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MDPI World Wetlands Day Webinar 2025

Part of the MDPI World Wetlands Day Webinar series
3 February 2025, 01:00 PM (EST)

Wetlands, Biodiversity, Ecosystems, Freshwater, Climate, Environment
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In honor of World Wetlands Day 2025 (, MDPI is hosting a special webinar to unite researchers, experts and environmental advocates in a dynamic conversation about the critical importance of wetlands. The event will highlight the diverse range of wetlands, spanning freshwater, coastal, and human-made ecosystems and emphasize their essential environmental, social, and economic contributions.

During this session, we will delve into the invaluable ecosystems services that wetlands provide, including flood control, water purification, and biodiversity support. By raising awareness, we aim to inspire collective action towards the protection and preservation of these irreplaceable ecosystems.

We are thrilled to present a lineup of distinguished speakers who will explore a range of fascinating topics including:

  • Wetland Mapping: Avoid Getting Stuck in the Muck of the Future: Insights into how advanced mapping techniques can help us monitor and manage wetlands for the future.
  • How Wetlands Influence River Discharge and the Potential Impact of Climate Change: An exploration of the critical role wetlands play in regulating river flows, and how climate change may alter these dynamics.
  • Tracking Surface Water Over Time with Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2: A look at the innovative use of satellite technology to monitor surface water changes in wetlands, with an eye toward long-term tracking.
  • Shallow Groundwater Quality Management in the Peatlands: Examining the unique challenges of managing groundwater quality in peatland wetlands and the importance of sustainable practices.
  • Enhancing Treatment Wetland Resilience: The Crucial Role of Traditional Ecological Knowledge alongside Western science.
  • Wetlands Mapping in Alberta's Parkland and Grassland Region: A Multisensory and Multi-temporal Approach.

We can't wait to see you at the World Wetlands Day Webinar 2025!

Time: 7:00 p.m. CET | 1:00 p.m. EST
Webinar ID: 839 7775 3692
Webinar Secretariat:

Invited Speakers

U.S. Geological Survey, Geoscience and Environmental Change Science Center

Dr. Melanie Vanderhoof will be speaking on: How wetlands influence river discharge and the potential impact of climate change: Tracking surface water over time with Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 and Modeling the influence of wetlands on hydrologic indices; the Impact of climate change on wetland dynamics.
Dr. Melanie Vanderhoof is a Research Geographer with the U.S. Geological Survey, Geoscience and Environmental Change Science Center based in Denver, Colorado. She received her PhD in Geography from Clark University, Worcester, MA in 2014. After a Post-Doc with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, she joined the U.S. Geological Survey in 2015. She uses satellite imagery to understand how ecosystems change over time. Her research focuses on, 1) improving our ability to remotely track and understand wetland-river dynamics, and the impact of climate extremes on wetland function, as well as 2) enhancing our ability to monitor wildfire extent, severity, and post-fire regeneration.
Research Keywords
Wetlands, Fire, Image Processing and Analysis, Multi-source remote sensing, High-resolution and Moderate-resolution remote sensing and Object-based remote sensing, Disturbance Ecology, Forestry, Surface water, Hydrologic Connectivity.


Mr. Brian Huberty will be speaking on: Wetland Mapping: Avoid Getting Stuck in the Muck of the Future.
Brian is the remote sensing advisor for SharedGeo (SG). SG is a group of geospatial misfits who like to make open source maps for difficult problems such as the first daily map of COVID by county for the U.S. in 2020. Brian is also the President of the Minnesota Forestry Association or better known as MFA. With a Bachelors and Masters in forestry from the University of Minnesota's College of Natural Resources, Brian specializes in remote sensing (e.g. Google Earth) and geospatial resource inventory systems (e.g. mapping trees with a GIS). During college, Brian spent summers fighting forest fires; removing an entire urban forest of diseased elm trees as an urban forester; and measuring trees in the Black Forest (Schwarzwald), Germany. Brian is helping MFA develop a new woodland mapping system called TimberView with SharedGeo and with support from the MN DNR. The aim is to provide a better ‘geospatial’ tool for woodland owners, foresters and loggers to jointly use to better manage the forests across Minnesota.
Research Keywords
Wetlands, Remote sensing, Classification, Review, Optical, Radar, Lidar, Sar, Surface water extent, Land cover, Change Detection.

Ramanujan Fellow, ANRF-Govt. of India, at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India.,
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Wetland Hydrology Research Laboratory, University of Waterloo, Canada.

Dr. Pankaj Kumar Gupta will be speaking on: Shallow Groundwater Quality Management in the Peatlands: Groundwater Quality Management in Wetlands
Dr. Pankaj K. Gupta is a Ramanujan fellow, upholding one of the honoured scientific positions at the Indian Institute of Technology (I.I.T.) Delhi, India. As a Ramanujan fellow, he has undertaken an exceptional project “Engineered microBiome (E-microBiome)”, a unique combination of microbiology, hydrogeology, and chemical sciences for restoration of contaminated sites, funded by the ANRF, Govt. of India. He is also an adjunct assistant professor at the University of Waterloo, Canada.
Research Keywords
Subsurface hydrology, Contaminant hydrology, Remediation of polluted site.

