The 1st Electronic Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences
1–31 March 2011
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Welcome from the Chairs
Call for Papers
The Electronic Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences 2011 (ECPS 2011) will cover timely research topics within pharmaceutical sciences. The first session will focus on the recent developments within nanosciences (Section A). The second session has a focus on imaging techniques with a specific aim of improving our current understanding of the performance of dosage forms (Section B). The third session is related to the field of manufacturing sciences - recent introduction of Quality by Design (QbD) and Process Analytical Technologies (PAT) concepts is underlining the need of fundamental research in this area (Section C). The last session will provide insights into the latest developments in the field of delivery systems for peptide and protein drugs (Section D).
Conference Chairs
Instructions for Authors
1. Scholars interested in participating with the conference can submit their abstract (about 200-300 words covering the areas of Communications for the proceedings issue) online on this website until 17 January 2011.
2. The conference committee will pre-evaluate, based on the submitted abstract, whether a contribution from the scholar (the author of the abstract) will be welcome for this edition of ECPS-2011. All authors will be notified by 7 February 2011 about the acceptance of their abstract.
3. If the abstract is accepted for this conference, the author is asked to submit his full communication paper, optionally along with a PowerPoint presentation of his/her paper, until the submission deadline of 20 February 2011.
4. The conference committee will then organize a round of peer-review of the submitted communication papers, and authors are eventually asked to revise their paper based on peer-reviewer's comments.
5. Finally, accepted communication papers will appear on the website immediately after their acceptance.
6. Presented communications papers can be discussed, commented and rated during the time of the conference, 1-31 March 2011.
- Title
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- Affiliations and authors' e-mail addresses
- Abstract
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- Introduction
Authors are encouraged to preare a couple of slides in PowerPoint or similar software, to be displayed online along with the Communication. Slides, if available, will be displayed directly in the website using's proprietary slides viewer. Slides can be prepared in exactly the same way as for any traditional conference where research results can be presented. Slides should be converted to the PDF format before submission so that our process can easily and automatically convert them for online displaying.
Submissions should be done by the authors online by registering with, and using the "new submission" function once logged into system.
MDPI AG, the publisher of the platform, is an open access publisher. We believe that authors should retain the copyright to their scholarly works. Hence, by submitting a Communication paper to this conference, you retain the copyright of your paper, but you grant MDPI AG the non-exclusive right to publish this paper online on the platform. This means you can easily submit your paper to any scientific journal at a later stage and transfer the copyright to its publisher (if required by that publisher).
List of accepted submissions (27)
Id | Title | Authors | Poster PDF | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
sciforum-001870 | Image Analysis as a Tool for Fast Stability Screening of Solid Dispersions | , , , | N/A |
Show Abstract |
Solid dispersion systems represent an attractive formulation route to achieve fast release of the active compound. Despite its promising potentials, recrystallization tendency of the amorphous dispersed drug is an issue of concern. This necessitates formulation and stability investigations with different polymers and drug polymer ratios. In early stability trials, preparation of thin solid dispersion films and investigation of these under polarized light microscopy for birefringence have shown to be fast and nondestructive way in screening formulation quality and stability of these systems [1]. Despite its usefulness, a quantitative method for measuring the degree of birefringence is lacking, limiting the full potential of polarized light microscopy for solid dispersion characterization. In the current study, we have developed a semi-automatic and user-friendly method for the estimation of number of birefringence spots and their relative coverage area on the image obtained from polarized light microscopy. The method comprises binarisation, morphological structuring, labeling connected component, area estimation of binary pixels and counting. Because air bubbles left on samples due to fast evaporation during film formation also gave raise to birefringence, a method is proposed to semi-automatically removing these bubble-related artifacts from images prior to estimation of birefringence from the crystallized drug. Image parameters estimated are subsequently used as responses in an experimental design and further used to investigate the importance of evaporation temperature, drug polymer ratio and polymer grades on solid dispersion stability. The suggested method provides insight and understanding of so far unanticipated role of evaporation rateon the stabilization of solid dispersion systems. Reference: [1] Eerdenbrugh B.v., Taylor L.S.; Small Scale Screening To Determine the Ability of Different Polymers To Inhibit Drug Crystallization upon Rapid Solvent Evaporation; Molecular Pharmaceutics 2010, 7(4): 1328-1337. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
sciforum-001871 | Preliminary Assesments of Solid Crystal Suspensions Using Nonlinearmicroscopy |
