The 8th World Sustainability Forum
Part of the World Sustainability Forum series
15–17 September 2020, VIRTUAL, Switzerland
SDGs, Sustainable Development, Agenda 2030, Sustainability, Resources, SDSN, UN Global Compact, SDG, Water, Energy, Climate, Business, Finance, Food, Agriculture, Soil, Health
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- Program: 15 September 2020
- Program: 16 September 2020 - Food Security and Agriculture
- Program: 17 September 2020 - Food Security and Agriculture
- Program: 17 September 2020 - Transport and Mobility
- Poster Presentation Session on 15.09.2020
- Book of Abstracts
- Publication Opportunities
- WSF Recorded Sessions
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- Sponsors and Partners
- Blog WSF2020
- How To Participate?
- SDGs Book Series - Transitioning to Sustainability
- World Sustainability Award - Emerging Sustainability Leader Award
- Events in series WSF
WSF has now come to a close!
Many thanks for joining us and see you next year!
Welcome from the Chairs
While we are still processing abstracts from accepted sessions, abstract submission for WSF2020 is CLOSED.
The 8th World Sustainability Forum - WSF2020
15 - 17 September 2020, VIRTUAL, Basel, Switzerland Welcome from the Conference Chairs
September 2020 marks the 5th birthday of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. If it were a child and given the right circumstances, it would now have developed fine motor skills, be able to stand on one foot for 10 seconds, have long conversations, and start to develop a sense of independence and responsibility. With the 8th World Sustainability Forum, we are not only celebrating this birthday but are also taking stock of where we are in relation to a more sustainable world, what has worked, what has not yet worked, and where we need to go next. Today, the world is a different place from when we were planning this event. To remain relevant, any event must take into account the future impact of events that are unfolding in 2020: a health crisis, followed by economic, political, and social crises.
Sustainability has gained considerable traction: Many countries have integrated sustainability and environmental protection as part of their national development agenda, many businesses have realized the considerable long-term potential in sustainable development, and many research agendas have aligned with sustainability goals. The challenges that mark 2020 give rise to new imaginaries on how to either return to a “new normal” or to forge ahead into a challenging and more sustainable future. The health crisis and its consequences will not guarantee a more sustainable future but it certainly provides a narrow window of opportunity to rethink outdated economic, social, and environmental arrangements. It is encouraging to note the wide-spread calls for a sustainable “new normal”.
With this event, we hope to contribute to building a platform and network for sustainability agendas that fosters new partnerships among stakeholders beyond the boundaries of academic disciplines, self-serving national agendas, quarterly spreadsheets, and election cycles. The quest is to conceive of ways to assure long-term sustainable development for people, for regions, and for our planet.
In the spirit of making an event on sustainability more sustainable, the 8th World Sustainability Forum will be an online global event. The themes for 2020 are:
1 Food Security and Agriculture
2 Mobility and Transport
Abstract Submission for WSF2020 VIRTUAL: Closed
If your abstract is not associated with one of these three themes, we encourage you to participate in the 9th World Sustainability Forum to be held from 13-15 September 2021 at the Biozentrum, Basel, Switzerland which will cover a wider range of topics.
In light of the online nature of the 2020 event, a number of significant changes in organization have taken place. The deadline for registration has been removed and you may register at any time. The submission deadline for abstracts has been extended to 1 August 2020. In the interest of inclusive global participation and in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath, MDPI has generously agreed to drop the registration fees for all virtual academics, members of partnering societies, cooperations and United Nations Initiatives for the 8th World Sustainability Forum. However, registration to the event is mandatory.
The 8th World Sustainability Forum (WSF2020) is an international scientific conference coordinated by MDPI, partially sponsored by the MDPI Sustainability Foundation, under the patronage of the University of Basel, the University of Geneva and the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UN SDSN). The language of the conference is English.
The World Sustainability Award and the Emerging Sustainability Leader Award funded by the MDPI Sustainability Foundation will be conferred on Wednesday, 15 September 2020. The World Sustainability Award is endowed with USD 100'000; the Emerging Sustainability Leader Award with USD 10'000.
The 9th World Sustainability Forum will take place from 13 - 15 September 2021 at the Biozentrum, Basel, Switzerland. We are currently investigating state-of-the-art modelling for a hybrid event, which will connect multiple local hubs across all continents within a virtual forum environment.
We, the chairs and the organization team, are very much looking forward to welcoming you at the 8th World Sustainability Forum. Let us grab this opportunity to advance the sustainability agenda!
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MDPI, Basel, Switzerland
Conference Secretariat
Email: wsf8@mdpi.com
Charlotte Gardini
Email: gardini@mdpi.com
Sara Vulovic
Email: vulovic@mdpi.com
Cédric Spinnler
Email: cedric.spinnler@mdpi.com
Karen Gisler
Email: karen.gisler@mdpi.com
Matthias Burkhalter
Email: burkhalter@mdpi.com
Dr. Franck Vazquez
Email: vazquez@mdpi.com
Tel. +41 61 683 77 35
Mailing Address
WSF 2020 Secretariat
St. Alban-Anlage 66
4052 Basel, Switzerland
Conference Chairs

Social Research and Methodology Group (SRaM), University of Basel, Switzerland
Prof. Manfred Max Bergman is Chair of Social Research and Methodology at the University of Basel, Research Councilor of the Swiss National Science Foundation, member of the Uganda National Academy of Sciences and the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), a global initiative for the United Nations. He is President of the Swiss Academic Society for Environmental Research and Ecology, Section Editor in Chief of Sustainability, and Editor in Chief of World. He chairs the World Sustainability Forum and the Basel Sustainability Forum. He studied at the Universities of California (BA), Geneva (MA), and Cambridge (PhD). Previous academic affiliations include the Universities of Cambridge, Florence (European University Institute), Geneva, Loyola Chicago, Notre Dame, Oxford, Stellenbosch, St. Gall, Texas A&M, the Witwatersrand, and Zurich. His research is on sustainability and the business-society nexus in India and China.

Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Geneva, Switzerland,
Co-founder of SCORAI Europe

Department of Chemistry and former Vice-Rector for Research, University of Basel, Switzerland


Director of the Institute of Global Health, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Program Manager

Dr. Zinette Bergman
University of Basel, Switzerland
Conference Committee

Center for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (CCRS)
at the University of Zurich
Philipp Aerni is Director of the Center for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (CCRS) at the University of Zurich. He is an interdisciplinary social scientist with a Masters Degree in Geography and a Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics. During his postdoctoral research in public policy, he focused on the role of science, technology, and innovation for sustainable development with a particular interest in institutional framework conditions that enable effective public-private partnerships to become drivers of sustainable change. Prior to his position at CCRS, Dr. Aerni worked at Harvard University, ETH Zurich, the University of Berne, as well as the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO). As CCRS Director, he closely collaborates with the CCRS advisory board as well as the CCRS team in the design and implementation of the Center’s research, teaching, and outreach activities.

Associate Professor, Shanghai University of Medicine and Health Sciences, Shanghai, PRC,
Research physician, University Hospital of Basel , Switzerland
Evelyne Bischof, MD is an expert in internal medicine and oncology with a focus on preventative and precision medicine, biogerontology, and geronto-oncology. She is deeply passionate about next-generation medical technology, and the applications of artificial intelligence for biomedical research and practice. She spent a decade practicing medicine and performing translational research in Switzerland, the US, and China. A Harvard- and Columbia-trained physician, she is the author of over 40 peer-reviewed papers and is a frequent speaker at scientific and medical conferences. She is also an executive committee of the Women's Brain Project.

Associate Research Scientist, Center for Sustainable Development, Earth Institute at Columbia University,
Director of the One Million CHW Campaign
Sonia Ehrlich Sachs, MD, MPH is a pediatrician, an endocrinologist, and public health specialist. She received a BA from Harvard University, an MD from the University of Maryland Medical School, and an MPH from Harvard School of Public Health. Dr. Sachs practiced medicine for 20 years, 14 of which were at Harvard University Health Services in Cambridge, Massachusetts. At the Earth Institute, Columbia University, since 2005 she has led the design and implementation of low-cost primary health systems in low-income rural Africa and India. Her focus is on systems delivery, primarily for improvement of maternal and child health, at local and national scales. Sachs coordinated the health sector of the Millennium Villages Project, overseeing all health-related interventions and research. The Millennium Villages Project, in ten countries in sub-Saharan Africa, was an integrated rural development initiative, designed as a proof of concept, helping poor rural communities accelerate reaching the Millennium Development Goals, using a science-based, community-led approach of integrated interventions that increase food production, increase access to health care, education, water, infrastructure, and business development. Dr. Sachs was involved in the EI health team advisory to Haiti, India, and Nigeria. She is the Director of the One Million CHW Campaign advocating for professionalized Community Health Workers, a cadre that is paid, supervised, and supported by the use of information communication technology. Sachs and her team currently advise the government of Ghana on the national scale-up of Community Health Workers, including the national scale-up of mHealth and Telemedicine.

Visiting Fellow, Global Sustainability Institute, UK,
Senior Consultant, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department, Asian Development Bank
Dr Bradley Hiller is passionate about the nexus between sustainable development, climate change and poverty alleviation. He has worked across 20 countries with international, government, non-government and private sector stakeholders and currently holds roles as a Visiting Fellow, Global Sustainability Institute, UK and as a Senior Consultant in the Asian Development Bank's Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department. Bradley is an Editorial Board Member of the journal Sustainability and a 2020 Asia Pacific Leadership Program Fellow (East-West Center, Hawaii). In 2019 he was a G20 Global Leadership Program Fellow (KDI School of Public Policy and Management, Korea) and in 2018 he received the World Emerging Sustainability Leader Award and was an AsiaGlobal Fellow (Asia Global Institute, University of Hong Kong). He holds PhD and Master’s degrees from the Centre for Sustainable Development, University of Cambridge (where he was a Commonwealth Trust Scholar and Chevening Scholar) and Environmental Engineering and Science degrees from his native Australia. In his spare time, Bradley contributes to environmental documentaries and is interested in the potential for social enterprise to help address emerging challenges.

Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
National University of Singapore
Professor Hu Jiangyong is currently working in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the National University of Singapore as a full Professor specializing in the field of water treatment and water reclamation. Prof. Hu has more than twenty years of research experience in water treatment technology enhancement and water quality control. Her main research interests include water innovative treatment technology, emerging contaminants detection and removal, water disinfection and biofilm control, water reclamation and water quality, and energy-efficient treatment process. She has published more than 170 technical papers in various international journals. She has acted as chairs of the organizing committee and co-president for a few international conferences and symposiums. She currently serves as associate editor, guest editor, and editorial board members and reviewers for a number of journals as well as funding agencies. She is ex-President of the Environmental Engineering Society of Singapore and is currently serving as Chair of the International Water Association (IWA) specialist group on Assessment and Control of Toxic and Hazardous Substances in Water and Board Member of the International Ultra-Violet Association. She is currently an IWA fellow and also recipients of the Prosper.net-Scopus Asian Pacific Young Scientist Award in 2009 and the Best Environmental Practice Green Apple Award in 2016.

Professor, Department of Economics, University of Messina, Italy
IOPPOLO Giuseppe is a Full Professor in Commodity Science – (Environmental Management) at the University of Messina. Author of about 110 publications, with a Scopus H-Index 18. He serves as Section Editor-in-Chief of Sustainability MDPI. He attended various National and International congresses (also as invited speaker) and was involved as a member of the Scientific Committees of several international conferences, including “The 4th, 5th and 7th World Sustainability Forum”; ISDRS Conference 2018 and 2019, ISIE 2019. He was a visiting researcher at CML-IE Leiden University; and visiting professor at Tsinghua University (China), BJTU (China), Tokyo University (Japan) and UCSB (USA). His main research topics are: sustainability, circular economy, urban metabolism, and sustainable lean management.

Vice-director of Institute for Environmental Sciences
Dpt. Forel for Environmental and Aquatic Sciences, University of Geneva,
Carl-Vogt 66, CH-1211 Geneva 4, SWITZERLAND
Anthony Lehmann is vice-director of the Institute for Environmental Sciences at the University of Geneva. He is a pioneer in the field of Species Distribution Modeling with the first package (GRASP) he published for making spatial predictions from point observations of plant and animal distributions. This approach made it possible, among other things, to assess the vulnerability of breeding birds in Switzerland to climate and land-use changes. More recently, he has focused on the use of hydrological modeling results for decision support through the construction of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI). As initiator and coordinator of a major FP7 research project called enviroGRIDS, he spent four years working with more than a hundred scientists to investigate the gaps between scientific information and decision-making in the Black Sea region. Anthony Lehmann's research today focuses on the spatially explicit assessment of ecosystem services. He currently heads the SNSF project SWATCH21 on eco-hydrological services in Swiss rivers. He coordinates the H2020 project called GEOEssential on Essential Variables in connection with the activities of the Group on Earth Observation (GEO). He is also an associate editor of the journal Environmental Sciences and Policy. He was co-coordinator of the "MOOC on Ecosystem Services" and will lead the organisation of the INTECOL conference in Geneva in 2021.

Assistant Professor, Entomology Department and African-American Studies Department, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign
Dr. Esther Ngumbi is an Assistant Professor, Entomology Department, and African-American Studies Department at the University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign. She is a native of Kenya and earned her Ph.D. from Auburn University. She is an entomologist (chemical ecologist) and her research over the years has focused on understanding the multifaceted uses of chemical signals (both volatile and non-volatile) by herbivores, natural enemies, plants, and their associated microorganisms and insects. Believing that global sustainability issues like those of hunger and food insecurity affect all of us, Dr. Ngumbi has stepped up both as a researcher and a food security advocate and fellow with Aspen Institute and has continued to demonstrate visionary and inspirational leadership in the pursuit of a sustainable future-where hunger and food insecurity becomes history. Dr. Ngumbi is a thought leader and has contributed immensely to global discussions in several areas including science policy, agricultural development, food security, gender issues, youth leadership, global education, and sustainability through over 100 opinion pieces published in several media outlets including Scientific American, CNN, NPR, The New York Times, Times Magazine, Nature, SciDev. Net, Los Angeles Times, The Conversation, and Stanford Social Innovation Review.

Professor, Theoretical and Applied Science Department, Insubria University, Italy
Graduated in Environmental Engineering in 2002 at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest (energy and economics specialisation). Since 2005 she got three Ph.D. titles from Italian and Romanian universities: a Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering, a Ph.D. in Energy Engineering, and a Ph.D. in Engineering and Management. In 2013, she got the Italian National Qualification to function as Associate Professor in the sector of Environmental and Sanitary engineering, confirmed in 2018 and valid until 2027. In 2016, she received the Eminent Scientist Medal from the Wessex Institute of Technology. Member of scientific committees of international conferences, she is Author of co-Author of more than 300 articles in conferences and journals (168 articles are indexed in SCOPUS database, giving an H index = 29). Editor of many Special Issues on International Journals with high and medium Impact Factor of Elsevier and MDPI publishers. Presently she is a contract professor at the University of Insubria, Italy.