The University of Alberta.

Dr. Muhammad Arslan will be speaking about: Enhancing Treatment Wetland Resilience: The Crucial Role of Traditional Ecological Knowledge alongside Western Science.
Dr. Muhammad Arslan is a Professional Biologist and Wetland Scientist with expertise in both restoring natural wetlands and developing man-made wetland ecosystems. He envisions harnessing these integral ecosystem components for genuine ecological rejuvenation. Always approaching his research through the critical lens of Environmental Impact Assessments, Muhammad consistently ensures a proactive and sensitive stance to ecological complexities. A fervent advocate for nature-based solutions and rights-based conservation, he firmly believes in a seamless amalgamation of traditional practices with modern restoration techniques, promising a holistic approach to ecological restoration. His dedication to the restoration of degraded ecosystems, improving water supply conditions, and enhancing biodiversity aligns perfectly with the goals set for the Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021–2030) by UNEP. Muhammad holds a Ph.D. in natural sciences from RWTH Aachen University, Germany, and has postdoctoral experience in environmental engineering from the University of Alberta, Canada. He’s a member of the Canadian Land Reclamation Association and the Alberta Society of Professional Biologists.
Research Keywords
Plant-bacteria interactions; reclamation, remediation, wetlands, pit lakes.

Alberta Geological Survey

Dr. Alex Okiemute Onojeghuo will be speaking about Wetlands Mapping in Alberta's Parkland and Grassland Region: A Multisensory & Multi-temporal Approach.
Dr. Alex Onojeghuo is a Geospatial and Earth Observation Data Specialist with over 15 years of experience conducting research and operational-based projects in the UK, Africa, and North America. During this period, he has been privileged to work with interdisciplinary teams of scientists and engineers from diverse disciplines in oil and gas and on environmental consulting projects. Alex holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Surveying and Photogrammetry from Enugu State University of Science and Technology, a Master of Science in Surveying and Geoinformatics from the University of Lagos, and a Ph.D. in Geography (specializing in GIS and Remote Sensing) from Lancaster University. He is currently a Senior GIS Specialist at the Alberta Geological Survey, where he applies his vast skills and expertise in diverse geological and environmental projects. Alex is actively involved in scientific research and has published scientific journal publications in earth observation and geoinformatics. He is married to his lovely wife, Ajoke, and they both enjoy taking road trips and making new friends. Explore his portfolio for past and ongoing research interests and products at
Research Keywords
Remote Sensing; GIS.

Webinar Recording

The webinar was hosted on Zoom and required prior registration to attend. The full recording can be accessed below. In order to learn about future webinars, you can sign up for our newsletter by clicking “Subscribe” at the top of this page.



Time in EST

Time in CET


1:00 pm- 1:05 pm

7:00 pm-7:05 pm

Dr. Pankaj Kumar Gupta

Shallow Groundwater Quality Management in the Peatlands.

5 minute Q&A.

1:05 pm- 1:40 pm

7:05 pm- 7:40 pm

Dr. Melanie Vanderhoof

How Wetlands Influence River Discharge and the Potential Impact of Climate Change.

5 minute Q&A.

1:40 pm- 2:15 pm

7:40 pm-8:15 pm

Mr. Brian Huberty

Wetland Mapping: Avoid Getting Stuck in the Muck of the Future.

5 minute Q&A.

2:15 pm- 2:50 pm

8:15 pm- 8:50pm

Dr. Muhammad Arslan

Enhancing Treatment Wetland Resilience: The Crucial Role of Traditional Ecological Knowledge alongside Western Science

5 Minute Q&A

2:50 p.m. -3:25 p.m.

8:50 p.m.- 9:25 p.m.

Dr. Alex Okiemute Onojeghuo

Wetlands Mapping in Alberta’s Parkland and Grassland Region: A Multisensory and Multi-temporal Approach.

5 Minute Q&A

3:25 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

9:25 p.m.- 10:00 p.m.

Closing of webinar. 4:00 pm- 4:05 pm 10:00 pm- 10:05 pm

Relevant Special Issue

Remote Sensing
Edited by: Dr. Andy Hardy.
Deadline for submission: 10 July 2025
Methods and Practices for the Sustainable Management of Lake and River Hydrological Systems
Edited by: Dr. Charalampos Doulgeris and Dr. Dimitra Bobori.
Deadline for submission: 30 June 2025.
Monitoring and Simulation of Wetland Ecological Processes.
Edited by: Dr. Zhenguo Niu, Dr. Bin Zhao, Dr. Zhaoqing Luan, and Dr. Bo Guan.
Deadline for submission: 30 April 2025.

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