information science, engineering and technology.
Technical Topics
Quantum Computation & Simulation
Quantum Sensing
Quantum Communication & Cryptography
Abstract Submission
All students presenting at the AQE 2019 conference must fill in the following form by 10 June 2019
Your name, your email address, the university you attend, the title of your paper and an abstract (250 words maximum) of the paper you would like to present. This information is required so we can compile and have a program of the presentations online.
For more information please visit the 2nd Advances in Quantum Engineering International Meetingwebsite.
Conference Chairs

Man Hong Yung, in 2002 and 2004, he received a bachelor’s degree of Physics and a master ‘s degree of Physics from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. In the summer of 2003, he went to Caltech to study the basics of quantum information theory. In 2004, he was invited to the Department of Materials of Oxford University in the UK to participate in the research project of quantum information. Afterwards, he went to UIUC for further study in physics, his advisor was Prof. Anthony Leggett who won the Nobel prize, and conducting interdisciplinary research involving physics and information science. After graduated, he was conducting Postdoctoral research on quantum information and physical chemistry for three years in Harvard University. In September 2013, he returned to China, and he became an assistant professor at the Institute of Interdisciplinary Information at Tsinghua University. In January 2016, he worked as an Associate Professor of Physics at SUSTech. Yung ’s academic work mainly focused on the design of quantum algorithms and


List of accepted submissions (2)
Id | Title | Authors | Poster PDF | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
sciforum-026106 | Time-optimal Control of independent Spin-1/2 Systems under Simultaneous Control | , , , , | N/A |
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We derive the explicit solution of the problem of time-optimal control (TOC) by a common magnetic fields for two independent spin-1/2 particles. Our approach is based on the Pontryagin Maximum Princple (PMP) and a novel symmetry reduction technique. We experimentally implement the optimal control via a home-built zero and ultralow filed NMR spectrometer. This is the first analytical solution and experimental demonstration of time-optimal control in such a system and it provides a route to achieve time optimal control in more general quantum systems. |
sciforum-025946 | Narrow-band source of polarization-entangled photons with counterpropagating domain engineering | , , , | N/A |
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Photonic entanglement is central resource to quantum information sciences, such as quantum communication and quantum computation. The entangled photons generated in conventional spontaneous parametric down-conversion usually yield THz bandwidth which becomes very dim in many applications call for narrow-band entanglement sources. Here we demonstrate the polarization-entanglement photon source with counterpropagating phase matching, which results in an inherent bandwidth of 7.1 GHz at telecom wavelength. The entanglement is measured to violate the Bell inequality by up to 18.5 standard deviations, with Clauser–Horne–Shimony–Holt S-parameter of 2.720±0.039. The quantum state tomography further characterizes the entanglement, with fidelity F=(95.71±0.61)%. |
A. Quantum Computation and Quantum Simulation
This is the first conference focusing on Quantum Engineering in Singapore. The conference generically covers three broad areas of quantum cryptography, quantum computation and quantum metrology and sensing.
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C. Quantum Communication and Quantum Cryptography
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