Founding president of The Geneva Consensus Foundation
Ruzanna Tarverdyan is the founding president of The Geneva Consensus Foundation, that enjoys Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Social and Economic Council since 2016, devoted to promoting sustainable development and a social contract within the context of globalization. She is an economist-mathematician with 30 years of professional work, serving the government of Armenia for ten years, holding senior positions in the ministries of finance and economy (Trade and Investment Department, Audit Department, Armenian Aid Coordination Center, Government's Tender Board). She joined the International Labour Organization (ILO) in 2001 as a Young Professional and served for seven years as a research economist in Moscow and at the Geneva headquarters. She has taught at the ILO International Training Center at Turin, Italy. She wrote her Ph.D. dissertation on “Improving Aid Management in Transition Economies”. She is a member of the editorial board of several international journals.

Professor, Department of Automotive Engineering, Chongqing University, China
Dr. Hu is currently a professor at the Department of Automotive Engineering, Chongqing University, China. He has made salient contributions to sustainable energy and mobility solutions, particularly in the domains of modeling and control of power/propulsion systems of clean-energy electrified vehicles in sustainable transportation. Dr. Hu is productive and influential in the field of sustainable energy. He has completed more than 30 China Invention Patents and 150 papers (120 indexed by SCI and 30 indexed by EI), including top journals in the fields of clean energy and automotive systems, e.g., Cell Series Joule, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science. Currently, his total Google Scholar citations are over 8200, with 7700 cited by others, H-index is 49, i10-index is 90, recognized as a Highly Cited Researcher awarded by Clarivate Analytics and by multiple awards granted by various academic organizations, like IEEE, ASME, SAE, and MDPI. Dr. Hu is an active IEEE Senior Member and serves as an associate editor for many esteemed journals.

Distinguished Inha Fellow Research Professor (IFP), Dept. of Intl. Trade, Inha University, #100 Inharo, Nam-Ku Inchon, KOREA (402-751)
Dr. Yongrok Choi is the Distinguished Research Professor of Inha University in South Korea. He has served as the managing editorial director of Int. J. of Inno. & Sus. Dev. (IJISD) since 2009, as well as the special Guest Editors in many (S)SCI level of journals such as Energy Policy and Tech. Fore. & Soc. Change. He worked as a member of the Presidential Economic Innovation Board of the Korean government and published more than 100 papers in intl. trade, environmental economics, and sustainable e-business. As the organizer, Dr. Choi has managed the Sustainable Asia Conference (http://abf.inha.ac.kr/) since 2009. His major study is in the areas of sustainable development and management, Environment and Energy (E&E) economics, international trade and logistics, global e-business, and IT applications.
Keynote Speakers

Secretary General of Science Europe, Brussels, Belgium

President, African Academy of Sciences, Kenya, and South African Research Chair in Agrochemurgy and Plant Symbioses, Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa
Prof Felix Dapare Dakora obtained his Ph.D. in Botany from the University of Western Australia, Perth, and currently holds a South African NRF/DSI Research Chair in Agrochemurgy and Plant Symbioses at the Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa. He is a Fellow and President of the African Academy of Sciences.

Director of The École normale supérieure de Lyon’s Anthropocene Curriculum

Simeon Ehui a national of Cote d’Ivoire, has been since July 1, 2019, the World Bank’s Regional Director for Sustainable Development for Africa and more recently since July 1, 2020, Regional Director for the West and Central Africa Vice Presidency covering agriculture, environment, social, water, urban and climate. His main responsibility, among other things, is to provide vision, coherence, and focus for sustainable development in West and Central Africa consistent with the regional/country strategies. Before his current assignment, Simeon was Director of the World Bank’s Food and Agriculture Global Practice (2017-2019). Since joining the World Bank in 2003, Simeon has held several assignments. He was the manager of the Food and Agriculture Global Practice for Africa (2015-2017) and South Asia (2009-2015). He also served as Lead Economist and Sector Leader for the Sustainable Development Network in Nigeria covering a variety of sectors such as agriculture, environment, transport, and energy. Before joining the World Bank, Simeon worked for 15 years in the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). He managed multi-country agricultural research development programs in Africa and Asia for both the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI). Simeon holds a Masters (1983) and Ph.D. (1987). in Agricultural Economics from Purdue University, in Indiana, USA, and has published extensively in his field. He also holds a Masters (1981) and Bachelors (1980) in Economics from the National University of Cote d’Ivoire. Simeon is an honorary fellow of the African Agricultural Economist Association, and a Distinguished Agricultural Alumnus of Purdue University.

Director of the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science & Technology (EAWAG)
Prof. Dr. Janet Hering is the Director of the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science & Technology (Eawag), Professor of Environmental Biogeochemistry at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich (ETHZ), and Professor of Environmental Chemistry at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL). As Director of Eawag, she oversees a staff of over 450, including approximately 175 researchers and 84 technical staff members. Research at Eawag focuses broadly on water and the water environment, encompassing the continuum from relatively unperturbed aquatic ecosystems to fully engineered water and wastewater management systems. In addition to its research activities, Eawag’s mandate encompasses both education and expert consulting. Eawag contributes to tertiary education in cooperation with degree-granting institutions, particularly its partner institutions within the Domain of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, and hosts about 150 Ph.D. students engaged in their thesis research.

Background in Political Economy (State University of Campinas, Brazil). Full Professor of the Graduate Programme of Social Sciences in Development, Agriculture and Society (CPDA), Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), Brazil, teaching and researching on development theories, food systems, food and nutrition sovereignty and security, food politics and family farming. Coordinator of the Reference Centre on Food and Nutrition Sovereignty and Security (CERESAN/UFRRJ), and associate researcher of the Observatory on Public Policies for Agriculture (OPPA/UFRRJ). Visiting fellow at : Queen Elizabeth House/International Development Centre, Oxford University (Oxford/UK, 1996-97) ; Centre de Recherches sur le Brésil Contemporain, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Paris/France, 2000-01) ; Centre for Food Policies, City, University of London (UK, 2017). Other relevant engagements: National Board of the Brazilian Network on Food and Nutrition Sovereignty and Security (FBSSAN), since 1998; Councillor (2003-2016) and President (2007-2011) of the National Council on Food and Nutrition Security (CONSEA), Presidency of the Republic of Brazil; Steering Committee of the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security (HLPE), UN Committee for World Food Security, 2010-2014; Comité d´Orientation Stratégique (Collège Personnalités Qualifiées), Chaire UNESCO - Alimentations du Monde, Montpellier (France), since 2011; Coordinator of the Brazilian Research Network on Food and Nutrition Sovereignty and Security (PENSSAN), since 2017.

Distinguished Professor, Department of Meteorology & Atmospheric Science, Penn State University
Dr. Mann is a Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science and Director of the Earth System Science Center at Penn State. His research focuses on climate science and climate change. He was selected by Scientific American as one of the fifty leading visionaries in science and technology in 2002, was awarded the Hans Oeschger Medal of the European Geophysical Union in 2012 and the National Conservation Achievement Award of the NWF in 2013. He made Bloomberg News' list of fifty most influential people in 2013. In 2014, he received the Friend of the Planet Award from the National Center for Science Education. He received the Stephen H. Schneider Award for Outstanding Climate Science Communication from Climate One in 2017, the Award for Public Engagement with Science from the AAAS in 2018, and the Climate Communication Prize from the American Geophysical Union in 2018. In 2019 he received the Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement. He is a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union, American Meteorological Society, Geological Society of America, American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. He is co-founder of the award-winning science website RealClimate.org, author of more than 200 peer-reviewed and edited publications, numerous op-eds and commentaries, and four books including Dire Predictions, The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars, The Madhouse Effect, and The Tantrum that Saved the World.

Bartlett School of Construction and Project Management, University College London
Dr. Jing Meng is a Lecturer at The Bartlett School of Construction and Project Management, University College London (UCL), and a fellow of Cambridge center for Environment, Energy, and Natural Resource Governance at the University of Cambridge. Her research focus is sustainable production and consumption, including theories and modeling of environmental economics, climate change and air pollution policies, energy decarbonization, and trade policies. Jing receives her Ph.D. degree in Environmental Geography from Peking University. Jing's research focuses on the impact of international trade on the distribution, climate, and health impacts of black carbon. Jing also holds a bachelor’s degree in Building Environment and Energy Engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Jing is an associate editor of the Journal of Cleaner Production and a guest editor of the Journal of Environmental Management and Sustainability.

President of ETH Zurich

Founder & CEO of WeavAir
Natalia Mykhaylova has a background in engineering, chemistry, and design. Natalia is passionate about the environmental sustainability field. Her Ph.D. work involved the development of novel sensor devices and adaptable wireless networks for air pollution monitoring and smart city applications. She founded 4 ventures and 3 non-profit initiatives. She provided consulting services to community organizations working with environmental data sources and conducted community air pollution research projects. She also developed a software solution that makes use of traffic data to reduce city congestion and the associated carbon emissions, winner of Climate Hack-To-Action as well as Climathon. She also led the development of a modular solution to add more green space to the impermeable city core as well as manage stormwater run-off in dense urban environments, winner of Green Infrastructure Hack-a-thon. She co-founded Cleanopy Inc. and has developed a unique portable device for children that offers continuous indoor and outdoor protection from air pollution. More recently, she is a founder and CEO of WeavAir, which develops sensor modules which improve indoor air quality and energy efficiency of HVAC systems. She leads WeavAir teams in North America and Asia and the company received 15 awards in North America, Asia, and Europe. The company was incorporated in Canada and Korea and has received many awards and a large amount of interest in North America, Asia, and Europe.

CEO and Co-founder at Women's Brain Project pro bono,
Dr. Antonella Santuccione Chadha is a medical doctor with expertise in clinical pathology, neuroscience, and psychiatric disorders. She is head of stakeholder engagement for Alzheimer’s disease at Biogen. She is co-founder and CEO of the non-profit organization “Women’s Brain Project” which is addressing the influence of sex and gender on mental and brain diseases. As a medical doctor, Antonella has decades of experience in preclinical research, patient treatment, clinical development, medical affairs, and setting up the international regulatory framework for Alzheimer’s disease. Always focused on solving the puzzles related to Alzheimer’s and other psychiatric diseases, she has worked with Swissmedic, Roche, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, several European universities, the EU Commission Directorate for Health and Food Safety, the World Health Organization, the CEO and several Alzheimer’s’ disease Organizations. In 2018 and 2019 she has been nominated among the top 100 Women in Business in Switzerland and in 2019 she has been elected Woman of the Year in Switzerland by the Magazine "Women in Bussiness". She is the Vice-president of Euresearch and acts as a scientific advisor for several start-ups and scientific institutions. Dr. Santuccione Chadha is keenly interested in removing bias when developing solutions for mental and neurological diseases to achieve precision medicines. She is advocating and acting for the creation of an Institute for sex and gender precision medicine in Switzerland.

Co-creator of the Ecological Footprint,
President of Global Footprint Network
Mathis Wackernagel is the co-creator of the Ecological Footprint and President of the Global Footprint Network. He completed a Ph.D. in community and regional planning with Professor William Rees at the University of British Columbia, where his doctoral dissertation developed the Ecological Footprint concept. Mathis also earned a mechanical engineering degree from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology.
Selected Speakers "Food Security & Agriculture"

Dr. Cynthia Akwei
Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, England
Dr Cynthia Akwei is the Head of the International Business, Management and Strategy (IBMS) group and the programme leader for PhD training and Development at Liverpool Business School, Liverpool John Moores University. Her main research interests are in the areas of strategic planning and implementation, sustainability and sustainable development, stakeholder management and engagement, international business, governance, public management and policy in emerging economies. She has published in many journals such as Thunderbird International Business Review, Journal of Small Business Management, Production Planning & Control; Politics and Policy and Project Management Journal.

Prof. Dr. G M Monirul Alam
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur, Bangladesh
Mr Alam holds a Ph.D. in Agricultural and Environmental Economics from the University of Southern Queensland, Australia. He is the faculty member of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Bangladesh. He is also an Adjunct Research Fellow at USQ. He has more than 15 years of research and teaching experience. Dr Alam has over 50 publications in his credit. He also worked for FAO, IRRI, ICACS and KGF in different capacities. His current research focuses on climate change, food security and vulnerability, and value chain analysis. He is also serving on the editorial board of a couple of international scholarly journals. He was awarded many scholarships and awards including the ‘UGC Gold Medal’ for his outstanding research contributing.

Ms. Rizka Amalia
IPB University, Indonesia

Professor Carlos Eduardo de Almeida Ramoa
Business School, Post-Graduate Programme in Administration, Research Group in Sustainability and Management (GESeG) at University of Vale do Itajaí (Univali), Brazil
Professor Carlos Eduardo de Almeida Ramoa is a lecturer and researcher in the Business School, Post-Graduate Programme in Administration, in the Research Group in Sustainability and Management (GESeG) at University of Vale do Itajaí (Univali), Brazil. His research is interdisciplinary and focuses on management, sustainable development, strategy and consumer behavior in business and tourism studies.

Prof. Dr. Jane Ambuko
Department of Plant Science and Crop Protection, University of Nairobi, Kenya
Prof. Jane Ambuko is an Associate Professor of Horticulture at the Department of Plant Science and Crop Protection, University of Nairobi. She holds a B.Sc. Agriculture, M.Sc. Horticulture from University of Nairobi and a PhD in Agricultural Sciences (Pomology and Postharvest Major) from Tsukuba University (Japan). Her area of specialisation is Postharvest Science and Technology. Her research and outreach activities focus on adaptation, validation and promotion of postharvest technologies/innovations to preserve postharvest quality and reduce losses.

Prof. Dr. Xosé Armesto-López
University of Barcelona, Spain
Associate Professor at the Department of Geography of the University of Barcelona. He has developed his academic career mainly focusing on different aspects of Geography essentially dedicated on rural areas: his main research topic is related with the postproductivist new rural approach with special emphasis in organic and local agriculture. Other research interests are the relationship between agro food production and tourism and global change in relation with different socio-economic aspects.

Dr. Petra Bättig -Frey
ZHAW School of Life Sciences and Facility Management, Switzerland
Dr. Bättig- Frey is a Lecturer in Sustainability communication, at Institute for Natural Resources University of Applied Sciences, ZHAW. She is teaching in environmental communication and environmental mediation for bachelor and master students and manages different projects with the subjects narrative environments, exhibitions, evaluations, and target orientation of communication projects.

Dr. Adriana Bessa
Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights

Dr. Florjan Bombaj
Mediterranean University of Albania, UMR Innovation, France
Dr. Florjan Bombaj is a Lecturer at the Department of Economics, Mediterranean University of Albania and Associated Researcher, Equaliter team, at UMR Innovation, France. He holds a Master of Research, Montpellier Supagro; an M.BA., Sciences Po Paris/MINES ParisTech, and a PhD in Economics, Montpellier SupAgro. He is teaching Competition Economics, Monetary Economics and Strategic Management. His research interest is related to endogenous economic development based on the mobilization and activation of local and specific resources, adapted to disadvantaged mountainous territories. His current research is focused more on the sustainability of value chains by analysing resource governance modalities that affect the functioning of production systems at the local and national level.

