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The 4th International Conference on the Foundations of Information Science

21–24 August 2010, Beijing, China
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Welcome to The 4th International Conference on the Foundations of Information Science

Call for Participation

Continuing the series of FIS Conferences (Madrid 1994, Vienna 1996, Paris 2005) a new venue will be held in Beijing 2010. In our times, an increasing number of disciplines are dealing with information in very different ways: from information society and information technology to communication studies (and related subjects like codes, meaning, knowledge, and intelligence), as well as quantum information, bioinformation, knowledge economy, network science, computer science and Internet, to name but a few. At the same time, an increasing number of scientists in the East and the West have been engaged with the foundational problems underlying this development, to such an extent that the integration of disciplines revolving around information seems an idea whose time has come. A new science of information can be envisaged that explores the possibilities of establishing a common ground around the information concept, of constructing a new scientific perspective that connects the different information-related disciplines and provides a new framework for transdisciplinary research.

The purpose of this conference is thus:

to enable the discussion of different concepts, theories and approaches to the information field,
to facilitate the exchange between informational disciplines concerning different but complementary tasks, objects of study, and methodologies,
to network researchers and research institutions as well as knowledge transfer institutions in the promotion of the new science of information,
to create a new community of scholars and to promote a new style of scholarship, and
to advance a new point of view on global problems.

About the conference

The Fourth International Conference on the Foundations of Information Science (FIS 2010) takes place as part of the 2010 Multi-Conference on Advanced Intelligence (MCAI 2010), together with two other conferences which are the Second International Conference on Advanced Intelligence (ICAI 2010) and the IEEE Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering (NLP-KE'10).


Capital Normal University, Beijing, China

Conference Chairs

vienna university of technology


[Not defined]




Wuhan University


Aragon Institute of Science Health (I+CS)



FIS. FIS 2010

Instructions for Authors

Papers should be no longer than 10 pages including all tables, figures, and references. Use the word template downloadable hereto prepare your paper for FIS 2010.

All papers for FIS 2010 should be uploaded to (see below for a detailed submission procedure). All paper submissions will be peer reviewed. All accepted papers will be published in the online journal tripleC ( and available at the conference. Selected papers will be published in the online journal Entropy after the conference. At least one author of an accepted paper must register at the conference and present the paper at the conference. FIS 2010 Best Paper Awards will be conferred at the conference on the authors of (1) the best research paper and (2) the best application paper.
Submission Procedure
1. Register with
2. Check your incoming e-mails to validate your user account with
3. Once your account is valiated, login to your user account
4. Submit your paper
5. Wait for the feedback from the conference organizers...
Important dates:
Deadline of Paper Submission: May 30, 2010
Acceptance Notification: June 20, 2010
Camera-Ready Paper: July 10, 2010
Paper Collection Published: August 20, 2010

List of accepted submissions (77)

Id Title Authors Poster PDF
sciforum-001349 The measurements and comparisons of media networks

Submitted: 19 May 2010

Abstract: Show Abstract
N/A Show Abstract
sciforum-001351 The Identity of Objects: Form and Nature in the Digital Museum

Submitted: 20 May 2010

Abstract: Show Abstract
N/A Show Abstract
sciforum-001352 Are the Flocks Critical Phenomena?


Submitted: 24 May 2010

Abstract: Show Abstract
, N/A Show Abstract
sciforum-001353 An emergence of formal logic induced by an internal agent


Submitted: 25 May 2010

Abstract: Show Abstract
, N/A Show Abstract
sciforum-001356 Social Informatics today and tomorrow: status, problems and prospects of development of complex lines in the field of science and education

Submitted: 29 May 2010

Abstract: Show Abstract
N/A Show Abstract

About this conference

  1. The Impact of a New Science of Information on Society
  2. The Position of Intelligence Science in Information Science
    1. Information and Intelligence
    2. Intelligence Science as an Engineering Informatics in Information Science
  3. The Role of Other Applied Information Science Disciplines (Computer Science, Human Computer Interaction, Computer Mediated Communication, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Information and Communication Technologies and Society, Library and Documentation Science, …)
  4. The Basis of a New Science of Information
    1. Feasibility of a single generic concept of information
    2. Concepts, Principles, and Methodology of a “General Informatics” or “Theoretical Informatics”
    3. Knowledge Structure of a Unified Theory of Information
  5. Philosophy of Information
    1. Information Ethics
    2. Epistemology (Information and the Scientific Method, …)
    3. Ontology of Information
    4. Information and Philosophy of Science (Information and the System of Sciences – Transdisciplinarity – Consilience, …)
  6. Science of Information in Real-World Systems
    1. Science of Information in Physical and Chemical Systems (Quantum Information, Molecular Recognition, …)
    2. Science of Information in Living Systems (Biosemiotics, Systems Biology, Bioinformation, …)
    3. Science of Information in Human / Social Systems
      1. Science of Information in Human Cognition (Mind-Brain Theory, Consciousness, …)
      2. Science of Information in Human Communication (Linguistics, Social Networking, Communication Studies, …)
      3. Science of Information in Human Cooperation (Collective Intelligence, Knowledge Management, Advanced Intelligence, …)
  7. Science of the Information Society / Age (Information Society Theory, Internet Research, Social Informatics, New Media Studies, …)
  8. Other related topics

Travel & Registration Information


To register for the FIS2010, please download and fill out the Registration Form.

Venue, Board, and Lodging

International Culture Building (ICB), Capital Normal University
ICB is the venue of MCAI 2010 and FIS 2010.
Registration desk locates in the hall of ICB.
All academic meetings, meals, and drinks are arranged in the building.
Address: 83 North Road, Western Third Circl, Beijing ,China
Beijing Golden Dragon’s Pool Hotel
The hotel Locates 200 meters from International Culture Building.
For details, please see:
Address: 71 North Road, North Third Circle (South of Zhizhu Bridge)
Tel: (86 010) 88811188
Fax: (86 010) 68433775

Beijing Ruyi Business Hotel
The hotel locates 400 meters from International Culture Building.
For details, please see:
Address: 17 Beiwa Road, Haiding District, Beijing, China
Tel: (86 010) 51906666
Fax: (86 010) 68721998


How to get to the ICB from the Capital International Airport in Beijing?

1. Taking a taxi from the Capital International Airport to the ICB or Beijing Golden Dragon’s Pool Hotel, 120 Chinese dollars (or RMB yuan) needed;
2. Taking an airport-bus from the Capital International Airport, along the Gongzhufen Line, off the bus at Zhizhu Bridge, then walk to the ICB or Beijing Golden Dragon’s Pool Hote, 30 RMB yuan needed;
3. Taking the Subway in the Capital International Airport to go to Dongzhimen Terminal, then transfer to the Second Line to Fuxingmen Station, and then take a taxi or public bus to the South of Zhizhu Bridge or the North of Huayuan Bridge, where you are very close to above hotels. This approach is the cheapest, most complex, and challenging way.