Herman Offerhaus ,
Martin Jurna ,
N/A |
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A few years ago Solid Crystal Suspensions (SCS), made via hot-melt-extrusion, were proposed as sufficient technique to increase the bioavailability of poorly soluble drugs of BCS Class II. The drug particle size and the dispersity of these systems are crucial properties because they determine the drug release. The nonlinear imaging techniques, Coherent Anti Stokes Raman Scattering (CARS) and Second Harmonic generation (SHG) microscopy, were used to characterize SCS in order to understand the dissolution behaviour of different formulations. CARS microscopy is based on the detection of molecular vibrations similar to Raman spectroscopy. The advantage in comparison to conventional Raman spectroscopy is the detection of a single vibrational resonance allowing for much faster imaging with CARS. The setup consists of a laser and an optical parametric oscillator. The beams were scanned over the sample by galvano-mirrors and focused by an objective lens into the sample. The generated CARS signal is shifted to a higher frequency in comparison to the incident beam. The SHG signal is created when the sample contains non-centrosymmetric structures. The generated signal is created simultaneous with the CARS signal in the sample and detected on a different detector. The SCS consisted of drug (Griseofulvin) and matrix (Mannitol). The matrix is detected with CARS microscopy and the drug with SHG microscopy offering high contrast between the compounds. The nonlinear microscopy images of the SCS showed a homogeneous distribution of the drug particles. There were no agglomerates and the drug distribution in the centre was almost the same as at the surface of the objects. The drug particle size was also investigated and similar results like in laser diffraction were found. The combination of the two nonlinear microscopy techniques, CARS and SHG where identified as promising tools to characterize drug distribution and drug particle size in this Solid Crystal Suspension. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
sciforum-001872 | Comparison of Two Methods Detecting Lysozyme Adsorption to Oil-water Interface in the Presence of Surfactants |
Maria Støier Fullerton ,
Signe Hougaard Nielsen ,
N/A |
Show Abstract |
Purpose To compare the formation of the adsorbed lysozyme layer at the oil-water interface with two different methods and to scrutinize the possibilities of avoiding film-formation by addition of model surfactants. Methods Surface tension measurements were carried out using pendant drop (KRÜSS, Germany). An aqueous droplet of 70 mL was formed with a needle (diameter 1.83 mm) in a glass cuvette containing the oil-phase. Film formation was evaluated by withdrawal of the aqueous phase after 10 minutes emersion in the oil phase. Rheological properties were measured by use of a TA AR-G2 rheometer equipped with a double wall ring (DWR) geometry. The system consists of a ring and a Delrin® trough with a circular channel (interfacial areal=1882.6 mm2). Oscillatory shear measurements were conducted at constant frequency of 0.1 Hz, temperature of 25°C and the strain was set to 1%. Results The adsorption of lysozyme to the oil-water interface results in the formation of a flexible protein film. This formation can be prevented by addition of surfactants, in a manner that is dependent on the concentration and the type of surfactant. According to the rheological method the more hydrophilic surfactants are more effective in hindering lysozyme adsorption to oil-water interfaces whereas the hydrophobic surfactants seem to be more effective according to the surface tension measurements. According to the rheological method the larger surfactants are more persistent in preventing film formation whereas the smaller eventually give place for the lysozyme on the interface. Conclusion The two methods can be used to detect the interfacial adsorption of lysozyme and can be used to evaluate the performance of model surfactants in hindering film formation. This will aid in processing of any delivery systems for proteins where the protein will be introduced to oil-water interfaces that could affect the stability of the protein. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
sciforum-001873 | Risk Analysis of Controlled Release Tablet Formulation by Six Sigma Technique | , | N/A |
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Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a procedure which is performed after a failure mode effects analysis to classify each potential failure effect according to its severity and probability of occurrence. FMEA is a systematic proactive method for evaluating a process to identify where and how it might fail and to assess the relative impact of different failures, in order to identify the part of the process that are most in need of change. Subjected a controlled release tablet formulation to a Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, including technical risks as well as risks related to human failure which broke down the formulation into the process steps and identified possible failure modes for each step. Each failure mode was ranked on estimated frequency of occurrence (0), probability that the failure would remain undetected later in the process (D) and severity (S). Human errors turned out to be the most common cause of failure modes. Failure risks were calculated by Risk Priority Number (RPNs) O*D*S. Failure modes with the highest RPN scores were subjected to corrective action and FMEA was repeated. FMEA is particularly useful in evaluating a new process prior to implementation and in assessing the impact of a proposed change to an existing process which depends on product and process understanding. FMEA is most effective when it occurs before a design is released rather than "after the fact". The aim of this paper is to demonstrate an application of process failure mode and effect analysis (process FMEA) as a performance improvement tool, based on a case analysis of process improvement conducted in an early drug discovery project. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