Dr. Clara Brandi
German Development Institute (DIE) (TBC)
Clara Brandi is a Senior Researcher at the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE). She holds a PhD from the European University Institute, an MPhil in Politics from the University of Oxford and a Diplom in economics from the University of Freiburg, where she received the Hayek Award. She works on global governance and sustainable development, with a focus on international trade and its interplay with the environment. Her recent publications have appeared in journals such as The World Economy, World Development, Global Environmental Politics and Climate Policy. She is a lecturer at the University of Duisburg-Essen and also teaches at the University of Bonn.

Dr. Elisabeth Bürgi Bonanomi
Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern
Elisabeth Bürgi Bonanomi, Dr. iur., Attorney at Law, is a senior lecturer in sustainability and law and a senior researcher/policy advisor at the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) and the law faculty of the University of Bern. She is also affiliated with the World Trade Institute. Her research focuses on sustainability governance, policy coherence for sustainable development theory, sustainable trade in agriculture; trade and climate, commodity trade-related illicit financial flows, as well as CSR and business enterprises in a transnational context. Among others, she is leading the SNF-financed research project ‘Sustainable Trade Relations for Diversified Food Systems’. http://www.nfp73.ch/en/projects/governance/sustainable-trade-relations-for-diversified-food-systems

Dr. Kareem Buyana
Urban Action Lab of Makerere University, Uganda.Department of Geography, Geo-informatics and Climatic Sciences.College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Prof. Dr. Patrick Caron
Vice-President, International Affairs of the University of Montpellier, France, and Founding Member of the CGIAR System Board
Geographer, currently Vice President of the University of Montpellier and President of Agropolis International, Patrick Caron was Director-General of CIRAD (2010-2016). He chaired the High Level Panel of Experts of the UN Committee on Food Security (2015-2019). He is a member of the Science Group for the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit.

Dr. Mónica de Castro-Pardo
Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain
Mónica de Castro is lecturer on Finance at the Department of Business Economics in the University Rey Juan Carlos (Spain). She’s specialist on the development of multi-criteria models to the management of protected areas and she has recently formed part of the research group of the “Cátedra de Parques Nacionales” in Spain, developing a methodology to the valuation of ecosystem services of the Spanish Network of National Parks. At this moment she’s working on the research line “Ecosystem services, sustainable rural development and protected areas”.

Prof. Dr. Tatiana Bouzdine Chameeva
University of Vermont
Dr. Tatiana Bouzdine-Chameeva, a Senior Professor of Information and Decision Sciences at KEDGE Business School (Bordeaux, France), holds a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from Moscow State University (Russia), she defended the two habilitation thesis – in IS and in management sciences. Tatiana has been involved in interdisciplinary studies with research teams from US, UK, Germany, Australia and Switzerland on a wide range of subject areas related to data envelopment analysis and economic performance, sustainability and life cycle analysis. Tatiana received honorary membership and awards from the prestigious JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science). She publishes in top journal such as Decision Sciences, European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Wine Business Research, Journal of Service Management, and Management International. For many years, Tatiana was a leader of the Wine & Spirits Management academy research team in Bordeaux and developed an affinity with this particular sector through numerous professional projects on decision analysis and decision-making applied to wine sector.

Ms. Canxi Chen
Institute of Food, Nutrition and Health (IFNH), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zurich), Switzerland

Dr. Camila Colombo de Moraes
Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Departamento de Engenharia de Produção (DEP/UFSCar), Brazil
Camila Colombo de Moraes holds a PhD in Production Engineering from the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar / Brazil). Master in Production Engineering (Unesp) and graduated in Business Administration (Unesp). She has experience in the following topics: Supply Chain Management, Food waste and loss and resilience in the supply chain.

Mr. Hartmut Derler
FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences, Graz, Austria
Since October 2017 I'm working as a junior researcher at FH Joanneum, Department Engineering, Institute for Applied Production Sciences, Sustainable Food Management. Currently I'm a PhD candidate at the Institute of Systems Sciences, Innovation and Sustainability Research, University of Graz, Austria. I'm conducting trans- and interdisciplinary research in the areas Sustainability Sciences, Food and Agricultural Studies. I'm holding a bachelor degree in environmental system sciences and a master degree in sustainable development.

Dr. Arya Hadi Dharmawan
IPB University, Indonesia

Prof. Dr. Andy Dougill
Executive Dean, Faculty of Environment, and Director, AFRICAP, University of Leeds, UK
Andy Dougill is an applied environmental change researcher & academic leader with experience across Africa integrating soil science, ecology, climate services and environmental social science studies. He has a leading role in trans-disciplinary research projects focused on food system resilience and climate change, including GCRF AFRICAP, SWIFT and FSNet-Africa projects.

Dr. Santiago Fernandez de Cordoba
UNFSS Coordinator, UNCTAD
Santiago Fernandez de Cordova is a Senior Economist at UNCTAD and Coordinator of the United Nations Forum on Sustainability Standards (UNFSS). He has been a trade policy expert for over 20 years, particularly on market access issues, standards and structural adjustment. He advises government on economic development, trade negotiation and promotion. He participated as a speaker on economic development and trade liberalization at over 200 conferences worldwide. He is Visiting Professor in Universidad de Navarra Center for International Development and was a Visiting Scholar at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service. He is the Editor of the 3rd UNFSS Flagship on “Voluntary Sustainability Standards, Trade and Development” and the 4th UNFSS Flagship on “Scaling up VSS through Sustainable Public Procurement and Trade Policy”. Furthermore, he has published the book “Coping with Trade Reform” (Palgrave – McMillan), as well as numerous studies on economic development and trade policy. He is the lead editor of the UNFSS Flagship series, including the 3rd Flagship on “ Voluntary Sustainable Standards, Trade and Sustainable Development”. He has also served as expert and consultant for the World Bank, OECD and World Trade Organization. Prior to joining at the United Nations, he worked in management consulting and investment banking. Santiago holds an MBA from the University LUISS Guido Carl and a degree in Economics from Universidad de Navarra.

Prof. Dr. Louise Fresco
President, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands, Vice-Chair of the Scientific Group for the 2021 Food Systems Summit
Louise O. Fresco is the President of the Executive Board of Wageningen University & Research in The Netherlands. Louise combines a long academic career as a professor at Wageningen and other institutions with an extensive involvement in policy and development, with many programs in Africa, Asia and Latin America and teaching in Sweden, Belgium and the US. Louise O. Fresco is a member of eight Scientific Academies and holds four honorary doctorates. Ten years of her career were spent at the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN. She is a non-Executive Director on the board of Syngenta as well as of various philanthropies while previously she served on the supervisory boards of companies like Rabobank and Unilever and at the board of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra. Her successful book “Hamburgers in Paradise, the stories behind the food we eat” was translated in several languages. In total she published thirteen books of fiction and non-fiction, and she also writes a bi-weekly column in NRC, the leading evening paper of The Netherlands. She presented a six-part documentary on food and development for Dutch public television (to be found in translation on her website www.louiseofresco.com).

Dr. Ingrid Fromm
Bern University of Applied Sciences, School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences, Switzerland
Dr. Ingrid Fromm is a research associate and lecturer in international agriculture at the Bern University of Applied Sciences, School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences, where she teaches in the Bachelor and Master’s programs. She holds a PhD in Development Economics from the University of Leipzig, Germany and a BSc. in Agriculture from Zamorano University in Honduras. Her work focuses on global value chains and their impact on economic, environmental and social development. For the past 15 years, Dr. Fromm has focused on value chain research in multi-country trade commodities such as coffee, cocoa, banana and palm oil as well as in local value chains such as fresh vegetables, potatoes and pulses. She has conducted research and consultancies in numerous developing countries in Latin America, West Africa, and Asia.

Dr. Alessandro Galli
Global Footprint Network
Alessandro is the Director of the Mediterranean-MENA Program at Global Footprint Network. His research focuses on analyzing the historical changes in human dependence on natural resources and ecological services through sustainability indicators and environmental accounting methods. Previously, he has been working as technical advisor with the Environment Agency Abu Dhabi (EAD) and the Emirates Wildlife Society (EWS-WWF) on the Al Basama Al Beeiya (Ecological Footprint) Initiative in the United Arab Emirates. Alessandro holds his PhD degree in Chemical Sciences from Siena University. He has been invited as MARSICO Visiting Scholar at University of Denver, CO, USA (April 2011) and as Erasmus Mundus Visiting Academic at Cardiff University (2016-2018). Alessandro is co-author of several publications (h-index = 24) including 50 articles in peer-reviewed journals, the articles “Global Biodiversity: Indicators of Recent Declines” and “A mid-term analysis of progress toward international biodiversity targets” published in the leading journal Science, and the WWF's 2008, 2012, 2016, 2018 and 2020 Living Planet Reports. He is also among the main authors of Montenegro’s National Strategy for Sustainable Development 2016-2030, which was adopted in July 2016. Alessandro is member (elected) of the Biodiversity Indicator Partnership’s Steering Committee, Board Member of the MEET Association, a WEALL Research Fellow as well as member of the Scientific Committee of the MedSea Foundation and of the Editorial Board of the Journals Environmental and Sustainability Indicators, Resources: Natural Resources and Management, Frontiers in Energy Research and Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems.

Dr. Mario Giampetro
ICREA Research Professor Institute of Environmental Science and Technology Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Spain

Dr. Sepo Hachigonta
Director, National Research Foundation, South Africa

Mr. Abdul-Latif Iddrisu
University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy
Abdul-Latif Iddrisu is a Ghanaian national who is a passionate advocate for economic empowerment of the vulnerable in society. After finishing his first degree in the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana, he works as a development worker for several years. Within this period he served in various capacities and in numerous projects implemented by SEND West Africa, Action Aid Ghana, Action on Voluntary Child Aid, USAID, DFID, Participatory Development Associates, and Innovation for Poverty Action. He later proceeded to pursue a Masters degree in University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy. After graduation, Abdul-Latif joined APS Bank, an ethical bank in the Maltese Island that operate strictly within the Environmental, Social and Government (ESG) banking model.

Dr. Gilmar Henz
Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, Brazil
Graduated in Agronomy (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil), MSc and PhD in Plant Pathology (University of Brasília, Brazil). He had worked as a Scientific Researcher in Postharvest Pathology for the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) at the Vegetables Crops Unit from 1989 to 2009. He has large research experience with Plant Pathology, Postharvest Sciences and Horticulture. He also had experience in scientific publishing, and hold the position of Chief Editor of "Horticultura Brasileira" journal from 2001 to 2007. From 2004 to 2008, he helded the position of Deputy Head for Technology Transfer and Communications at Embrapa Vegetables Crops. From 2010 to 2014, he was appointed as Agricultural Attaché to the Brazilian Embassy in Pretoria, South Africa. From 2014 to 2015 he worked at the International Relations Secretariat of the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture. In 2015 he joined the Strategic Intelligence Unit at Embrapa Headquarters, a think tank devoted to develop studies on agriculture, economic and social analysis. He also served on the Technical Committee on food losses and waste coordinated by the former Brazilian Ministry of Social Development. Presently, he is the Embrapa's focal point to the national team responsible for the SDG 12.3 in Brazil.

Dr. Johanna Jacobi
Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern, Switzerland
Johanna Jacobi is a geographer and a biologist who works at the Centre for Development and Environment of the University of Bern. She lives and works in Bolivia, where she conducts research on food system sustainabilty, social-ecological system resilience, and agroecology. After a postdoctoral research project on agroforestry systems at the University of California, Berkeley, she now coordinates the Swiss r4d project "Towards Food Sustainability", working in South America and Africa. Her research interests are related to the interactions of humans with the rest of nature from a political ecology perspective, as well as the transdisciplinary co-production and use of knowledge. In South America and Africa, Johanna has been involved in research on soybean production, cocoa and coffee, including sustainable livelihoods, agrobiodiversity and pesticides.

Dr. Suaad Jassem
Department of managerial and Financial Sciences Al-Zahra College for Women Sultanate of Oman , Muscat
Dr. Suaad Jassem works as a lecturer under the department of Managerial and Financial Sciences at Al-Zahra College for Women in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. She has a PhD degree in accounting from the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur-Malaysia. She holds a Master in Science of Accountancy from the University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq. She has a bachelor degree in Science of Accountancy from Al-Turath University college, Baghdad, Iraq. She has over ten years of teaching experience and has contributed, organized and presented papers in international conferences. Her articles have been published in ISI and SCOPUS indexed journals. Her teaching portfolio revolves around managerial and financial accounting. She expertise in Management Accounting Techniques, Sustainability Management Practices and Environmental Sustainability.

Dr. Wanjiru Kamau-Rutenberg
Director, African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD), Kenya
Dr. Wanjiru Kamau-Rutenberg is the Director of African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD). She is a 2018 Tutu Fellow, has been honored as a Champion of Change by the Obama White House, named one of the 100 Most Influential Africans by New African magazine, recognised as a Ford Foundation Champion of Democracy, awarded a United Nations Intercultural Innovation Award, and has named one of Kenya’s Top 40 Women Under Age 40. Dr. Kamau-Rutenberg holds a PhD & Masters degree in Political Science from the University of Minnesota, a Bachelors in Politics and a Doctorate of Humane Letters (Honoris Causa) from Whitman College.
Dr. Farai Kapfudzaruwa
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Centre for the Advancement of Scholarship, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Farai Kapfudzaruwa is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Pretoria’s Centre for the Advancement of Scholarship (CAS). He also coordinates and manages the Education for Sustainable Development in Africa (ESDA) initiative at the United Nations University (UNU) in Tokyo, Japan. The ESDA initiative comprises of three Masters programmes in sustainable development and the Next Generation Research (NGR) project being implemented in collaboration with 23 leading African universities. Farai is also responsible for coordinating a new initiative on African Youth Entrepreneurship in partnership with leading African graduate schools of business. From 2015-2017, Farai was a JSPS-UNU fellow at UNU-IAS. His research focused on the 2030 Agenda (SDGs), with particular emphasis on governance and linking the global vision with national implementation strategies in the Asia-Pacific and Africa. He holds a PhD in Business and Political Science from the University of Cape Town, South Africa.

