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Toxics Webinar | Exposure and Effects in the Context of the Exposome Paradigm

Part of the MDPI Toxics Webinars series
7 June 2021, 13:00

Toxicity, exposome, Biomarkers, Protein Adductomics, microRNA
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Welcome from the Chair

4th Toxics Webinar

Exposure and Effects in the Context of the Exposome Paradigm

The purpose of the webinar "Exposure and Effects in the Context of the Exposome Paradigm" is to highlight progress in the area of the Exposome through the presentation recent studies on the use of biomarkers for the assessment of exposure and biological effects. First, Dr. Henirk Carlson, of Uppsala University, will present an overview of the state of protein adductomics, i.e. the untargeted screening of protein adducts as biomarkers of exposure to electrophilic agents. Subsequently, Dr. Julian Krauskopf, of Maastricht University, will discuss the use of global analysis of miRNA expression to provide biomarkers reflecting exposure as well as biological effects. Finally, Dr. Greet Schoeters, of the University of Antwerp and VITO, will discuss the complexity of human environmental exposures and particularly the links between chemical exposures and socioeconomic status.

Date: 7 June 2021

Time: 1:00pm CEST | 7:00am EDT | 7:00pm CST Asia

Webinar ID: 897 8856 8974

Webinar Secretariat:


National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens, Greece

Dr. Soterios Kyrtopoulos is Emeritus Research Professor at the Institute of Chemical Biology, National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens. His research interests include DNA damage and repair in carcinogenesis, molecular epidemiology, toxicogenomics and the use of global profiling technologies for the improved understanding of the environmental causes of human disease, with an emphasis on cancer. He is the author of more than 160 papers in international peer-reviewed journals.

Invited Speakers

Department of Medical Sciences, Uppsala University, Sweden

Dr. Henrik Carlsson is a researcher at Uppsala University (Sweden). He received his PhD in environmental chemistry from Stockholm University (Sweden), and has since held post-doctoral positions at University of California, Berkeley (USA) and Uppsala University. His research focuses on the development and application of untargeted mass spectrometry methods for analysis of biological samples with relevance for various diseases and exposures to harmful compounds.

Department of Toxicogenomics, University of Maastricht, Netherlands

Dr. Julian Krauskopf works as assistant professor at the Department of Toxicogenomics, Maastricht University. In 2013 he started his work as a PhD candidate within the FP7 project EXPOsOMICS. Here, his main interest was to study the influence of environmental exposures on the human microRNA machinery. His current research activities include the development of omics-based biomarkers (epigenetics, microRNA and transcriptomics) for environmental health-risk assessment.

Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Antwerp, Belgium,
VITO Health, Antwerp, Belgium

Dr. Greet Schoeters is full professor at the University of Antwerp. She has managed projects in environmental health and environmental toxicology at VITO (Flemish Institute for Technological research) for more than 30 years and coordinated the Flemish human biomonitoring project since 2002. She has helped to build EU wide human biomonitoring activities through active involvement in the EU projects ESBIO, COPHES, DEMOCOPHES. Currently she is co- coordinator of HBM4EU. Greet Schoeters served as vice chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the European Environment Agency (2012-2020) and in different risk assessment committees (EFSA, SCHER). Special interests are the use and implementation of molecular biomarkers in cohort studies but also in vitro to better understand the effects of chemicals in humans and to improve the dialogue with decision makers and stakeholders to promote the uptake and use of the scientific results. She has been president of the European Society for in vitro Toxicology (ESTIV).



Time in CEST

Dr. Soterios A. Kyrtopoulos

Chair Introduction

1:00 – 1:05 pm

Dr. Henrik Carlsson

Protein Adductomics - Using Protein Adducts to Discover Unknown Exposures to Electrophiles

1:05 – 1:35 pm

Dr. Julian Krauskopf

MicroRNAs as Potential Biomarkers of Environmental Exposure and Effect

1:35 – 2:05 pm

Dr. Greet Schoeters

Social Diversity and Chemical Exposure

2:05 – 2:35 pm

Q&A Session

2:35 – 2:55 pm

Closing of Webinar
Dr. Soterios A. Kyrtopoulos

2:55 – 3:00 pm

Webinar Content

The 4th Toxics webinar, titled “Exposure and Effects in the Context of the Exposome Paradigm”, was held on 7 June 2021 and was chaired by Dr. S.A. Kyrtopoulos, National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens.

The first speaker, Dr. Henrik Carlsson, Uppsala University, spoke about “Protein Adductomics - Using Protein Adducts to Discover Unknown Exposures to Electrophiles”, giving an overview of the methodology of protein adductomics and how it can be used to agnostically search for human exposure to electrophilic agents.

Next, Dr. Julian Krauskopf, Maastricht University, gave a presentation on “MicroRNAs as Potential Biomarkers of Environmental Exposure and Effect”, in which he illustrated the use of genome-wide evaluation of miRNA expression to yield biomarkers which serve as links between environmental exposures and health effects.

Finally, Dr. Greet Schoeters, University of Antwerp and VITO, presented results from human biomonitoring campaigns relating to the role of socioeconomic status as a determinant of chemical exposures.

The presentations were followed by a Q&A and a discussion, moderated by the Chair. The webinar was offered via Zoom and required registration to attend. The full recording can be found here on Sciforum website. In order to stay updated on the next webinars on Cells, be sure to sign up for our newsletter by clicking on “Subscribe” at the top of the page.

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