sciforum-001877 | Raman Spectroscopy as a Process Analytical Tool for In-line and Real-time Monitoring of a Pharmaceutical Hot-melt Extrusion Process |
Thomas De Beer ,
Jean Paul Remon ,
Chris Vervaet ,
N/A |
Show Abstract |
The objective of this study is to evaluate Raman spectroscopy as a PAT tool for the in-line determination of the API concentration and the polymer-drug solid state during a pharmaceutical hot-melt extrusion process. For in-line API quantification, different metoprolol tartrate (MPT) - Eudragit® RLPO mixtures, containing 10, 20, 30, and 40% MPT respectively, were extruded and monitored in-line in the die using Raman spectroscopy. Two different polymer-drug mixtures were prepared to evaluate Raman spectroscopy for in-line polymer-drug solid state characterization. Mixture 1 contained 90% Eudragit® RSPO and 10% MPT, and was extruded at 140°C, hence producing a solid solution. Mixture 2 contained 60% Eudragit® RSPO and 40% MPT, and was extruded at 105°C, producing a solid dispersion. DSC analysis and ATR FT-IR were used to confirm the observations. A PLS model, regressing the MPT concentrations versus the in-line collected Raman spectra, was developed and validated, allowing real-time API concentration determination. The correlation between the predicted and real MPT concentrations of the validation samples is acceptable (R²=0.997). The predictive performance of the calibration model is rated by the root mean square error of prediction, which is 0.59%. The Raman spectra collected during extrusion of mixtures 1 and 2 provided two main observations. First, the MPT Raman peaks in the solid solution broadened compared to the corresponding solid dispersion peaks, indicating the presence of MPT in the amorphous state. Secondly, peak shifts appeared in the spectra of the solid dispersion and solid solution compared to the physical mixtures, suggesting interactions between Eudragit® RS PO and MPT, most likely hydrogen bonds. These shifts were larger in the spectra of the solid solution. DSC analysis and ATR FT-IR confirmed these observations. Raman spectroscopy is a potential PAT-tool for in-line determination of API-concentration and polymer-drug solid state during pharmaceutical hot-melt extrusion processes. |
List of Authors (45)
Proceedings & Editors
Conference Discussions
Paper Comments
Conference Organizers
Scientific Secretary
Dr. Kaisa Naelapää
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Scientific Committee
Prof. Dr. Arvind Bansal
National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), India
Prof. Dr. Anne Juppo
University of Helsinki, Finland
Prof. Dr. Peter Kleinebudde
Heinrich-Heine-University, Germany
Prof. Dr. Ken Morris
University of Hawaii at Hilo, USA
Prof. Dr. João Pinto
University of Lisbon, Portugal
Prof. Dr. Thomas Rades
University of Otago, New Zealand
Prof. Dr, Jean Paul Remon
Ghent University, Belgium
Dr. Axel Zeitler
University of Cambridge, UK
Conference ChairProf. Dr. Jukka Rantanen Department of Pharmaceutics and Analytical Chemistry (please direct your e-mails about ECPS 2011 to Ms Jely He) |
Editorial OfficeMs Jely He MDPI AG Tel. +86 10 5901 1009 |
A. Drug Delivery Using Nanotechnology
Chair: Prof. Arvind Bansal, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), India
Session Chair
Professor Arvind Bansal, NIPER
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B. Beyond Colour - Insight into Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms by New Imaging Techniques
Chair: Dr. Axel Zeitler, University of Cambridge, UK
This session will explore recent trends and developments in dosage form imaging. We welcome contributions on novel imaging techniques, signal processing and data analysis routines as well as studies that apply such imaging modalities to show how imaging techniques can help with the understanding of how the formulation of the dosage form impacts on the release and delivery of the drug.
Session Chair
Professor Axel Zeitler, University of Cambridge
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C. Future Manufacturing of Pharmaceuticals
Chair: Dr. Thomas de Beer, Ghent University, Belgium
Conventional pharmaceutical manufacturing is generally accomplished using batch processing with off-line, time-consuming and less efficient laboratory testing conducted on randomly collected samples to evaluate the quality. With the scope of increased process efficiency and increased production, there is an interest within the pharmaceutical industry to move from batch processing towards continuous operations. This requires development within process equipment, measurement and control solutions, data analysis, as well as process modelling and related material sciences.
Session Chair
Dr. Thomas De Beer
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D. Recent Advances in Design of Peptide and Protein Delivery Systems
Chair: Dr Hanne Mørck Nielsen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Development of drug delivery systems suitable for successful delivery of peptide and protein drugs requires a thorough understanding of the molecular structure, stability, biological activity and the effect of processing the drug into a pharmaceutical dosage form using a variety of excipients. Thus, the effects of the chosen excipients and of the formulation design on the delivery efficiency in vivo must also be evaluated. The session will focus on recent advances in rational design and evaluation of delivery systems intended for injectable as well as non-injectable delivery of peptide and protein drugs.
Session Chairs
Dr. Kaisa Naelapää
Dr. Hanne Mørck Nielsen
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