Dr. Boniface Kiteme
Centre for Training and Integrated Research in ASAL Development (CETRAD)

Prof. Dr. Lise Korsten
Co-Director, DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence in Food Security, University of Pretoria
Prof Korsten is currently the Co-Director of the Department of Science and Innovation/ National Research Foundation, Centre of Excellence in Food Security. She is also responsible for the food safety research programme within the DSI/NRF Centre of Excellence in Food Security. She is an editor of Springer Food Security and is chairing the International Society for Plant Pathology Task Force on Global Food Security. Prof Korsten has focussed her research mainly on complementary fields of postharvest technology and food safety as related to international trade and food systems in fresh produce. She has been able to establish research teams in food safety, postharvest pathology, biocontrol and mushroom and fruit health. As a team, they have been able to develop several innovative technologies to reduce diseases and prevent product contamination. The value of her research programmes can best be illustrated by sustainable industry and international funding. She has been closely involved in research programmes funded by the Water Research Commission, Gauteng Department of Agriculture, Various fruit industries such as avocado, mango, table grape and citrus, DSI/ FPEF Postharvest Innovation and other international projects such as the USA PEER, 7th EU Framework and several NRF bilateral programmes i.e. SA Austria. One important project focussed on the Impact of climate change and globalisation on the safety of fresh produce – governing a supply chain of uncompromised food sovereignty. Prof Korsten has also developed one of the first biocontrol products in South Africa in 1992 that was patented, registered, commercialised and licenced. An alternative mushroom casing material has also been developed by her team using waste products that has since been licenced for commercial production. Prof Korsten has trained 25 PhD, 53 Masters and 39 BSc Hons students in her career and has published 143 peer-reviewed papers, 27 book chapters and 21 full-length conference papers as well as 150 popular papers.

Prof. Dr. Andrea Lago da Silva
Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Departamento de Engenharia de Produção (DEP/UFSCar), Brazil

Professor Tomaz Langenbach
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Ms. Belinda Li
Simon Fraser University, Canada

David Lin
Global Footprint Network
David Lin leads Global Footprint Network’s research team, and contributes to the production, development, and improvement of the National Footprint Accounts. Prior to joining Global Footprint Network, David earned his Ph.D. and worked as a post-doctoral researcher in the Systems Ecology Laboratory at the University of Texas at El Paso. His research focused on integrating models of ecosystem function with land cover change analysis in Arctic ecosystems. David is a native of California, and holds a BS in ecology, behavior, and evolution from the University of California, Los Angeles.

Dr. Aymara Llanque-Zonta
Universidad Mayor de San Simon, Bolivia Pos Doc associate CDE -UNIBE

Prof. Dr. Lindiwe Majele Sibanda
Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture
Professor Lindiwe Majele Sibanda is the Director of the African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA) Centre of Excellence in Food Security (ACoE), hosted at the University of Pretoria in collaboration with the Universities of Nairobi, Kenya and Ghana, Legon. She has served as CEO of FANRPAN and Vice-President of AGRA for more than 15 years. Prior to her appointment as ACoE Director she was a Research Fellow at the Centre for the Advancement of Scholarship at the University of Pretoria. She serves as the Co-chair of the Global Alliance for Climate Smart Agriculture (GACSA), is a member of the SDG Target by 2030 Champions on Reducing Food Loss and Waste, and a Commissioner for the EAT-Lancet Commission on Sustainable Healthy Food Systems. She works closely with Wageningen University and Research to prepare the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) 2021 report to inform the United Nations 2021 Food Systems Summit.

Prof. Dr. Margaret Mangheni
Department of Agricultural Extension, Makerere University, Uganda
Dr. Margaret Najjingo Mangheni is an Associate Professor of Agricultural Extension and Innovation Studies at Makerere University Uganda. She leads gender integration into the agriculture curriculum at Makerere and the Gender Responsive Researchers Equipped for Agricultural Transformation (GREAT) project (www.greatagriculture.org) which builds capacity for gender-responsive plant breeding in Sub Saharan Africa. She is a member of the steering committee of the African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) and African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS).

Dr. Stefan Mann
Research Station Agroscope, Federal Office of Economics, Switzerland
Stefan Mann studied agriculture and pursued one PhD in Agriculture and another in Econommics. He chairs the Socioeconomics research group at the Federal Research Station Agroscope, Tänikon

Ms. Dyah Mardiyaningsih
IPB University, Indonesia

Dr. Christina Marouli
Environmental Studies , Deree - The American College of Greece

Dr. Luciana Marques Vieira
Fundação Getúlio Vargas / Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo - (FGV/EAESP), Brazil
Luciana Vieira holds a PhD in Agricultural and Food Economics by the University of Reading, UK and is a Professor at the Department of Production and Operations Management at Fundação Getulio Vargas, São Paulo, Brazil. Luciana co-ordinates several research projects sponsored by Brazilian and international agencies on topics related to food security and food supply chains. She was a Visiting Scholar at Texas Pan-American University (2009) and Brown University (2010), both in the US and a Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies, Sussex (UK) in 2012-2013. She is currently a Senior Fellow at Kings College London supported by a grant from the British Academy of Social Science.
Dr. Stefano Marras
FAO Consultant, and Senior Postdoctoral Research Fellow-designate, FSNet-Africa, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Stefano Marras (Ph.D. in Urban Studies) is a food system expert at the FAO and a Senior Postdoctoral Research Fellow-designate at FSNet-Africa. He worked in Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America, authored FAO reports on food systems, food security, nutrition in West Africa, and edited the book Street Food. Culture, Economy, Health, Governance (Routledge).

Prof. Dr. Inmaculada Martinez-Zarzoso
University of Goettingen, University Jaume I
Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso (orcid.org/0000-0002-3247-8557) is Apl Professor at the University of Göttingen (Germany) and board member of the International Network for Economic Research (INFER) and the Centre for Global Migration Studies (CEMIG). She is the author of two books and of more than 90 articles in academic journals, including the Journal of International Economics and the Review of International Economics, in the fields of international and development economics.

Prof. Dr. Axel Marx
Deputy Director Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies, Belgium
Axel Marx is Deputy Director Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies, University of Leuven. He studied in Leuven, Hull and Cambridge and holds a PhD from the University of Leuven. Axel Marx has managed over 50 funded research projects including multi-team and international projects and acted as a consultant to several national and international governmental organizations including the European Parliament, the European Commission, the Committee of the Regions, International Labour Organization, United Nations Industrial Development Organization, United Nations Forum on Sustainability Standards, OECD, IDEA, and the Belgian, Dutch and German Governments and private organizations. His academic publications (150+) have appeared in four dozen leading international peer reviewed journals and 6 languages (English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch and Chinese). He recently co-edited books on Global Governance of Labor Rights (Edward Elgar with J. Wouters, G. Rayp & L. Beke, 2015); Global Governance Through Trade (Edward Elgar with J. Wouters, B. Natens & D. Geraets, 2015) and edited a Research Collection on Global Governance (Edward Elgar, 2019 with J. Wouters). He was guest co-editor for special issues in International Labour Review (2016), Global Policy (2017) and Sustainability (2019). He is on the editorial board of Chinese Journal of Global Governance, Politics and Governance and Sustainability and has papers reviewed for more than 40 journals. As a guest lecturer he has thought at European University Institute, China University of Political Science and Law and several European universities. His research interests include voluntary sustainability standards (VSS), sustainable development, human rights, global governance, governance through trade, EU trade policy and comparative case methods. He has been working on VSS for more than 15 years and has published on the emergence, development, design and effectiveness of VSS.

Dr. Daniele Eckert Matzembacher
UFRGS, Brazil

Prof. Dr. Julian May
Director, DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence in Food Security, and UNESCO Chair in African Food Systems, University of the Western Cape, South Africa
Julian May is the Director of the NRF-DSI Centre of Excellence in Food Security at the University of the Western Cape and holds the UNESCO Chair in African Food Systems. He is an economist and has worked on options for poverty reduction including public nutrition, land reform, social grants, information technology and urban agriculture in Africa and in the Indian Ocean Islands.

Ms. Fideline Mboringong
WWF Cameroon
Fideline Mboringong is Business and Extractive Industries Assistant at World Wide Fund for Nature Cameroon. She holds a Masters in International Relations (Environmental Management and Sustainable Development) from the International Relations Institute of Cameroon and Ca Foscari in Italy. Her work is focused on policy Analysis, participatory Community Based Natural Resource Management, promoting sustainability in Agricultural Value Chains (Cocoa and palm oil) and rights-based approach to conservation.

Prof. Dr. Cheikh Mbow
Director, Future Africa Institute, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Professor Cheikh Mbow is the Director of the Future Africa Institute at the University of Pretoria. He served at the World Agroforestry Centre Climate change Unit. He is an Adjunct Professor at Michigan State University's Department of Forestry. He led the Food Security Chapter of the IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Land.
Professor Eduardo de Sá Mendonça
Department of Agronomy, University Federal do Espírito Santo | UFES

Dr. Melody Mentz-Coetzee
Senior Researcher, FSNet-Africa, University of Pretoria, South Africa (SA)
Dr. Mentz-Coetzee has extensive experience in the monitoring and evaluation of capacity building and leadership development, with an emphasis on gender and agriculture in the context of development in Africa.

Dr. Neginsadat Mirvahedi
Geography and Rural Planning, Department of Human Geography, Earth Science Faculty, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

Dr. Elizabeth Mkandawire
Coordinator, United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) Hub for SDG 2, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Elizabeth Mkandawire is the Coordinator for the UN Academic Impact Hub for SDG2 and a Postdoctoral Fellow with the Institute for Food, Nutrition, and Well-being at the University of Pretoria. Her areas of specialisation are gender, food security, and nutrition policy.

Dr. Stellah Mukhovi
University of Nairobi, Kenya

Ms. Emily Mutea
University of Bern, Switzerland
Emily Mutea has completed her Ph.D. Geography and Sustainable Development at University of Bern, Switzerland, and MA. Environmental Planning and Management at the University of Nairobi, Kenya. My research interests concern sustainable development in the context of debates about food systems and commercialization, rural development, environmental and ecosystem health, land use change, resource access, use, and control using comparative, participatory and interdisciplinary approaches, working with smallholder farmers in rural areas of Eastern Africa.

Ms. Sithembile Ndema Mwamakamba
Programme Lead, Climate-Smart Agriculture, FANRPAN
Mr. Takahiko Narukawa
Tohoku University
The current affiliation of Mr. Narukawa is the Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Tohoku University. He is affiliated to the Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (JSSSPN)

Mr. Fakhrizal Nashr
IPB University, Indonesia

Dr. Mariella Nocenzi
Sapienza University of Rome – Dept. of Communication and social Research

Mr. Pascal Ohlhausen
Department of Education for Sustainable Nutrition and Food Science, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Scientific Officer in the Department Education for Sustainable Nutrition and Food Science, Technische Universität Berlin (Germany). M.A. Business Ethics and CSR Management. Fields of work and research: Sustainable nutrition (esp. fair trade, organic, seasonality), consumer behavior / behavioral economics (esp. nudging), corporate social responsibility.

Professor Onyukwu Onyukwu
Institute for Development Studies, University of Nigeria Enugu Campus, Enugu, Nigeria

Dr. Ricardo Cristhian Morales Pelagio
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Economist from the Autonomous University of Veracruz and International Trade by the National Polytechnic Institute, Both at Mexico; master in finance and doctor in management science from the National Autonomous University of México (UNAM). Full time professor at the UNAM and member of the Management and Sustainability Seminar; graduate professor in finance and business valuation; academic mentor for UNAM at the Global Investment Research Challenge organized by the CFA Institute. Speaker, panelist and lecturer at national and international conferences, as well as author of book chapters and articles in peer-reviewed research journals

Prof. Dr. Justin Pita
Executive Director, West African Virus Epidemiology (WAVE), Ivory Coast
Justin PITA is the Executive Director of Central and West African Virus Epidemiology (WAVE), a Research and Development Program funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. He is a Plant Virologist, an Adjunct Professor at the Pennsylvania State University (USA) and a Professor at Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny (Côte d’Ivoire).

Dr. Gustavo Porpino
Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, Brazil
Gustavo holds a PhD in Business Administration / Marketing major, from Getulio Vargas Foundation (São Paulo – Brazil), and he was a visiting scholar at Cornell University (USA), where he conducted studies about food consumption behavior with emphasis on consumer food waste. He received an award for his paper on consumer food waste at the International Food Marketing Research Symposium in 2015. He has worked for the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) since 2006 and he has lead two projects in the Sector Dialogues European Union – Brazil about food waste. He also served on the Technical Committee on food losses and waste coordinated by the former Brazilian Ministry of Social Development and collaborates with several initiatives in the areas of circular economy and food security, including projects from SESC, WWF Brazil and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Currently, he is part of the RD&I team from Embrapa Foods and Territories.

Ms. Audina Amanda Prameswari
Graduate School of Human Science and Humanities, Hokkaido University, Japan
Audina Amanda Prameswari, an Indonesian who has completed her master degree in the Graduate School of Human Sciences and Humanities, Hokkaido University, Japan, with research interest in political ecology and environmental sociology. She has been involving herself in many development projects mostly covering issues about rural livelihood, palm-oil politics, and climate change adaptation mechanisms.

Prof. Dr. Claire Quinn
Theme Lead, GCRF-AFRICAP and Co-Principal Investigator, FSNet-Africa, University of Leeds, UK
Dr Claire Quinn is an Associate Professor in Natural Resources Management, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, UK. She is an environmental social scientist with over 20 years of experience working on interdisciplinary projects in Africa. Her research advances understanding of social-ecological systems focusing on: 1) smallholder livelihood vulnerability, adaptation and resilience; and 2) knowledge and governance for climate smart agriculture.

Mr. Faris Rahmadian
Researcher at Center for Agricultural and Rural Development Studies (CARDS)

Dr. Rodrigo Rudge Ramos Ribeiro
Getulio Vargas Foundation
International Ph.D. in Tropical Ecology from the University of Alicante in Spain, Master in Energy and Environmental Management from the University of Aveiro in Portugal and Graduation in Engineering by the Institute Maua of Technology in Brazil. He presently works at the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) in Brazil in projects related to the agriculture sector, disaster, and environmental issues. Recently he was invited as a promising young researcher to the Future Earth "Emergent Risks and Extreme Events – Reducing Disaster Risks under Environmental Change" Knowledge-Action Network Scoping Workshop, held in the United Nations University (UNU) in Tokyo in 2017 and in the International Council for Science (ICSU) in Paris in 2018.

Mr. Rodrigo Rupérez
Director General en Vortex Bladeless
Rodrigo Rupérez is a consultant for UNCTAD and the Andean Community on sustainability and clean energy issues. He has worked on developing and implementing sustainable development projects in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Perú. Also in the Caribbean region as a consultant for CARICOM. His expertise and interests include trade and development regarding VSS, sustainable value chain, business development and renewable energies. He holds an MBA from IESE Business School."

Prof. Dr. Tonia Ruppenthal
Fulda University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Ms. Rei Saito
Tohoku University

Dr. Christian Robin
Deputy Head Trade Promotion at Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO, Bern, Switzerland
Christian Robin serves as Deputy Head of Trade Promotion at the Swiss State Secretariat of Economic Affairs (SECO). One of his main task is to oversee and manage the suite of initiatives supported by the Swiss Government aimed at strengthening private, voluntary sustainability standards in global value chains. He worked at several positions within SECO’s Department for Economic Cooperation and Development, among other as Head of the Country Program in Peru. Before, Christian worked as a consultant in different South American countries managing and monitoring development projects in the realm of sustainable trade and economic integration. He holds a PhD in Political Science of the Center for Comparative and International Studies (CIS) of the University of Zurich.

