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The 18th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry

Part of the Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry series
1–30 Nov 2014
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Welcome to the 18th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry

Electronic conferences on synthetic organic chemistry (ECSOC) are a series of conferences maintained through the internet since 1997, an original initiative by MDPI, and later consolidated with the contribution of the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). Nowadays it constitutes the first and oldest electronic conference in the world. It maintains its character of free participation and registration as a distinctive standard of the world wide web open access character.

It covers different sections of organic synthesis:

A. General Organic Synthesis

B. Bioorganic, Medicinal and Natural Products Chemistry

C. Microwave Assisted Synthesis

D. Polymer and Supramolecular Chemistry

E. Computational Chemistry

F. Ionic Liquids

Conference Chairs



Universidad de Santiago de Compostela


List of accepted submissions (132)

Id Title Authors Poster PDF
sciforum-000004 The Influence of Methyl Group Position on the Chemical Shifts Values of all Protons in the 1H NMR Spectra of Trimethylalkane Molecules , , N/A Show Abstract
sciforum-000022 An Efficient Procedure for Development of Levofloxain Hemihydrates Synthesis and Purification

, ,

Submitted: 01 Sep 2024

Abstract: Show Abstract
, , N/A Show Abstract
sciforum-000031 Preparation, Characterization and Microwave Absorption Performance of Ba(Ni0.5Mn0.5ZrO)Fe10O19/ Polybutadiene Nanocomposite


Submitted: 01 Sep 2024

Abstract: Show Abstract
, Poster PDF Show Abstract
sciforum-000046 Triplet-Singlet Intersection at Hydrogen Transfer Stage in Reactions of Organic Sulfides Photooxidation , , , N/A Show Abstract
sciforum-000056 Synthesis and X-ray Crystal Structure of the Thiosemicarbazone L bis(4-N-Methyl-Thiosemicarbazone)-4,4'-Diacetylphenylmethane , , , , Poster PDF Show Abstract

List of Authors (309)

Sponsors and Partners


Media Partners

Proceedings & Editors


Julio A. Seijas
M. Pilar Vázquez Tato
Shu-Kun Lin

CD-ROM edition

ISBN: 978-3-906980-55-3
Published in 2015 by MDPI, Basel, Switzerland
©2015 by MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

Rates for CD-ROM archive edition

CHF 100 before the conference
CHF 150 after the conference
CHF 250 per year for non-participants and for institutions

Please place the order by e-mail: Billing