Dr. Antonio Santoro
Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry - DAGRI, University of Florence, Italy
Antonio Santoro, PhD, is Research Fellow at the Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry (DAGRI) of the University of Florence (Italy), where he teaches Forest Resources and Landscape Monitoring. He participated in two special projects of the Ministry of Agricultural Policies, including the research on the National Catalogue of Historic Rural Landscapes, and in two landscape restoration projects on behalf of the FAI (Italian Environment Fund). As a freelancer he carried out consultancy for the FAI (Italian Environment Fund), for ISMEA, for the UNESCO WHL dossier of the Valdobbiadene Hills, and he participated in the working group for the Management Plan of the UNESCO site Portovenere, Cinque Terre and Islands. He has published scientific articles on landscape planning, forest management, traditional agroforestry systems in international scientific journals. He is reviewer for different scientific journals and a Guest Editor for the journal Sustainability. He participated in national and international conferences.

Dr. Elliot Woolley
Loughborough University
Dr Woolley's research interests are in the field of resource-efficient manufacturing, particularly energy consumption within factories. His technical expertise lies within optical detection and process technologies. Dr Woolley also has an interest in the reduction of food waste throughout the supply chain, including at the consumer level and he is developing systems that enable the food industry to help the consumer waste less food.

Prof. Dr. Hettie Schönfeldt
Co-Director, ARUA Centre of Excellence in Food Security, and SARChI Chair in Nutrition, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Professor Schönfeldt’s research focuses on linking nutrient quantity and quality of foods to sustainable food systems for attaining nutrition and food security for all. She publishes evidence on why country specific food composition data is essential to make it possible to interpret the dietary outcomes of countries. She serves as scientific advisor to AFROFOODS, a network on the African continent, forming part of IUNS/UNU/FAO INFOODS Task Force.

Prof. Dr. Luca Secondi
University of Tuscia - Department for Innovation in Biological, Agro-Food and Forest Systems (DIBAF), Viterbo - Italy
Luca Secondi is Associate Professor of Economic Statistics at the University of Tuscia (Viterbo), Department for Innovation in Biological, Agro-Food and Forest Systems (DIBAF). Since November 2019 he has been appointed as Rector’s Delegate for national and international ranking positioning. He obtained his PhD in Applied Statistics at the University of Florence in 2009. Since 2013 he has been lecturer of Statistics, Mathematics, Business and Applied Statistics both in undergraduate and PhD courses. He was also trainer at Eurostat for the course “Quality of model based estimates” (January 2018). Visiting Researcher at the Department of Economics of the American University in Washington DC and the Infometrics Institute (Washington DC), the Shanxi University in China (Taiyuan), the Jiangxi University in Nanchang (China) and within the Erasmus+ teaching program at the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). In the period 2013-2016 he was responsible of the University of Tuscia’s local unit for the national FIRB 2012 research project “Development of innovative models for multiscale monitoring of ecosystem services indicators in Mediterranean forests” funded by the Italian Ministry of Education and Research. He currently holds the role of task leader and support for the coordination of the H2020 LOWINFOOD project (November 2020 - February 2025) He covered roles as research consultant and expert for Luiss Business School, Milan Polytechnic University, University of Florence and the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institute (ANVUR). His research interests - which lead to more than 60 publications - have mainly been focused on: i) statistical analysis of demand and consumer behaviour, with specific reference to food waste and consumption practices towards circular economy; ii) measures of quality of life, households' living conditions and subjective well-being, with specific reference to the individuals' restorativeness and relationships towards environmental urban and peri-urban ecosystems; iii) impact analysis and simulation

Dr. Naser Shafieisabet
Shahid Beheshti University

Dr. Dorcas Stella Shumba
Lecturer Women’s University in Africa
Dr Dorcas Stella Shumba is an Environmentalist who is passionate about using smart technology to promote sustainable and equitable development in Africa. She is a 2020 Africa Innovation Fellow (powered by WomenEng and the Royal Academy of Engineering) and a 2020 LeadTech Fellow (powered by Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, AWIEF and the PCuriosity lab). Dr Shumba is also a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Development Studies at the Women’s University in Africa.

Dr. Julia Sokol
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States of America

Prof. Dr. Aldo Stroebel
Executive Director at National Research Foundation, Johannesburg Area, South Africa

Prof. Dr. Frans Swanepoel
Professor in Agricultural Transformation Africa; Director International Strategic Partnerships, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Mr. Hiroshi Takenaka
Tohoku University

Dr. Andréia Tecchio
Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil

Professor Tomoyuki Makino
Tohoku University Graduate School of Agricultural Science Laboratory of Soil Science, Japan

Ms. Sonja Trachsel
ZHAW School of Life Sciences and Facility Management, Switzerland

Prof. Dr. Paola S. Vera
Research Division of the Faculty of Accounting and Management, National Autonomous University of Mexico (FCA, UNAM)
Economist from the Autonomous University of Baja California, Master in finance and Doctor in Management from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Full-time professor at the UNAM Faculty of Accounting and Management (FCA). Member of the National System of Researchers of the National Council of Science and Technology. Member of the Advisory Committee of the University Program of Studies on Asia and Africa, UNAM. Line of research "Management, sustainability and complexity" in which the gender perspective is included. Director of the Management and Sustainability Seminar of the Research Division, FCA-UNAM. Author of several publications in chapters, articles and presentations, and coordination of collective books. Likewise, director undergraduate and postgraduate theses at UNAM and other universities.

Dr. Eliseo Vilalta-Perdomo
Aston Business School, Aston University
Eliseo is Senior Teaching Fellow in Service Operations Management at Aston Business School. His research focuses on how to improve individual and collective performance, in those cases where the alignment of aims and preferences is not possible, unattainable or even unnecessary. He is currently studying the development of sustainable communities of micro-producers, so that they are more resistant to global and / or local logistical challenges. He is exploring different human and technological interfaces, within different supply arrangements, that may increase the propensity of individuals to collaborate. In short, his current research is at the intersection of issues such as human performance, technology and sustainable operations. Eliseo is totally committed to the development and maintenance of international links with universities and professional organizations around the world, with a special emphasis in Latin America. Consequently, he maintain collaborative networks and links with academic and professional institutions and companies, mainly in Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Spain, where he has developed projects and given conferences and short courses.
Mr. Leopold Wambersie
Global Footprint Network

Mr. Ali Yansyah Abdurrahim
Human Ecology Researcher Research Center for Population Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)
Mr. Shinji Yawata
Tohoku University
Shinji Yawata is a Graduate Student from Tohoku University, Graduate School of Agricultural Science. He was a former member of Faculty of Agriculture, Tohoku University.

Dr. Mohammad Razzak
Department of Management at Sultan Qaboos University in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
Dr. Mohammad Razzak is an Assistant Professor under the Department of Management at Sultan Qaboos University in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. He is also an Adjunct Professor at University of Malaya, Faculty of Business and Accountancy. Dr. Razzak obtained his Ph.D with distinction in Entrepreneurship and Family Business Management from the University of Malaya. He has an MBA and bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the United States of America. He has several decades of involvement with academic teaching and industry experience. His research interests are connected to entrepreneurship and application of advanced technology.
Daiane Johann
University of the Vale do Itajaí
Daiane Johann is a PhD student in Administration and Tourism at the University of Vale do Itajaí - Univali and researcher at the Business School, Postgraduate Program in Administration, at the Research Group on Sustainability and Management (GESeG) at the University of Vale do Itajaí (Univali ), Brazil. Master of Business Administration from Faculdade Meridional – IMED, Brazil.

Ms. Christina Larrea
International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
Cristina Larrea is the Lead of the Sustainability Standards program at the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). She has 18 years of experience working in the fields of economic inclusion and sustainability with vulnerable populations in developing countries, including women, Indigenous People and agricultural small and medium-sized enterprises. Her career path includes seven years of fieldwork with rainforest community-based organizations in Chiapas, Mexico, leading initiatives for sustainable natural resources management in agroforestry systems (coffee, timber, corn, livestock), while supporting agribusiness development and market access of local enterprises. In previous roles, Cristina contributed to the creation of an internationally recognized framework to measure the social, economic and environmental impacts of investments in agricultural enterprises, and led initiatives to improve rural enterprises’ bankability to access finance. Cristina holds a Master’s degree in International Development from the School of Development Studies at the University of East Anglia, an Executive Development Course from McGill, and a Bachelor in Business Administration. She has authored and co-authored a number of publications in the field of sustainable development, including evaluation of public policy. Prior to joining IISD, Cristina had served as the Senior Project Developer Consultant with the Global Green Growth Institute, Senior Project Manager with the Finance Alliance for Sustainable Trade and Regional Director for an Oxfam Novib’s local partner in Chiapas.
Selected Speakers "Transport & Mobility"

Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain

University of South Australia

Department of Geography, University of Mumbai

Department of Geography, University of Mumbai, India

Universidad de Concepcion

University of Udine

Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities, Singapore University of Technology and Design

PhD Candidate - Environment and Natural Resources
University of Iceland

Professor for International Sustainability Management and Futurism , German University of Applied Sciences (FHM), Bielefeld, Germany
Prof. Dr. Hamid Doost Mohammadian, is a German Professor for International Sustainability Management and Senior Researcher for Future Studies, also Director for International Management, Consultant of President and Head of FHM German Institute of SMEs for Iran (F-GISI) at the University of Applied Sciences (FHM) in Germany which focuses on Small Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs). He is an expert for Blue-Green Digital Innovative Sustainability, IoB, CSR, and Cultural Dimension with an Engineering background. Since April 2017, he has been a Visiting Professor at the American Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) Berlin, TU-Campus EUREF Campus at Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin), in Germany, some other International Universities, London Institute of Skills Development (LISD), UK, WORLD EXECUTIVE EDUCATION INSTITUTE (WEEI), USA and Visiting Professor at Industrial Management Institute (IMI), Iran. Besides he is a Theoretician for the 5th Wave/Tomorrow Age and i-Sustainability Plus Theories which are made of the trinity open innovation, sustainability, and smart high digital technologies and has invented and introduced some Models and Methods in Hybrid Knowledge like 1-) Hybrid SMEs, 2-) 7PS (Seven Pillars of Sustainability), 3-) SociEcoEnvironment 3D Business, 4-) DRM (Doost Research Methodology, 5-) D-SDIC (Doost Sustainability Digitalization Impact Comprehensive Plan) and etc. He as a Keynote Speaker, Conference Chairman and Member of Editorial Board at Some High Ranked International Swiss and US Journals has Published Some Articles, Books, and Special Issues with Using his own Theories and Models. He has been holding more than 400 Seminars, webinars, speeches, conference presentations, and workshops in several international companies, events, and panels. Prior to his academic life for 20 years, he has been working as a management consultant for industrial sectors internationally.

Chemnitz University of Technology

Oxford Brooks University

Delft University of Technology

Faculty of Engineering- Architecture, International Balkan University
Prof. Dr. Viktorija Mangaroska is an Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering at the International Balkan University, where she teaches Sustainable Architecture in the Bachelor and Master’s Program. She holds a PhD in Technical Sciences from the Faculty of Architectural Engineering at the SS. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Macedonia. She has been involved in several international studies related to sustainable cities and sustainable architecture. She was awarded an International grant for participation at the UNESCO program study visit in Vienna, Austria in 2016 for Sustainable Architecture – Engineering and Ecological Expertise from seven Austrian Universities, international participation at the PhD school “Innovating for Sustainable Cities” in Berlin, Germany, organized by TU Berlin and EUREF Campus, as well as, program study visit at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies in Potsdam, Germany, where she built more interdisciplinary knowledge and built networks towards achievement of sustainable development in the cities and communities, sustainable spatial planning, urban climate change and urban climate adaptation planning. Dr. Viktorija Mangaroska has been researching the themes of sustainable architecture, innovating for sustainable cities and sustainable development for the last few years and has attended many international conferences and programs.

En&Tech Interdipartimental Center of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

Research and Teaching Assistant at UNED —National University of Distance Education.
Antonio Martínez Raya graduated with a degree in Aeronautical Engineering (EQF level 7) together with a minor in aircraft and space vehicles from UPM. He has also earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics (EQF level 6) and majored in European Union (EQF level 7) with a focus on the economic and political level from UNED in both degrees. In addition, he has worked as an industrial project manager in international settings for large corporations, many of whom are sector leading multinational companies. Moreover, he provides a wide range of language skills such as English, German, French, and Italian, combined with extensive knowledge of various cultures.

Perm National Research Polytechnic University

High Impact Research Lab, School of Computer science and Engineering, Faculty of Innovation and Technology, Taylor’s University, Malaysia.

Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEM)

University San Francisco de Quito

Energy consultant, researcher at Nova University, Lisbon

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Research Scholar, High Impact Research Lab, School of Computer science and Engineering, Faculty of Innovation and Technology, Taylor’s University, Malaysia

Associate Professor of Anthropology, Department of Sociology & Anthropology, George Mason University

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Boston Architectural college, APIED
India, the vibrant, multidimensional organism that practices its culture subconsciously in every possible way yet stays oblivious of its significance. Namrata Shah, is an aspiring landscape architect holding immense love for the city living. She started a designing platform, Landart.Studio, to provide a voice to her ideas and theories regarding city planning. Her take on the culture as valued resource and using it intently to provide solutions to contemporary challenges strengthen when she moved to Boston for higher education. Inspired by Boston’s public transportation and its efficiency to accommodate day to day commute to city dwellers led her to write a paper regarding Transportation corridors. Diverse cultural background studies and research realized the contrast between the western and the eastern countries for their dynamics for urban systems to work successfully. Since then she has been spending time learning intertwined roots of culture and using it as theory to support design concepts.

Institution of engineering, NAGOYA University

Kalasalingam School of Architecture, Kalasalingam Academy of Education and Research, Tamil Nadu, India.

The Citadel, Military College of South Carolina

Department of construction industry, University of Rio de Janeiro

Department of Real Estate and Built Environment, National Taipei University

Nanjing Tech University

Marcel Mballa-Ekobena
Marcel Mballa-Ekobena Sloan Fellow - London Business School Director at Foundation MEM

Professor Philippe Forêt
Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, University Zurich

Mr. Christoph Ratz
Social Research and Methodology Group, University Basel

Dr. Felicitas Schneider
Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute of Market Analysis, Germany, coordinator of MACS-G20 FLW Initiative
Program: 15 September 2020
TimeCEST (GMT+2) |
Title |
Speaker |
13:00-13:15 |
Welcome from the Chairs and MDPI |
Prof. Dr. Max Bergman, Prof. Dr. Katharina Fromm, Dr. Franck Vazquez |
13:15-13:40 |
Science Meets Sustainability: Friction or Fiction? |
Prof. Dr. Ed Constable |
13:40-14:00 |
General Opening |
Prof. Dr. Joël Mesot, President of ETH Zurich |
14:00-14:30 |
Women in Science |
Dr. Lidia Borrel-Damián, Secretary General, Science Europe |
14:30-15:00 |
Communicating Applied Research to Achieve the SDGs |
Prof. Dr. Janet Hering, Director EAWAG
15:00-15:15 |
World Sustainability Award Ceremony |
15:15-15:45 |
World Sustainability Awardee |
15:45-16:15 |
World Sustainability Awardee |
16:15-16:30 |
Emerging Sustainability Leader Award Ceremony |
16:30-16:45 |
Emerging Sustainability Leader Awardee |
16:45-17:00 |
Emerging Sustainability Leader Awardee |
17:00-17:15 |
Discussion with the Emerging Sustainability Leaders |
17:15-17:45 |
Is the Future Already Present? |
Dr. Mathis Wackernagel, President of Global Footprint Network |
17:45-18:45 |
Poster Presentations Plant and Soil Sciences: Zoom Link here Land Use and Food Security: Zoom Link here Transport: Zoom Link here To see who will be discussing their posters, please click here. To see the posters and recordings, please click here and select the poster sessions. |
Program: 16 September 2020 - Food Security and Agriculture
TimeCEST (GMT+2) |
Session/Title of presentation |
Authors: |
8:00-9:25 |
Palm Oil Chair: Marcel Mballa-Ekobena |
Impact of Oil Palm Development for Women: Double Role of Women and Livelihoods Alternative Sources in Rural Households |
Dyah Ita Mardiyaningsih, Arya Hadi Dharmawan, Faris Rahmadian |
A Study on Livelihood System of Oil Palm Farming Households Under the Pressure of Land-Tenure Insecurity in Jambi Province, Sumatra, Indonesia |
Audina Amanda Prameswari, Masatoshi Sasaoka, Arya Hadi Dharmawan |
Land Use Change, Livelihoods and Economic Development Policies: Implications for Sustainable Palm Oil Production in Honduras |
Ingrid Fromm |
Sustainability of Independent Oil Palm Farmers in Multi-Tier Supply Chain at Kutai Kartengara District, East Kalimantan Province |
Fakhrizal Nashr, Eka Intan Kumala Putri, Arya Hadi Dharmawan, Akhmad Fauzi |
Mainstreaming Sustainability in the Palm Oil Sector in Cameroon |
Fideline Mboringong, Ludovic Miaro, Durrel Halleson, Mesmin Tchindjang, Emmanuel Ngom |
The Problems of Acceptance of Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) in International Market and Its Complexity on the Ground |
Rizka Amalia, Arya Dharmawan, Lilik Prasetyon, Pablo Pacheco |
09:30-11:25 |
Agriculture and Development Chair: Philippe Forêt |
The FAO Programme on Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems and the Opportunities for the Sustainable Development of Rural Areas |
Antonio Santoro, Martina Venturi, Federica Corrieri, Francesco Piras, Mauro Agnoletti |
Digital Based Model for Improving Agricultural Productivity in Africa |
Dorcas Shumba |
Techno-Economic Feasibility of Standard- and Low-Pressure Drip Irrigation Systems for Smallholder Farmers |
Julia Sokol, Georgia Van De Zande, Carolyn Sheline, Fiona Grant, Susan Amrose, Amos Winter |
Geographical Indication to Build up Resilient Rural Economies: A Case Study From Ghana |
Abdul-Latif Iddrisu, Yari Vecchio, Felice Adinolfi, Marcello De Rosa |
Bawon: The Socio-Economic Security System of Rural Communities in Indonesia |
Ali Yansyah Abdurrahim |
A Proposal of a Mixed Multi-Criteria Model to the Prioritization of Ecosystem Services in Protected Areas |
Mónica de Castro-Pardo, Victor Martin Barroso, Pascual Fernández Martínez |
Drivers of Accelerated Institutional Change Toward Sustainable Viticulture in Bordeaux |
Tatiana Bouzdine Chameeva, Sanjay Sharma, Joerg Hofstetter |
11:30-12:55 |
Urban Farming Chair: Philipp Aerni |
Urban Food Footprints: Assessing Food Impacts and Policy Gaps in Portugal |
Alessandro Galli, Sara Moreno Pires, Katsunori Iha, Armando Abrunhosa Alves, David Lin, Maria Serena Mancini, Filipe Teles |
Cities as Transnational Actors in the Resilience of Food Systems: A Gender Perspective |
Kareem Buyana |
Rural-Urban Reciprocal Interactions and Challenges of Sustainable Food Security |
Neginsadat Mirvahedi, Naser Shafieisabet |
From a Research Project to Transformational Change in an Urban Food System: Findings From an Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research Collaboration |
Hartmut Derler, Simon Berner, Stephan Pabst, Ulrike Seebacher, Johannes Haas |
Worksite Intervention to Reduce Food Waste Among Employees |
Luca Secondi, Ludovica Principato, Giovanni Mattia, Luca Ruini |
Food and Food Waste: Contradictions on the Way to Caring Communities and Implications for Sustainable Development |
Christina Marouli |
African Food Systems Transformation to Address the SDGs |
13:00-13:05 |
Session A: Context and Introductions, Frans Swanepoel |
13:05-13:30 |
Keynote Address: Transforming Africa’s Food System - What Would It Take? |
Dr. Simeon Ehui |
13:30-14:30 |
Panel 1: Conceptualising the African Food System |
Re-Imaging Risk: Food System Change in the Post-COVID-19 Context |
Julian May, Melody Mentz-Coetzee |
Group/Village Aggregation Centers: Strategy for Food Loss Reduction and Better Market Access for Smallholder Farmers |
Jane Ambuko |
Developing a Framework for African Food Systems Research |
Claire Quinn |
Guiding Nutritious Food Choices and Diets Along Food Systems |
Hettie Schönfeldt |
Questions to the Panel |
Moderator |
Panel Summary |
Stefano Marras |
14:30-15:30 |
Panel 2: Gender Roles and the Unequal Status of Women in African Food Systems |
Gender-Responsive Food Systems Transformation |
Wanjiru Kamau-Rutenberg |
Promoting Gender Inclusive Participation for a Sustainable Production of Root and Tuber Crops in West Africa |
Justin Pita |
Towards a Conceptual Framework for Gender and the African Food System Using International and Continental Agreements |
Elizabeth Mkandawire |
Understanding Barriers to Institutionalisation of Gender Within Agricultural Research and Higher Education in Africa |
Margaret Mangheni |
Questions to the Panel |
Moderator |
Panel Summary |
Farai Kapfudzaruwa |
15:30-15:35 |
Session B: Context and Introductions, Aldo Stroebel |
15:35-16:00 |
Keynote Address: Harnessing Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Food Production in Sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges and Opportunities |
Prof. Felix Dapare Dakora |
16:00-17:00 |
Panel 1: Climate-Smart Agriculture and Food Systems |
Strategies for Building Climate Resilience Into African Agricultural Systems |
Andy Dougill |
Africa’s Food Crops Potential: Beyond the Myths |
Cheikh Mbow |
Novel Technologies for Real-Time Solutions in a Transformed Food System |
Lise Korsten |
Questions to the Panel |
Moderator |
Panel Summary |
Sepo Hachigonta |
17:00-17:45 |
Panel 2: Preparing for the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit |
17:00-17:07 |
Context and Introductions |
Lindiwe Sibanda |
Panelist |
Louise Fresco |
Panelist |
Patrick Caron |
Panel Summary |
Moderator |
17:45-18:15 |
Sessions A and B: Synthesis and Summary, Melody Mentz-Coetzee, |
Program: 17 September 2020 - Food Security and Agriculture
TimeCEST (GMT+2) |
Session/Title of presentation |
Authors: |
07:00-07:55 |
Behavior and Countermeasures for Hazardous Metals in Paddy Agroecosystem Chair: Tomoyuki Makino |
Behavior of Hazardous Metals in Paddy Agroecosystem - Cadmium and Arsenic as the Primary Targets |
Tomoyuki Makino, H. Kanno |
Effects of Soil Drying on the Chemical Form of Cadmium and Thallium Related to Manganese Oxides |
Takahiko Narukawa, T. Makino, H. Kanno, K. Kimura, S. Yamasaki |
Absorption Characteristics of Various Metals in Low Cd Absorption Rice Cultivar Compared to Wild Type |
Rei Saito, Tomoyuki Makino, H. Kanno K, Kimura, S. Yamasaki, S. Ishikawa, T. Abe, H. Nakada, T. Otaguro, H. Nishikawa |
Effects of Mixing Andisol With Alluvial Soil on Arsenic Concentration in Brown Rice and Elucidation of Its Mechanism |
Shinji Yawata, Tomoyuki Makino, H. Kanno, K. Kimura, S. Yamasaki, H. Nakada |
A Comprehensive Analysis of the Mitigation on Cadmium and Arsenic in Rice Plants by Various Silicate Materials Produced in Japan |
Hiroshi Takenaka, Tomoyuki Makino, H. Kanno, K. Kimura, S. Yamasaki, H. Nakada. |
8:00-9:30 |
Food Choices and Food Waste Management Chair: Marcel Mballa-Ekobena |
Effectiveness of Awareness Campaigns in Shifting Practices to Reduce Household Food Waste |
Belinda Li, Virginia Maclaren, Tammara Soma |
Zombie Attack! Using Scientainment to Teach About Sustainable Food |
Petra Bättig-Frey, Rahel Meier, Verena Berger |
Food Waste Management in Retail: A Regional Perspective |
Tonia Ruppenthal, Izabela Karolina Horoś |
Why It Is Not That Easy to Apply Nudges to Stimulate Sustainable Food Choices Out-Of-Home: Insights From Real-World Experiments |
Pascal Ohlhausen, Nina Langen, Fara Steinmeier, Silke Friedrich, Tobias Engelmann, Melanie Speck, Petra Teitscheid |
Tackling Food Sustainability Through Dietary Change: A Scenario Analysis for Switzerland |
Canxi Chen, Abhishek Chaudhary, Alexander Mathys |
Motivations for Sufficiency in Individual Dietary Decisions - A Typology |
Sonja Trachsel, Isabel Jaisli, Moritz Lüchinger, |
9:30-10:00 |
Break |
10:00-11:25 |
Food Security and Covid Chair: Max Bergman |
Communicate About Food and Health at the Pandemic Time |
Mariella Nocenzi, Barbara Di Giovanni, Ombretta Presenti, Claudia Zoani |
Impact of Lockdown on Vegetables Supply Chain and Food Security: Empirical Evidence From Bangladesh |
G. M. Monirul Alam, Most Nilufa Khatun |
Financialization and Food Security: The Effects of COVID-19 for the Latin American Region |
Paola Vera, Ricardo Cristhian Morales Pelagio, Miguel Angel Reyna Castillo |
The Impact of Covid19 on Sustainable Development Goal2 in Ghana |
Cynthia Akwei |
Achieving Food Security in the Post COVID-19 Era Through High-Tech Vertical Indoor Farming in Densely Populated Cities |
Suaad Jassem, Mohammad Razzak |
11:30-12:25 |
Agri Supply Chains Chair: Marcel Mballa-Ekobena |
Analyzing the Critical Effect of Business Logistics Performance on Food Security and Agriculture |
Eliseo Vilalta-Perdomo, Rosario Michel-Villarreal |
International Trade and Sustainable Development: Special Focus on Food Security |
Inmaculada Martinez-Zarzoso, Laura Barros |
Addressing Food Supply Chain Resilience Through Intelligent Management of Household Consumption |
Elliot Woolley, Aicha Jellil, Alessandro Simeone |
Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Agribusiness: The Case of an Agro-Industrial Cooperative |
Daiane Johann, Carlos Ramoa |
12:30-12:55 |
Keynote Address: Sustainable Food: What Food, for Whom and How? |
Prof. Dr. Renato Maluf |
13:00-14:25 |
Can Trade Relations Promote Food Sustainability? Chair: Elisabeth Bürgi-Bonanomi |
Towards a Post-Lethal Agricultural System |
Stefan Mann |
A Nexus Approach to Study the Sustainability of Social-Ecological Systems: Implications for SDG Governance |
Mario Giampietro, Juan Cadillo-Benalcazar, Ansel Renner |
Farmers' Perceptions and the Potential of Participatory Guarantee Systems in Bolivia for Sustainable Trade and Diversified Food Systems |
Johanna Jacobi |
Does Agricultural Commercialization Lead to Food Security? Evidence From Smallholder Farms North-West of Mount Kenya |
Emily Mutea, Stephan Rist, Johanna Jacobi |
Geographical Notes About Post-Productivist Food in Spain. The Reflections of Producers, Processors, and Marketers on Food Sustainability |
Xosé A Armesto-López, M. Belén Gómez-Martín, Martí Cors-Iglesias, Emilio Martínez-Ibarra |
14:30-15:55 |
Linking Research With Action Through Transdisciplinary Food System Research Chair: Boniface Kiteme |
From Research to Action: Participatory Transformation and Sustainability of Farmers Milk Cooperative in Agropastoral Community in Laikipia, Kenya |
Stellah Mukhovi, Boniface Kiteme, John Mwangi, Grace Wambugu |
Transformative Collective Action to Change the Legislation Prohibition Raw Milk Cheese in Seara, Santa Catarina, Brazil |
Andréia Tecchio, Adriana Bessa, Aymara Zonta, Johanna Jacobi, |
Transformations Towards Food Sustainability: A Transdisciplinary Method for Collective Action in Latin America and Africa |
Aymara Llanque Zonta, Johanna Jacobi |
The Economic Potential of Organic Dairy Products in the Albanian Mountain Areas and the Impact of Organic Farming in the National Food Security Issues. What Challenges and Prospects? |
Florjan Bombaj |
Risk Perception by a Participatory Diagnostic Approach: A Case Study With Coffee Farmers at Chapada Diamantina, Brazil |
Rodrigo Rudge Ramos Ribeiro, Samia Nascimento Sulaiman |
Identifying Famine-Prone Countries |
Mathis Wackernagel, Leo Wambersie, Alessandro Galli, David Lin |
16:00-16:25 |
Keynote Address: Making Peace With the Earth: From Sustainability to Regeneration |
Dr. Patrick Degeorges |
16:30-17:30 |
The United Nations Forum on Sustainability Standards (UNFSS): Approaches to Sustainable Agri-Food Trade and the 4th UNFSS Chair: Santiago Fernandez De Cordoba Briz |
Upscaling Sustainability Standards Through Public Procurement and Trade Policy |
Axel Marx |
Voluntary Sustainability Standards as an Instrument to Achieve the SDGs |
Clara Brandi |
Alleviating Poverty With VSS Through Trade |
Cristina Larrea |
Andean Community and CARICOM Case Studies |
Rodrigo Rupérez |
Promoting Trade Through VSS |
Christian Robin |
17:45-18:05 |
Speaker: Tomaz Langenbach, Pesticide Control Policies and Recommendations |
18:10-19:45 |
Food Losses and Waste Mitigation in Brazil Chair: Felicitas Schneider |
Challenges and Opportunities of Food Loss and Waste Action for Latin America |
Felicitas Schneider |
Current Situation of Food Security and FLW in Brazil |
Gilmar Henz |
Multi-Stakeholder Initiative for FLW Mitigation |
Luciana Marques Vieira |
Entrepreneurship Opportunities for FLW Mitigation |
Daniele Eckert Matzembacher, Marcia Dutra de Barcellos |
Causes of Food Waste and Practices for Mitigation: Evidence From Brazilian Supermarkets and Suppliers |
Andrea Lago da Silva, Camila Colombo de Moraes |
Consumer Food Waste: The Brazilian Perspective |
Gustavo Porpino |
19:45 - 19:50 | Closing Remarks | Max Bergman |
Program: 17 September 2020 - Transport and Mobility
TimeCEST (GMT+2) |
Session/Title of presentation |
Authors: |
08:00 - 08:50 |
Disruptive Trends and Inclusiveness (part 1) Chair: Marlyne Sahakian |
Introduction | Marlyne Sahakian | |
Beyond Mobility: The Practicality of ‘Working From Home’ as an Alternative to Daily Commuting for the Working Women of Mumbai Metropolitan Region | Sujayita Bhattacharjee | |
Corporate Car Sharing With Incentive System for Ecologically Sustainable Driving as an Alternative for Ecologically and Ecologically Sensible Short and Medium Business Trips | Benjamin Jacobsen | |
Micro-Mobility and Mobility Sharing: A Shift Towards a Clear and Sustainable Urban Future | Puja Banerjee | |
Q&A | ||
09:00 - 09:30 |
Smart Mobility and Digitalization Chair: Marlyne Sahakian |
Potential Impacts of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) on Carbon-Free Commuting of Tertiary Students | Dhawala Ananda, Ali Soltani, Andrew Allan | |
The Future of Road Public Transit: Autonomous and Accepted? Singapore | Samuel Chng, Lynette Cheah | |
Urban Mobility Planning, Environmental Challenges, and Digitalization – Key to Blue-Green Smart City and Mobility as a New Concept With Using the I-Sustainability Plus and 5th Wave Theories (Case Study: South Korea and Germany) | Hamid Doost Mohammadian | |
Q&A | ||
9.40-10.20 | Break | |
10:20- 11:30 |
Spatial Planning and Transportation Challenges Chair: Christoph Ratz |
A Study of Utilizing Big Data to Construct Sustainable City’s Transportation Planning and Design Evaluation Model | Wann-Ming Wey | |
Proposed Framework for Assessing the Priority Location of New Medium and High Capacity Transport Stations | Elaine Vazquez, Beatriz Rodrigues, Mohammad K Najjar, Assed Haddad, Ahmed W A Hammad | |
Q&A | ||
Prospects for Alternative Powertrains for Road Freight Transport in Italy Based on a Probabilistic TCO Model | Damiana Chinese, Massimiliano Breda | |
Sustainable Development Plan of Transport and Mobility in the City of Skopje | Viktorija Mangaroska, Kosta Mangaroski | |
Built Environment of Settlements and Carbon Emission of Household Travel: A Case Study in the Central Area of Nanjing City | Longbin Zhu, Hongyan Xiang | |
Q&A | ||
11.30-12.10 | Break | |
12:10-13:30 |
Understanding Impacts Chair: Christoph Ratz |
Life Cycle Assessment of the Future Light Duty Vehicle Fleet in the UK – Taking Stock of the Co-Evolution of the Transport and Energy Sectors | Mashael Kamran, Marco Raugei, Allan R. Hutchinson | |
Influence on the Air Quality of Cuenca (Ecuador) Due to the Future Shift From Diesel to Electric Buses | René Parra | |
Design and Analysis of Sustainable Photovoltaic Based Peripatetic Charging Infrastructure | Kameswara Prakash, Chockalingam Aravind Vaithilingam, Gowthamraj Rajendran, Agileswari Ramasamy | |
Q&A | ||
Design and Development of Charging Stations Based on VOC - VR for Sustainable Electric Mobility | Gowthamraj Rajendran, Chockalingam Aravind Vaithilingam, Kameswara Satya Prakash, Kanendra Naidu | |
The Impact of the COVID-19 Emergency on Local Vehicular Traffic and Its Consequences on the Environment: The Case of the City of Reggio-Emilia (Italy) | Samuele Marinello | |
Transport Sustainability in a Pandemic | Zhanna Mingaleva | |
Q&A | ||
13.30-14.40 | Break | |
14:40- 15:30 |
Aspirations and Acceptance (part 1) Chair: Marlyne Sahakian |
Lessons Learnt From Singapore Towards an Efficient Public Transport Policy: A Case Demonstration for the City of Puducherry | Lakshmi Thilagam Natarajan | |
Mobility and Intercultural Diversity in Intermediate Urban Systems of Latin America: An Approach From the New Mobility Paradigm | Gonzalo Salazar | |
Mobility and Accessibility to Healthy Food in the Global South: Assessing the Role of Open Street Markets in Chile | Juan Antonio Carrasco, Beatriz Cid, Gislaine Granfeldt, Carolina Leal, Carolina Rojas | |
Analysis of the Intention of Teleworking Considering Risk Perceptions of Commuting and ICT Use | Naoki Takayama, Hitomi Sato, Meilan Jiang, Takayuki Morikawa | |
Q&A | ||
15.30-16.00 | Break | |
16:00- 17:30 |
Aspiration and Acceptance (part 2) Chair: Marlyne Sahakian |
Understanding Citizen’s Aspirations for Their Cities’ Mobility and Its Relationship With Acceptance of Autonomous Vehicles: A Case Study of Singapore | Samuel Chng | |
Mass Transport, Urban Governance, and Everyday Life: A Case Study of the Delhi Metro | Rashmi Sadana | |
Decarbonization Scenarios for Reykjavik’s Passenger Transport: The Combined Effects of Behavioral Changes and Technological Developments | Kevin Dillman, Michał Czepkiewicz, Jukka Heinonen, Reza Fazeli, Áróra Árnadottir, Brynhildur Davíðsdóttir | |
Transportation and Sport Events: Understanding Consumers Carbon Offsetting and Sustainable Mobility Behaviors |
Stavros Triantafyllidis | |
Q&A | ||
How Do Public Service Obligations Affect Transportation for Less Developed Regions of the European Union: The Case of Scheduled Air Services Between Badajoz and Barcelona | Antonio Martínez Raya, Víctor M. González-Sánchez | |
Knowledge of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in the Recovery of Domestic Tourism in Mexico | Daniela Palmas, Omar Ismael Ramírez, Rocío del Carmen Serrano-Baqruín | |
Envisioning Transportation Corridors as an Integral Part of Cultural Landscapes - A Case of Ahmadabad, India | Namrata Shah | |
Q&A | ||
17.30-18.00 | Break | |
18:00- 18:40 |
Disruptive Trends and Inclusiveness (part 2) Chair: Christoph Ratz |
Shared Mobility in Cities After COVID-19: Changes in Offer and Demand in Europe | María del Mar Alonso Almeida | |
Examination of the Auto Sector: Equity Through Mobility Solutions | Wendy Purcell | |
Towards Inclusive Urban Accessibility: Framework and Methodology for Urban Transport Inclusiveness Assessment | Zhaowen Liu | |
Q&A | ||
18:40-18:45 | Closing Remarks |
Ed Constable |
Poster Presentation Session on 15.09.2020
Poster Room A: Plant and Soil Sciences |
Synthesis of Biochar: Potential Application in Plant Seedling Growth, Effect of Co-Application of Humus Organic Fertilizer and Biochar on Plant Seedling Growth |
Ifeoma Juliet Opara |
Evaluation of Fertilizer Formulation for Livestock Feed Production in Mexico: An Eco-Efficiency and Parametric Programming Approach |
Samuel Quintero-Herrera |
Can ‘Compromised Paludiculture’ Manage Its Trade-Offs for Peatland Restoration? |
Ibnu Budiman |
Bacterial Community Structure From Madeira Archipelago assessed by Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism |
Carla Ragonezi, Cristina Oliveira, Miguel Ângelo Pinheiro de Carvalho |
Community Structure of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Agricultural Soils from Madeira Archipelago |
Cristina Oliveira, Carla Ragonezi |
Biological Management of Meloidogyne Incognita Damaging Carrot Through Syncephalsatrum Racemosum |
Faryad Khan |
Determination of Abscisic Acid in Taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott) Grown in Drought Conditions |
Carla Gouveia |
Changes of Bioaccumulation of Oligoelements and Rare Earth Elements in Rice Grain at Varying of Irragtion Methods |
Ilaria Langasco |
Sprinkler Irrigation: An "Heretical” Method Aimed to Minimize the Bioaccumulation of Toxic Elements in Rice Grain |
Ilaria Langasco |
A Numerical Model Approach to Evaluate the Efficiency of Indigenous Rainwater Harvesting Techniques for Agriculture |
Paolo Tamagnone |
Poster Room B: Land Use and Food Security |
Environmental Sustainability for Ensuring Food Self-Sufficiency in Case of Exogenous Shocks: Qatar Case Study |
Annamaria Mazzoni |
The ESKE Project: A South-North Educational and Knowledge Exchange Framework to Enhance Food Security and Livelihoods |
Mary Richards |
The Tension Between Sustainable Development and Resource Depletion, Demographic Evolution and Food Security |
Dumitru Alexandru Bodislav |
Sustainable Development, Ecological Deficits, and Perverse Government Subsidies in Agriculture and Energy |
Patricia Papachristou |
Impact of Land Use/Land Cover Change on Hydrological Components in Chongwe River Catchment, Zambia |
Tewodros Tena |
Slicing Through The Sparse |
Amruta VunGarala |
Investment Options for Restoration of Village Tank Cascade Systems in Sri Lanka: An Analysis using a Linear Programming Model |
Jeevika Weerahewa |
Stakeholders' perceptions on policy tools in support of sustainable food consumption in Europe: policy implications |
Nína Saviolidis |
Poster Room 3: Transport |
Utilization of Waste Rubber Tires as Geocell Reinforcement |
Eduardo Leron Jr |
Sustainable clean mobility and urban planning - responses to sustainable development in social responsibility as a readiness for facing tomorrow’s world crises |
Hamid Doost Mohammadian |
Comprehensive Urban Plan and Mobility Risk Mitigation for Transforming to Blue-Green Sustainable Mobility to create Modern Livable Urban Setting (Case: Global, Europe and Iran) |
Hamid Doost Mohammadian |
Publication Opportunities
WSF2020 Publication Opportunities:
The open access journal Sustainability will publish a special issue on the World Sustainability Forum 2020. Sustainability is indexed by the Science Citation Index Expanded and the Social Sciences Citation Index, and its 2019 impact factor is 2.595. Please submit your manuscript at any time until 28 February 2021 here.
The book series Frontiers in Sustainability (ISSN 2624-9715) will publish one or two volumes associated with WSF2020. Each volume and each chapter will receive a DOI and will be published in open access format. Please submit your manuscript at any time until 31 December 2020 here.
The new journal World welcomes submissions for articles relevant to past, present, and future links between economic, political, social, and environmental issues. Please submit you manuscript at any time here.
Obviously, you are free to submit your manuscript to any other publication outlet, including other MDPI relevant journals, such as Water, Energies, Resources, Environments, Recycling, etc.
WSF Recorded Sessions
In this section, you will find the different recordings of the sessions held over the three days of the 8th World Sustainability Forum for you to watch, re-watch and share with your colleagues!
15 September 2020
Introduction & Keynote Addresses
Awards Ceremony
16 September 2020 - Food Security and Agriculture Stream
Session: Palm Oil
Session: Agriculture and Development
Session: Urban Farming
African Food Systems Transformation to Address the SDGs
Session A, Panel 1: Conceptualising the African Food System
& Keynote Address by Dr. Simeon Ehui
African Food Systems Transformation to Address the SDGs
Session A, Panel 2: Gender Roles and the Unequal Status of Women in African Food Systems
African Food Systems Transformation to Address the SDGs
Session B, Panel 1: Climate-Smart Agriculture and Food Systems
& Keynote Address by Prof. Dr. Felix Dapare Dakora
African Food Systems Transformation to Address the SDGs
Session B, Panel 2: Preparing for the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit
17 September 2020 - Food Security and Agriculture Stream
Session: Behavior and Countermeasures for Hazardous Metals in Paddy Agroecosystem Session
Session: Food Choices and Food Waste Management
Session: Food Security and COVID
Session: Agri Supply Chains
Keynote Address by Prof. Dr. Renato Maluf
Session: Can Trade Relations Promote Food Sustainability?
Session: Linking Research With Action Through Transdisciplinary Food Systems Research
Keynote Address by Dr. Patrick Degeorges
Session: The United Nations Forum on Sustainability Standards (UNFSS)
Speaker Address by Prof. Dr. Tomaz Langenbach
Session: Food Losses and Waste Mitigation in Brazil
17 September 2020 - Transport and Mobility Stream
Session: Disruptive Trends and Inclusiveness (Part 1)
Session: Smart Mobility and Digitalization
Session: Spatial Planning and Transportation Challenges
Session: Understanding Impacts
Session: Aspirations and Acceptance (Part 1)
Session: Aspirations and Acceptance (Part 2)
Session: Disruptive Trends and Inclusiveness (Part 2)
When registering as an "Academic" for the virtual conference, please register with your academic email address. If you are registering several people under the same registration, please do not use the same email address for each person, but their individual university email addresses. Thank you for your understanding.
In the interest of inclusive global participation and in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath, MDPI has generously agreed to drop the registration fees for all virtual academics, members of partnering societies, cooperations and United Nations Initiatives for the 8th World Sustainability Forum. However, registration to the event is mandatory.
Price | |
Free - The 8th World Sustainability Forum - VIRTUAL | Free |
Industry - The 8th World Sustainability Forum - VIRTUAL | 150.00 CHF |
Cancellation policy
Photographs and/or video will be taken during the conference
By taking part in this event you grant the event organisers full rights to use the images resulting from the photography/video filming, and any reproductions or adaptations of the images for fundraising, publicity or other purposes to help achieve the conference’s aims. This might include (but is not limited to), the right to use them in their printed and online publicity, social media, press releases and funding applications.
Blog WSF2020
17 August 2020
The SWC50 committee is developing the ISES Solar Energy Museum - Past Present and Future
ISES will be launching a permanent online solar energy museum during the SWC50 conference in December 2020.
The museum will include:
• ISES timeline
• Videos of interviews with early pioneers and early events.
• Growth in the various market segments including key events, projects, successful policies and significant research breakthroughs.
• Overviews of Research and Industry Pioneers
• Overview of renewable energy access
• Stories from institutes and companies
Call for Contributions is now open. Please find more information here.
3 April 2020
We are pleased to announce that the 8th World Sustainability Forum is a Partner & Supporter of Eurosoil 2020!
The objective of EUROSOIL 2020 is to bring together leading research scientists working on soil related topics and stakeholders dealing with issues of public concern, such as soil degradation and consequences of climatic changes. The important bridging role of soil practitioners to translate scientific knowledge into practice will be emphasised during EUROSOIL 2020.
To register for the Eurosoil 2020 conference, please click here.
1 April 2020
Abstract Submissions: Deadline extended!
We are pleased to inform you that we have extended the abstract submission deadline until: 19 April 2020
Submissions can be made for five types of contributions:
1) Session Stream;
2) Session;
3) Sustainability Organization Session/Session Stream
4) Paper Presentation;
5) Poster Presentation.
For further information on how to submit these different types of contributions, please click here. We would love to count on your participation at this conference!
19 March 2020
MDPI English Writing Prize
Good communication is fundamental to scientific research. With over 20 years’ experience in publishing and research communication, MDPI understands how crucial good writing is. For this reason, we have launched the MDPI Writing Prize. It aims to promote clear, high quality prose that powerfully communicates key scientific concepts. We invite you to participate in this year’s edition.
The competition is open to non-native English speakers who are Ph.D. students or postdoctoral fellows at a research institute.
Essays of up to 1000 words are invited on the following topic:
“My work and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals”
02 March 2020
Abstract Submissions: Deadline extended!
We are pleased to inform you that we have extended the abstract submission deadline until: 31 March 2020
Submissions can be made for five types of contributions:
1) Session Stream;
2) Session;
3) Sustainability Organization Session/Session Stream
4) Paper Presentation;
5) Poster Presentation.
For further information on how to submit these different types of contributions, please click here. We would love to count on your participation at this conference!
25 February 2020
We are pleased to announce that the 8th World Sustainability Forum is an Associate Supporter of the SWC50 – The Century of Solar!
Celebrating 50 years of the ISES Solar World Congresses, the International Solar Energy Society (ISES) is organising SWC50 – The Century of Solar which will be held in Melbourne, Australia between the 2nd and 4th December 2020. The event will comprise of a conference, networking social events, a display area, and the release of the celebratory booklet: The Century of Solar - Stories and Visions for the Future of Renewable Energy. The event will briefly look back over the 50 years since the first Solar World Congress (SWC) was held in Melbourne in 1970. More importantly, the event will focus on how we can and must transition to 100% Renewable Energy. The display area will allow entities to tell their solar story and will celebrate individuals, pioneers, who have paved the way toward achieving solar technology breakthroughs and developed the industry.
For further information, please visit their website: www.swc50.org
Join the Conversation. Be the Change. #UN75
Tackling issues such as the climate crisis, inequality, new patterns of violence and the major changes we are seeing in population and technology in order to achieve the SDGs - our shared vision for the future - will require cooperation across borders, sectors and generations.
But just when we need collective action more than ever, support for global cooperation is flagging. In many countries, public trust in traditional institutions is in decline and relations between countries are under strain. Dialogue – and action – on global issues could not be more urgent. Through these conversations, the UN aims to build a global vision of 2045 – its centenary, increase understanding of the threats to that future, and support enhanced international cooperation to realise that vision.
23 October 2019
30 Business Titans Join UN Push to Scale Up Private Sector Investment for Sustainable Development
@AntonioGuterres calls on key business leaders to step up to the challenge of financing the SDGs
UNITED NATIONS, 16 October 2019 – The UN announced today that 30 influential leaders from the corporate world will work together over the next two years in a bid to free up trillions of dollars from the private sector to finance the Sustainable Development Goals.
Convened by Secretary-General António Guterres, the Global Investors for Sustainable Development (GISD) Alliance is co-chaired by Oliver Bäte, CEO of Allianz, and Leila Fourie, CEO of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, and includes the heads of Bank of America, Citigroup, ICBC, Infosys, Investec, Santander, UBS and other prominent international corporations. (See complete list below.)
“We face widening inequality, increased devastation from conflicts and disasters and a rapidly warming Earth. These leaders have seized our sense of urgency, recognizing that our pace must be at a run, not a crawl,” Guterres said. “They are committing to cooperate across borders, across financial sectors and even with their competitors, because it is both ethical and good business sense to invest in sustainable development for all people on a healthy planet.”
The High-Level Dialogue on Financing for Development held during the recent UN General Assembly brought to attention the urgent need for increasing government spending on crucial sectors such as health, education, infrastructure, and climate change. Most developed countries have not met their commitments to ODA, while factors like poverty, corruption, and tax evasion limit domestic resources in developing countries.
The development finance needs are estimated at trillions of dollars per year, and even if funding from all public sources is maximized, there will still be a significant shortfall, making financing from the private sector imperative.
“As responsible companies, we can create long-term value by embedding sustainability into our core business,” said Bäte. “Investing in the stable development of societies across the globe is not only the right thing to do, it also includes economic opportunities. We are convinced that investments in emerging markets can foster sustainable growth without losing sight of our customers’ interests.”
The UN’s research suggests that there is no shortage of money from the private sector which could be invested in sustainable development. However, a combination of factors, including the policy environment, incentive structures and institutional conditions, tend to discourage the kind of long-term commitment that is needed.
“The establishment of the GISD Alliance acknowledges the scale of the challenges we face collectively and the role that the finance sector has to play in meeting these challenges,” said Fourie. “Exchanges are a vital part of the financing ecosystem – promoting relevant disclosure, enabling effective price discovery, and ultimately mobilising funds to productive ends. We all have much work to do, and the time to start is now.”
The Alliance aims to use their expertise, influence and business acumen in devising ways to stimulate long term investment in development and speed up progress towards achieving the SDGs.
Source: https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/blog/2019/10/gisd-alliance/
24 September 2019
Early fees valid until 30 April 2020
Academics |
CHF 450.00 |
Academics* |
CHF 360.00 |
Academics** |
CHF 200.00 |
Academics - single day |
CHF 200.00 |
Academics* - single day |
CHF 160.00 |
Commercials |
CHF 600.00 |
Commercials - single day |
CHF 300.00 |
*Members of partnering societies will receive a 20% discount on the registration fees.
**Reduced fees will be applied to low-income and lower-middle-income as indicated by the World Bank Classification.
23 September 2019
#GlobalGoals week - UN is hosting events all week to help people & planet
Every September, the Member States of the United Nations meet at the General Assembly in New York to discuss the critical issues of global concern. This year, in addition to the general debate, world leaders will participate in a series of summits and high-level meetings to boost action on climate change and accelerate progress on sustainable development, aimed at securing healthy, peaceful and prosperous lives for all. Underpinning the action week are the Sustainable Development Goals, adopted by all world leaders in 2015. The 17 interconnected Goals are a universal call to action to end poverty and hunger, expand access to health, education, justice and jobs, while protecting our planet from environmental degradation. More information here.
#ClimateAction Summit: 23 September | #HealthForAll Meeting: 23 September | #SDGs Summit: 24-25 September | #Fin4Dev Meeting: 26 September | #SamoaPathway Review: 27 September
12 June 2019
Call for Participation Uploaded
The call for participation for the World Sustainability Week to be held from 14-19 September 2020 in Geneva, Switzerland has been uploaded.
12 April 2019
the forum of innovative practices in global health
Every two years the GHF brings together Swiss and International participants from all sectors.

- give visibility to innovative field experiences;
- establish a critical and constructive dialogue and promote collaborations between global health actors from different sectors including practitioners, academics, policy makers, civil society and the private sector;
- promote interaction between actions in the field and health policy development (linking policy and practice). This applies both to guiding policies through best practices and to facilitating policy diffusion at the field level.
11 April 2019
The 4th Basel Sustainability Forum on Health and SDG3 - 3 June 2019 - Kollegienhaus University of Basel, Switzerland

The UN SDGs are interdependent. Some goals serve as preconditions for healthy lives, and others are consequences thereof. Precursors are, for example, UN SDG 2 (End hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture), UN SDG 5 (Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls), UN SDG 6 (Ensure access to water and sanitation for all), UN SDG 7 (Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all), and UN SDG 13 (Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts). Goals affected by health are, for example, UN SDG 8 (Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all). Some goals are both preconditions and consequences of health, such as UN SDG 1 (End poverty in all its forms everywhere). Poverty reduction is associated with better health and nutrition, which in turn has an effect on poverty reduction.
According to the OECD, the per capita health expenditure in 2015 (PPP) was US$9451 for the US, US$6935 for Switzerland, US$731 for China, and US$267 for India. Despite considerable variations in expenditures, all countries are struggling to maintain health care coverage in the face of rising costs, evolution of health care demands by the population, and changing demographics.
Health care is a central pillar of economic development, social welfare, and environmental management, and it is equally important to the most and least developed economies. Accordingly, health and sustainability are interdependent in at least two ways: the first relates to the reciprocal relationship between health and sustainability, the second to the sustainability of health and health care.
The Basel Sustainability Forum 2019 will focus on local and global issues associated with sustainability and health. It will explore different positions from health research, health policy, and the health business sector, and how these positions contribute or are obstacles to the sustainability of health and health care as a pillar of societal sustainability.
3 April 2019
Save The Date

How To Participate?
Submission Instructions
For the 8th World Sustainability Forum, we seek proposals for session streams, for sessions, and for presentations of papers and posters on sustainable development that are policy-relevant, change-oriented, and inter- or trans-disciplinary. Submissions should aim to foster research, networking, and debates in science and technology, the life sciences, and the social sciences, as well as fruitful exchanges between academia and the public, civic, or private sectors.
Due to the current health crisis and its consequences, we have to reduce the topics for the 8th World Sustainability Forum to:
1 Health and Medicine
2 Food Security and Agriculture
3 Mobility and Transport
If your topic is not related to these themes, we encourage you to present your work at the 9th World Sustainability Forum in September 2021, which will be more inclusive.
Submissions can be made for five types of contributions:
1) Session Stream;
2) Session;
3) Sustainability Organization Session/Session Stream
4) Paper Presentation;
5) Poster Presentation.
Submission deadline: 1 August 2020
Session Stream:
A session stream consists of between two and four sequential sessions. Submit a 500-word abstract in English that includes the title, focus, and purpose of your session stream. Also include the focus, working title and purpose of each session. For each session, provide the names of at least two presenters and their email addresses. Include your name, institutional affiliation, phone number, and email address. Submit your session stream abstract to Professor Bergman, with a copy to the secretariat.
A session consists of between three and six papers, and it lasts between 60 and 90 minutes. Submit a 300-word abstract in English that includes the title, focus, and purpose of your proposed session. Provide the names of at least two presenters and their email addresses. Session applications without paper presenters will not be considered. Include your name, institutional affiliation, phone number, and email address. Submit your session abstract to Professor Bergman, with a copy to the secretariat.
Sustainability Organization Session/ Session Stream:
Organizations or networks involved with sustainability-related topics may apply for a session or session stream. The sessions will be part of the WSF2020, and they will be listed under the organization’s name. At least one of the proposed sessions must be open to regular participants of the WSF2020. Please specify in a 500-word abstract in English the purpose of the organization, the website of the organization, the focus and purpose of each proposed session (60 to 90 minutes, depending on the number of presenters), and the names and email addresses of at least three presenters for each session that is open to WSF2020 participants. Include a representative’s name, institutional affiliation, phone number, and email address. Submit your organization abstract to Professor Bergman, with a copy to the secretariat.
Paper Presentation:
Create an account on Sciforum.net and follow the link “Submit a new abstract” in User Home. Submit a 300-word abstract in English that includes the title, focus, and main contributions of your paper. For empirical presentations, include data and methodological details. Provide your name, institutional affiliation, phone number, and email address. If you are interested to publish the article, please check below for publication opportunities.
Poster Presentation:
Create an account on Sciforum.net and follow the link “Submit a new abstract” in User Home: Submit a 200-word abstract in English that includes the title, focus, and main contributions of your poster. For empirical presentations, include data and methodological details. Provide your name, institutional affiliation, phone number, and email address. If your poster will be accepted, we will ask you for a short video recording, in which you will present your work. The poster and recording will be uploaded and made available to all conference participants.
All panel abstracts, paper abstracts, posters, and presentations will be available online as open access on sciforum.net.
Publication Opportunities
WSF2020 Publication Opportunities:
The open access journal Sustainability will publish a special issue on the World Sustainability Forum 2020. Sustainability is indexed by the Science Citation Index Expanded and the Social Sciences Citation Index, and its 2019 impact factor is 2.595. Please submit your manuscript at any time until 28 February 2021 here.
The book series Frontiers in Sustainability (ISSN 2624-9715) will publish one or two volumes associated with WSF2020. Each volume and each chapter will receive a doi and will be published in open access format. Please submit your manuscript at any time until 31 December 2020 here.
The new journal World welcomes submissions for articles relevant to past, present, and future links between economic, political, social, and environmental issues. Please submit you manuscript at any time here.
Obviously, you are free to submit your manuscript to any other publication outlet, including other MDPI relevant journals, such as Water, Energies, Resources, Environments, Recycling, etc.
Certificate of Attendance: Upon request, the participants of the event will receive an electronic Certificate of Attendance by email, once the event is concluded.
All sessions will be recorded
By taking part in this event you grant the event organisers full rights to use the images resulting from the recordings, and any reproductions or adaptations of the images for fundraising, publicity or other purposes to help achieve the conference’s aims. This might include (but is not limited to), the right to use them in their printed and online publicity, social media, press releases, and funding applications.
SDGs Book Series - Transitioning to Sustainability

In 17 volumes, Transitioning to Sustainability examines each of the 17 SDGs in its dynamic and multifaceted nature. Each volume will present approaches to, achievements of, and challenges for the respective SDG. Considering the complex links among the SDGs, each volume also highlights complementarities to, as well as trade offs with, other goals. To reflect the diversity of positions, each volume may include theory chapters, chapters presenting empirical research, position pieces, progress on important research programmes, and stakeholder initiatives.
World Sustainability Award - Emerging Sustainability Leader Award
The World Sustainability Award, funded by the MDPI Sustainability Foundation, will be conferred upon individual researchers or research teams who have made an outstanding academic or societal contribution to sustainability in general, or to a sustainability-relevant issue in particular. A joint award, shared by up to three recipients, is possible. The award includes a monetary prize of USD 100'000.
The Emerging Sustainability Leader Award, funded by the MDPI journal Sustainability, will be conferred upon an individual researcher aged 40 or under at the time of the submission deadline, who has made an outstanding academic or societal contribution to sustainability in general, or to a sustainability-relevant issue in particular. The award includes a monetary prize of USD 10'000.
For more information, see https://wsforum.org/instructions
FA. VIRTUAL - Food Security and Agriculture
Show all accepted abstracts (72) Hide accepted abstracts (72)
List of Accepted Abstracts (72) Toggle list
TM. VIRTUAL - Transport and Mobility
Show all accepted abstracts (34) Hide accepted abstracts (34)
List of Accepted Abstracts (34) Toggle list
FSAP. Food Security & Agriculture Poster Session
Show all accepted abstracts (110) Hide accepted abstracts (110)
List of Accepted Abstracts (110) Toggle list
TMP. Transport & Mobility Poster Session
Show all accepted abstracts (14) Hide accepted abstracts (14)
List of Accepted Abstracts (14) Toggle list